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VIP Member
So I was absolutely convinced that I ovulated this cycle and we timed sec perfectly for when I thought that I ovulated, and was expecting my OvuSense to confirm ovulation today and my temperature dipped so ovulation isn’t confirmed. I’m a fairly regular 28/29 day cycle gal, and today is CD20, so there’s no chance I’m yet to ovulate. Gutted.

Now I just want my period to arrive so we can start again!


Chatty Member
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, welcome back 🙂. I haven’t heard about baby aspirin at all? Interested to hear about it!
im currently taking vitamin D, zinc and folic acid. I was taking the coq10 that Luisa zuissman recommended but I’ve run out and don’t think I’ll bother getting more!
Thank you. So Apparently baby aspirin is often prescribed by consultants for people who’ve had recurrent miscarriages. (Don’t quote me on any of this because it’s all I’ve read the past few days on forums, Reddit, Facebook groups and google)
Apparently it reduces inflammation after implantation therefore helping everything grow properly and embed. Probably be best to google it as I’m not the best at describing things.
All I do know is so many people used it and kept their pregnancy and swear by it. I mean I can’t say it works and it’s definitely the aspirin. But I’m at the point where I’ll try anything now 🤣
I’m just a bit conflicted on when people take it. I’m told some people take it before ovulation, others as soon as they get a positive test.
I really need to research it more myself to be honest.
Coq10 is something I’ve been looking into too, it’s highly recommended on American ttc forums I’ve found, but some of the side effects people got made me a bit anxious lol. Do you feel it’s not helped you? Did you get any side effects?


VIP Member
Hi, I’ve posted on the thread a while ago about how I miscarried almost 2 years ago on Valentine’s Day and had horrible treatment from the NHS etc.
Today me and my husband have spoke and decided it’s time to try again. We have only used condoms since so don’t need to worry about coming off the pill etc.
I’m not using ovulation tests but I’ve downloaded an app about when I’ll be ovulating etc as my periods are like clockwork every 28 days. Wish us luck.
Good luck 🙂❤

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
I just got a box from asda. I’ve had a look at the Amazon ones and that sounds like a good idea and a lot cheaper too! Thanks 😊
Yeah they do work out cheaper I think. I’ve only just started using them this week but finding it interesting to see and hopefully more accurate!


VIP Member
How long have you been off the pill for if you don't mind me asking? Sorry if you have already said this earlier!

No not at all. I stopped in July and had my first proper period at the end of August. I was on the pill for 10 years. The last couple of periods have changed so they’re just really light spotting for most of it and two days of medium. So not sure what’s going on there.


VIP Member
Might have to invest in the clear blue one too then, that’s really interesting!
I have the clear blue ones and it worked the first time and aligned with the bbt tracking I did. I have tried using them again this time and not for me because I will have to do loads of tests due to a long cycle and the clearblue kit is like £20 for ten tests 😩
The receptionist said to tell me no further action from the doctor. They haven't tested dh yet though when they said they would. I'm just unsure what this means. I mean I guess it's good but with it being my first month Im unsure about the numbers if that makes sense.
They said the same to me but I requested an appointment anyway to discuss. I had some questions I wanted answers to and it turned out our next option was to be referred to the fertility clinic so if I hadn’t asked for another appointment I’d still be say waiting.


Just took a test at 8DPO, I know it’s really early but I’ve felt SO SO nauseous like puke in mouth situations (sorry about that) and since 5DPO I’ve just not felt “right!”
Is this the start of my BFP?
I can see it too. 🤞🏻 For you!!


I also have PCOS, there are so many options still. I'm currently on clomid, which is working quite well in terms of ovulating. Not pregnant yet though, but at least now I have the chance to get there. Before I took the medication my period wouldn't come through for months because I didn't ovulate.
Hang in there! PCOS is luckily very common, so there's a lot they can do about it ❤

I went to a fertility psychologist today and it was really nice. Definitely recommend.
Thank you 💕 I’m feeling a lot better about now. It’s really nice to hear from other people who have it and their stories. It’s hopefully given me the kick up the bum I need to get a bit healthier! I also didn’t realise how common it was so that’s definitely reassuring 😊


Chatty Member
Ah I’m not so sure if I have a faint line or not now. I’ve read a lot about first response having bad indent lines at the moment. 😫 now I’m doubting it.. I guess I should order more tests or wait a few days till my period comes 😬


Active member
I'm supposed to be in my most fertile days and set to ovulate tomorrow. OPKs are normally reading high - positive by now. They're constantly negative. After a late period last month, and a routine blood test that showed my folate levels were dangerously low again I kinda knew this was coming along with the fact I have severe folic acid deficiencies that isn't corrected by tablets it was only a matter of time until it affected my cycle. It's given me the kick up the arse I needed to go back to my consultant & fight even harder to be given my folic acid IV that I need but they are hesitant to give me. I'm gonna bow out for now ladies as I think my TTC journey ends here for now until I can get my levels back up. Lots of baby dust to you all x
Good luck. I hope you get the answers and help you need xx


Chatty Member
First post here hi all... I’ve recently been diagnosed with PCOS. Had a private consultation two weeks ago and decided to see how my cycles go for another month or two before I consider clomid or metformin as I think / thought my cycles had started to regulate in the last few months thanks to taking inofolic alpha. Come down to 32 days in November and 26 in December when last year they were between 40-80.
I had quite obvious fertile mucous earlier this month and we had sex twice (a day apart), and in the last two-three days I’ve needed the loo loads (usually like a camel and go twice a day!), my nipples look weird (i have implants and v little breast tissue myself so never really get sore boobs), have had a few mild cramps but nothing as strong as my period so I started to wonder hmmm could this be pregnancy. Haven’t taken a test’s my husbands birthday in the week and I was planning to take one in another day or two. I’m currently cycle day 34 so slightly longer than my last two cycles. However I’ve been to the loo in the last hour, I’ve got a light pinkish when I wipe. Not enough to stain a pad but definitely there each time I’ve gone for a wee (which is still every hour!). I’d started googling pregnancy announcements and getting my hopes up and now I’m feeling a bit deflated that this is likely my period starting 😞
Sainsbury’s local earlier didn’t have any pregnancy tests that I could see and I’ve missed the supermarket for today so it’s just a case of waiting to see. I’m not even sure if it’s worth taking a test tomorrow in case this is a chemical pregnancy? I think I’d rather just get my period and be none the wiser. I haven’t told husband as like I said I was hoping to maybe be able to surprise him on his birthday. Just needed to vent really! I had it in my head we’d maybe need some help in a few months but then started getting my hopes up and now I just don’t know what to feel!
Sorry to hear that you think it could be your period. I know its not much help, but hopefully in a few days you'll know. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you and your husband 🤞❤


Well-known member
8dpo today. Boob are absolutely killing me. Pretty sure that’s too early for it to be pregnancy related so I’m going to say my periods on it’s way😫
Comparing to my symptoms last month I’d say I’m out but we’ll see 😬
Can I ask you a question. What do you mean about your breasts killing you. As I am also 8 DPO and I’ve felt the odd times slight pressure on my breasts and a random tingling session. Is that what your experiencing ? As I wouldn’t say mine is painful. Every symptom I think it’s a possibility for pregnancy. Hehe


Well-known member
I love hearing all your stories, sending love to you all on your journeys ❤ I stopped my pill 7 months ago and still no sign of a single period yet 😞 blood test and internal assessment both came negative for PCOS. I’ve got an initial gynae video consultation in March. GP say they can’t do anything further to help. Suggested exercising less and eating more, I’m 9 stone (I’m 5’2 so this isn’t under weight) and do approx 45 mins brisk walking daily. Anyone else been in this position and any tips? I’ve been taking folic acid and the tablets Luisa Zissman suggested since October. Started ovulation tests in Nov and have had two separate ‘surges’ since then but have now stopped them as feel deflated. Feel under pressure as I’m 33 and no kids yet. Getting married next June but fiancé keeps saying “we are running out of time if we want one before we get married”. Don’t know what to do, any suggestions welcome! Thanks all ❤
Did you get bloods done to see if your ovulating and your hormone profile?


VIP Member
Trying to wait until next week (or if my period comes) still no sign. Don’t even feel like I’m coming on, usually get bad cramps the day before. My partner on the other wants to test ASAP but I guess he’s just super excited to be a dad again. Me it just fills me with nerves after all my previous losses. We got a faint on a first response at 9dpo but I think it was probably an indent (I posted it further up this thread, but the quality of the photo after I posted was terrible) and I’ve not tested since. Whatever will be will be I guess.
I understand, have everything crossed for you x


VIP Member
I'm guessing yes - I saw elsewhere that if you fall pregnant after the first vaccine you can't receive the booster and my colleague said she was asked if she was TTC when she had it or planned to TTC. I suppose the effectiveness of the vaccine may be reduced overall if you can't receive the booster until after your pregnancy/breastfeeding you may have lost yourinitial vaccine response and therefore either have the vaccine again from scratch or be unable to have the booster and just hope you had a good initial response 🤷 there are some vaccines that you can't "repeat" like your combined childhood vaccines as it would be considered an "overdose" but I have no idea if this would apply to the covid vaccine or not.

As you can tell I have been mulling this over and scrabbling around for data but theres just no black and white answer
My form I submitted for work asked if I was going to TTC in the next two months, it may be worth speaking to somebody and asking if you can get the booster sooner rather than later? Of course, easier said than done but it is such a mess wondering what is the right thing to do 😔