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Chatty Member
I’ve done my first ovulation test today and it was positive, yay. But what does this mean? 🤣

We aren’t TTC until around April - I just want to be prepared and know my cycle. If we were trying now, does this positive result mean we would need to have sex now or in a few days?

I’m using the Ovia app and because I entered the positive result today, it changed all my ovulation days.

Both lines?
Yes both lines, it wasn’t a positive result but still 2 lines


Active member
Wow I can’t believe I’ve found a thread about TTC!! Me and my husband have been trying for just over a year now. We both have a child each from a previous relationship, took 6 years for me to conceive him. I think we need to book a drs apt because I can’t wait another 6 years to conceive

Also, has anyone else lost all trust in pregnancy tests? FRER and clearblue even gave me false positives in November and I’ve had so many false positives with cheap tests. I’ll never believe it until I see a digital confirming.

when did everyone go to the drs? We’ve been trying since October 2019
I didn’t even think it was possible to get a false positive!!

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Thank you! Think I'm still in shock, just keep laughing 🤣
Even better if you weren’t expecting it to have happened this time! Lovely news though 😊

Did you test early or miss a period? I’m due on next Tuesday and although I don’t think I will be this month I’m debating whether to test early or just wait to see if my period comes first haha


Active member
Hope you’re ok. When this happened to me my next period was a week later xx
Thank you, I’m okay just think it’s the initial going from being excited/happy to then bleeding etc the next day! Just all happened so quickly. Thank you for your reply xxx


VIP Member
So what happens if you get pregnant after the first vaccine, before the booster, but also fall pregnant two months after the vaccine. Is this considered safe?
Hi all. I’m reading this and hoping for some advice or reassurance as I’m totally all over the place re TTC at the moment. I came off the pill in July after 10 years consistently on the same pill (POP). I did not have a single period in these 10 years. I must also add I had an eating disorder (lowest weight was just under 7 stone) for a couple of years during this period so this might have had an effect on things. To date I have still not had a period or any form of bleed since coming off it (stopped July 31st). I contacted my GP in Nov for some advice. I had bloods and an internal scan both of which came back absolutely normal. My friend suggested using ovulation sticks which I’ve been using now for 6 weeks. Every day I had nothing until two weeks ago when I got a peak smiley face! We had sex about 5 times in 3 days from about 6 hours after the test and then 3 days later back to no smiley face. Until yday when I got another smiley face?! Still have had no period, how likely is it to ovulate without periods? Ive become v bloated in last few days but sure this is just after Christmas podge! Any advice? Should I continue with the Ovulation tests? Also must note I’m on the wait list for a fertility appt (i know it’s not been a long wait but GP said best to start the ball rolling) but obvs this won’t happen for ages due to C19 and I’ll cancel if we do happen to conceive! Any similar stories? Thanks guys 🙂 x

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Today’s my predicted ovulation day & for the last two months every time it’s got to this time of the month it’s like my boyfriend panics & gets into his head and just can’t have sex.
I don’t blame him but I end up really getting into my head, I’m nearly 28 and I just feel like time is running out. I know it isn’t but I feel like if I don’t get pregnant soon I’ll be 29 etc when they’re born or I’ll have problems carrying to term or my eggs won’t be good and so much stupid stuff.
I’m really sorry I just really needed to vent and get it out of my head and I didn’t really have anywhere else to moan. It’s so hard when all you want is to be pregnant and have a baby & things work against you!

I am genuinely so happy for everyone whose had their positives recently though ❤
This is the best place to vent!

When you say panics and can’t have sex, do you mean because he’s panicking about the future/having a baby, or more literally like the pressure gets to him in the moment?


Chatty Member
AF is now 2 days late! Starting to get more hopeful as the days pass! Trying really hard to hold of on Tuesday/Wednesday time when my period would of finished! Almost tested yesterday but talked myself out of it! I hope my bodies not playing games with me!!
Wow good luck! I know sometimes it's scary to test, but with you being late your test from now will be accurate either way. You've got more self control than me!

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
@Wishwash thats really useful information. I get why you’re so unsure too. Like you said I guess it’s down to personal choice but with it being such a new thing it’s hard to know the right thing to do if you’re a front line worker

Asty Gurl

Active member

I am on my first cycle of Clomid this month for weak ovulation/short luteal phase (6 days usually 😬). In the end it was my GP who prescribed although I also see an endocrinologist for other issues and he approved.

I want to be positive it will work but now the other issue we have is that my husband has apparently low morphology 😭(1.5%). He was due to repeat the test but they are no longer taking appts because of covid.

Has anyone had any luck with low morphology? The evidence I could find online is very controversial. A few places say we would need to go straight to ICSI 😳 the joys of dr google sometimes!

Hope we all get our bfp in the end, who would have ever imagined it would be so tough (well certainly not me!)


New member
I think that’s my q- I’m not too sure what counts as high or peak when reading these! This looks like it would be high to me definitely compared to my previous days tests but it’s still lighter than control so negative?
This is what mines looks like, it will say at the right hand side, high, low, peak etc. The one above peak was reading as low until I manually adjusted the colours to match what was showing on the test.



Active member
This is also me at 30 😂 feel like I'm not grown up enough yet to raise a whole human but feel like I should be doing it at the same time!!!
Haha yeah! Me too!! It’s such a strange time!! I guess you’re never ready until it happens! 😊 I definitely wasn’t ready at 30 for children, only in the last year or so, yet been married for 5 years so that’s all we’ve heard since 🙄 I would have preferred to have 1 last “big” holiday before it happens, but covid had another idea!!


VIP Member
I caved and done a cheapie... and got a positive 😭

We’re completely in shock, I really wasn’t expecting it! Still going to keep testing tomorrow and Tuesday to make sure but as long as AF doesn’t come on Tuesday I think that’s it!

Belle Amie

VIP Member
When I was using them, I didn’t get a gradual increase - just a sudden high result on my peak day. In the lead up to it I was wondering if I was actually going to ovulate because I assumed it would get higher and higher in the lead up.

The control line on the bottom one does look light though. Which app are you using? I used Premom and you had to get the box with the lines right up close for it to be able to read it properly. I always took mine in the same place, same time and same lighting too which seemed to help
I was trying to get the lines the length of the strip on the camera so it mustn’t have been picking up properly maybe.
I’m using the Femometer app cause they’re the strips I got but i think when these run out I’m going to try premom

I didn't get a gradual lead up. I was convinced I was going to see a positive line but on the day my app predicted ovulation my levels rocketed, they were high in the morning on the first test and even higher on the afternoon during my second test. I thought it would be gradual but I just had one day of high 😊
Thank you! I thought it would be a slow increase throughout your cycle!
I don’t know whether to start testing twice a day this weekend with it being 2 weeks into my cycle, if ovulation is as regular as my period here’s hoping!


VIP Member
Those with PCOS - have you tried any supplements? I’ve been researching about egg maturity and hormone imbalances etc, and have read that zinc can help with this, and inositol for period regulation, due to insulin resistance. Also spearmint tea has an anti-androgenic effect. Obviously I’m not a doctor or expert, but may be worth looking into to see if anything is right for you. I wish doctors would look into it more than they do, it’s an endocrine disorder, not just a fertility issue!
It’s definitely more treat the symptoms than the cause with PCOS. Very frustrating


You’re not selfish at all! If you want another baby you should try to do so, you’re not selfish one bit. Everyone’s TTC journey is different and has its own challenges. Sorry to read what you’ve been through. You’re in the right place if you want support x x

I really wish I came off the pill sooner. Each month my cycles have been different and each tww the symptoms have been different which is hard when symptom spotting 😂.

Hopefully it won’t be too much longer till your natural cycle comes back. Everyone is different and for some people it doesn’t take long at all x x
How long have you been off the pill for if you don't mind me asking? Sorry if you have already said this earlier!

Lulu Goss

VIP Member

Trying for baby no.2 in a few months. We didn’t really try as such for our first, he was planned but in a whatever happens happens sort of way! I want to be more prepared this time!

I have the Ovia app. When is it recommended to start folic acid? I only started once I found out I was pregnant last time.
I think they say a few months prior to trying. I read about it and started taking it in August then came off the pill in September (no positive test yet though). Starting it now would probably be fine though!

I read her blog and bought the supplements. I’m now almost 20 weeks pregnant at the age of 43. It I conceived within 4 months of starting the supplements. Good luck to you x
Sorry @Bwacac had a quick question about the COQ10 - in Luisa’s blog she says she took 3 of the tablets each day (900mg in total). I bought the same ones she mentioned and have been taking three a day too. Just noticed on the bottle it says to take one a day though... I’m guessing taking more won’t hurt but just wondered what you did if you don’t mind me asking?
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VIP Member
Wondering if anyone can advise about reading OPKs. Previously when TTC I used the clear blue so I didn’t have to read the lines. This time I’m using strips. I know that the line has to be as dark or darker than the control to be positive but when it gets close- does that mean anything or is a negative a negative and there’s just normal fluctuations? I should be ovulating round about now, if I do ovulate that is as im not sure due to PCOS and long cycles. Attached photo- today looks quite dark to me but it is still being read as low by the app. Also a photo of today’s test not in the app
