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I love how yesterday she posted a picture of herself and put *filter on it. But then today she is clearly using a filter but hasn’t put that she is.
You can’t be all high and mighty one minute about needing to be transparent for younger people about the use of filters but then not put it every time 🙄

Also getting reeeeeeally bored of her now, anyone else?
I’m basically just hanging around to see when the inevitable split happens to see how she portrays herself as the victim
Yes she is super boring. Videos of Milo running towards her/godawful polyester tat from missy empire/free food/period moaning/‘mammy ‘no mates’ patto on repeat basically
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They’re clearly in couples counselling because aircan wants to leave her and I bet they’re writing what they are ‘greatful’ about each other, even his hand looks disinterested
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I don't know the ins and outs of this pup party but i'm extremely disturbed by this.
Where's the mum?? Do you think they realise that not only are those pups too small to be away from mum but that due to all the handling when (I certainly hope not "if") they return to mum that she could reject them.

Vicky, you're an utter disgrace, I'm absolutely enraged!!!
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That dog is going to be such a d**k, well let's face it he already is. Not his fault at all. She has no dominance over him at, no firmness in her voice. Just pisses herself when ever he jumps up or does something he shouldn't. Hope we don't see another whining post when he jumps up at a stranger again. Poor dog
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Omg that poor baby is so ugly 😂 I feel so bad saying it but she bloody is,
Also Vicky repulses me not just in her personality and I feel so bad for aircan because he does not fancy her one bit bescsuse no way does she portray anything sexy she’s on her period constantly and otherwise she just looks so bloody dirty and minging
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So shes asking people to donate to some poor guy with cancers treatment and all she bloody donated was £100 cant actually be doing too well can she
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Norfolking Good

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It must be really bad for your MH being a so called influencer. You can’t just go out for a nice meal because you have to photo it, plug who or whatever freebie you’re getting, make sure you look nice… I like that I can have a holiday with Mr Norfolk and other than the odd photo added to FB I don’t publish it, mainly cos my friends would slap me for boring the arse off them. I don’t think I’d get many followers with photos of me reading on a beach all afternoon!
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Or SUNDSY as she’s written. At this moment time of year, I imagine that’s about 400 books. Not great given her Insta following. Shame bots can’t buy books!
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I don't think Air Can is with her at the house she's rented.He 's been all over her stories in the last few days(talk about overcompensating after their little split a few weeks ago) and now he's nowhere to be seen.I'm guessing he's spending Christmas with his family and will join her for New Years.
Still,weird not to spend Christmas with your girlfriend of 3 years.:sneaky::whistle:
Looks like a Christmas proposal isn’t on the cards….
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Her latest story calling out that lady who had a COMPLETE VALID POINT!! She is actually such a hypocrite it's unbelievable. That lady is totally correct and actually being very nice about it - and she responds with the notion that it took several photos to get this one. So Vicky is that not how you actually look? Are you completely unfiltered and natural in that photo? Because you're not. And giving off this persona that you're "real" is not reality. It's your false sense of security that you're so down to earth and a 'real woman'. So what exactly is she, a hun that shows the real her or a wannabe that pretends to be so in touch with reality when she couldn't be so far removed from it? She drives me insane!!!
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I don't see the little fella going anywhere anytime soon.He LOVES the lifestyle she provides and she knows that's the only way she can keep him.He 's basically a kept man at this point as he doesn't appear to contribute to the mortgage.It 's a very unequal relationship.
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Going away without Ercan again. She has literally only just gone back home from being in Newcastle all weekend. Screamingly obvious that something major is going on with those 2. After all that she she was saying about making more of an effort with him. Not been any evidence of it so far.
I wonder if he reads here and has seen the light. I hope he gets away from her. She is clearly trying to pressure him to have kids, but obviously pretending she is doing the opposite. Who would want to stay with a repulsive beg like her? She is vile. Send her back to Newcastle with the rest of her scruffy bastard family.
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If she can’t convince aircan to go up north for the weekend she certainly can’t convince him long term. Also if she doesn’t have time to learn how to drive (what 1 hour lesson a week?!) how on earth does she think her and aircan could have time to raise an actual child
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DeeSeni Noooo

VIP Member
Milo is going to end up nipping at a child or pulling something from them and they will get injured because that's what he is used to at home. She will probably try and bribe the family to keep quiet because that's the kind of Dog Mam she is. That or he's going to ingest something to make him really sick. She can't look after anything not even her self.

Here Vicky look after this for one day without breaking it 🥚
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The gifted items. So that’s me not eating those doughnuts ever again. Not that I did much anyway, but anything she is gifted I won’t eat or drink. She is a self entitled teat

Twat not teat
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It’s not just that. Labradors notoriously have bad hips, why would you let the child bounce on the dog. How would she explain that to the vet. Oh I let my niece bounce on him.
And if he did bite the kid it would be her fault. I always tell my little girl if she’s playing with my sister’s dog that they’re an animal and not a toy. You can’t sit on them or pull and poke them. It’s not the dogs fault if they nip her because they’ve had enough.
Blame the tit head of a supposed adult who’s letting it happen: plus she’s letting him chew paper again. Stupid cow
My dog is an absolute angel but I’ve taught my toddler to respect her, he knows not to be rough or invade her space and he knows that her bed, food bowl toys etc are hers not his.
It’s just basic decency, animals deserve love and respect not be treated as toys and dived on, poor bairn obviously isn’t being taught any different and I really hope she doesn’t end up paying for it by being hurt by an animal.
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It’s probably going to be on bbc 3. You know how they live for all these zeros pretending their lives are awful
I feel sorry for young people who have obtained qualifications in media studies, etc, and don’t get a look in because these no-talents get these kinds of shows.
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