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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Could be worse, you could have Corbyn as your idol. :ROFLMAO:
I know right?
Imagine supporting someone who wanted to raise the minimum wage, build more council houses, renationalise key industries, freeze the pension age and tax the super rich? What an absolute bastard 🙄
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This government doesn’t even hide its true intentions anymore which is simply to make the rich richer. And yet a sizeable number of people who have been and will be absolutely shafted by their policies will still vote for them.
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Removing the cap on bankers bonuses will do nothing to encourage the 'best of the best' to stay and work in the UK (and incidentally isn't interesting how the mostly highly paid people have to be paid more and more but others further down the ladder have to exercise pay restraint in order to prevent inflation). All the cap on bonuses has done is resulted in bankers being given massive annual pay rises instead of 'performance based bonuses'. The one supposed advantage to the cap is that it diminishes the chances of bankers taking ridiculous risks that could cause another financial crash simply in search of personal enrichment.

House prices increased by over 15% in the year to July 2022 and only recently has that rate of increase started to level out. The change in stamp duty will simply re-heat the housing market and price many first time buyers out.

The current rate of basic tax is 20% not 25% and will be reduced by 1% to 19% next year. It will save the average person £170 per year. The highest rate of tax is 45% for people earning over £150,000. That's being abolished altogether. On average it will save those people £10,000 a year. Half of the tax cuts announced today will go to the richest 5%.

I don't think the cap on adult social care costs was mentioned today was? It was announced last year and since then even Boris Johnson admitted that there is no guarantee that people won't have to sell their homes. In any case is it still going ahead because it was going to be funded by the increase in National Insurance which itself will be now be scrapped. So how is the Adult Social Care Cost cap to be funded? After all it was the Tories who told us that there was no 'magic money tree' to do things like pay nurses properly but now they pinning everything on hoping to discover the 'magic money forest'. The reactions of many Tory MPs and the financial markets seem to indicate that they think this is unlikely.
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I will never understand how the offspring of immigrants can so fucking hateful about other immigrants trying to come here? People who attempt to cross the channel must be really fucking desperate in the first place.
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Chatty Member
Good news: Rishi Sunak is not PM
Bad news: Liz Truss is PM

Wake me up when the next general election is announced, I’ll be hibernating in the Winchester waiting for all this to blow over till then :sleep:
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VIP Member
Can't wait for the day when a certain way of speaking, certain education, and certain circle of friends stops fooling the public into thinking some people are capable of running the country.
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Well-known member
I honestly don’t understand what the fuck is going on in the Treasury. Didn’t they sack their most senior advisor a few days ago? Good move, dickheads.

I genuinely hate the Conservative party. Bunch of loonies.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
I assume everyone else is now refusing to make eye contact, just in case they inadvertently agree to be next Chancellor?
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VIP Member
The latest health guru is Liz Truss. No one in history has helped so many people lose so many Pounds so quickly!
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VIP Member
Question: How did Liz Truss get into power and mess things up so badly?

A) She slept with lots of people - including the PPE professors who accepted her into Oxford.

B) She has dirt on lots of people - photos of sexual encounters between Jacob Rees Mogg and Diane Abbot perhaps.

C) She's a Russian plant.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
As you know it was either Truss or Rishi, and I certainly didn't want him - did you? Yes, I do think it could have been handled much better - as I said earlier, there's been no mention as to how and when borrowing will be repaid.
No of course I didn’t want him. I don’t want either of them. Choosing between Sunak and Truss is like trying to choose between herpes and gonorrhoea.
However, Sunak does at least seem to have a vague idea about economics and a sensible fiscal policy. During the hustings he actually predicted the clusterfuck that would occur if Truss was allowed to run with her economic policy. And guess what - he was spot on.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Tory MPs must realise what a huge error this was. Those that did the dirty on Penny Mordant had this coming mind.

I genuinely don’t think she’s cut out for the role. Just watched a clip of her and she had aged ten years in the last few months. I can see her struggling to get any of these cuts through and just resigning like David Cameron did saying she can’t support something she’s ideologically against.
But she’s not ideologically against anything - and for what it’s worth she’s not ideologically for anything either as far as I can see.
She used to be a Lib Dem and she voted to remain in the EU. You can’t tell me she has changed her mind on Brexit now she’s realised what a fantastic success it’s been? She doesn’t have an ideology. She’s a moron.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Thank you moth. It's disgusting. I admit I wanted Truss, but she's made a BIG mistake with her Chancellor. I agree with some decisions, but they've gone far too far too quickly. And I can't understand the need for it all. I've never heard any Chancellor give half a budget, IE not explain reasons or how and when repayment of debt is expected. They need to sit down with the Bank of England and draw up a sensible plan.
Im sorry, you WANTED Truss? Seriously why? She’s an absolute incompetent moron and you wanted her as Prime Minister? And now you’ve found out what her deranged ideology actually means you’re not happy?
I think he’s useless, but this is NOT just down to Kwasi Kwarteng- you don’t actually think that if there was a different Chancellor the “mini budget” would have been any better? However much the loons try to blame things on Putin and the war in Ukraine much of the current economic crisis is down to Brexit and 12 years of Tory government. They did this on purpose.
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I honestly can't believe the stamp duty thing, so soon after the last one and people are lapping it up. Only the same as help to buy meaning builders put the price of houses up, the stamp duty freeze will just see house prices go up accordingly. The only winners will be those selling second homes.

I am convinced these idiots are just doing what they want and slashing taxes for their mates because they know the jig is up so whoever wins the next general election will immediately be onto a hiding trying to mop this up.
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VIP Member
As you know it was either Truss or Rishi, and I certainly didn't want him - did you? Yes, I do think it could have been handled much better - as I said earlier, there's been no mention as to how and when borrowing will be repaid.
@Happy Lady , Truss and Kwarteng claim that their measures will encourage growth in UK GDP. It doesn't pay off government debt as such but the debt become a smaller proportion of GDP and therefore doesn't look as bad and encourages potential investors. The problem is that the almost universal opinion from economists etc. is that their measures won't encourage growth or at least not enough of it. It is also said that if you are going to borrow to generate growth you should do it by investing in infrastructure not by putting more money in the pockets of already rich people.

So if the proposed growth doesn't materialise then the government has only two choices to be able to afford the interest on the debt it has created (never mind paying it off); i.e cut spending or increase revenue. This of course means increase taxes or cut public services. Given that Truss has led on low taxation, the expectation is that this government would go for cutting public services. The problem then is that the amounts of money we are talking about means that cuts would need to be so extreme that they would make the last 12 years of 'austerity' look like minor belt-tightening. You can already see Truss and her ministers talking about 'efficiency savings', refusing to commit to uprating benefits and even reviewing the services that government provides.

There are those who believe that these drastic cuts in government services, so called 'shrinking the state' are the ultimate goal as they are they are one of the key aims of the right-wing libertarian 'think tanks' such as the Taxpayers Alliance, Institute of Economic Affairs and Heritage Foundation which are such powerful lobby groups in the UK and US and with which Truss is closely aligned. It is said that this is the reason that Kwarteng did not obtain the Office of Budget Responsibility analysis to accompany the 'fiscal event' because it would lay make this strategy more apparent.
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VIP Member
Therese Coffey is my MP.
She is also a lardy arsed, cigar smoking, pint swigging, homophobic anti abortion ….can’t think of a word.
And doesn’t give a damn about her constituents.
I despise the woman, and with good reason. I don’t care if she is Tory, Labour, or raving looney party. She is not fit to be an MP
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VIP Member
I was discussing the state of the government tonight and said to my hubby we need a GE and I intend to vote for Labour.

The Conservatives have always had the 'we're the safe pair of hands' tag re the economy but that has been blown out the window. If we're going to borrow a shit load of money and have the country in debt then I'm voting Labour because at least they spend it on us with the NHS and public sector stuff.

I'd rather they nationalised utilities rather than the railways though.
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