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Well-known member
Give us a GE! We need to get that lot out before they cause even more damage.
Yes, I agree. I think the Tory party have burned through whatever goodwill / mandate they might have had from 2019. Time to have a settled government.
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VIP Member
I like Liz. She's got brass balls. So sick of wishy-washy nag-heads. Oh I can't do this ... Oh I can't do that ... Oh but you'll upset him ... upset her ... blah blah blah. Let's get some shit DONE already. Fuck SAKE. Oh but the Tories have been in power 12 years. Is that IT? Is THAT the Labour position? Well thank you very much. Cheers. Brilliant. A coalition with the Libs? Is that the way foward? Don't make me laugh. Time to sack-up. Get on board. Sorry to be so harsh ... sorry if my frankness affects your mental health. Time for some medicine. Suck it up.

Liz Truss is one of most easily influenced politicians going - she's the very definition of wishy washy. She's an ideologue who's had to surround herself with dregs of the Tory party to form a cabinet. The county is now being ran by the weirdo's who for years were kept at the very edges of the party and they have no mandate from the public to do anything they are doing - the membership of the Tory party are in no way representative of the entire country.

I sometimes I find myself wondering how on earth we ended up here and then I see a comment like yours, remember the standards of the average UK voter and it doesn't seem like such a mystery.

It all feels very 1995 to me. I can see labour doing another 97.
We can only hope!
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Like that grandad on QT the other day saying 'oooh I know the tories just crashed the economy but I'm not sure about this Starmer fella' be eating out of a bin and still voting blue in 2023 I bet :rolleyes:
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Ugghhh which factory are these pms and mps made in :mad: now truss is all "in the round" FML why do they all say it?? The fucking nodding as she speaks.... I want to know where their batteries are fitted, I swear they're all robots, programmed exactly the same.
Also why is Britain being governed by the media? We don't need reactive leaders. It's not difficult 1.make the correct choice. 2. Stick to it.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Why did she bother? Might as well have sent out a statement. She's saying the same thing repeatedly.
🤷‍♀️ It worked for Johnson. She should have just flung a couple of Latin phrases in, wanged on about the Magna Carta and reminded the interviewers that she had singled handedly saved Ukraine and the arsewipes who thought she’d be brilliant would have lapped it up and told us how stateswomanlike she is and what a fantastic orator our PM is. 🙄
  • Haha
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VIP Member
They’re done. Whatever they do now and whoever is in number 10 on the day of the next general election, they’re done.
I’m not hugely educated about politics like some on here, so I don’t comment much, but I personally think that there were always rumblings in the party to oust Boris as soon as possible. I absolutely believe that outside of his small circle there were many party members who were outraged at having this professional buffoon in charge of them.
I think there was actually quite a lot of support for Rishi, but the non dom issue and the backstabbing and duplicitous manoeuvres to get Boris out didn’t play well in the media, and people got nervous and went for Truss instead, thinking she’d be more palatable for the public. In the end, it’s the media that pull the strings, imo.
It’s amounted to complete destruction of the party, by the party in my view.
Only a scandal of massive massive proportions could stop Labour being the next government, and probably remaining so for some time to come.
I agree. I think the only thing stopping them from just calling an election and getting us out of this mess now is that if the opinion polls are correct and are replicated, the Tories will end up with something like 3 seats! I don't think that will happen, but if it does, that is the end of the most successful democratically elected political party in the world. For them not even to be the Official Opposition would be death to them forever. If there is a coalition that pushes through PR that is death to them forever too. They are clinging on in the hope that in 2 years time, their defeat will not be as bad. But I agree they are done. Truss could pull unicorns out of her arse and promise free ice cream for life and no one would believe her. Her leadership risks being shorter than the ridiculous overlong self indulgent leadership campaign that put her there in the first place!
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VIP Member
This Kwarteng fella is beyond useless, they need to force him out quick and do a huge reverse ferret. Otherwise there'll be hell to pay when we get that election "as soon as May 2024" :rolleyes:
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VIP Member
I still don't know why all these TV tory leadership debates are even happening?

We. Ordinary. Folks. Cannot. Vote.
Only party members can.

Especially when voting runs to early September. So are they going to keep up these debates week after week till then?

Why not just let the party get on with it and then let us know which dummy they've chosen for us.
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VIP Member
Truss comes across as an absolute fruit loop on TV.

Please her. It will be an absolute gift for Labour.
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VIP Member
.... A few days on we've still not heard how all of the £billions will be repaid, which is worrying. Mr HL and I agree that there have been a lot of allowances made, which were necessary to help so many people, and also help the economy. But it's all to be repaid at some time and where will it come from....
Here's a clue ...

It's suggested that crashing the economy to force massive cuts in public spending is a strategy. They want a 'smaller state'.

Was it necessary to make 'allowances' to help the richest 5%?

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I know some of us take the mickey and moan and gripe about politicians, mostly just to vent and get our frustrations off our chest, but I have to say in all seriousness Kwasi Kwarteng is to my mind the most dangerous politician in a position of power the UK has seen in quite some time. I've been reading some stuff about him and it's frightening. I can handle numpties like Rees-Mogg, Dorries etc ... but this guy, this is whole new level of incompetence/ego/mercantilism. :oops:
He’s a fucking weirdo alright. If a Labour MP had laughed all the way through the Queen’s funeral the press would have lynched them. I do love how it’s now an open secret that he’s been banging LT though. Graham Norton wasn’t even subtle about it on his show last night.
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VIP Member

As much as I want Truss gone, this is honestly the stupidest thing ever. Only two months ago the Tories had every opportunity to select Sunak as leader.

Truss hasn't suddenly unmasked and become incompetent, she's behaving exactly as many people expected and warned.
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
I like Liz. She's got brass balls. So sick of wishy-washy nag-heads. Oh I can't do this ... Oh I can't do that ... Oh but you'll upset him ... upset her ... blah blah blah. Let's get some shit DONE already. Fuck SAKE. Oh but the Tories have been in power 12 years. Is that IT? Is THAT the Labour position? Well thank you very much. Cheers. Brilliant. A coalition with the Libs? Is that the way foward? Don't make me laugh. Time to sack-up. Get on board. Sorry to be so harsh ... sorry if my frankness affects your mental health. Time for some medicine. Suck it up.

Yeah! Who cares if the economy tanks and everyone's miserable, just get shit done! Keep spouting the same ideology over and over without naming any coherent policies.

She's u turned once already, is sending ministers behind Braverman's back to lobby for looser immigration rules, but she's definitely going to bring back fracking... oh but only where theres local consent (i.e. nowhere but Moggy's garden).
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VIP Member
I don't know if anyone else caught the channel 5 debates about strikes tonight (Britain on the Brink Debate), but I caught a bit and a nurse was on and said that people who vote Conservative don't deserve to be resuscitated by nurses! She stated that she herself would of course resuscitate but I couldn't help but think her supervisor is going to having words with her!
She made a good point but chose a terrible way to deliver it. If she'd have said "conservative voters shouldn't complain about wait times" or something along those lines I'd be like yeah fair enough. As soon as she said what she said her point was redundant.
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VIP Member
The Daily Mail have really got it in for Liz and Kwazi now and are baying for them both. I said all along that she’d be a gift to the Labour Party, to quote Boris ‘totally fucking useless’. They must be kicking themselves that they didn’t pick Rishi. This may be the Tory version of the time Labour picked the wrong Milliband brother.
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