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Resting Rage Face

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Absolutely demotivated at the mo - I have done nothing since my last post in this thread. I need to kick myself up the arse.
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I weighed myself this morning and considering I had my mega feast at Miller and Carter and I’m on my TOTM I’ve lost a pound, which I’ll take a a win 🥳 I said no to a curry last night, I never say no to takeaways 🤣
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Hello everyone..
I'm new to this page, I posted in Advice but was recommended this thread by @laughing I've started reading through this thread but see there are some before..

I'll try to keep this simple but I need help.
I have always been overweight. The only time I have been successful in losing a noticeable amount is when I have done complete meal replacement diets but of course I put it back on (and more).
I had an awful attitude towards food, would binge eat and eat in secret.

I finished hypnosis two weeks ago and finally felt in control of my eating. I started eating three proper meals a day. No snacking or bingeing and didn't want junk food at all. In fact I still don't. I was actually beginning to feel quite good. I had hidden the scales but this morning I felt so confident I wanted to weigh to see how much I have lost. But, nothing. Not a single pound. I weigh exactly the same as I did two weeks ago.
It sounds pathetic but I am gutted. I feel sick and want to cry. I don't know how to lose weight with food. I need to loose approx 5 stone which I have done with shakes but I don't know how to do it with food.
Please can anyone point me in any kind of direction?
Thank you
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I was wondering earlier how differently I might act and feel about my body if scales had never been invented. Because I’m guilty of dropping a lb and thinking oh I can have a treat. Or putting on 2lbs and thinking sod it I’ll eat some more. If I could only go by how my body looks and feels it might all be really different 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Lola UK

VIP Member
Hello ladies, can I join you?!

I’m not sure what happened, but age around 27 my weight just seemed to pile on so easily! I was always very slim as a teen/early 20s without even trying. I wore size 8 clothes comfortably and had a flat stomach. Roll on 27 and the weight just kept creeping up and creeping up, suddenly I was 29 and weighing over 11 stone at 5”4 and size 12. Unfortunately all the weight seems to go to my face and tummy 😭 I felt so uncomfortable in my clothes.

I’m now 31 and have just weighed at 10’5, I still feel uncomfortable in my clothes and I’m aiming to get down to 9 stone ish.

I’ve taken up swimming, trying to watch what I eat and most importantly, cut down on wine! I genuinely think that’s my downfall 🤣 so many calories.

Hopefully you can all inspire me ✨✨
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Week 22: -1.25lb. Scales were a bit stubborn this morning but i’m pleased with the loss as I ate a lot last saturday and had a takeaway on monday. Officially achieved my initial target of 35lb in 35 weeks with 13 weeks to spare. Hoping to lose another stone in those 13 weeks just in time for my holiday 😊
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I’m up 1.2lbs this morning 😭😭
Dont feel sorry for me, I ate pizza and ice cream last night 😬 thought about not weighing today but I’m trying to just use it as data, will be interested to see how quickly it goes back down. Very quickly I hope! I’m a little bit regretting eating it. And a little but not 😈
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I didn't realise how important steps were either until recently
Makes a huge difference doesn’t it! I get trapped in the mindset of ‘anything short of 10k and it’s not worth it’ but even trying to do 5k when I usually do about 200 is definitely having an impact
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No but I usually go later in day but I weigh 1st thing naked before coffee probably too much information.

I think I just feel frustrated last few days as despite 8lb lost in 8 weeks 56days I don't look any different.
Something that dident fit in a 14 still no longer fits.
Desperately wanting to see 80kg on scale as it doesn't weigh in stones which then takes me 12lb 10 started at 13 stone 5.
Was optimistic now upped calories due to recalculate tdde as before was lower than bmr would maybe give me weight loss boost.
I'm not giving up just wish my hard work would show.
Last few days been under steps only managed 9 yesterday and 7 today so have to do more wed to even it out so get 70k steps minimum a week.
My tummy thighs bust and now looking at my arms still feels huge.
Had no time for me last few days been all housework and the kids.

I hear you at 31 lost 2 stone quickly after son was born. 10 years later struggling get 1lb a week.
i know a lot of people have said this before and I’ll say it again now but 1lb a week is more than enough. It is realistic, sustainable and healthy weight loss. Why are you not satisfied with the amazing work you’ve done so far?

also, weight loss isn’t a quick fix, it’s a journey that can take a long time to see the final results, it can - and safely, should - take months in reality. This is why a lot of people give up because after a couple of months they don’t see results and think ‘oh well that’s it, it’s not working for me what’s the point’

whereas if you persist and keep at it you WILL see results.
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A victory today: I managed to do a strength work out after not being able to lift my arm properly from having my vaccine Friday. I struggled a bit but carried on and sweat it out. I so struggle to exercise in the heat because I sweat soooo much which makes me enjoy it a bit less.
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@fireflies sorry to give you unsolicited relationship advice but I would have a word with your husband if I were you! Sounds like he is really being unsupportive, your progress is great - I would be over the moon to lose 6lbs in a month. Keep on keeping on, you're doing really well. Imagine if you lost 6lbs a month until Christmas, it all adds up.
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Down a kilo on last week but I think that’s the water weight drop off from over exercising last week rather than a particularly successful diet week 😂 I had a McDonald’s last night for the first time in a very long time (over a year) and was really surprised how few calories are in chicken nuggets?!
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I’m so glad I’ve found this thread now, took me ages as I’m no good navigating on here.
I’ve recently swapped from SW to CC my third weigh in is Sunday so I’ll post then how I’ve done.
I feel I’m in a much healthier relationship with food now
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I had a +1 this morning but I was expecting it and I’m absolutely ok with it! Had a lovely weekend full of food and cocktails and struggled to get fully back into CC (think I got used to loads of food again so was just hungry!🤣), I’m due on my period anyyyy day but I have PCOS so whether it comes or not is a whole other story andddd TMI but I’ve definitely had some stomach issues this week and haven’t been regular🥴🤣

A while ago seeing +1 would have put me in THE worst mood but I know enough about weight loss now to realise it probably isn’t even fat it’s just because of everything else going on 🤣 next weekend is time for my next progress pictures so I’m looking forward to seeing any changes!
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Well done on keeping going, everyone! ✨

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself this week as I've taken a tumble and haven't been able to exercise at all. I'm still calorie counting, but it's been a struggle without my usual routine! 😫

In other news, I picked up some of this crustless bread, which I'd seen recommend via Slimming World users on the 'gram. I had some toasted and it's pretty good. Much more filling than the WW/Danish 45 calorie bread.

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Chatty Member
3lbs down in two weeks 💪 I'm aiming for 1.5 a week so this is bang on! But I'm having a few drinks tonight so I'll need to behave myself over the weekend :D
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Week 21: -1.5lb. Had a weekend away last weekend and the scales all week have suggested no loss, which was fine as i’d enjoyed my weekend and life is for living! So thrilled with a loss. Now just 0.25lb away from my initial target (and various attempts on the scales this morning hasn’t budged it 😂).
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Its still very short term. Maybe try drinking more water and watching salt intake next few weeks whilst keep active and tracking cals.
I doubt you gained 5lb of fat.
But I know how frustrating it is see a higher number again.

Despite me saying wasent going go weigh well I did.
I don't understand it 3days ago I was 12 13 now back down to lowest weight achieved this year 12 stone 9.
Fingers crossed it stays that way and goes downwards from now on.
Still that time month I think I gain weight few days before it starts.
Wondering if last 4 weeks up and down is anything to do with the covid jab as had 1st dose pfizer 19th May.
Studies have shown that the lining of the womb can trigger an immune response and maybe its altering my hormones only short term which is causing the weight fluctuations.
So will keep doing what I'm doing getting my steps in and eating healthy.
I am snacking a lot less.
Had yummy home made wrap pizza for lunch.
Have walk toddler baby ballet and pop to shops then I need walk dog 🐕 later so going try get my 10k steps in.

Hope everyone else having good day.
Friday nights are my danger zone I like q few drinks on a Friday its been such a horribly stressful week been feeling really down and flat.
Hi Fireflies, I mean this with no ill intent and only in the kindest way but why is it that you are confused that your weight fluctuates daily when you also realise that it does & as a result you said you wouldn’t weigh daily because you’re aware of the fluctuations? If you then decide to weigh daily it shouldn’t come as a surprise! :)

It feels as though there might be something there with your relationship with food and the scales that you might want to look into? There are lots of coaches online who can support with this & who can help you work out what it is that you struggle with & to help you repair that relationship with your weight.

the number that shows on a scale relates to our gravitational pull, that is it. It doesn’t know what’s fat, what’s water, what’s bone, what’s muscle etc. Someone can be a lean bodybuilder and weigh the same as someone who’s overweight or obese.

it can take some work and sometimes we do need to put the work in to educate ourselves and learn more about how our bodies work when it comes to fat loss & when you do understand more you will realise how small a part the scale actually plays. We shouldn’t become dependent on a scale to tell us our worth.
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Weekly weigh in and down 0.4 of a lb. My diary is now set to lose 0.5lb a week so I’ll take it.
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