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VIP Member
wragg handing out mps numbers to a man from grindr, two of which sexted back? and they think it was the russians? that whole party is rotten
He should be investigated by police. He himself has said he wasn't blackmailed, so he's admitting to compromising the security of MPs to someone he knew was catfishing him.
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VIP Member
I heard momentum are waiting in the wings.........
For people who want to reverse 'Brexit', and I hear them and I don't necessarily disagree, the earliest you can hope for is a second Labour term, about 5 or 6 years. It's pointless to bang on about it right now.

The first thing you learn if you have ever had the misfortune to study politics in further education is this: The Left always fragment. Once Labour get in it'll be chaos. Do I care? No, not really because as a white working-class straight bloke nothing will ever improve for me whoever is in power. Am I bitter? NO. I'm past being angry and upset ... :)
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member


Benefits claimants have always been the target, the public don’t need gov spin to know how much migration is affecting their daily lives.
I absolutely guarantee that the last 14 years of this utterly appalling government have had much more of an adverse effect on the public’s daily lives than migrants.
But let’s keep on punching down rather than look at who is really responsible for the mess the country is in.
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Any demands at odds with secularism should be dismissed. Secularism must be upheld at all costs. I was glad to see the Michaela verdict recently and think this should apply to a lot of other areas of society where certain groups think their rights to x, y or z should be accommodated to the detriment of others.

There are problems in religious schools in this country, especially Islamic ones. I think adding more religious practice to a school setting is detrimental.
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VIP Member
I don’t like the Tory party or what they’ve done but the previous Labour government sent us into a war under questionable circumstances which destabilised the Middle East and our own security.
The invasion of Iraq was also voted for in Parliament by the Conservative Party.
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VIP Member
Yeah, Gove really is a piece of work. He would have gone far in the ranks of the Gestapo. Not hard to imagine him running his own sub-camp. Gove would have been one of the particularly unpleasant types who weren't in it for the money, just for the pleasure of abusing people. Nasty little bastard. Good riddance. No doubt he'll pop-up again, I imagine he's got a lot of directorships and consultancy-work that pays very well. Cunt.
There's various clips of Gove out there tripping his tits off in the commons but no manufactured outrage about it.
Not to mention Kwasi Karteng at the Queen's funeral.

Imagine if that was Angela Rayner or Dianne Abbott.

Just shows how power works in this country.
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VIP Member
I had a feeling this has something to do with it. They've been banging on about inflation and the second it's gone down to a reasonable level an election has been called.

Just shows how shit things have been, he couldn't even hold out for another month.

They're like we've done one thing right, let's go!
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VIP Member
Investing in youth should’ve been done a long time ago ,if it’s a means to gainful employment in those sectors where it’s needed I wouldn’t have a problem with it ! There’s already thousands of young people volunteer with the likes of St John’s ambulance etc it beats hanging round st corners making a nuisance of themselves , if they were more gov support I think more young people would be up for training ,especially those from deprived backgrounds.
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VIP Member
Why do you think Labour are worth voting for? - I just cannot vote for them unless they come up with some policies and how they will be raising the money. I don't trust them. Conservatives are not much better.
But Conservatives are a bit better than Labour? Gosh. I wish people would just say that will ([probably continue to) vote Tory and not try to hide behind it being Labour's fault.
I don't blame Labour for keeping their cards as close to their chest as possible because the Tories will probably end up nicking them.
Or at least pretend to:


This is one of the money raising plans that Labour apparently doesn't have.
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VIP Member
Inheritance tax affects like 10 percent of the population, maybe fewer. Who gives a toss. The media seem obsessed with this shit.
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VIP Member
I think there will be a lot of people who will be disappointed when things don't change overnight.
At this stage I'd be happy with a government that wants to impose things rather one determined to actively make them worse.
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VIP Member
Just watching Mr Bates today at the inquiry ... goddamn that man is an inspiration, refusing to bow down to our corporate overlords and establishment. Top man. He reminds me a little bit of Dr. David Kelly who refused to confirm Saddamn had WMD's and thus help legalize the war in Iraq. remember him? Another quiet man. Of course that poor sod ended up dying (as did countless 1000s of innocent Iraqi's).
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Yeah the ulez thing is insane. I was down in London last week for the first time in years.

All I’ve heard about for ages is ULEZ!!!!
so I assumed it was going to affect me. I looked it up and it’s…exactly the same as the low emissions zone in the city I live in. And it hardly affects anybody. And nobody made a fuss when it was brought in. And loads of other cities have them and nobody made a fuss either lol.
I don’t suppose the city you live in has a white non Muslim mayor by any chance? That’s usually what swings it.
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VIP Member
Moley1 said ‘previous one made a better job of running the country than the Tory Party have done since then’ which is what I was replying to. Whoever voted for us to go to war should be ashamed, we should never have gone
I mean Labour outperform the Conservatives on almost every metric, such as the economy:

NHS waiting times:

School spending per pupil:

At constituency level wages are higher under Labour than Conservative:

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