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Ooh I’m glad I’ve found this thread, I’m starting to healthy eat and get into walking more and exercising on Monday. I’m thinking of doing the couch to 5k and have some hello fresh boxes coming.

do people have any healthy snack suggestions? As that’s my downfall, and also any exercise to loose weight around my hips? I just want to loose abit of weight and tone up a little bit ❤
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I’m going to use my weight today for this week as I just realised I have to be out of the house really early tomorrow and having little sleep messes with my weight so - week 3, -1.5 😊 beaten my lowest weight. 9 lbs to go and 4 down in 3 weeks since I restarted, very happy with that!
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I hope no one minds me sharing this really useful tool but something I have always found hard with calculating my TDEE is knowing what activity level to choose, recently I’ve found a way to do this using daily steps - if you have a Fitbit or AppleWatch then you may already know what this amount is daily :)

TDEE Calculation:

Complete the form with your age, gender, weight, height and activity level (more on this below) but do not enter body fat percentage unless you’ve had this measured by a professional.

Activity Levels:

Sedentary <2000 steps a day, meaning you are immobile due to medical condition or bad injury etc.

Light Exercise: 2000-8000 steps a day

Moderate Exercise: 10,000 steps minimum a day

Heavy Exercise: 15,000 steps minimum a day

Athlete: 15,000 steps min a day plus high intensity structured workouts, sometimes twice a day

Once you have calculated your TDEE the results page will give you your daily and weekly Maintenance Calories on the left hand side and on the right hand side will give you recommended calorie allowances for different activity levels including your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

If you are looking to lose 1lb a week then -500 calories from your maintenance amount.

note: if you minus 500 and notice that this number is less than your BMR you have done something wrong or you do not need to lose body fat and should look more into body recomposition (resistance training + maintenance or surplus calories.)

here is an example:

Julie is working out her TDEE. She puts her details into the calculator and estimates her activity level as sedentary because she has an office job but this is wrong. Julie walks 10k steps a day and also does a Zumba class twice a week so she is ‘Moderate’ at least.

on This basis, her maintenance calories are 1965.

to lose 1lb a week she needs to calculate 1965-500 = 1465kcal a day.

note: Julie’s BMR is 1267 so this is okay but if the final number came to less than this either she has entered something wrong or does not need to lose body fat and something else is required.

hope this was helpful! If anyone needs support with this then please let me know!
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feeling so ugh about myself atm
i feel like i may have some sort of body dysmorphia, one moment i feel huge, the next ill feel tiny and weak and small.
i honestly don’t really know what my goals are anymore - one week i wanna grow the glutes and legs, the next i wanna be smaller. i’m just really stuck tbh - has anyone ever experienced this?
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I know that exercise is only 20 per cent of weight loss but I thought i would chip in with something I've been doing in Lockdown and when the weather was bad.

On YouTube .....Rick Bhuller has walking workouts of varying lengths. They are fun, free and there's a free Facebook group as well for support.

You don't need much space to do it either!

Rick was a backing dancer and now lives in Dubai with his wife. They have just had a baby.

There is also a paid for membership but tbh the free stuff is enough.

The videos go from 1,000 steps to 10,000 steps. Research has shown that 7k a day is optimum...10k is a myth. In some he speaks, in others not. The music is great and he includes dance steps.

I recommend to start on the shorter ones. The Latin is really good but more advanced. I love BlackPink but he doesn't speak in that. The 10k are a bit boring so I prefer to do a few shorter ones instead, like the 3k he does outside.

I use hand weights while I do them, just moving my arms.

Ps. Trackers don't pickup all the steps but Rick explains this. He also has a long video on nutrition which is excellent.
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Guys I am being a total nightmare since my birthday 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ While ever there’s cake around I am eating everything in sight. With sweets and chocolate it lasts for ever so I’m not worried about portioning up and fitting into my daily calories but rather than eating one stale cake a day for the next fortnight we are going IN! Have done some exercise though, and it’s interesting how sluggish and lacking in energy I feel compared with the last four months of healthy eating!
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Not sick at all. The classic line is: if there were an easy way to lose weight, Oprah would have found it. And she recently sold off a big chunk of her Weight Watchers investment, so I'm guessing that's not it!

@Raquencha made an excellent point about TDEE. As helpful as the calculators are, if you aren't getting results, you may need to go a bit lower. It could be as simple as 50-100 calories less a day. The fact that you are losing - even a small amount - shows you're close.
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SV - lower than ive been since a year ago today which is great!
NSV - managed to run faster and longer than I have in aaaaages last night, I’m never going to be Mo Farah but it felt good and I do think losing the weight will have helped towards it ☺ My mental health also feels like it’s on the up.
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I’m up 1.2lbs this morning 😭😭
Dont feel sorry for me, I ate pizza and ice cream last night 😬 thought about not weighing today but I’m trying to just use it as data, will be interested to see how quickly it goes back down. Very quickly I hope! I’m a little bit regretting eating it. And a little but not 😈
I've notice after cheat day on a Friday, my weight returns to normal by Tuesday, and (so far, knock on wood) I've lost my usual 2lbs by Saturday.
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Does anyone have any overnight oats recipes you'd recommend? I made some this morning, they were nice, but baked oats way better and less calories!

I'd love to give them another go though as they'd be perfect for when I'm back at work!
Hey, I make mine in bulk so you could scale down if you wanted. 300g oats, 200g fat free natural yoghurt, 65g chia seeds. 750ml skimmed milk and 2 tsp of vanilla essence - this makes ten servings so does me and the other half 5 breakfasts. I make it in a huge Tupperware and stick that in the fridge, then dish out 1/10th every morning with fresh fruit or frozen fruit/tinned peaches in juice towards the end of the week. It’s such a lifesaver 🙌🏻
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Week 16: -2 lbs
Total: 2 stone 11 lb

Anyone else have a summer/end-of-lockdown check list they are working their way through?

- Got highlights and a much shorter cut this week, so hair and skin (see last week's post) are now both looking good.
- Weight loss is in progress.
- Clothes... hesitant to buy much until I'm closer to goal, so I'm making do with what I have. The size small strappy top I ordered arrived and it's adorable, can't wait to properly fit in it!
- It's nails and feet next! 💅🦶 100% neglected them over the past year, so they are in pretty bad shape! 😝


I bought these cute sandals to help motivate with the de-hobbiting process! I've added in weekly foot filing, just need to pick up some cheap foot masks and get into doing them regularly. Tips/recs welcome!!
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Chatty Member
I watched a post on Instagram by Ben carpenter yesterday. I find him very sensible but he said tdee is actually really hard to work out, he tried three sites and got a variation of 600 calories and it can change from day to day, also it’s almost impossible to count calories eaten accurately. I was a bit downhearted when I watched it but I then thought when I’m counting cals and weight isn’t doing anything to keep in mind our bodies and weight loss are both really complicated and not to focus on numbers too much.
I think it will be two steps forward one step back with me but I’ve got to keep going however slow it is.
I think you’ve done really well Sven. A loss is a loss however small and you’ve kept it off which is just as important and everyone needs a fish and chip tea now and again.
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treating myself to a chinese takeaway tonight before i get back to calorie counting tomorrow! :cautious:🥳
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It could be @fireflies - I do track my cycle but not so good at linking up what happens on the scales with my cycle yet. I can see that my numbers are good for CICO so I am sure a loss will come eventually - and I am sure it will for you too!

I've also just updated my nutracheck to make my goal just 1kg and changed my cals to 1lbs loss a week so hopefully that might help me plan a bit better and I'll feel more motivated by hitting mini goals a couple of weeks at a time.
It's important to weigh yourself everyday when trying to learn your cycle. I was gaining 5lb in 24 hours, imagine if I hadn't have been tracking everyday, I would have been so depressed with that but because I knew what I had weighed the day before I was fine about it. I am Peri menopausal so my weight fluctuations are probably more extreme than they used to be.
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I have also maintained this week, which I’m very okay with! I want to have a really good week this week though and fully get back into it. I’ve had a lazy few weeks and been dealing with a lot so my diet has just been full of convenience food and there’s been a lot of calorie guessing rather than weighing. Back to doing it all by the book for the next week before a weekend off to see my friends.
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Hello all. I've been away from home for a week and I think it's what I needed tbh. No counting, no scales, so no idea what I've been eating and if I've gained or whatever. It has been blissful! Will be home at the weekend and then it's on - need to lose about a stone by the end of June when I will be getting a wedding dress. After months of going up and down slightly having a week off completely has been great and now I really feel geared up/motivated to join you all again ☺
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My scales aren’t moving but my work trousers are hanging off me.

pleased I haven’t gone on a binge this week considering my work stressed boyfriend took a one sided argument with me on Wednesday taking his frustrations on me and hasn’t spoken to me since and has told me he doesn’t want to reconcile either. I know it’s not the right thread but for me when I’m stressed I could the house out so I’m proud of myself for sticking to plan considering I’m not being spoken to over something that has nothing to do with me

Hope everyone has a better weekend than me .. I’m off to the gym at 10am to run out my frustrations
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I've done okay this week, had at least 500 cals deficits each day so will weigh tomorrow morning and hopefully see a loss...! I've not drank enough water today though so need to chug some down this afternoon. I'm definitely still eating too much chocolate/snacks so will try to curb that a bit more over time too.

I'm WFH today so logged in early and had a walk at lunchtime came back did some more work then went for a run as it has gone quiet again. Means I will finish usual time but feel like I've been able to do so much more with my time today, it makes a nice change! Sometimes I do wish I could go back to full time WFH because it really did make life easier when fitting in exercise.

@fireflies 6lbs in a month sounds like a really healthy and sustainable loss. There is absolutely no point losing loads of weight quickly only to be at a higher risk of gaining it back quickly too. Stick with what you're doing as it is clearly working, it'll be so worth it when you see the results! And next time your husband makes a comment, just explain that it's better to lose it slowly and permanently, than quickly and temporarily!
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I’m really fed up. I had a week of medication which was really high in sodium, I tried to ignore my weight because I thought it would be water retention. I gained 5 lbs in the first two days alone. Came off it Monday, I’m still exactly the same. So 5 lbs up and I bet that will take months to shift now 😔
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