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Honey is very different from refined white sugar. As someone else said, you are not cutting out any food groups. I now eat fish about twice a week for the protein and omega 3s, etc. The amount of sugar in food in the modern diet is excessive.. so limiting it in any way has to be a good thing in my book.
honey is sweeter than sugar and although there are some minor health benefits to consuming raw unpasteurised honey, the effect on blood sugar level from consuming it is similar to that of sugar.

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I don't have snacks in the house, cos no willpower. I've found I can resist buying them, so that works for me. I went cold turkey on chocolate etc, after a few weeks, when I ate a bit of chocolate, it was waay too sweet, not enjoyable. As for meals, I eat the same, just a smaller portion. More veg than rice/potatoes too. These don't sound like drastic changes, but they're working for me, and I don't feel deprived.
I'm the same, much easier to not buy them in the 1st place than to not eat them if they are in the cupboard.
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Its the yolk that has most of the nutrition though although the white does have protein
not sure if this is what OP meant but I always use one whole egg & then bulk the omelette mixture out with egg whites to increase volume but keeps calories low - then you get best of both worlds 👍
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Im eating 1500 a day. Usually sultana bran in morning. Small lunch usually a sandwich, salad, veggie pasta or rice ~300 cals. Snack of nuts and dried fruits. Dinner usually something like chicken wrap, stir fry, bolognese. apple with cinnamon or yoghurt if I’m still hungry. All weighed out and counted. I tried to eat 1800 on Friday and I felt like it was too much food. I don’t know.

exercise I’m doing strength usually 20-30 mins a day, or a walk/run, or some yoga if I don’t feel like it. I do have a Day where I do no exercise. I am getting quite good at it now and my balance is good.
I’m nearly 33, I’m size 16, 13 stone 2.4 as of last week. I would love to get to 11 stone but that honestly seems like an impossibility. I’d be happy going down to 12. I can’t seem to get out of 13 at all.
I used to be 11 stone but that was before my wedding and having my daughter.

oh and I discovered I’m 5’6 after thinking I was 5’7 for my entire adult life !
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Love your list but I'd put snow at the bottom, I hate running in wind and heavy rain, light rain and light snow are my favs. I'm the nutter round my way in a vest top and shorts in the middle of the winter, sunny days are for lying on the sunlounger reading a book.
I've just chopped up an Aldi pineapple, galia melon and canteloupe (all 3 for under £3) and thats probably all I'll eat as it's so hot I have no appetite so every (non)cloud and all that.
Totally agree about the vest and shorts !!!

But in my northern city there are hills everywhere so when it snows(relatively frequently) it is like a death trap!

Saying that, what I would give for some freak snow right now!

I am going between wanting to eat my frustration in the form of very cold giant chocolate buttons and not wanting to eat anything.

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Cook ahead of time, would be the best advice I can give. Do you have 1-2 hours on a Sunday? You could make two big batches of something (veggie chilli/curry/casserole/moussaka) and that means you’ve got 3-4 meals ready to go in the fridge or freezer. Similarly with lunch. I like to make a big batch of roasted veg with cous cous or bulgur wheat in the fridge for good lunches that you can then add bits and bobs to. Don’t panic! You got this.
I must admit that I used to batch cook years ago, back when it was just the two of us. It was manageable but I used to always find excuses not to do it 🤦‍♀️ I do have the fear that I accidentally make the children ill if I batch cook and don't freeze/defrost things properly. It's not as bad this time round but I was awful with my eldest.

I do love a big plate of roasted veg. I have a Morrisons click & Collect booked for tomorrow so might nip on and see if they do a Wonky Box at that store. If someone else chooses for me then I'm more likely to cook it, if that makes sense!

Thank you for your advice and kind words x

As soon as my Son was on solids he ate the same as me. I've never cooked different meals. If I had currey, he did too, when he was really young I just liquidised it all.
See, we eat so much processed food that I can't give it to the baby. That's why I need to change my eating habits too so I can feed the children better.

I would get yourself an electric pressure cooker, you can get them quite cheaply now. When you have a little spare time have a look online for free vegan recipes (usually for Instant Pot brand but they relate to any model). I have had a couple for years and make lots of what they call one pot dump and go recipes where you just put all the ingredients in the pot, shut the lid and leave it until the food is cooked. They are not like the old hissing models. If you want any more info I will be happy to tell you - we have been vegan for years and could not live without my cooker.
Like Greencatfysh says cook in advance and keep in the fridge, most made up foods keep for at least 4 days when stored correctly in the fridge or put them in the freezer.
My mum bought me a slow cooker when I finished uni ten years ago (!) and I was a pretty faithful user. However recipes I've recently made have not gone down well with my eldest so I stopped using it. Can you leave a pressure cooker unattended, like you would with a slow cooker?

The eldest is back at nursery soon so that does buy me extra time to throw ingredients together before I head out the door to collect him. I could weep for the days when I just had one kid and claimed I had no time 😂
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Been eating so well this week, trying to stay off the wine for a bit to really get my arse in gear. Last night had 3 wines and dinner in a Thai restaurant! :rolleyes:

I know one day won't ruin it but I wish I had more willpower!
Don't beat yourself up, you're living normally, 80/20 is what you should be aiming for. Having the odd treat might mean you don't hit your target as early as you planned but this isn't a sprint and eating sensibly most days is a healthy balance. I know some people need a target to keep their discipline but I feel they are the same as birth plans, designed to make us feel like failures when things don't go how we planned.
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My birthday weekend has consisted of a meal out on Friday, a massive buffet on Saturday, a carvery Sunday, a meal out yesterday and lunch out today. With a lot of cake thrown in there too. Think I’ll avoid the scales for a while 😂😂😂😂
Happy birthday though!! Sounds amazing 😁 sometimes you’ve just got to do it!
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I feel like my head is spinning. I've never been a great cook but currently I'm juggling trying to feed a toddler and weaning baby quick and nutritious meals. Plus food for my self and my husband. But most days I hardly have the time or head space to do all the essential tasks to keep us going. It's much easier to reach into the freezer for chips or phone a takeaway.

How can I change my mind set? How can I get my head around providing tasty, healthy food for the four of us that doesn't contain processed crap?

We're also vegan so there's also that to consider.

Any help would be appreciated as I feel like I'm drowning most days 😞
As soon as my Son was on solids he ate the same as me. I've never cooked different meals. If I had currey, he did too, when he was really young I just liquidised it all.
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This is good to know!

I'm not wanting to lose a lot of weight, maybe a stone at the moment just to get me into the healthy BMI range (although BMI is a shit system).

Is it healthy to lose weight if you're at the beginning of a pregnancy? I know I'd want to keep active but wouldn't want to do anything that could potentially put a baby at risk
If you adjust your diet to cut out highly processed food ( assuming you eat it now) and try to eat as healthily as possible, you won't harm your baby. I focussed on the black bin waste I was generating rather than calorie counting and lost 20lb
Here's a picture if 2 weeks black bin waste for 2 adults because I am that sad


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Chatty Member
I get results just by cutting out processed foods so I can imagine they would be even better following a macrobiotic diet.

In all honestly i dont think I could do it. I love meat too much haha

my issue is laziness. If I just take the time to prepare my food it all goes swimmingly as I actually do like healthy fresh foods.
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Magnesium! My son had terrible growing pains (not the same thing I know) and I looked into it and got him some multivits with magnesium and he's never suffered since.
Oooh yeah I used to wake up with stabbing cramps in my calves in the night and magnesium is the only thing that helped!
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All I can say is ridding yourself of sugar and gluten from your diet with some moderate exercise (like walking for an hour every day) will do most people wonders. I had to make changes to my diet earlier this year and I lost about 10 kg in 5 months.

Maybe people tend to focus more on exercise than the actual food that you put into your body. I think getting the food right with lots of vegetables every day and all the food groups covered really helped me.

I am now on a macrobiotic diet which is no sugar, no gluten, no dairy and no meat. This is too strict for most people but if you almost eliminate sugar and gluten I think you will see some changes!
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I’m really down today. I’m looking in the mirror and on the scales and I am just so unhappy. I’ve been doing this since January. In 6 months I’ve lost 5lbs :( I can’t figure out why I’m doing this so wrong. My clothes size hasn’t really changed. I’m lifting weights, I’m cutting calories and I still look huge. I feel my muscles aching but the fat just isn’t going :(
The only other option I see is cutting to 1200 and not exercising at all as that’s what worked for me years ago. It’s like my body is against me!

going to have a good cry about it and hopefully find the motivation to carry on tomorrow :(
No, just no, go on BBC iplayer and watch the Athletics. See those women, all different shapes, competing at the top of their game and aiming for the Olympics. Your body is an instrument, being fit and strong is far better than being a skinny, weakling.
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So we know fitness tracker calories aren’t necessarily accurate, are fitness equipment calories? I did 5km on the bike earlier and it told me that was around 200 calories… and I’d like that to be true 😂
Hmmm not sure. I don’t usually go to the gym but when in a hotel recently I used a cross trainer and my heart rate was way off compared to my Fitbit (I’m talking bpm of 80 when I was in cardio mode on my Fitbit) - as a result the machine underestimated me calories wise too. So good news - you probably did more than 200 😂
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The old saying is breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and tea/dinner like a pauper. Eating a lot in the morning works for me, I tend to just have 2 glorified snacks if I eat a big bowl of porridge in the morning but everyone has to find their own solution.
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I’m still closing my rings so that’s my only saving grace at the moment is how much I’m actually moving. The food isn’t being monitored at all.
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Yes I had BED and bulimia all through lockdown, have resisted the bulimia for the past couple of months but now its just trying to learn how to eat smaller portions again! so at the moment I'm trying to focus on getting in around 1200 calories, but the things I've ended up liking now due to bingeing so much the past year are really high calorie foods, it sucks. Like why is peanut butter so high calorie I could easily eat half my daily allowance in that haha food really is an addiction!

but thank you everyone for your responses! It has made me feel a whole lot better today ❤
1200 is low and don't beat yourself up over peanut butter, atleast it has a nutritional value. buy a good quality peanut butter rather than the cheaper ones. I make a cookie out of mushed bananas, oats and honey, bake for 15 mins of 180 fan and then add a smear of peanut butter to get my fix
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