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I usually don't really comment on Jade, and apologies if this was already discussed, but it really irked me that she posted parts of her online German class and I don't think she asked for consent from the others.
I get that she didn't show their faces etc. but she did include soundbites of the class. Mostly of the teacher and a tiny bit of students talking. I doubt she asked for consent on using it, as she would have mentioned it if she did and they might not appreciate someone recording the class without their knowledge and then using parts of it on YouTube. Not everyone loves the sound of their own voice as much as she does. It just annoyed me a lot. Maybe to an irrational extent lol
No it’s not irrational, if someone recorded me talking in class (even unintentionally) and put it on their sm, I’d be majorly fucked off and would have no qualms about telling them to delete it. Especially if they had 500k followers lol
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I think I may have asked this previously, but I'm genuinely baffled as to how studytubers got to go on oxbridge summer schools which you need to be disadvantaged to attend. Now knowing about her MLM dad, it seems odd that Jade would be eligible to go on the Sutton Trust? The only possible reason I may think of is that maybe her school had a poor performance rate but that seems unlikely?
Back when Jade did it you literally just had to go to a state school to be able to get a place on a Sutton Trust summer school, which she technically did... although its one of the best schools in the country! I think its fine to share the school since she has long since left:

"Newlands has been providing high quality girls’ education for over one hundred years. During this time, the school has gone from strength to strength and sits currently in the top 10% of state schools in terms of pupil progress.

The public examination results of 2019 were once again very pleasing, with 88% of girls gaining between a grade 9 and a grade 4 at GCSE level. In the Sixth Form, we had a 100% pass rate, with 78% of the A-Level grades at A* to C. All girls were successful in securing their choice of university or apprenticeship and we are delighted to see one of our highest performing mathematicians going off to Oxford to join the two Year 13s who gained admission there last year."

Sidenote that Eve B got to go on Uniq at Oxford even though she went to a great Grammar school because she used her Dad's address 😬 rather than her mum who she lived with most of the time and who had a bachelor's and master's degrees in law and is head of law for Highways England!
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Chatty Member
Soooo Jade is not only planning to travel back to the UK but also planning to then go onto travel back to Germany again and then wherever else takes her fancy. Maybe another Switzerland trip with a short term fling???!
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If I hadn't seen it really was her, I would have been absolutely convinced that was a parody by someone on this thread!
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I want to send her hate mail so bad right now bro... :cautious: Imagine being so up your own ass that you think a picture of you in a flower field/a bunch of pretty pictures of your travels are going to make anyone feel better .. especially if the reason they're feeling bad is GENOCIDE?
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Anyone else find it bizarre that she rocked up to the german zoom call in a sports bra? I personally think it’s a bit inappropriate and unprofessional to attend an online class wearing just a sports bra 🤷‍♀️.
Maybe she only had the camera on her face though idk
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Cool but we've been talking about her bullshit claims on easily understanding German because of Dutch (not learning Dutch being easy for her cause she might have been exposed to Dutch as a small kid for a second), both of which she doesn't even know. The fact that her mom "maybe" used a bit of Dutch when she was small would not make much difference here. German and Dutch aren't that similar to begin with. The first time she showed interest in that was when she started being obsessed with languages and attended that sponsored super fast French course. Since then at every fucking occasion she needs to mention Dutch or German being easy for her because of Dutch or Korean being easy for her because "she already knows X languages". She's desperately trying to show off (her non existent skills) and it's too visible. So yeah, it's just Jade being sketchy and trying to be special as usual.
Can attest that cause I'm a native German speaker and I took Dutch classes during my school years. Even if we ignored her claim that she "intuitively" knows Dutch, that doesn't make it *that* much easier for her to learn German grammar. Also, pronunciation is quite different. Honestly, German is hard and Jade couldn't even spell "dankeschön" correctly after staying in Berlin for half a year and having a German bf lmao.

Let's be real here - she had no interest in learning German (or Korean) before Minerva sent her to Berlin (and Seoul). And that's okay! But of course Jade has to make learning languages her entire personality now, cause she thinks it makes her more interesting and cosmopolitan. Calling it now, when she goes to Argentina she will post about how she's always wanted to learn Spanish and how her French skills make it so easy for her to learn Spanish. 🤷‍♀️
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Her whole body positivity thing also just feels a bit exaggerated/staged to me

The majority of her IG pictures look fine and honestly hardly show off her body, or if they do she has styled herself very well. The few pictures which would be more likely to attract body shaming are because she's wearing comfier/sporting clothes, or she has posted the pictures just to show off how 'bad' her body is, or has otherwise drawn attention to her body through caption/text

I think there's a lot of room for realistic portrayal of bodies on social media, but the way influencers and Jade are going about it is just not it
Agreed, end of the day she is a slim, conventionally attractive white woman. Body positivity is really important for everyone, but the whole point of it is to uplift people who do not fit that beauty standard, plus she was really exaggerating that pic and arching her back to the point where it just looks weird?
That said, anyone who messaged her insulting her body is an absolute wrongen
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I know it is not just her, but I hate this whole thing of "taking yourself on a date" , what about just "taking a trip in London by myself" ? How is spending time alone something so amazing she is "daring" us to do so?
Her lack of quarantine is just ridiculous, people like her are the reason we are now debating the June 21st deadline and cases among yougn people are rising again
Literally I feel like being an adult is just getting to be ok with doing things by yourself, whether that's travelling or going to the cinema or whatever. It's not dating yourself, it's just learning to enjoy your own company and independence.
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Is she really that unaware of herself that she can't see her Dad is part of the problem? He's runs a fucking MLM for God's sake which are the most exploitative schemes anywhere
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Talking about how much she’s changed and her home hasn’t....JADE it does not come off reflective, you’re just BRAGGING
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She's learned nothing.

It's actually no wonder she thinks she's such an authority figure on being ✨mindful✨ and ✨positive✨. I'd feel pretty positive too if it weren't for my moral compass telling me not to travel in a pandemic.
You don't understand, she had a really hard time being made to be responsible for her actions of irresponsibly travelling during the pandemic. She deserved to travel irresponsibly again to get some time away from all the horrible comments rightfully calling her out.
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At the end of the day I feel like casual magic is just a distraction from the fact that most of what she does online now is for money. Youtube, TikTok (obviously on the creator fund), the book (if a publishing company wanted a good book on study techniques they would go to an expert. it's just that jade has clout so more money), the reset challenge (her first reset challenge a few years ago was completely free, now she's using it to get more money). I don't criticise her for it, who can blame her? we would all probably take the opportunity to make more money. however I wish she would stop framing these things, especially the book and the reset challenge, as some casual magic mental health awareness give good back to society thing, when it's clearly not done with that intention
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Just read about the girl who is transferring from BROWN to Minerva. I'm sorry what? You're going from a top tier Ivy that can open doors for you anywhere to Minerva, a place that teaches you how to study (which she already knows seeing as she got into Brown) and leaves out actual factual knowledge? I'm shocked. How are people even find Minerva and think it's a great idea? Of course, there are people for whom the program works such as rich kids with the need to just do some BA/BSc degree as a checkbox tick or people doing it for the experience with another degree in the bag but for a student from Brown or NYU from the other video, no. Just no.
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The fact she joined lesson THIRTEEN straight off the bat and then joined her actual level (I’m assuming a single digit lesson 🙄) is just the height of hubris!!!! I’m actually embarrassed for her!
YES!! I couldn’t believe it when she said she joined the thirteenth level of lessons!! How up yourself can you be? It’s like she fully thinks that because she’s Jade and she’s so naturally intelligent that she is above all the lower levels just by intelligence alone, which is not how languages work. It’s not like different maths sets in secondary school. The lesson tiers are there for people to start at the point in their language journey, not for the higher ones to do the same work but more difficult! It’s just so arrogant.
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it really comes across as britain being the good "norm" - ie the smiling eyes not far from me sounds like she is surprised people are almost as friendly as british people (and are we known as a particularly friendly people? I didn;t think so but there we go..) just so awful. Also "borough mark" ....... :rolleyes:
I feel like I've said this like 2938729 times but once again, I can see what she was going for but once again, she missed the mark completely. I think she means that London/England is what's familiar to her (and so inevitably, that is what she is going to compare other cultures too - fair enough, it's natural to compare something new to what you know / to your frame of reference). And when she travelled to Seoul, she expected everything would be different but turns people are just people - smiling, eating, living their lives, etc and they're not all that different. The issue is that she expresses that sentiment not by saying "oh people are just people", she does it by saying they [Koreans] are like the 'good' British (because she likes GB [I'm assuming] and that's her frame of reference) which obviously comes off as.... very very wrong and she just apparently doesn't realise that (because she lacks the critical thinking skills and never seems to think about the implications of what she says, only the intentions?)
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