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At first this thread terirified me however i love how balanced it is here and theres no scare mongering we deal with real facts that really helps too i think
Agreed. This thread has actually been really helpful and a lot less overwhelming than news feeds which can just throw information at you.
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Could you explain sorry I've never really been in to politics much and over the last few days been trying to educate myself much as possible. What does this mean for Russia
They declined to vote. So although they haven't condemned Russia, they haven't supported them either. Its small in a ways, but does send a clear message
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Nora Fenn

Chatty Member
Exactly. Not one fuck given and yes weak. Worrying.
These sanctions will only affect the ordinary Russian people and Putin clearly doesn’t give a shit about them. He’s refusing to even acknowledge the deaths of Russian soldiers in Ukraine that’s how much respect he has for the men he’s sent to fight his war.
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A boy who went to my Uni went viral during the fall of Kabul for travelling to Afghanistan and eventually having to be evacuated, taking a seat on the plane from someone innocent just because he “enjoys extreme tourism”. He was in Ukraine a couple of weeks ago but left thinking nothing was going to happen. This morning he has got on a flight to Poland and plans to travel by train, bus or foot to Ukraine. He’s absolutely insane and it makes me SO angry. His argument is that he pays his taxes so should be able to be evacuated if he needs to be, but doesn’t really care if he dies there. Literally makes my blood boil that he things it’s “fun” to visit Ukraine right now. It’ll be easy to Google him if you want to look into his time in Afghanistan, he was very active on socials whilst he was there and I expect he will be whilst in Ukraine too.
This fucking guy.

He got mega SM traffic after his Afghanistan jaunt. He was in true danger, but self created. I get that some guys have this mentality where they need to be in the thick of it to live their fucking dumb Hemingway fantasies but he was extremely close to not getting out.

Miles, nobody is asking why you’re not in Kyiv but heaven help us if you do get there and end up scissored by a missile there’s not a soul now who’d see it as some grave injustice.
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I don't think it will be over that easily. It's either a trap of some sort by Putin, or his demands will be basically surrender. I can't see why Putin would agree to ceasefire already when he has come this far so quickly.
Because it’s been two days and he achieved fuck all. And he is realising Russians don’t want this either. Resistance to shut russia out of the swift system is dwindling so soon they’d be cut off financially completely. China started to condemn the whole thing too. So they are more and more isolated and things are heating up in Russia too with protests etc. the west stood behind ukraine and nato announced they will keep arming ukraine.
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Just switched on sky news and the reporters in Kyiv are heading for safety and they've had to switch back to London studio.
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Safety in numbers. It’s a crime to speak out or express any view other than a positive one of their government, but when there are so many going against Putin then what can they do about it? Still very brave of every single person to stand publicly against it, though. So many Russians I know are such awesome people
I said this to my husband last night, how brave they are because if they’re caught they’ll be tortured I’m sure. They’re very brave.
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I cannot tell you how much this thread is easing my anxiety about all of this. As selfish as it sounds places like Facebook are full to the brim of John from next door saying “We’re going down it’s as simple as that”.
I cannot even begin to imagine the heartache that the Ukrainian people are feeling, and also the frustration. It’s hard to believe we’re in 2022 when you wake up to news like that. The news is also so confusing because yesterday they reported 3 things on the BBC and then they posted something after saying “Ukraine denies that they’ve been in peace talks” …. Confusion and worry is taking over so many people!
Please don’t pay any attention to Facebook, it’s full of idiots at the best of times. Likewise don’t use the Daily Mail as your news source. Loads of people are scaremongering because they are either scared themselves, ill-informed or actually trolling cos it gives them power to know they’re frightening folk.
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Do they think Putin gonna be like oh fuck no more Eurovision for us I'll stop now that's too far. Nobody will be singing if he keeps blowing stuff up
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It’s interesting how if it’s something to do with Palestine or Black Lives Matter the influencers and celebrities are all over it, posting in solidarity but I’ve noticed with other causes, such as this and earlier in the year the rise in anti semitism, they were all quiet.
Is it more socially acceptable to post about the previous two than others? I’ve noticed that AOC, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman who are often very vocal on these sort of issues have not posted about Ukraine.
Yep. The usual virtue-signalling story. They will be unsure of which " bandwagon" to jump on in this case.

Detestable bastards, all of them 😡
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I believe the university we both attended (I was a year above him) tried to offer him support during/after his time in Afghanistan but he denied it. Absolutely awful human. His Twitter makes me feel sick.
He’s using a fake press badge to get across the borders.
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According to the Ukrainian President Chechen spec op 'hunters' have been given a list of Ukrainian officials to capture or kill.
The kill squad was allegedly in a Ukrainian forest, with each soldier reportedly given a special 'deck of cards' with Ukrainian officials' photos and descriptions, a Moscow Telegram channel that has links to the security establishment reported. The Russian Investigative Committee has identified certain officials and security officers suspected of 'crimes', the report added. There is allegedly an 'order to kill' if those on the wanted list cannot be detained.
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Hitting a oil tanker in Moldova (not a NATO member) and a neighbour to Ukraine backs up the theory that he won’t stop at Ukraine. He wants the Soviet Union back
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As much as people hate the Russian army I’m not sure how much these guys know what they’ve signed up for ,unless they’re radicalised to the cause ,he’s no more than a boy .
he's been captured and interrogated
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And yet the invasion of the Ukraine seems to have occurred under Biden’s watch. When surely the optimum time to do it was when Putin apparently owned the American president.

So either Putin is completely stupid, or that statement above is complete preposterous bullshit.

If it went nuclear? No one.
How can you be saying that this has happened ‘under Biden’s watch’? That’s incidental. I’m pretty sure that Putin will have planned this for a long time. He’s not known for impulsivity.
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BA are reportedly saying it’s not a cyber attack. BAs systems are notoriously crap so a system wide outage isn’t that unusual for them!
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Yeah Britain has always been seemingly obsessed with the war but it's almost like it was the wrong aspects of it. Making it seem like we went in there, smashed the Nazis all in time for the kettle to be boiled and Churchill to light up another cigar. A lot of superficial stuff that makes Britain look great and overlooks the rest. As it has been mentioned before in the thread, comparing the Pandemic to the time of the Blitz really showed how much people have lost touch.
Yes. It's told to us as a story or some sort of fairytale and very much from a distant "we stand on the shoulders of giants" perspective. It's really shocked me how disassociated we have become from the horrors of WW1 and WW2, despite both wars still affecting and shaping European psyche (in general).
I wish more people read Wilfrid Owen, saw the graves in Europe, the camps etc. because it wasn't a story. I remember when I visited the camps (Auschwitz, Belsen, Treblinka and even when I spoke to women from the Mothers of Srebenica) - it was years ago but I have never ever forgotten it. I'm really sorry, I've got tears in my eyes writing this reply, the out of touch-ness is so unsettling and unnerving.
@Pinotsgoats I wish I'd studied History - I loved it at school - and I'm so glad you did. I wish the critical thinking your degree taught you was delivered in schools. I've not seen that film before, maybe when I feel a bit more stoic I shall try and watch it
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