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VIP Member
I said parent. One person.
You still have a tax free threshold of £500,000 if passing down property as well.

It's a mechanism for creating a fair and equitable system. Wealth passed down from generation to generation creates a ruling elite based on money.

Why should someone inherit millions tax free from house price increases? That's through no hard work of their own and they didn't even buy that house to begin with.
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My dad did National Service and told me it was an utter waste of time.

The army doesn't want it, and where the heck are these kids supposed to do it when we've sold off most of the defence estate?
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And that would be a very good thing, if only for his policy on reasonably priced croissants and his plans to make the bosses of Thames Water go for a lovely swim.

What I find odd about Khan winning again ( and let’s face it, he mostly won because Susan Hall is completely unhinged) is the number of people who don’t live in London and don’t come here from one year to the next complaining about him.
I've seen people on Twitter / X say because it is the capital everyone who lives in the UK should have a say and get a vote because they don't like the outcome 😂. I think they misunderstand the concept of local elections.
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I was reading about people who were rejected by certain universities because they didn't have the right accent, hadn't been to the right school etc etc. Said people were snapped up by other places and countries and boomed.
Whereas we lost all that talent, and what were we left with? The entitled brats who look down on us "little people ". They have no understanding of what havoc they cause in our lives, as we don't have their guaranteed earning potential feather bed to weather the storms they cause. Rules aren't for them, it's us that get damaged/killed.
I can't remember what Johnson said, but he was really nasty at Oxford to someone who wasn't the right sort. I mean really belittling
Near the end of the book the author thought there might be some hope as Oxford uni was feeling some shame about the damage that had been caused by these idiots, and the part that Oxford had played in it. Sounds like they are starting to let people in on merit now.
These entitled twits can talk the talk, but there is no substance. They aren't really interested. No matter how genuine they sound. And I'm not talking about Tories alone. It runs right across Parliament, so we shouldn't be surprised that the others are filling their pockets and lying through their back teeth.
It's a good job I'm not near one of them as I might give them a right hook, despite being a lady.🤬
The above is why the Tories don't want social mobility. Its about letting the right chaps into the power places of society.
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Parties like Reform tend to come along, have their moment based on one major issue (immigration in this case) and then fade. We saw it with UKIP and Brexit.
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Khan won. What morons voted for him?! Are Londoners gluttons for punishment?!
I did! Where I live in Lambeth and Southwark we had one of the biggest increases in votes for him and over 60% voted for him overall :). I like clean air and value my lungs.

In every borough apart from Harrow there was a swing from Con to Lab.
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I saw they are saying 30,000 18 year olds to join the army full time for a month. Totally glossing over the fact current serving members of the armed forces are having to put up with insufficient and atrocious living conditions in many cases due to the outsourcing of maintainence and repairs to useless third party contractors.
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People who claim not to have seen any policies or funding plans from Labour are either purposely avoiding them or need a trip to Specsavers.
Last week in the US a regular-joe kind of bloke in Michigan (I think) said something like: "Yeah, there's a new factory being built here and bringing in a lot of new jobs thanks to Biden, but all the construction traffic is murder so I'll probably vote Trump". I mean ... there's only so much you can do with some people! :rolleyes:
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My teen has just complained he’s cold but can’t be arsed to put a t shirt on….good luck with that Rishi 😂
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According to Jeremy Hunt ... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤪
Is this the same Jeremy Hunt who implemented the contract which resulted in numerous strikes by junior doctors? Who failed to have a contingency policy in place to ensure the NHS was prepared for a pandemic? Who manipulated figures and increased privatisation within the NHS? Whose actions are part of the reason that the NHS is on its knees right now? That Jeremy Hunt? 🤪

The reason Labour's manifesto is brief is because they have been clear that they are not willing to make promises they cannot keep. (Their critics would be up in arms even more so if they did!) Their manifesto is purely a plan to begin fixing the country. All the issues facing the country feed into their 6 steps in one way or another.

Re: healthcare - we already pay for the NHS via Taxation. Perhaps those who can afford to should pay more tax? Would still be cheaper than going private. Also a lot of consultants in the private sector work in the NHS anyway so private patients are just paying to jump the queue. The NHS needs overhaul but a US style private healthcare model is not the answer.
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y'know the more I think about it the more I'm starting to think the national service thing may have been a genius distraction move by Sunak and co. It's literally all that much of the political news, the satirical news, and many of the opposition candidates have talked and tweeted about for the last 36 hours, and probably will for the next 36. Supposedly the conservatives are scrabbling around to identify a candidate for hundreds of seats (as I think are some of the other parties too), has it all been to buy a 3 day head start in getting their more general act together regarding candidates and formal manifesto without scrutiny and interruption? In a six week snap campaign, three days, especially covering the weekend period when Laura K etc have their shows, is actually pretty significant. Perhaps we should be asking what it's barged out of the news, immigration failure? post office scandal? blood scandal? ta-da ... all gone/reduced coverage!

Also pulling something like this out so early in the campaign lets them do the usual trick of "ok we've listened to the electorate and we'll adapt the proposals like this" and a chunk of people always go "hmmm, actually not so bad after all, in fact I like it".

Or could it be designed to turn a lot of people off the election altogether "hmmm that's such a stupid policy, Labour are bound to walk it, I'm going to watch Euro 24 for the rest of June instead"

Just a theory I'm musing, may be nothing.

But I'll say it again, I really think a lot of this (calling the election now, national service etc) could well be a lot more calculated than people think and I'm not so sure that Labour will easily walk it ...
It's an interesting idea. After what virtually everybody would agree was a disastrous start to the campaign Sunak throws a 'national service' hand grenade to disorientate and deflect attention for a few days while he retreats to lick his wounds and consider what to do next. It's interesting that even Steve Baker claims that this wasn't a government developed policy but one invented by Sunak's advisers i.e. it was political expediency not a government strategy.
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Farage is and always has been a Russian asset used as a tool to destabilise the UK. Just as with Brexit, social media is being manipulated by bot accounts to promote his Reform business ... "Across the Reform UK supporting accounts, more than 3,122 follower accounts were traced to Nigeria"

His 'achievement' was to exploit the referendum caused by the internal Tory party power struggle to persuade a section of the public to believe that leaving the EU was in their own best interest, mainly exploiting their anti-immigrant and racist beliefs. That has cost the country £40 billion a year.
Now that same section of the public is falling for it again. Reform are offering populist (although largely nonsensical) policies that they know they will never have to deliver and again leaning heavily on the anti-immigration and racist sentiment to destroy the Tory party and give them a chance of future power.
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I just don’t understand how the national service will work? Where will be put them - is there lots of spare military accommodation around? What are they going to do? Do the charities want people who are made to be there working with them? How does it work if you have a normal job or uni with a weekend or summer job?

The future 18 years olds can’t even vote, so I hope others will give them a voice on this’s
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