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VIP Member
Went out without breakfast this morning and was so close to getting a cheeky takeaway for lunch or some other treat because I was absolutely starving. Instead I made it home and had salad for lunch which I really enjoyed.

I honestly think half the battle with losing weight for me is prep - if I have meals/ingredients ready to go I’m less likely to go off piste with the weight loss plan and eat something I shouldn’t/get a takeaway. I’m hopeful of becoming ‘ten stone-something’ this week 🤞🏻
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Maybe vodka lime and soda might be low too??? Basically spirits are your best bet with some kind of diet mixer
I don’t know if it’s an actual name for it but vodka lime and soda gets called ‘a skinny bitch’ by me and my friends - defo a great low cal shout! :love:
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I’ve eaten too much this weekend. Long drive today. Shit bedtime with daughter.
Really cannot face doing exercise :( but feeling guilty
If it helps, I haven’t exercised for over a week and have put on 2lbs since yesterday after a yummy meal out in a restaurant for the first time since last year. Don’t feel guilty I don’t, our new lifestyles will always include little breaks here and there, it’s what we do most that counts x
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Absolutely dying right now. Made myself an enormous low calorie roasted vegetable and quinoa salad for lunch, probably three times the volume of food I usually eat in a meal, and I'm utterly starving 30 minutes later. I swear volume eating is a load of rubbish, my stomach KNOWS.
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Hit my lowest weight so far this morning 🥳 but only 0.2lb less than last week, lol. I don’t think my body wants to go any lower tbh
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I had my jab yesterday and it’s taken me out today. I’ve managed to move around and walk etc but lifting weights is a massive no no. After the week I’ve had food wise I’m sure there’ll be a terrible number on the scale but I’m trying to remind myself that life is to be lived and it doesn’t matter if I eat like that for one week because in the grand scheme it’s a small amount of time.
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Chatty Member
Weekly weigh in and 1lbs down. Really pleased. I’m only at the start and I have a long way to go. I’ve devised a three week meal plan for breakfast, lunch and tea that I can rotate and found it’s really helped. Working with two small kids means I never have the energy to plan and now I don’t have to I just look at my sheet. It’s all calorie counted too. Was a total arse to write out but so pleased I made the effort.
My steps are getting better. Managed 5k every day which for me is huge! I was doing 2k in the week and less than 900 on a weekend back in March.

@Laur91 I didn’t realise I could import recipes into mfp so thanks for that, will keep an eye out for the random brands it uses though.
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Thats fantastic news and gives me hope maybe I achieve my stone off my July.
Did you do much exercise or just cal counting and steps?
Thanks Fireflies. I’ve been calorie counting and exercising, have been following the Sweat app BBG workouts and going for walks. I think it’s taken me a while to work out how many calories I needed to be eating with the exercise I’ve been doing. It’s been really demoralising at times and got me really down but as long as you don’t give up you can’t lose. Even when you’re not seeing change just know that you are chipping away at your weight bit by bit x
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So I am half a stone down since March finally😁 I lost 2lb this week, even though Saturday I did indulge in a few vodkas (and some shots... not my finest idea😂). I'm trying to lose another stone before May bank holiday as I am sure I can do it with the gyms reopening from Monday!!
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Chatty Member
Thanks thats a useful link.
I'm the past I haven't had always good experience with dieting and food so trying form a healthy balance where nothing is banned and its sustainable .
Thats why this time round taken approach i have done based on fact

I don't have the cash for gym or trainer right now.
I don't have childcare for the toddler.
I don't want spend lot money on expensive diet when I think about the money I wasted on slimming world.

Managed 8.5 l steps already today.
Taking kids to park this afternoon.
Aiming to eat no more than 1500 cals and do around 1500 of exercise which is basically all calories Samsung health says I used all day some via walking others existing.

I remember watching biggest loser and some weeks contestant wouldn't lose much.
Guess you can't lose big every week but since week 1 I guess I'm week 5 now its been so slow.
I'm trying say to myself every morning when get upset with scales keep going it will pay off.
Has be a life style change not short term plan that I jump on off and never quite reach target and give up.
If I lose 1lb a week thats 52lb in a year.
Its taken me a year put on 2 stone I guess I have accept may take year all come off.
Just with everything opening up and freinds and family wanting to meet up I want to feel good about myself and look nice.
The weight gain definate reduced my confidence im really unhappy with myself when I look in the mirror.
Samsung health says my bmi is overweight category which makes me more vulnerable to covid or other conditions.
Yet when I tell others I'm unhappy they say I'm not fat even though I'm now a size 16 not very tall and small build.
I guess they trying make me feel better and I'm uk average size some people carry weight different and for me I don't like being size I am.
Heard on radio they may get rid of bmi as upsets people knowing they big.

Kids return school next week so might try add a run next week and couple you tube workouts, reduce carbs and drink more water and see if that helps..
Its hard just focus on me as well as manage 4kids.
You are doing brilliantly ❤ and that's such a sensible attitude to have. It's so hard when you are busy, have kids etc. I only have 3 and it took me 7 years after my youngest was born to find the motivation. I was tired, I was busy and just didn't have the headspace. You are amazing to do it with 4 kids! You should be really proud of yourself.

I heard the you aren't fat comments a lot and really, it doesn't matter what other people say, it's how you feel about yourself, isn't it. My weight loss has been really slow, never lost more than 1lb a week. Stalled and plateau'd constantly but it does add up. A year later I've lost 42lb. I've still got a bit to lose but it's slowed to a crawl but that's fine. Steady, sustainable and building healthy habits along the way is the key, I reckon.

(oh and you don't need to spend any money! So many youtube videos for exercise, healthy recipes online.)
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So glad to have found this thread! Have needed to do something about my weight for a few years, but never stuck with anything. An abscess in the floor of my mouth saw an emergency admission (and op) over Easter weekend, and due to 2 weeks of a soft diet, a fairly rapid 9lb loss! Not the perfect way to start, but it was a start! I’m now 1stone down. Have my birthday weekend coming up, so taking that ‘off’ although going camping, so the food and drink should be offset by walking......then back on it.

Loving the support you have going on here!
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Tinkerbell cat

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I finished my 6 weeks with my PT over a week ago and have signed up for another 6 weeks. Bought some dumb bells in tesco or whatever they are called to do some workouts with, bought a padded bike seat for my exercise bike. Back to doing 3/4 workouts a week and then the bike on top of that. Along with counting calories. I feel so much better in myself mentally when I stick with the workouts and bike as afterwards I just feel great. The past week I didn't do much exercise and took a bit of a weeks break were I wasn't pushing myself and now I am ready to go again. I have felt rubbish all week which just goes to show how much the exercise is helping me mentally. Here's to another 6 weeks :)
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I haven't been following the thread avidly just dipping in and out, but have had a bit of a personal revelation and decision lately to stop a full on weight loss attempt. I've been doing it for years, it comes off very slowly for me - I do think due to my thyroid condition. Although I'm on medication doc has admitted its not at the best it could be (but they don't like to alter medication too much if you aren't have too many symptoms). Basically, I want to feel more at ease with myself and my body and while I'm trying quite actively for weight loss, I end up having a lot of negative days and negative thoughts about it.

Now I'll be focusing on the healthy living component more of the thread title! Going to be more focused on eating as much nutritionally rich food as possible, getting more fruit and veg into my diet, making a more varied range of meals and more focus on exercise once the gym reopens here (end of the week yeees!) with fitness goals rather than weight loss ones.
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Chatty Member
Went out without breakfast this morning and was so close to getting a cheeky takeaway for lunch or some other treat because I was absolutely starving. Instead I made it home and had salad for lunch which I really enjoyed.

I honestly think half the battle with losing weight for me is prep - if I have meals/ingredients ready to go I’m less likely to go off piste with the weight loss plan and eat something I shouldn’t/get a takeaway. I’m hopeful of becoming ‘ten stone-something’ this week 🤞🏻
Prep and planning is a massive part of it for me. I chop up all my veg and portion it out when I get back from doing a big shop, I eat the same breakfast every day, have a few different lunches I rotate so I don't get bored and I meal plan every week. I think that is a huge part of my success and by doing it for so long it has become a habit (sorry I know I wang on about habits but I've found them so helpful on my weight loss journey. Particularly a book called Atomic habits - I really recommend it!)
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Is it completely bonkers that I am seriously considering taking up smoking just so I can have an addiction that isn’t food? All I think about all day is food, it’s basically my only pleasure in life. The things I enjoy most all revolve around food. If I socialise it usually centres around food in some way. I look forward to eating nice meals and without that there just such a empty stretch of time every evening where I’m just trying to distract myself from binge eating 😞 I’ll make it to a couple of days and then just ruin it by stuffing my face. I have no self control!
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I think im going to start daily weighing for a while and stop if it makes me feel upset in the mornings as I weighed myself midweek and had lost a pound then this morning I was more than my starting weight after a meal out yesterday. I know it's not a real gain and weight loss isn't linear but I'd be annoyed if I'd only weighed myself today

My tdee is only 1445 calories (I knew it would be low as I'm 5'1 but 😭) and I'm eating between 1100 and 1200 a day so this is going to be a slow journey
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Chatty Member
Plateaus are just awful. I'm so sorry but please keep going - they do pass!

I have been stalled for almost 6 weeks (in my case because I had started a new exercise program and water retention - there is an excellent link on reddit about how this works, if you Google psa reddit exercise) but it has just started to come off again. I think one of the hardest parts of weight loss is patience and trusting that something is going on even if you can't see it on the scales.

So much to be said for other ways to measure progress - measurements, do your clothes fit better and how you feel overall.

I finished a 10 week exercise programme yesterday (Caroline Girvan Epic). I lost no weight at all (in fact was 2kg up for most of it) but I have got so much more lean and toned and I feel so strong. I'm giving myself a week off but will still walk and run and then I will start epic 2.

The time will pass anyway, and if we carry on with dieting we stand a much better chance of losing weight than if we give up.
i could not agree more with this!
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I am always unsure if I am eating the right things. Today I have:

Breakfast is Porridge with banana in
Snack of nuts and dried fruit
Lunch is wholewheat pasta with pesto, cherry tomatoes and some feta
Snack of strawberries, Greek yoghurt and honey
Dinner probably fish tacos with lots of tomatoes and lettuce

all weighed and counted so should take me up to 1500ish.
Does this sound okay?
if you’re in your calories you can have whatever you want!!
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