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Got so tired with lambing that I fell back into the carbs and sugar - gained 6lbs in a week. I love low-carb, but it's not terribly forgiving if you take time off it! But the last lamb is here, so time to start eating properly again as of today :)
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I went to the gym today. First time this year. My PT eased me in with an easy ish session and felt so much better afterwards. We had a chat about mfp and he explained how although he looks at calories eaten he focuses more on calories remaining and tries to keep it in +500 by the end of the day. I always aim at eating until it is 0 but I like the idea of have the deficit then I can juggle my food and exercise that way rather than always thinking oh I’ve still got 250 calories remaining and eat them and probably more!
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Yesterday the sad step (stealing that name I love it @fireflies 🤣) told me I’d gained 5lbs after eating almost up to maintenance a few days this week because of going out and generally just feeling a bit meh so listening to my body and giving it extra fuel. I was super disheartened at the “gain” since I’d made sure I didn’t go over maintenance. This morning I’m back down to exactly the same as I was on Friday before going out. Absolutely no damage done. Definitely recommend putting the sad step away for periods of time, it doesn’t tell the full story and the tiniest things can lead to such a fluctuation!

ETA - definitely recommend knowing your maintenance kcals! I have that and my deficit in a note on my phone. Gives me some kind of guideline if I’m having a slump day and my body just needs more (particularly on my period I’ll go more towards this number!). Obviously try to stick to the 500 deficit but if you need to go over it’s good to know where you can go to without losing control (any BED sufferers like myself, the guidance is crucial!😅)
Thanks cant take credit Joe wickes calls it the sad step and I thought how apt.
I think the point about sudden wait gain could well be bloating it hormone.
I'm hoping now the months moving on I will start to see results as felt really flat last week and I'm sure was the hormones.

Some things learnt over the last year or so..
Yesterday mad panic as seeing family i haven't seen since last summer and I gained 2 stone.
I dident want to look like I had put on 2 stone.
Last summer I treated myself to a animal print dress for some reason I find animals print or a pattern slimming.
I love leopard print, stripes and floral but love floral on black background.
Often a print can distract from size.
I find dresses easier to wear and look slimming and separates when bigger i find much trickier.
its tempting go massive oversized dresses/ tops or floaty draper long length cardigans but for some reason has opposite visual effect makes me look bigger.
When you put on weight its tricky with clothes as you have stuff you love in wardrobe taunting you as it doesn't fit but also you reluctant waste money buying bigger size as in your head your losing weight and its waste of money.
Except its not you should feel good now.
So I'm not saying go shopping mad.
But charity shops, sales supermarkets just invest in few peices for now that make you feel good.
I recently brought leopard print leggings supermarkets and nice black jumper.
Good quality high waisted jeans or leggings make me feel better as does well fitting underwear.
Another thing you can embrace is shoes and jewellery.
Also hair and makeup can pick me up if feeling bad about myself.
Its important to say you worth the effort and not say I won't look good when I'm skinny.
You deserve to look at feel nice whatever size you are.
Shit clothes and hair will just make you feel more shit.
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Thank you so much to everyone that took the time out to reply. I really appreciate it.
Sorry its taken a while to post, work has been a frickin nightmare.. Apologies for the post, its a bit embarrassing reading it back. I think I've calmed down a bit 😦
I'm reading up on calorie counting, I've never tried to do it before.
I'm out of the house from 7am-7pm Mon - Fri and on my feet all day apart from an hour in the car for travelling at the start and end of the day. I usually do about 8-10,000 steps a day and between 15/20 flights of stairs so although I'm moving quite a bit my eating has not been good.
I think I need to look at portion sizes too...
Thank you again, there are some really useful words of advice x
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Well I’m slinking back into the thread guys 👋🏻 Ready to get back on track after some ridiculous meals and high weigh ins (+10lb at one point! Christ😂🤦🏻‍♀️!). Went out for a walk this morning before work and I’m ready to eat some proper food again. Been nice to catch up with your posts ☺
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Satisfying Click

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Thank you!

I'm definitely noticing age as a factor. In my twenties, it felt like I could blink and lose weight, whereas now, it was weeks of: nothing, nothing, nothing then visible results
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Please don't listen to him! 6lb in 30 days is a great loss! Consistency is so important and it will add up.

Posting this again for anyone who needs it!

View attachment 530162
Thanks thats a useful link.
I'm the past I haven't had always good experience with dieting and food so trying form a healthy balance where nothing is banned and its sustainable .
Thats why this time round taken approach i have done based on fact

I don't have the cash for gym or trainer right now.
I don't have childcare for the toddler.
I don't want spend lot money on expensive diet when I think about the money I wasted on slimming world.

Managed 8.5 l steps already today.
Taking kids to park this afternoon.
Aiming to eat no more than 1500 cals and do around 1500 of exercise which is basically all calories Samsung health says I used all day some via walking others existing.

I remember watching biggest loser and some weeks contestant wouldn't lose much.
Guess you can't lose big every week but since week 1 I guess I'm week 5 now its been so slow.
I'm trying say to myself every morning when get upset with scales keep going it will pay off.
Has be a life style change not short term plan that I jump on off and never quite reach target and give up.
If I lose 1lb a week thats 52lb in a year.
Its taken me a year put on 2 stone I guess I have accept may take year all come off.
Just with everything opening up and freinds and family wanting to meet up I want to feel good about myself and look nice.
The weight gain definate reduced my confidence im really unhappy with myself when I look in the mirror.
Samsung health says my bmi is overweight category which makes me more vulnerable to covid or other conditions.
Yet when I tell others I'm unhappy they say I'm not fat even though I'm now a size 16 not very tall and small build.
I guess they trying make me feel better and I'm uk average size some people carry weight different and for me I don't like being size I am.
Heard on radio they may get rid of bmi as upsets people knowing they big.

Kids return school next week so might try add a run next week and couple you tube workouts, reduce carbs and drink more water and see if that helps..
Its hard just focus on me as well as manage 4kids.
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After loosing three pounds out of the blue the week before last with no prior movement.

I have now put back on two pounds!

I give up!
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You’re absolutely not whinging @fireflies this is why we’re here, to share all of it the good and the bad. It’s not always easy, it can be really frustrating. Struggling over here myself after doing well for a month or two, just want to eat everything, cant find any motivation to exercise and am up 2lbs. Cut yourself some slack and stop listening to your husband, it sounds like he’s more critical than constructive at times x
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Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Made it to the gym today, I've done x3 gym workouts this week, so I'm pleased with myself.

I weighed myself each day this week to see the fluctuation; there was a difference of 4lbs throughout the week, then I got my period after several years :rolleyes: so that may explain why it was so up and down

Non-scale victories - I feel like I'm getting stronger, which is a nice feeling. I think my trousers are a little looser around the upper leg area
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Chatty Member
Morning 👋

Finally joining this thread instead of just lurking and crying into my belly 😂 Finally getting off my ass with a Fitbit and MFP in the last few weeks because the last year has absolutely BALLOONED me. I've got sore knees and hips just from gaining so much weight in such a short period of time and I've got to get it under control!
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All I’ve done this bank hol is eat and drink 😂😂😂 finishing with a Chinese takeaway tonight then I’m back in work and back to counting tomorrow
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VIP Member
Got so tired with lambing that I fell back into the carbs and sugar - gained 6lbs in a week. I love low-carb, but it's not terribly forgiving if you take time off it! But the last lamb is here, so time to start eating properly again as of today :)
Lambing has always sounded like such hard work! Well Done for getting through another year of it. So indulging in a bit of sugar sounds totally understandable. Good luck for the fresh start!
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Second run today, and really enjoyed it!!
We've been set homework to do (a 20min walk) before our next session on Sunday, and I'm actually feeling hopefully and like I'll stick this out.

After tracking calories for 3 weeks I've stopped for no reason, so back to it tomorrow.

My meals are fine, it is my snacks and random bites that are the problem.
I think I need to plan my snacking, so I can make good choices.
I’ve found that having lots of 100 calorie (ish) snacks means I can keep my sweet tooth and along with balanced meals I can keep to 1500-1600 calories a day. Things like penguin biscuit, iced gems, club biscuits help keep me motivated.
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I’ve turned down cake this afternoon and Dominos tonight.

Instead I’m having gnocchi with bacon and carbonara sauce... and it’s only 352 calories! So surprised it’s that low.

I did SW for a while and whilst it worked for me at the time, the sauce would be so high in syns meaning I’d probably avoid it.

ETA, I’ve doubled my gnocchi portion because I forgot how heavy is and 100g really isn’t enough 😂 still only 466 calories overall though!
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I am totally fed up and sorry whinge and repeat same issues.
Scales has varied different weights last 4 days.
Got back down to 12stone 10lb and 2 days later in 12 12 again.
It is that time of month but feel like spent last 4 weeks boucing back up and sow between 12 9 and 12 12..
Most days cals been good below tdee maintainance not always exactly 500 under as had some rough days personal life which led me go over.
Activity im managing 10k plus steps least 6 days out of 7.

I eat reasonably healthy in active and in below maintainance.
Husband like maybe you should try a stricter diet..
Just feel so frustrated. Going have week off weighing myself and try not think about it.
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I’m at my mums this weekend so I can’t count accurately but I’m going to give myself a bit of grace and hope it doesn’t set me back too much.
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