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VIP Member
They’re done. Whatever they do now and whoever is in number 10 on the day of the next general election, they’re done.
I’m not hugely educated about politics like some on here, so I don’t comment much, but I personally think that there were always rumblings in the party to oust Boris as soon as possible. I absolutely believe that outside of his small circle there were many party members who were outraged at having this professional buffoon in charge of them.
I think there was actually quite a lot of support for Rishi, but the non dom issue and the backstabbing and duplicitous manoeuvres to get Boris out didn’t play well in the media, and people got nervous and went for Truss instead, thinking she’d be more palatable for the public. In the end, it’s the media that pull the strings, imo.
It’s amounted to complete destruction of the party, by the party in my view.
Only a scandal of massive massive proportions could stop Labour being the next government, and probably remaining so for some time to come.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
This is what annoys me the most I think - she said she wanted to cut taxes repeatedly and was warned that was a bad idea for the current economy, yet she was elected anyway by the party? To have a PM and CX that don’t understand basic economics is worrying and even more worrying that the Tories voted for her!!
In all fairness, even the Tories didn’t vote for her - it was just 80,000 of their most demented gammony members. Democracy eh? 🙄
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Chatty Member
I like Liz. She's got brass balls. So sick of wishy-washy nag-heads. Oh I can't do this ... Oh I can't do that ... Oh but you'll upset him ... upset her ... blah blah blah. Let's get some shit DONE already. Fuck SAKE. Oh but the Tories have been in power 12 years. Is that IT? Is THAT the Labour position? Well thank you very much. Cheers. Brilliant. A coalition with the Libs? Is that the way foward? Don't make me laugh. Time to sack-up. Get on board. Sorry to be so harsh ... sorry if my frankness affects your mental health. Time for some medicine. Suck it up.

Thank you for giving us a great example of the state of some of the people who are allowed to vote in this country. Many people think like Ndrangheta, they prefer slogans and rhetoric over actual substance. Either that or you are simply trolling, not sure which.
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We do like to give benefit receivers a hard time in the UK, some of that criticism is warranted. I was a single parent under a Labour government and thankfully they provided a lot of assistance with childcare costs, not sure if that still happens but childcare is the killer for most families. If Rees Mogg gets his way it'll be the workhouse.
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I honestly don’t understand Liz Truss at all. She’s banging on about things not working, things being slow, being innovative based on what’s been done before (FYI Liz: that’s not innovation) without acknowledging the Tories have been in power for 12 agonising years and are entirely responsible for the vast majority of the lack of success.

Does she think the public are stupid?

Also, she is completely uninspiring as a speaker and a leader. I don’t give a shit about the Tory infighting or what have you; she’s not capable of being a Prime Minister of the modern age. She is robotic, insipid and dull.
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
I will never understand how the offspring of immigrants can so fucking hateful about other immigrants trying to come here? People who attempt to cross the channel must be really fucking desperate in the first place.
Oh but don't you know Suella's parents came here and toed the line. They learnt English and assimilated ASAP. They are the good kind of immigrants 🤦🏻‍♀️

She's a horrendous individual.
Her speech was terrifying. We should have no right to protest and no right to seek justice elsewhere if we are failed by the British courts. I don't think people appreciate how scary that is.

The stuff she said about abuse of modern slavery laws is questionable too.
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
I think she is bloody awful, but her parents have a similar background to mine. English is their more or less a first language. So I doubt they learnt English when they came here. They were fluent already is my bet. Also many Asians from from our background ( and many immigrant backgrounds) tend to be massively socially and economically Conservative. She unsurprisingly (to me) fits right in to Truss's Tory Party. I do feel slightly uncomfortable when people say children of immigrants should be a certain way, because we have do many different backgrounds and places we come from, so we have little in common with each other. Immigrants can't be lumped together with having the same views just because they are children of immigrants.
Oh I completely agree - a person's identity should never mean they have to have certain political views and I hate it when people question why any ethnic minorities are part of the Tory party.
My issue is her categorisation of "good immigrants" and "bad immigrants". Migrants on boats = inherently bad people. Migrants who come here speaking English and with skills = inherently good. Whilst I appreciate the whole "best and brightest" rhetoric I also think we should make space for those who need or just want a fresh start. There are so many vacancies at the moment and such low employment, we actually need workers of all types.
Of course learning English is important, and lack of access to learning can be used to control and isolate women, but it's not always that easy and I don't think a person has to give up all of their identity to become British. That's very much not what the UK is about for me.
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Watching Liz Truss’ interview with Laura Kuenssberg. She’s so frustrating - just keeps blaming it on Ukraine and the aftermath of covid.

It’ll be a huge Labour win at the next GE at this rate.

Cutting the additional tax rate band is about making taxes simpler?! What a load of rubbish! Oh and she didn’t discuss it with the cabinet - it was Kwasi’s decision apparently- throwing him under the bus. 😂
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The Conservative party have absolutely excelled at weaving an almighty defeat from the jaws of victory.
Leaving policies aside for a moment; what a duplicitous, back stabbing, treacherous, self serving bunch they are.
They’ll be in the political wilderness for years after the next election, imo.
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VIP Member
Sorry, but sympathy is in short supply here. The Downing Street policy unit types have been notorious about coming up with plans for redundancies in the civil service, cutting services etc. Why did they think they were immune?
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VIP Member
I still don’t know how someone so thick has managed to get so far in politics. Oh yes, I do. She’s slept with half the men in the Tory party…
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Chatty Member
So, because he went to the top schools in the UK, that makes him less Black? What relevance does that have to his race? Does the fact that she went to Cambridge too make her less Asian? You can't champion social mobility as a party, and then spout such nonsense.

It's reminiscent of Joe Biden when he said "You ain't Black" to voters who couldn't decide whether to vote for him or not.

This BS liberal racism that only feels comfortable facing up to stereotypical images of races, because they like when people stay in their place and can be patronised and talked down to, is disturbing.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
She blamed Raab for writing that chapter 😂
Thats shocking. I had no idea Raab could actually write.
Bit rich that shower bemoaning the laziness of British workers when they’ve been serving in the Cabinet under the most useless, lazy bastard ever to hold public office.
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The Iceberg Lady meet KamiKwazi. A disaster of Titanic proportions. Given the freezing winter we've got lined up for us, it's fitting!

The Times isn't holding back either, Kwarteng sat there with a bottle of champagne was a nice touch.

Pretty safe to say even the centre-right leaning publications aren't even on her side, her party isn't on her side, the public isn't on her side.... That just leaves economically powerful think-tanks. Nice to see that the weight of most of country means nothing compared with that! 😒
Kwai kept repeating ' anti growth coalition' like a wind up puppet in the Commons. Doesn't really wash when the ' anti growth coalition' includes the Bank of England, the OBR, the IMF, most of your MP's and a fair chunk of the electorate!
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VIP Member
A couple of points about the mother of 7 children referenced above.

Nobody knows her financial situation when she had the 7 children. Like Rees-Mogg she may have been in family that could afford as many children as she wanted only then to fall on hard times due to separation, illness etc. and requiring the support of benefits.

Since 2017, means tested benefits in the UK are restricted to cover only the first two children in a family. Assuming that the mother had at least two children by the time she was 24 she won't be getting UC for any of the children born since then. The 'two child limit' currently affects around 400,000 families with 1.4 million children and by the time it is fully effective will cover 800,000 families affecting 3 million children.
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