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Re Snacks, all the time you are calorie counting and staying within your calories great it's not a problem however once you reach your target weight and stop calorie counting or ease off a bit you're now in the habit of having 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and it is very easy to consume an extra 1000 calories over a day, a couple of 100 calories on each meal, a couple of extra biscuits at snack time and boom 1000 calories over There is a reason people have to keep going back on diets. Also 80/20 isn't confined to 80% of meals 20% snacks, it's 80% of food consumed should be healthy, 20% treats, for me thats a bowl of porridge wih golden syrup and some cream or a couple of slices of toast with poached eggs and Avo but on 1 of the toast I put nutella on. I dont have 3 healthy meals and then an unhealthy snack.
the mindset of ‘easing off’ once you’re at target isn’t just a case of suddenly eating loads more (1000s of calories extra as you suggest) - if you reach target weight then you should recalculate your TDEE accordingly to find maintenance calories and then reverse diet (gradually increasing calories) until you reach your maintenance allowance & you can easily find snacks that fit into any calorie allowance. Eating at maintenance doesn’t mean a sudden free for all.

I think it’s important to reiterate what another poster said earlier and that’s that everyone is different and what works for you may not work for others so telling someone they don’t actually need snacks as they’re detrimental to weight loss, therefore drop the snacks is not really fair or great advice to be giving. That’s all my point is really, what anecdotally works for you isn’t going to work for everyone (or anyone) else. :)
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Is anyone else majorly struggling with body image now we can go out again? I put it off for a while anyway because all the people everywhere made me a bit anxious (existing social anxiety compounded by sudden hoards of people = not fun) and now I’m actually finding it really difficult...I feel huge, even though I am much lighter than before the first lockdown, having put a few lbs back on is really messing with me though. I struggled with agoraphobia for a while years ago and I don’t want to slip back into it but I desperately do not want to be ‘seen’ by anyone outside of a work setting where weirdly I’m totally fine :/
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Weigh in today and stayed the same which I’m pleased about as just ate what I wanted over half term. When it’s hot I tend to go towards fruit and salad more.
I went shopping to asda today and got some blue stripped shorts. I generally hate shorts but these have elasticated wait and don’t make me look like a hippo and aren’t frumpy so pleased.
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first thing I’d suggest is disconnecting your tracker from MFP, that way there’s no confusion and the calories you have to eat daily are clear then.

if you’ve calculated your TDEE correctly and your maintenance is 2010 then you will lose weight by eating less calories than that, so yes at 1700/1800 calories you would lose weight.

never use MFP to work out your calories, it hasn’t got a clue! Always calculate your TDEE like you have done and go from there.

ETA: your TDEE includes your activity (exercise) so there’s no need to add this again in MFP or you’ll be duplicating calories and eating at maintenance or perhaps more

sorry, also ETA: fitness watches and trackers are usually very generous when it comes to calories burned during workouts so it’s hard to rely on them, that’s why increasing your NEAT is important.
Exactly ! And if youre burning 300 from exercise + 200 to 300 less calories you'll lose a pound a week


Can't believe it after losing nothing for a few days lost 1.5 pounds 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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Thank you all so much for your support. I think I am going to focus on getting really good at exercising and lifting weights. The weight will hopefully come off eventually. I enjoy the exercise and I am proud of myself for being able to actually do it - I couldn’t have run for a full minute before and now I can run twice around the park without stopping - I can also lift weights and enjoy it which I never thought I’d do. I think I need to focus on that instead of getting myself in to a state because I’m not thin yet. If I’m honest with myself, I’ll never be thin. I’m just not built that way. Even at my lowest weight I still had hips.
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I only started Tuesday but I had a quick weigh in this morning and I’ve made it to the next stone bracket 🥳 so I’m hoping that’ll give me motivation to stay on it this weekend, as it’ll be my first weekend to try and get through!
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Thank you! :) I don’t eat the aforementioned foods because cutting them out was the only thing that let me keep on losing weight (all the carbs!). I’m not wild about pasta or chips either, but I can have them if there nothing else to eat.

I was losing weight all right then suddenly stopped even though there is a calorie deficit and plenty of exercise almost every day. That’s why I’m looking for some tricks to get back to losing weigh. If it’s a plateau, it’s a super long one...

There aren’t any tricks im afraid and you didn’t lose weight due to cutting out those particular food groups, you lost weight because your body was in a calorie deficit full stop, that’s just the science.

We can’t diet forever and our bodies are not meant to, diet phases should be short term and then I would always suggest slowly increase your calorie intake until you reach maintenance allowance, this helps to avoid putting weight back on and you can still lose weight whilst doing this.

If your goal is to become more ‘toned’ the only way to do this is via strength training and fuelling your workouts accordingly which might mean you eat more than you currently are now. Your body can’t do much in a deficit besides losing mass, that can be both fat and muscle mass, sadly we can’t pick and choose what goes and when.
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Hello everyone..
I'm new to this page, I posted in Advice but was recommended this thread by @laughing I've started reading through this thread but see there are some before..

I'll try to keep this simple but I need help.
I have always been overweight. The only time I have been successful in losing a noticeable amount is when I have done complete meal replacement diets but of course I put it back on (and more).
I had an awful attitude towards food, would binge eat and eat in secret.

I finished hypnosis two weeks ago and finally felt in control of my eating. I started eating three proper meals a day. No snacking or bingeing and didn't want junk food at all. In fact I still don't. I was actually beginning to feel quite good. I had hidden the scales but this morning I felt so confident I wanted to weigh to see how much I have lost. But, nothing. Not a single pound. I weigh exactly the same as I did two weeks ago.
It sounds pathetic but I am gutted. I feel sick and want to cry. I don't know how to lose weight with food. I need to loose approx 5 stone which I have done with shakes but I don't know how to do it with food.
Please can anyone point me in any kind of direction?
Thank you
You are already doing the right thing, the weight loss will happen. Try to up your exercise, an hours walking a day is more calories burned and an hour not sitting at home thinking about food. Try to stay off the scales for the time being and go by your clothes. If you have something that is uncomfortably tight but you can get on, use that item as your gauge. Don't give up, it might take longer than shakes but shakes weren't successful as you're back where you started. The weight didn't go on overnight so it isn't going to come off overnight either.
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Satisfying Click

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Completed my three workouts for the week

After all the hormonal bloating and water retention, it has finally shifted (almost overnight, the difference was amazing) and I was able to get some accurate measurements - 1 more inch gone from my waist and hips 😁
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Chatty Member
1lbs off this week, which Im pleased with. 4 very good days, 3 days no counting so 1lbs is a good result. Shows what I could do if I didn’t fall off the wagon so much, but I know which 2 small children and poor sleep I’m probably asking too much to be perfect 7 days a week. Think I’ll aim for 5 good days and 2 wobbles as that’s achievable.
happy weekend everyone!
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Just catching up.
Some fab informative and supportive posts on this thread..
Sorry to all those having a tough time and feeling crap about themselves.
So weird how the weather turning can change my mood.
Not close at all meeting fitness less than 5k steps today as rained so much.
Scales same again today.
My mum and sister visited again today went to nearby wet cold park.
I spent ages getting ready wore a new pretty floral dress with black leggings.
Lots makeup as wanted to detract from weight gain.
I felt ok I guess hard look glam when weather is so crap.

Husbands made me bacon sandwich this morning..
Had salmon salad and baked potato lunch.
But tonight made home made chicken pie and oven chips and had few beers.
So writing off today as went over on calories.
Tomorrow will aim to do better.
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Is anyone else majorly struggling with body image now we can go out again? I put it off for a while anyway because all the people everywhere made me a bit anxious (existing social anxiety compounded by sudden hoards of people = not fun) and now I’m actually finding it really difficult...I feel huge, even though I am much lighter than before the first lockdown, having put a few lbs back on is really messing with me though. I struggled with agoraphobia for a while years ago and I don’t want to slip back into it but I desperately do not want to be ‘seen’ by anyone outside of a work setting where weirdly I’m totally fine :/
I am. I feel hideous. We went to a garden centre at the weekend, first time we’ve been anywhere other than Mcdonalds this entire year. So I did my hair and make up which I rarely bother with any more to be honest and I felt horrific. I feel like I’ve aged so much, my hair hasn’t been done since the start of December and is full of greys with the end like straw, I felt uglier than ever. I didn’t feel as bothered about my weight as I had a jumper and jeans on, I could feel them digging into my tummy a bit but felt like I just didn’t care anymore. I could have cried sitting in the car. I strongly feel like I don’t want anyone to ever see me again. I’ve always felt ugly but now I’m ugly and old ☹ My in laws keep talking about meeting up and the thought of it makes me feel sick. My mother in law ALWAYS comments on my weight, always. My husband has told her to stop doing it but she never does. It’s rare she says anything unkind (although she has in the past) but I hate that every time we see them my weight is a topic of conversation. And tbh even if she did stop because my husband told her to I know she’d be thinking it. I’m honestly not sure how I’m ever going to venture into the world ever again, I’m really low on my appearance at the moment.
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Oh god I am just feeling so awful right now. I’ve not been tracking what I eat over half term and I keep trying to rationalise to myself and remind myself that it is okay but omg the overwhelming guilt I feel. I’m trying not to slip back in to the self hatred I had and I’m not sure I’m winning this one. Every time I walked past a mirror/window today I hated what I saw.
I’m getting stronger but don’t seem to be getting thinner. Also I’ve not been able to do my weights for the past 2 days because of having the jab and feeling terrible.
I’m just writing all this down to get it out I guess. I’m going back to work tomorrow so I’ll be much better with food but it’s so hard. I’m not looking forward to going back actually. I feel like I’ve been more of a fun mum instead of just work, swap to mum halfway through day, dinner, bedtime and repeat all week.
ahh anyway. Thanks for being a space for me to write all of that out !
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Satisfying Click

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Scales - 1.5lbs down (finally some movement on the scale)

Non-scales - I did some kettlebell work at the gym and using the 24kg to deadlift is easier. I need to be careful with my back but it feels good to be getting stronger
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I think your husband is being a bit unfair @fireflies - my bf can be a bit of a knob about things like that but it's only because he has never had weight issues, he just eats what he wants when he wants to and it doesn't consume him if he craves something. It's a very difficult thing to be around when you're only trying your best!
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First time posting here. I started a weight loss kick in January. Had lost just under half a stone in two weeks and then started a new job and it all stopped. I only put back on around 1lb of that in the meantime...despite completely falling off the horse so I was happy enough with that.

I started again last week and lost 2.2lbs. I gave up coke and began calorie counting. I still had one take away and had lunch out twice at the weekend but tried to pick healthier options. I am also leaving my job soon (which is another weight off 😂). I have two weeks off before I start a new one and I am determined to keep this health kick up.
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Chatty Member
Today’s weigh in 2lbs on.
I’ve weighed myself every day this week and was 2lbs lighter yesterday so putting it down to water.
upping my water today as have been a bit crap this week.
Will push on and see if it bounces back down tomorrow.
I was talking to my PT on Wednesday and he said it will be hard and slow because I get such poor sleep so said 1/2lb week would be manageable to aim at.
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Hypothetically, if a hypothetical fat bitch like me was on average on a 400 calorie a day deficit rather than a 500 calorie a day deficit, would this still be sufficient for weight loss?

I'm so sick of being so gross. I feel like I'm never gonna get there 😭 I'm so disgusting
I understand how you feel but please don’t say those things about yourself. Being overweight doesn’t mean anything bad about you, all of us here have excess pounds we want to lose, you’re being far too hard on yourself. You’re in good company here. I think aiming for a 400 calorie deficit is fine, try it and see what happens. None of us can really know exactly how many calories we burn each day as we’re not hooked up to machines that can tell us (I wish I was though it would take out so much of the guess work!) it’s ok to play around and find what works for you x
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