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Okay so I took a test this afternoon .. we’re pregnant! We’ll be looking at booking an early scan after previous early losses, the last one being a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. When is the best time to book one for? Obviously not going to book one yet just incase but if we get to 7 weeks is that a good time?


Active member
You could always get a cheap pregnancy test and double check no ? I know it’s early but if it’s unusual there’s no harm in trying.
Everything that occurs in your body in your TWW you think it’s a symptom even hunger pains 😂
It's so strange! But from what I've read implantation is extremely light and browny red blood, whereas this feels just like a very early, light period?! I think my body is just playing tricks on me; like it knows I'm TTC 😂 Thank you though; I'll keep monitoring it & see how long it lasts!


VIP Member
My period is 5 days. So I see it flashing day 6 this month. Last month day 7. Xx
I think that sounds about right and you would be ovulating between days 10-12 which makes sense for a short cycle. It indicates you have a decent luteal phase despite the short cycle


Chatty Member
It was my boys first birthday this christmas just gone and all throughout my pregnancy I made a thing of saying how his birthday and christmas will always be separate and never combined. My best friend got him a joint present, wrapped in christmas paper. It relaly peed me off, especially for his first birthday!

How many times a day do people do ovulation tests? This is the first month I’ve really concentrated on doing them every day and they aren’t showing positive on the days my app says they should be so I’m a little disappointed now and I know it’s silly as it’s the first month but I just wondered if certain times of the day are better?
Oh I hate this too!
ive always taken them twice a day. Morning then around 3pm.
sometimes I’ve got my peak at the 3pm one when the morning was negative. I’ve found the apps usually get more accurate at predicting ovulation after 3 months of using opks. They can still be a little off though sometimes.

Lulu Goss

VIP Member

Im Very new to this TTC as my first baby was conceived whilst we were using the depo injection.I’ve bought ovulation tests but I have no idea when to start using them. Do I wait for neatly the middle of the month or everyday?! Thank you in advance🤦🏻‍♀️
I started using them after my period had finished. I test at 1pm every day (got an alarm on my phone to remind me)!

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
I’ve heard really mixed things about the vaccine and pregnancy. Is it advised that you don’t have it when TTC? I probably won’t be offered it for ages yet but had already decided I wouldn’t have it while trying, but a friend has been sending me bits and pieces about how it’s safe for pregnant women.


New member
So my period still hasn’t arrived. I’m crampy on and off but I’ve been like that for days. Probably going to test tomorrow if it doesn’t show. Usually sore boobs has been my first symptom every other time I’ve been pregnant and I don’t have that this time. So I don’t feel like I am 🤔 I honestly have no clue what’s going on 🤣
Fingers crossed for you lovely! xx


VIP Member
I feel so sad today because I can defiantly tell my period Is coming, due on at the weekend. We’ve not really been sexually active other than they days I was ovulating both just so tired. So now I’m worrying it probs won’t happen😔.


VIP Member
I think I'll just have to take a bit more clomid. 1 pill/d for 5 days was too much, but now half a pill/day doesn't seem enough.
Last time I went to the gynaecologist, we didn't see a little egg preparing to jump, so I think I just didn't ovulate this month...

I feel for you. I negative test just crushes you, doesn't it...


Chatty Member
Hi, hope I can join you all?

Currently day 5 of this cycle, my first cycle since miscarriage (first ever pregnancy) in December :/ it took 3 years to conceive that one so hoping it doesn’t take as long this time! Xx
Welcome! Sorry about your miscarriage, hope you're okay ❤ good luck ttc x

Hi ladies. I think I’ve got line eyes. I posted a few days ago when I was in the tww. Unfortunately af came but it only last 1 and a half days. It was heavyish though with clots. Something about this cycle was different to the rest, I really felt like I could of been pregnant until af arrived. On a whim I took a test and I’m sure there’s a slight line in person but other times I look at it it looks like a shadow. Anyone else see it? Thank you In
advance xx
I can see something but not sure if it's faint positive or indent sorry ❤ If you've had a positive and then only a day of bleeding it could have been a chemical pregnancy xx

So glad yours was actually positive! It’s so confusing isn’t it. Here’s mine, don’t know if you can see it properly but there’s a faint line, even my partner noticed it (he usually doesn’t faint ones 🤣)

Yeah I’ve always been told pink ones are better and we’ve been trying for a year now and I’ve always used them but I’m stumped at the moment. I wasn’t aware indents were even a thing 🤣 I’ve actually had better lines on eBay cheapies but I haven’t given clear blue a try really apart from a digital to confirm. I’ve heard the blue ones are more prone to Evaps but they have good reviews so I’m gonna give them a try 🤣 when are you testing again? Fingers crossed it’s positive for you
I think pink dyes have bad indent lines sometimes and blue dyes are notorious for evaps so I think it's just pot luck sometimes! Good luck x
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Asty Gurl

Active member
Hi, first time posting but I was literally going to ask about this!

We have only been trying for 2 months but I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s (I’m 30 now) so I know it will be harder for me to fall pregnant anyway but all this talk of the vaccine affecting fertility does scare me.

If they are saying you don’t get the second dose until 12 weeks later and then you have to wait another 3 months after that to wait, that seems like a long time. 😢

I know they are saying all adults will be offered a vaccine by July. I don’t know what to do. I’ve read so many conspiracy theories as well which doesn’t help. But even without the conspiracy theories of “they are trying to depopulate the world” the fact is, it hasn’t been around long enough for us to know the long term effects.

Sorry, this was a long post and I’ve basically not answered the question 😂 I’m still undecided basically.

How many ladies here have had the vaccine/are happy to have it?
Hi just to say I hear you and have been debating with exactly the same thoughts. I work on the frontline so have already been offered the vaccine but haven't had it yet as I can't make up my mind. I also have pcos and husband has infertility male factor too.


Active member
I’m so glad it’s not just me!! We were pregnant towards the end of last year and were meant to tell our families on Christmas Day with cute baby grows 🙈 this month I am going to try not to think about anything too much!! Famous last words 😂
I love the little heart sign you mentioned, keeping everything crossed for you!
Aww I’m so sorry 😞

keeping my fingers crossed for you too! 😘


New member
Hello! Sorry I can’t offer any advice as never had anything similar. But maybe keep testing every day to see if lines get darker? Keeping everything crossed for you! ❤
Thank you. I’m going to leave testing until next week. It’s taking over my life 😂 I’m so bloated tonight like I feel I can’t even breathe in 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Xx



Im Very new to this TTC as my first baby was conceived whilst we were using the depo injection.I’ve bought ovulation tests but I have no idea when to start using them. Do I wait for neatly the middle of the month or everyday?! Thank you in advance🤦🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
has anyone had any issues with coming off contraception?
My coil was due to be taken out in November and I called the doctors early September so we could start trying but was told the doctors aren’t taking them out at the moment (due to COVID) so I’ve waited until this week, called the doctors and the doctor is refusing to do them right now so was pointed to the sexual health clinic but there’s a 6 month+ waiting list

I’m at a loss of what to do and was hoping I’d be pregnant by now but the thought of having to wait another 6 months is awful
Working my way through this thread so apologies if you’ve already had this resolved but they should definitely remove it! I called my GP two weeks ago to make an appt for the removal of mine and a week later they removed it! Maybe try and speak to a different GP and say this is affecting your mental health x


VIP Member
So hard, isn’t it. I’m a teacher so not exactly the frontline but still mixing with lots of children and adults so it worries me!

I think I will just wait and see like Makeupaddict said and fingers crossed I get pregnant before July (which is when they are saying every adult will be offered one) as I definitely won’t have it if I was pregnant but if I’m still trying...I don’t know.

Thanks for the TikTok video Marymoo. Very interesting and definitely something to think about.
I’m a teacher too. What’s your school’s policy about pregnancy and Covid if you don’t mind me asking? Mine is saying that all pregnant women should work from home in all three trimesters, which in some ways I think is amazing, but the first trimester is scary, and surely means you need to essentially announce your pregnancy from the moment you get a positive test. I’m tempted to contact either a union rep or HR and find out the protocol but I was hoping I’d have been pregnant and out of the first trimester before we go back. Currently on my period and due back at work in 2 weeks so no chance of that!

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Guys I really feel like this month is our month!!! We got a peak on our LH tests this month and began taking prenatals. I’m 5 days away from AF and my boobs are so so sore!! I never get sore boobs before AF! Surely this has got to be it?! I couldn’t help myself but take a FRER yesterdat 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄 which was negative but I’m not letting that drag me down because it’s veeeery early to take a test anyway!
Fingers crossed for you!

The sore boobs thing always makes me wonder - I’ve got implants and had barely any actual breast tissue, I’ve never had sore boobs in my life! Wonder if that will change when I eventually (hopefully) get pregnant 😂