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VIP Member
Whoever is behind those explosions is successful - now everybody is suspicious of everyone. It looks like we are more and more in an energy war.
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VIP Member
Looks like Kadyrov and Prighozin are going to end up leading the military.

They will escalate without a doubt. This is going to get ugly.
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Well-known member
If we were to ever to go to war, I can genuinely say I'd rather be jailed for draft evasion than be conscripted. NOBODY apart from Putin wants a war, and I'd happily go to prison than fight his war for him. Call me cowardly etc all you want - but that's honestly how I feel about it.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if we're a weeks away from Russia's army collapsing?

1/4 million young men have apparently fled in the last few days and loads of the buildings for the mobilization have apparently been set on fire. He mustn't have announced the mobilization until he really really needed it and all the news going back to the frontline can't be helping the already low morale. All those people on fixed term contracts who have now been told they have to stay out there, just when it's starting to get cold, won't be in the best spirit.

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Chatty Member
Well better late than never and it was a lot more than just a few eu members. Even trump said it.

Certainly getting an impression that China is becoming increasingly unimpressed as time goes on.
China must already been feeling the effects from the reduced demand for products for Christmas.
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VIP Member
Jesus... of course this was expected as Russia realise they are losing, but it now is so depressing, just like an end game scenario of them destroying as much as they can, not even in a war strategy (imo) to create as many problems for ukraine in the future as possible. This is my reading of it anyway
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Chatty Member
So many in the know are saying it was Russia.

Maybe they think it's futile ever thinking Germany will trust them again so want to take some control of the situation? Germany has enough reserves for this winter if it's not too cold (Putin must be kicking himself that he didn't turn it off earlier) and the docks to take LPG will be online ready for next winter in Germany.
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Chatty Member
All a bit melodramic from Deborah. The UK is giving a few 25 year ish old tanks to fight Russia, kinda what they were built for. The UK would be much weaker if Russia achieved its goals.
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Could the people stop derailing the thread with bad actor comments etc. We are not here to be entertained by your need for stirring shit. Start your own thread.

This thread is for discussion on what is actually going on in the Russia / Ukraine war
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Active member
It's up to Poland to decide if Article 5 should be invoked.

Their prime minister declared a urgent national security meeting about an hour ago.
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Well-known member
I find it increasingly difficult to allow what pass for my rational, intelligent thoughts - "Need to make sure Russia defeated, but still retain some engagement to help it on a path back to acceptance to avoid another, worse Cold War" - to retain the ascendant over the base, emotional "fuck it. NATO all told has more than enough nukes / conventional weapons, let's just send Russia back to the Stone Age now and be done with it."

Edit : posted that then looked at the Guardian. Apparently there are demands to tighten visa restrictions for Russians in the EU. I honestly can't believe we're still letting them in. We wouldn't have been taking German tourists during WWII. Love the war / Russia ? Great, stay there. Don't ? Change your sodding government.
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VIP Member
This is an incredibly dangerous moment in time. I suspect, and hope, that cooler heads will prevail and this will be chalked up to an accident. But this is what happens when chronically inept Russian soldiers start firing missiles indiscriminately. This time they missed the whole fucking country.
This is exactly the issue. Why should it be chalked up to an accident? And even if it was an accident… what if it was an accident in your backyard?

And … you realise this war is hurting you directly as well and the more russia is appeased the more likely it is that they will actually outright attack other countries too. There is always a way to call it an accident or deny it and sweep it under the rug.
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VIP Member
What? So this is all a lie and the Ukrainian president has let innocent people be slaughtered and raped?
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Well-known member
Russia retreating from Kherson after Putin wouldn't allow them to a few weeks ago.

That potato head must be clinging onto power, his puppet he installed there was murdered in a road accident and now a retreat is announced 🤔

Hopefully Ukraine obliterates them with Himars as those idiots will probably withdraw in huge convoys.
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VIP Member
In my city, they haven building a huge centre for Ukrainian refugees for months. The argument was when it started this spring that we have to be ready this fall/winter for a new wave of refugees because of the weather. I believe it even more now that it will happen as the Russians are targeting civilian energy infrastructures and terrorising the population with missiles and drones.

It's terrible to think of how many people will get out of this war traumatised and even if Ukraine wins, they will have to deal with the consequences of it on its population.
Imagine if Ukraine does NOT win though… half the country would be persecuted. All active military would probably be sent to filtration camps to begin with. And their families too…
Just imagine you have to change the language you speak etc. you can’t read books or listen to music you want, only what is permitted. Literally how life behind the iron curtain was.
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VIP Member
Hopefully a lot of bluster from Putin and not much will happen. I imagine Ukraine are still kicking their arse anyway. They've been given better weapons and the Russians just don't seem to have any sort of tactics.
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