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Between the weather and also feeling under the weather my steps this week so far are atrocious so I cant imagine i will have any loss this week. My calorie intake has been ok but for me I think I also need around 10k to 12k steps a day to see a loss.
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Discovered M&S onion ring crisps today. 150kcal for the entire bag and it’s huge!!! They’re unreal🤤🤤🤤
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Trying not to be mad 🤣 Im so annoyed that's all I've lost. I know I'm only aiming for 3 pounds a month but the past 3 days alone I've walked over 43k 😂

Has anyone any tips on what I could be doing wrong ?

I've had a fair bit of dairy even though I'm lactose intolerant 🙈
I've gone over recommended carb and fat intake a few days. I just count my calories, wonder if I should start concentrating on nutrition now ? 😳😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙈
Upped average water intake from 1 or 1.5 litres to 2 to 2.5
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I was recently diagnosed as pre diabetic and have pretty much been a size. 16-18 all my life (48), give or take a few ups and downs, recently I started Keto (again) coupled with intermittent fasting and finding it much easier this time. Not losing pounds that quickly (11lbs in 4 weeks) but I can tell I’m loosing inches on the waist thighs etc. Clothes are all fitting much better. It really helps to just think of food as fuel and that you don’t need to eat traditional meals to get the nutrition you need. Finding weird combinations a lot easier this time going against everything you’ve ever been taught, but the macros work and I feel full, weird eating more salt, more fat etc. Avocado with everything is my new rule, but loving the meals so far and not missing bread this time round, my fave lunch is mini baby bel and meat sticks weirdly. It’s not for everyone but feel so much better not eating sugar/carbs
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I've been a bit slack at replying to this thread lately. Currently have lost a total of 39.5 pounds in 22 weeks so Im doing something right i guess. It feels like my head hasn't caught up though because I still perceive myself as being as big (if not bigger than I was to start with) 😔 none of my clothes really fit because I've lost weight, and I don't want to buy any clothes until I'm finished losing weight so I think wearing the same clothes isn't helping my head, because they are too big and adding bulk (I'm only 5'0 so look like I'm wearing my husbands or Dad's clothes 😂)
Due my period in the next few days and feeling like a bloated carb craving gremlin 😂
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Hi all, sorry I've been quiet the last week, been busy with work.
Weigh in today and I've lost a lb. Steps have decreased this week as I've been so busy so I'm looking forward to getting back to long walks next week.

Have a good weekend!
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I had a wee NSV, tried on a size 12 dress I haven't worn in years as I took it out the cupboard to get rid of it because I thought it didn't fit, it did! And it looked quite nice. I think I need a wee slip on under it to smooth me out but pretty good.

I went to a big city at the weekend and I ate and drank and it was so good. I didn't actually go too mental because we were so busy I didn't have time to snack. Also doing about 22k steps shopping is always good!

Also we sat outside a restaurant so we could have a cocktail (Scotland) and omg the service was so poor but it did mean we only shared three little tapas dishes between two of us as it was so hard to get any service 😂 fun watching all the chaos of people who hadn't booked trying to steal tables.
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Anyone on WW here?
I'm not, but a good friend is and she loves it, especially the app. Says it's more motivating for her to deal in points than calories, which is fair enough!

Week 23: -1 lbs
Total: 3 stone 10 lb

Broke my 2 lb/week streak!! :p I know why (had a much-needed maintenance day in there) and I'm fine with it. When they announced the June 21st restrictions removal, I did the math and wondered if I could hit 4 stone by then. I still think I can do it! 4 lbs in two weeks, let's go!! ⚡

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Yesterday the sad step (stealing that name I love it @fireflies 🤣) told me I’d gained 5lbs after eating almost up to maintenance a few days this week because of going out and generally just feeling a bit meh so listening to my body and giving it extra fuel. I was super disheartened at the “gain” since I’d made sure I didn’t go over maintenance. This morning I’m back down to exactly the same as I was on Friday before going out. Absolutely no damage done. Definitely recommend putting the sad step away for periods of time, it doesn’t tell the full story and the tiniest things can lead to such a fluctuation!

ETA - definitely recommend knowing your maintenance kcals! I have that and my deficit in a note on my phone. Gives me some kind of guideline if I’m having a slump day and my body just needs more (particularly on my period I’ll go more towards this number!). Obviously try to stick to the 500 deficit but if you need to go over it’s good to know where you can go to without losing control (any BED sufferers like myself, the guidance is crucial!😅)
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Not been able to lose at all. I've always found it easy to lose weight but since having baby number 4 I just can not get back to my pre baby weight. The thing is I'm trying harder than ever to lose weight! Its really frustrating 🙄
Yeah I can imagine that’s super frustrating!

I understand you said you wanted to lose a stone still but also that you were a size 8, do you realistically have a stone to lose? Depending on your body fat percentage it may not even be ideal trying to lose more weight because when we diet and lose weight we also lose muscle mass too which for women, as we age, can be quite detrimental.

You may be better focusing on eating at maintenance calories or just under & putting your gym and PT sessions to good use, build some muscle mass up again & use the extra energy from your food to get feel stronger and leaner. You can then always come back into a slight calorie deficit if you needed to. Lean muscle mass also burns calories at a faster rate so it’s easier to diet once you’ve built a little more muscle!

I think as women we are so programmed to lean towards a diet and focus our energy on that and cut back, deprive ourselves and lose weight etc but we can’t diet forever. We *must* give our bodies a break, so for anyone who has been in a deficit for a long period of time then have a break. Eat at maintenance calories for a few weeks or set a new goal!

We all strive to get smaller and smaller and smaller but what’s wrong with putting our energy and food to good use and building some muscle? Getting stronger, feeling lean.
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Hi all 🙋‍♀️ I have around a stone to lose

I'm planning to calorie count and walk every day
I knew I wasn't moving much but I ordered a cheapo fake fitbit and was shocked to see I'd do 1k steps a day with wfh so I'm aiming for 10k a day now
I also really want to up my fruit and veg as it's so easy to graze on beige crap from the kitchen cupboards instead of making myself proper meals!

I'm officially starting tomorrow, had a meltdown today as I moved house a few weeks ago. It's on a hill and every floor seems to be uneven with the scale giving me a different number 🤣 just going to pick a tile and stick to it!
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I went totally off the rails last night and had fish and chips for dinner. I am feeling really discouraged by the lack of weight loss. I’ve only lost 2lb in 3 months despite the work I’ve put in. I know everyone is sick of me on this thread now haha. I think I need to step away for a bit.
Nobody is sick of you at all. I think what’s so great about this thread is the honesty and some of us have struggled and that’s ok. I know how frustrating it is I really do. Just don’t give up. Take a little break if you need to, but don’t give up, you will get there eventually.
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Yesterday the sad step (stealing that name I love it @fireflies 🤣) told me I’d gained 5lbs after eating almost up to maintenance a few days this week because of going out and generally just feeling a bit meh so listening to my body and giving it extra fuel. I was super disheartened at the “gain” since I’d made sure I didn’t go over maintenance. This morning I’m back down to exactly the same as I was on Friday before going out. Absolutely no damage done. Definitely recommend putting the sad step away for periods of time, it doesn’t tell the full story and the tiniest things can lead to such a fluctuation!
I’ve always found that a sudden jump up of a few lbs is never real weight gain, it’s always hormonal or just water and bloating from eating too much and it does come off usually for me within a couple of days. It’s when the weight goes up over a longer period of time it’s normally actual weight gain, for me anyway. I’m glad you weighed again and that no damage has been done, I think it’s really valuable to learn how the scales fluctuate xx
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I’m starting to get impatient now 😡 one week off, one week properly back on it, with exercise, and I’m still two lbs up on my previous lowest weight 😭😭 why won’t it gooooooo.
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I think I usually do about 7-8k a day. I work as admin and it’s difficult to leave my desk so that’s probably as good as I can do!!
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I’ve been terrible with food this weekend but I have still been exercising so I won’t beat myself up too much. Onward we go!
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I track everything now including things like ketchup and butter (used to kid myself that one didn’t matter😄) the only thing I don’t bother tracking is occasionally I’ll have a small glass of Pepsi max or Fanta zero which is only a couple of calories and I like to think that’s how many I burn off just pouring the glass and carrying it to the table😄
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VIP Member
I went totally off the rails last night and had fish and chips for dinner. I am feeling really discouraged by the lack of weight loss. I’ve only lost 2lb in 3 months despite the work I’ve put in. I know everyone is sick of me on this thread now haha. I think I need to step away for a bit.
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