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VIP Member
Wasn't there a clip of the Ukrainian President earlier saying he has intel that he is Putins number 1 target and his family are 2nd. I don't think surrendering would be good for him 😔
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Russian forces are only 20 miles away from Kyiv and are continuing to bombard the city. They have entered from Belarus, another nation whose leader is a disgraceful, murdering, abusive tyrant.
I imagine that they will find it very difficult to take the city. The Ukranians - the Klitschko brothers among them - are armed to the teeth with AK47s and assault rifles. Kyiv may be under siege for a long time.
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VIP Member
The uk government seem to be saying and preparing for this to last a long time. Even if the battles are over quickly the fallout will go on and on

And if Putin succeeds and goes after a nato country all hell will break loose. It feels like Putin has just gone mad and doesn't care anymore. He is extremely paranoid and arrogant.
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VIP Member
Most sane people don’t want war. I’m not well versed or eloquent in political arguments but this seems like a man stuck in the past who can’t accept or recognise countries that have stood on their own for many years.

Re the comments about Europe not doing enough… short of sending soldiers in and denying swift access is there more we can do? Genuine question.
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The Ukrainian Ambadassor in the UN at the minute "Your words have less value than a hole in a New York pretzel!" When they get born, do Ukrainians get an extra dose of stone cold big bollockness? (men and women)

I seriously have a huge crush on basically the whole country
Agreed. They will teach us all a lesson in what it is to be a nation when this is over. We have forgotten what it is to be proud and patriotic. The older woman sweeping up singing her national anthem ❤
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Oh ffs my anxiety is through the roof again there’s been an explosion on the Wirral where I am supposedly by cammell lairds the shipping builders. It will be absolutely nothing of major concern I’m sure but people said their kids are up petrified ☹
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Chatty Member
I wonder how many of the people in Russia that have no recollection of the Soviet Union (so 40 or under) actually see Ukraine as their own territory? I imagine there's been a lot of people educated with propaganda. At the same time with the internet it's more difficult to get the propaganda to stick.
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Chatty Member
In the hope of providing some light relief am I alone in thinking President Zelensky is a bit dishy? Certainly when you see him next to Bojo.
I’ve been saying this today, quite fancy him! Lol
And seeing the way he’s been speaking about everything just makes me warm to him even more
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VIP Member
I agree, most I've seen keep posting normal stuff and throw in a share of a post about Ukraine in between posts promoting stuff they're selling. So performative and pointless.
I really feel that 24/7 news and SM platforms have been so damaging. Endless stories of atrocities lead to an empathy deficit, known as compassion fatigue; platforms such as Instagram, on which people are encouraged to treat themselves as products, have robotified and desensitised those who would otherwise be emotionally healthy. Instead, like the world's oldest profession, they feel compelled to continually sell themselves and their false, crafted images. Though SM can be useful - up to date news rather than polished MSM spin, connecting people living under toxic regimes, encouraging body positivity, anti-racism and so on - it's created a version of reality mediated through a phone screen. Awful that we have never been so connected yet so far apart and lonely.

Ukrainian defence ministry reports Russian troops are in the outskirts of Kyiv. Total defeat days, if not hours away.

In other news the EU have been unable to agree on the two sanctions that will really hurt Russia. A ban on purchasing hydrocarbons and expulsion from SWIFT, because Germany and Italy believe it should be held back till the situation escalates. Quite what is more escalated than the defeat and annexation of Ukraine isn't particularly clear. But here we are.

Germany is often portrayed as the cute fluffy bunny and the beating heart of the EU. The successes of German policy which have produced the strongest economy in Europe are trumpeted by pro-EU fanatics as the model to follow. Being dependent on Russian gas is a catastrophic failure of policy, but it seems Germany wants to avoid the consequences of bad decisions and will happily hang out the Ukraine to do so.

Aren't the Greens part of the governing coalition in Germany? I'm really not sure what is more line with green policy than limiting trade in hydrocarbons.
Germany also embargoed the selling of its arms via Estonia to Ukraine. There's pressure in Berlin to reverse the embargo, but it may come too late. I find its claims of compassion completely invalidating its lack of action, such as cancelling SWIFT, utterly disgusting.
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Sorry for the twitter spam, but I've just seen this

I can't in my worst nightmares imagine what is going through his mind.
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VIP Member
Our disgrace of a government is refusing to waive visa applications for Ukrainians wanting to come to the U.K. There are actually Brits living there who won’t flee because they are worried their spouses won’t be allowed to come with them. Ireland has done so, so why can’t we we?

I actually hate this country I really do.
Completely agree. Made worse by the fact we are giving this impression of being supportive of Ukraine but all talk and no action. These aren't economic migrants, and as just pointed out by someone on BBC they all want to return when Russia is defeated.
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That’s sadly what would happen in every country if they were in the situation Ukraine is in.
Yes.... what else can you do? You would have to fight the invasive aggressor- on your front driveway. Probably to the death, if they want to execute you and your family. I know I would. Thankfully you and I will never need to.
People sometimes don't realise how lucky they are living here in the UK , with our protection and lifestyle levels.
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Just here to say

Chatty Member
So if Ukraine falls to Russia… will putin just stop? Does he want more? Will he keep going?

It’s just terrible. I can’t stop thinking about the poor people of Ukraine just waiting for attacks 💔
I don't think he will stop. But if he advances into a NATO country, Biden said he will send US military to fight them. And of course all NATO countries will have to send their military, too.
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the talks were proposed in Minsk by Russia, but Ukraine said no and would be ok with talks in Poland, I can't see Putin agreeing to this.
I don't blame Ukraine saying no. That's blatantly a trap to arrest him
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VIP Member
I'm watching CNN and their was air raid sirens starting in the background. The reporter then says something along the lines of 'this is real this is not a drill' and those words just sent a chill right through me

It's surreal
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