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VIP Member
Jesus no sun screen at all on the granny by the looks of it
Is she half pissed jumping around in a bra 😵💫😵💫😵💫
Whats the white patch on her boob inside her bra?
She is like a lobster. Skin cancer is no joke, they are all crazy.
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No offence to anyone from cork but between burps, Julie and recent Dublin castaway Larby, mother of the year awards will be quickly dismissing entries from that county 😂 they’re giving such a lovely place a really bad name 😂
I was only saying that earlier, they're giving us all a bad name!!!
Bloody disgrace they are, one week it's BurpyBurpspototoeskinfacefattyflabby the next it's Jules and if its not the two of them we've Randy Sandy, Supermom and Lizzie!!! Has any other county got them as bad!!!
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Why the fuck would you even post the child got sun burned surely she would know the back lash it would get here
She hasn’t a fucking clue
And I would suggest she buys some p20 or something on them lines that doesn’t need to be put on as much as other creams because clearly she is not capable of remembering especially on the first day

We have a white butterfly 🦋 🙉
In fairness I think the holiday is very sad and hard on the family without the dad and grandad
You can see it on there faces it can be emotional the Mam looks lost
What matching outfits do you think she bought for this holiday snap
Ffs the butterfly 🙄 Of course it’s hard on them with the grandad gone. I lost my fiancé and twins Dad when they were babies and the odd time they mention something about him we chat and make sure they know they can always be happy or sad about it. But when I see her getting Fionn to say stuff for the camera to do with his grandad it makes me so sad for him that her content is more important than putting her arm around him and looking out the window and talking about his grandad.
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Chatty Member
Where are the kids in this picture?
Is HL the all inclusive food and drink place?

View attachment 1170869
The poor crater in this picture resting his arm on the leg to get a bit of relief.
I’m so upset for him today, more upset than I should be for a complete strangers child. What hope does he have with that utter piece of crap as his mother. So upsetting
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Waiting patiently for tomoros reel where it’s another dig at her baby daddy and how she is the worlds best mother parenting “alone”
Mother's day isnt a patch on Father's day content. Remember during lock downs all Julies friends shouting Happy Father's day and hugging and kissing her a minute after midnight on Father's day :LOL:
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Imagine how much pain he was in! How she can even call herself a mother is beyond me. She hasnt a maternal bone in her body when it comes to that lovely boy. If it was Erin Rose she would've brought her straight away. Awful to play such obvious favourites.
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Yeah obviously he’s smiling now Julie cos you finally brought him to be seen after reading so many comments on here. You’re a fucking disgrace. I hope someone from Tusla is on to you. You’d probably give them the same attitude as the girl in the chemist as it might inconvenience you to look after your kids.
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So handy she got chatting to a nurse at the pool yesterday and Fionn was playing with her kid not a bother. Looked very different last night holding his arm🤔
I'm surprised the "nurse" wasn't a bit more proactive and maybe suggest a trip to A&E just to be sure. Nurse, what nurse ????
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Poor fionn, I know an adult that broke their collarbone and they said it was the most horrific pain they ever felt so I’m sure it’s the same for a child 😭 wait till this silly cunt comes on talking about it and playing it down and making digs at tattle like she doesn’t give a fuck.. the sad thing is she actually really doesn’t give a fuck.. absolute shame on her, she won’t stop till something more serious happens one of them kids
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Chatty Member
Surely despite her supporters. There’s no coming back from this. There’s no excuse. Regardless of her mother and Sean being there, she is their mother. She is responsible for those childrens welfare. If he fell off that wall, she was chatting into her phone when it happened. She left him to be settled by his uncle and had her large drink. She dribbled on about you know how boys are when the child was comforted by his iPad.
There is no way that child hasn’t complained since Saturday and chances are he was told it’s not too bad and stop complaining. Right or wrong, if my child fell I would bring him to be checked. If she was as worried as she claimed to be on Saturday, I’d be gone in a taxi to get someone to see him. I also find it very hard to believe a nurse or nurses would tell her she couldn’t have known. Show us your nurse buddy at the pool Julie. Let her back up your story. I smell 💩.

New thread title. Twins and me MeJoolie loves to hoolie rather than look after her kids by the poolie
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Lads sorry now but in other news that smelly dirtbag hasn’t showered since before she had her spray tan done back in Cork, what a filthy dirtbag. Nearly a week on holidays and hasn’t showered off her spray tan or washed her hair with all her Voduz products she brought with her. Scabby greasy cunt
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Amazing the first thing Julie does is go to reception to record the child injurying himself and probably filled out an accident report form. Couple of days later she finally takes the child to hospital for the liability she’s going to file as soon as she’s home. €€€€€€€€ That’s all the Haynes think of & she’ll sue the hotel now and Love Holidays for the child injurying himself. I’m sure fraudster Paula is instructing her on what ti do. They’re so concerned about the child they all fuck off to Rancho Texas for the day. They’re a holy disgrace.

Tea spill is extremely quiet today... little bit suss 👀
Definitely her or a group of Corkonians close to her. I noticed very select also about posting about Sineads curvy style. I answered loads of those question boxes naming Sinead and they never post replies. Plus I’ve messaged loads of times asking how they know Julie isn’t on benefits and no response.
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I knew there that there was something seriously wrong with that child and I am heartbroken to be proven right, all 3 of those adults should hang their heads in shame but we all know by now that they do not have any shame!
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Lads do ye seriously think Julie bothered with ehic cards for herself and the kids.. also the emergency department is in Arracife miles away from her resort, it’d probably take the full day to get the child seen to and if she doesn’t have that card she’ll have to put her hand in her pocket… shura aren’t they coming back on Thursday, so she’ll shove a couple of paracetamol into him until she can use the free doctor over here, God forbid she lose drinking or burning time sat in the ER!! Bad moms klub gold award recipient is Julie ya know!!
Which kinda makes sense of her calling the pharmacist a witch - she was trying to get medication from her and she was probably asking questions or wanted see the child, etc
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Frilly Milly

VIP Member
Is there any way of reporting this family, FAMILY, there are 3 adults not giving a shit about a kid.
Child burned so bad she couldn't seek help until the rawness was gone down. Sean in on it too when she was bringing food to the apartment.
So how can they be reported?
It's neglect and all documented in WOI.
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Swimming with dolphins 🤣🤣 Ahh it’s illegal in the EU you slow cunt nevermind it being cruelty to animals. Throw the chuckies off into swim with wild animals, Jesus wept has this one no cop on at all. You don’t get in the tank at all you fool, plus those children won’t be allowed in and it has to be pre booked separately. It’s a Dolphin interaction so you go in with instructors to the side of the tank and they have the dolphins doing tricks. I’d actually pay money to see her thrown in the tank to swim with the dolphins, she’ll be launched into the air and land over in Tenerife. Both fair skinned twins are scalded and poor Fionn has definitely injured his little hand but all she’s concerned about is where she’s getting her next drink. She’s an absolute disgrace, doesn’t want to waste a day at the hospital. Poor Fionn doesn’t look to enjoying this holiday at all, I wonder has he sensory issues or something?
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