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Russia claims to have destroyed 118 Ukrainian military sites (are they including the innocent civilians and residential areas as military sites? Or is that a figure they're not releasing?).
Russia's defence ministry has announced they're sending paratroopers to guard Chernobyl.

- Russia has stolen at least five armoured vehicles
- Russians are dressed as Ukrainian army.
- they've halted Russians at Dymer and Ivankiv, less than 100km from Kyiv, stopped forces at Teteriv River - destroyed a bridge.
- Defence Ministry calling on civilians to make Molotov cocktails.
SES attending Vatutina and Starotaganrogska streets in Starobilsk, in Luhansk, following shelling early morning. SES states six people rescued, one dead.

Below copied from ABC AU:

"Everyone has friends or family there," said Lilya*, who spoke to the ABC after just returning from an anti-war protest in Moscow. "With Crimea, there were pro-Crimean rallies. Putin rallied people to show up. Now they don't give a shit." Lilya is a lifelong Muscovite in her 30s. Late on Thursday her social media feeds started to fill with messages about an anti-war rally in Moscow.
"LPR and DPR (the breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine) mean nothing for Russians," she said. "After two years of the pandemic when the government gave no support to the people, now [Putin] wants support for this f***ing insane project?"
She pointed out that already Russian celebrities were defying the Kremlin, filling their social media feeds with anti-war messages.

Just read not only did Anonymous take down RT, they also got to the pages of the Kremlin, government and defence ministry. I'm never sure how I should think about Anonymous generally, in this case, well done! :D
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Agree entirely but what has been learned from Hitler and Nazi Germany? Absolutely nothing it seems. How much have we all collectively learned in school about WW2? It’s clearly made no difference at all.

Russia have been planning a full on invasion since they backed rebels to invade Donetsk in 2014 but the world sat back and let it happen. Then when Putin fraudulently ‘won’ 2018 election again everyone sat back and did nothing. At that point he changed the law (illegally) to make sure he could stay in power until at least 2036. This dictatorship had been allowed to carry on for years. Because all the Russian Oligarchs have donated to all the powerful people in the world to keep them quiet. Putin won’t stop until he has invaded all the old USSR countries.
It's a very astute observation - I feel like there's been a mix of arrogance, apathy, distracted behaviours/complacency in many countries and failing trust in our institutions for quite some time now (including state educations). Survivors from that era of time have all nearly died and not enough of their stories were recorded/made widely available, but instead we've had so many stupid films made that romanticise and glorify what happened (no wonder so many people don't realise the full extent of fascism in Europe; for many their first point of reference is a film). The communities still affected by the events of WW2 get silenced - I can't help but remember how many of my Jewish friends in school were spoken over by others and told that the 'Holocaust wasn't that bad' and that they 'should get over it' - which still makes me feel sick. Nowadays - in general - sadly most people don't read books or engage with their countries' histories; no wonder we haven't collectively learned from the lessons of our past. It's distressing :(
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Australia will be imposing more sanctions. They're also sending "non-lethal" military and medical aid.
Explosions over Kyiv. They've brought down a Russian aircraft (plane or drone? Still unconfirmed exactly what) which caught fire, damaging buildings, but crews are on the scene to put it out.

Hanna Malyar, Deputy Minister of Defense, as of 3am: Ukraine's estimates of downed Russians - 7 aircraft units, 6 helicopters and more than 30 tanks with a Russian death toll of about 800.

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Along with people speaking out in Russia hopefully this anger will start something, maybe a change for some of those close to Putin. Who knows, but they are showing their voice.
This is Putin’s war, not ordinary Russians.
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Yes.... what else can you do? You would have to fight the invasive aggressor- on your front driveway. Probably to the death, if they want to execute you and your family. I know I would. Thankfully you and I will never need to.
People sometimes don't realise how lucky they are living here in the UK , with our protection and lifestyle levels.
I would fight to protect my family, my country and my people too. When the situation requires it, I think we are all capable of astonishing bravery to safeguard democracy, our freedoms and way of life.
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I thought Russia had a bigger nuclear arsenal than NATO?
They are both massive, it's immaterial really..... we always have nuclear subs sailing 24/7, as does the USA, etc

Unfortunately, NATO cannot start fighting Russia- it's an act of War . Russia invading Ukraine is an act of War aggression against Ukraine. Not the EU, Great Britain or American soil .
We can support them , allow Ukraine weapons and also we can be there in Humanitarian aid. We can help them by writing off their debts to us , by many other ways too.
Once Russia puts a step onto an EU member states soil, NATO can go for them. Until then, NATO must bolster the e.u. Borders, in these early days of their conflict.
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Sad thing is that we are unable to be 100% sure that the media reports are true and correct, as they all have their own agenda.
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In the hope of providing some light relief am I alone in thinking President Zelensky is a bit dishy? Certainly when you see him next to Bojo.
I reckon any man might have a chance of looking slightly dishy next to Bojo tbh. Obvs not Putin tho.
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I’m pretty sure the world leaders don’t fully have the answer so I doubt these threads will
They’re trying to avoid getting physically involved because it would be catastrophic to us all - the beginnings of WW3 and a potential nuclear war. Putin has already stated it with his “you will face immediate consequences greater than any you’ve ever seen in your history” speech. It’s been mentioned all over.
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Lovely guy from here on BBC news now. Heartbreaking, Stewart lived a little outside the city centre of Kyiv and managed to get him and his family evacuated, he's exhausted but knows he's lucky.
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A lot of far right lunatics outside of Russia are pro Putin. They see him as anti establishment, but for context these people are also generally pro Trump, think Covid is hoax, that climate change is made up and that Bill Gates wants to use vaccines to inject us all with micro chips. Quite frankly they shouldn’t be allowed to cross the road unaided IMO but there you go.
You have just described my relative, I used to think they were relatively normal, now I don't know whether I never really knew them or they have been brainwashed. I suspect a bit of both, its like they have joined a cult, totally alienated from their whole family but convinced of their superiority of being one of those who are "awake"!
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In the hope of providing some light relief am I alone in thinking President Zelensky is a bit dishy? Certainly when you see him next to Bojo.
Agreed, especially in his khaki fleece 😬

Edit: reading back it sounds like I’m being sarcy - I’m not I just really fancy men in uniform hahaha
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It's just awful. Constantly refreshing the news. I don't trust how far putin will go with this and I fear for the future. No one seems stable atm anyway from covid, brexit, protests etc.

Usually I'm here for the snark on instagrammers but they have all shown their ignorance and seem to be chatting their usual shite with no mention of it.
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