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If you think UK getting hit with a nuclear attack because Ukraine blew up a bridge in Russia then sticking your head in the sand might actually be a good idea.
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I keep saying it, and probably sound like a broken record, but it's mad that a piece of land can be controlled and ruled over by such a small group of those in power. The worse thing to happen to the planet is lines and borders being drawn on a map. Okay, maybe not the worse thing, but one of. It's a strange world.

If all the military personnel around the world decided to drop their guns and say no to fighting wars for those with the power, the powerful would soon have no power. It's a damn shame that young and naive men are pushed into conflicts and defending those who they don't know or even care for them. It's a sick world.
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Chatty Member
For all we know it could have been Russia behind the bridge as yet another false flag.

If it wasn't then their high tech scans should have picked up a lorry carrying such a large amount of explosives. I wonder if they've even maintained one nuclear weapon that'll work, let alone hundreds of them.
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The conflict that is being screened between Ukraine and Russia is a farce.
It is a money laundering racket that is backed by the west and has nothing to do with the poor people of Ukraine. Just check out the FTX scandal and the billions of tax payers money that is being washed around in the pockets of criminals, one being the Ukrainian president.
All the media /news etc we receive is completely censored to the west’s anti Russian narrative.
10 out of 10

  1. Proof of the conspiracy supposedly emerges from a pattern of “connecting the dots” between events that need not be causally connected. When no evidence supports these connections except the allegation of the conspiracy or when the evidence fits equally well to other causal connections—or to randomness—the conspiracy theory is likely to be false.
  2. The agents behind the pattern of the conspiracy would need nearly superhuman power to pull it off. People are usually not nearly so powerful as we think they are.
  3. The conspiracy is complex, and its successful completion demands a large number of elements.
  4. Similarly, the conspiracy involves large numbers of people who would all need to keep silent about their secrets. The more people involved, the less realistic it becomes.
  5. The conspiracy encompasses a grand ambition for control over a nation, economy or political system. If it suggests world domination, the theory is even less likely to be true.
  6. The conspiracy theory ratchets up from small events that might be true to much larger, much less probable events.
  7. The conspiracy theory assigns portentous, sinister meanings to what are most likely innocuous, insignificant events.
  8. The theory tends to commingle facts and speculations without distinguishing between the two and without assigning degrees of probability or of factuality.
  9. The theorist is indiscriminately suspicious of all government agencies or private groups, which suggests an inability to nuance differences between true and false conspiracies.
  10. The conspiracy theorist refuses to consider alternative explanations, rejecting all disconfirming evidence and blatantly seeking only confirmatory evidence to support what he or she has a priori determined to be the truth.

And incidently if there is an anti Russian narrative as you suggest there must also be an alternative pro Russian narrative. What is it and where do you get if from? This is your chance to advocate for “the truth” as that is always what you CTers always want above all things isn’t it? The floor is yours.

(Settles down to take detailed notes).
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My 8 year old unfortunately caught some of this news this morning. No idea how or why he knows what nuclear weapons mean but it was his reaction that got me. “If the world ends from a bomb mummy, at least we’ll all be in heaven together at the same time”. Sobering as another poster said, accepting that there is nothing we can do, I’ll probably spend more money than I should today though so my bank balance won’t be so happy!
You just have to hope that Russians love their children as well and that someone, somewhere stops the madness before it starts. There can be no glorious victory in this, and even if you’re the last man standing congratulations you rule the ashes, enjoy eating them. The great minds and great scientists on earth could have worked together to solve clean energy, or create new strains of hyper nutritious plants to feed the world (although some not so great minded “environmentalist’s” would probably burn the fields, cos nature), or seek cures for disease, however the real money has always been in inventing more efficient ways of killing. Sometimes I wonder is mankind worth saving? If it wasn’t for all the innocent other species we would take with us I would have a hard time being convinced otherwise.

The fucked up logic of Richard Gatling, the inventor of the first machine gun.

"It occurred to me that if I could invent a machine gun which could by its rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would, to a large extent supersede the necessity of large armies, and consequently, exposure to battle and disease would be greatly diminished."

Nah. It just created 100 men armed with Gatling guns.
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Regarding the video above called "Anger towards the West as Russian troops are buried", it's sad to see Russian people losing family in the war, but it shows how twisted their minds are that they're blaming the West for those deaths.

Do they ever wonder why their children are being sent off to fight a war in another country? Do they ever think about all the innocent Ukrainian civilians that are being killed by their country? I guess the propaganda runs deep and I know it's dangerous to even protest there, but surely an increasing amount of Russians must be privately realising Putin is the cause of it all...
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Have we gone back in time 80 years?

Is it true or propaganda?
I see stuff like this and always hope that it's some horror film plot that got sneaked into the news, or at worst an isolated case.
Unfortunately it seems to be part of a pattern, so as much as I would want such things not to happen, I think it's not likely to be some invented propaganda.
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Happy weekend everyone. It doesn't bare thinking about what Putin could do to the planet.
The Sun with the doom and gloom again…. russia has a lot of other things they can (and potentially will) use before the go for nukes. There were no chem or bio weapons used. Using nukes would also harm them and while the leaders of the country and the oligarchs don’t care about the population, they care about themselves and nukes would literally hurt them too.

as the article states, these warheads have been in storage for decades. Look at how the army is performing in general, the failed missile launches and the fact that they already used a bunch of missiles that were designed for nuclear warheads… it’s possible they will go that far but there are several less damaging, more manageable and yet still horrible things to do first.
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That concert is scary but you know what else is scary, seeing people being told how to vote by men with guns. Knew he would turn off the tap, there's Italy cut off.
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Chatty Member
I get it's a significant move for sentiment for Rishi to be first and give 12 tanks to encourage others like Germany to do the same. But if a handful of other countries do the same won't it be a right mess training people to use a handful of different tanks?

Btw incase it's seems random I've turned on a bot to post when sky news upload relevant videos, thought it might be useful.

Not quite the 300 Zelenskyy wants
The UK itself only has 227 tanks in the army:

Ukraine has been asking for British tanks “since summer”, a second source said. But the reality is that the UK, with a total fleet of 227, has a small supply compared with what is made by Germany and the US.
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My grandma lived through the russians pushing back the germans through some eastern european countries. She said the germans were fine and despite being on the same side, everyone was scared of the russians and people hid their daughters and wives. Nothing changed.
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Chatty Member
I think it's damaging Russian propaganda to repeat that the west is running out of weapons. Best not to give the Russians a moral boost.

The real story is there's concern over how much of the west's weapons in reserve are being handed over and the somewhat risky position it puts national security which isn't ideal. But manufacturing is still happening so it's a drop in the ocean compared to russian manufacturing where factories can't get hold of materials and workers have been shipped off.
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Every war is fought by elites for money not to save the poor people.

The war on terror.....20 years and 1 Trillion dollars of tax payers money because of a man hiding in a cave and so called 9/11.

Iraq.....where were the weapons of mass destruction again...?

Russia and 1984 ....because that’s what’s being played out.

Keep the people in a state of fear.

Standing with Ukraine....what a load of virtue signaling crap. You are being taken for a ride and paying for it with your taxes.

Do you work for the BBC.....or are you a shill ?
Once again not a single link to prove your outlandish claims. So anyhow given you’re extremely busy I did my own research and googled things like “so called 9/11” and “Russia Ukraine follow the money”, and “who benefits from war”. This took me to websites like Above Top Secret, Infowars, Reddit, and outlandish Youtube videos. Which confuses me because these are sites that are universally associated with lying conspiracy theorists, yet you are not a CTer and deal exclusively in truth. This must be true because you said so earlier and it makes it meaningless. I may have missed it though, care to share your sources?

I get your point about the development of language over the years though.

Troll has changed from a bestial subterranean creature in Norse mythology to uneducated randoms posting lies online for a reaction.

Bullshit has changed from meaning the waste product of a male bovine to those selfsame lies.

And Conspiracy theorist has changed from meaning an odd socially isolated person living in their mums cellar writing occasional letters to newspapers to, well the same thing only with internet access.

Living in fear is an interesting one. You seem to believe that your life is orchestrated by shadowy organisations which completely take away your agency and are constantly out to either steal your wealth, manipulate you, or send you to war for their own profit. Quite the fear filled existence, waiting for the knock on the door.

And why the binary choice between BBC or shill? I regard myself as an open minded seeker of truth and motivation who is challenging posts you made on an internet public forum. This surely doesn’t make you mad does it?
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Russian military bloggers on Telegram channels reporting that Ukraine flattened a base / ammo dump with a Himars strike with hundreds killed/wounded.

Genius tactics by the Russians living on top of an ammo dump. Which brings us back to that video from the start of the invasion when the Ukrainian soldier said they were lucky the Russians were so fucking stupid 😆
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Had an interesting chat with a resident on my estate. The family are Ukrainian and lived here long before the war.
The lady was very upset about it all and saying how they don’t talk to their Russian relatives anymore because people in Russia actually believe what the Kremlin are telling them. Despite them telling their relatives it’s lies.
She also said a lot of regular Russians actually do believe the Ukraine is part of Russia and doesn’t understand why the Ukrainians are fighting them.
I asked what if Putin is removed and she believes it wont change anything because Russians blame Ukraine for the state of their affairs ie economy tanking etc

It was very eye opening for me. I did ask if maybe Russians just believe because that is all the info they are getting and she said no. Enough of them have been told by friends and family in Ukraine what is going on and they don’t care or don’t want to be involved
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Chatty Member
Happened many times with this threat of nuclear war. These are the lyrics for the 1984 forever young. It’s the same today 38 years later. That’s depressing in itself.

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad man

Can you imagine when this race is won?
Turn our golden the faces into the sun
Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the, the madman

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, and ever
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Chatty Member
I suspect this new commander probably has a period of time to try and get Russia back on top of things in Ukraine then it’s tactical nuclear attack time to basically try and break the Ukrainians.
Which then results in the west getting involved and reciprocal stuff happening and we are all screwed because Biden is a twat, Truss I wouldn’t trust with a toothpick let alone managing any kind of conflict and Europe can’t agree on anything.
And of course the U.K. isn’t ready for any kind of conflict here.
We are seriously thinking of leaving the U.K. we have family in South Africa, which had a host of its own issues but isn’t likely to be getting into a nuclear war with Putin any time soon. He hates the U.K., London may as well have a bullseye on Big Ben…
Talk about scare mongering. As bad as the press
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Chatty Member
All these people keep saying Putin hasn't moved his nukes or got ready to deploy them. I wouldn't be suprised if next we hear that the nukes are on the move. 😬 Not that I think he'll ever actually use them, just more attention seeking.

The Russian government are proving that the train bridge is operational, by posting a stock photo from a train at a station 🤦‍♀️

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This won’t end while russia has belarus on their side too and can launch missiles from two countries territories. I don’t understand how this is even a thing and how tf no one seems to have an issue with it but let’s stop helping Ukraine becasuse mY tAx MoNey… 🤦🏼‍♀️ when the UK’s army was on the brink of collapsing at WWII Churchill was BEGGING Eisenhover for help…
TBH I'm not well versed enough to know what we 'the west, and/or whoever' could practically do about Belarus other than the top level of its government being removed.

But for people complaining about their tax money being used to help Ukraine that's usually based on the wrong figures, bad logic etc and is a bit short sighted anyway.

Paying for this once now will cost less than paying it over and over in the future every time Putin edges forward.
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