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I know lots of people don't like Charles because of his affair with Camilla, but I just knew he'd just provide epic lols! He wont be able to keep his gob shut listening to Truss! I hope he refuses to delay Boris's list of peers too, so there has to be loads of by elections!

And if they’d voted for Sunak would you have called them sexist ?
Well he was clearly the most capable candidate, so why would it be sexist to vote for the most qualified candidate? The Tories have sucked in UKIP and Britain First to swell their usual racist old bloke rump. Luckily Liz chose Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor, so instead of admitting that they voted for a dud, they can blame him. Even though they are joined at the hip and have been for 10 years.
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Levelling Up secretary Simon Clarke has said Britain needs to prepare for a new age of austerity and cuts to public spending.

The absolute irony.

There’s nothing they can cut from public services anymore without them completely collapsing. Guess we know what the plan is then. Take from education and healthcare until it no longer works and then say hey look we need private investment now. So depressing.
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I lost interest in the Tory leadership race once it was obvious it was between Liz Truss and Sunak. They had been with Boris all along so it was obviously going to be more of the same. I couldn't sleep last night so I was composing a letter in my head to send to my MP (who is Conservative) after the weeks events. I have never written to my MP before. After reading this I'm lost for words (again) with this Government.

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Just read about a school child pretending to eat from an empty lunchbox because they didn’t qualify for free school meals and didn’t want their school friends to know there was no food at home, hard to believe in this day n age people are starving in a country like the UK ….Meanwhile the Truss government continue to do their thing.
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There are a lot of talks of cuts to public services to fund these tax cuts for the wealthy. Surely we have to protest this? This bunch of loons have absolutely no mandate for this 😩
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Chatty Member

The Iceberg Lady meet KamiKwazi. A disaster of Titanic proportions. Given the freezing winter we've got lined up for us, it's fitting!

The Times isn't holding back either, Kwarteng sat there with a bottle of champagne was a nice touch.

Pretty safe to say even the centre-right leaning publications aren't even on her side, her party isn't on her side, the public isn't on her side.... That just leaves economically powerful think-tanks. Nice to see that the weight of most of country means nothing compared with that! 😒
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There was a cartoon in one paper after the 2019 election that had a Labour canvasser at a door saying ' why don't you racist bigots just vote Labour?' The same goes for black and Asian people. If you abuse Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel on the grounds that they are 'coconuts' or 'Uncle Toms' then you are absolutely saying that Black and Asian people are not allowed agency or are too stupid to know whats good for them.
If there’s one thing that the racist left can’t stand it’s a minority who is “guilty” of insufficient victimhood.

Kemi made an interesting quote in a LBC interview.

"I came to this country aged 16 and now I am standing for prime minister - isn't that amazing? I was born in this country but I didn't grow up here.
"That is amazing. And I don't understand why people want to ignore all of the good things and only focus on the bad things and use the bad things to tell the story."

Shouldn’t she be screaming Black Lives Matter at a grievance fest in London or somewhere, pretending that she‘s changing things. Instead of in the cabinet actually changing things. Jeez Kemi read Twitter! You’re doing this all wrong.
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A couple of points about the mother of 7 children referenced above.

Nobody knows her financial situation when she had the 7 children. Like Rees-Mogg she may have been in family that could afford as many children as she wanted only then to fall on hard times due to separation, illness etc. and requiring the support of benefits.

Since 2017, means tested benefits in the UK are restricted to cover only the first two children in a family. Assuming that the mother had at least two children by the time she was 24 she won't be getting UC for any of the children born since then. The 'two child limit' currently affects around 400,000 families with 1.4 million children and by the time it is fully effective will cover 800,000 families affecting 3 million children.
I had a baby this year aged 34. I waited until I had gotten somewhere with my career, bought a house, etc. Now energy bills are spiralling, my mortgage interest rate is likely to triple when I remortgage and who knows what will happen to my job if the economy falls off a cliff. I could well be on benefits in the future - you simply cannot say only have kids if you can afford them. Things change.
I know someone who wanted 3 kids, had 6. Her husband had to get the snip as she fell pregnant on every contraception going. Nothing is 100% effective.
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But there needs to be something to stop the crossings but no one has come up with an idea.
Really ?

The French offered to set up a processing centre in Calais so legal migrants would make their way to the UK via a safe route and everyone else would have to take their chances in Europe.

The UK declined - probbaly bcos they did not want to be seen to working with the filthy french. Optics too close to being in the EU.

The Tories have always lied about immigration - we always had control of our borders and the numbers of immigrants that came in and how.
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There are very few politicians worth voting for at the moment. Competent and charismatic - not much to ask for, is it.
Not bothered about charisma. Competence, compassion and honesty is what I want. A combination that's in even shorter supply.
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It's to encourage the best of the best to stay and work in the UK.

So far I'm pleased with what's been announced. My daughter and her BF will be buying their first house together and will benefit from no Stamp Duty. Workers will benefit from tax reduction from 25% to 19%.

I'm pleased that people going into care will only need a maximum of £85k and won't need to sell their homes.

Lots of encouragement and help promised to businesses who have new starters, in that the company won't need to pay their part of NI, thereby looking after businesses and allowing more into the workplace.

I'm waiting to read everything in the papers tomorrow as I can't remember everything.
Your daughter wouldn’t pay stamp duty as a first time buyer anyway unless the property price is very high.
the care cap of £85k has a lot of fine print and isn’t as good as they make it sound
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