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VIP Member
I’ve used them the last 2 months but found I only get 1 day with a smiley when the pack says you’ll get 2 fertile days?. I’ve actually ordered some cheapies from Amazon to use this month so I can test twice as day.
Ah really, I got my hopes up when I read the reviews on Amazon with a lot of people saying it helped them in their first month trying to conceive. I have also been tempted by their fertility monitor but it’s so expensive!
Feeling a bit deflated as my period has gone AWOL!

I know not all cycles are 28 days, but I stopped my pill in December, had my withdrawal meaning this would be my first cycle without contraception. Based on 28 days my period would've started last Tuesday and despite having mild PMS symptoms (I've never really suffered thankfully) a couple of a spots, light cramps and a lot of bloating nothing has arrived.

I'm definitely not pregnant (I have tested).

Frustrated as I feel like I'm just waiting for my period so I can start my cycle again but now I'm paranoid I'm not going to get one at all!
have you tried the early clear blue tests? I felt pregnant with my first but the tests were negative. Bought the early clear blue one and had a positive on that! May be worth a try


Chatty Member
So sorry to hear that x

Chilling over Christmas sounds like a good idea. It’s always such a busy time anyway so it’s good to take some time out for yourself too
Thank you. Yeah I'm not going to worry about ovulation dates etc over Xmas but I'll be interested to know what happens with my cycle after the miscarriage. I'm never very regular so who knows.


New member
Trying to wait until next week (or if my period comes) still no sign. Don’t even feel like I’m coming on, usually get bad cramps the day before. My partner on the other wants to test ASAP but I guess he’s just super excited to be a dad again. Me it just fills me with nerves after all my previous losses. We got a faint on a first response at 9dpo but I think it was probably an indent (I posted it further up this thread, but the quality of the photo after I posted was terrible) and I’ve not tested since. Whatever will be will be I guess.
Any news hun? Still waiting to test?


VIP Member
Posted the wrong thing on the wrong thread.... sorry!
but thought I’d join as I’m in the TTC club too!
Been using CB OPKs since last month as I skipped a period (stressful time and lost a load of weight) so didn’t have a clue what was going on with my cycle or life.
I think I’m back to normal’ish now with a 35 day cycle (was 58!).

I had the strangest cycle this month though, I had all tell tale pregnancy signs and AF showed up... it was very painful, heavy and had a few clots period.... I’m wondering whether I had an early CP?
Can CPs affect your next cycle?

Thank you!
Its so frustrating isn’t it, I can’t believe how small our fertile window is! When teenagers in my school were getting pregnant at a drop of a hat I honestly thought we were fertile for 3 out of 4 weeks it seemed that easy.
Sending you love and prayers for your next cycle.
just noticed you on here KHMTID 😭
Happy birthday queen, we can do this. Get excited for the next cycle ❤
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Well-known member
Hi all!

Been TTC for over a year now (diagnosed with PCOS 2018) and I have been referred to the local hospital to try Clomid. Has anyone here ever tried it? All I hear about it is horror stories!


Active member
Yep I’m thinking positive and crossing fingers for all of us on our next TWW xx
Yes me too! I’m 10 dpo but negative test - could be too early though! I had a huge temp drop 9dpo and the went back up today 🤞🏼 will test again in a couple of days! AF is predicted to come on Sunday/Monday - but Although I have a period every month, when it comes is a mystery due to pcos xx


VIP Member
Thank you. So Apparently baby aspirin is often prescribed by consultants for people who’ve had recurrent miscarriages. (Don’t quote me on any of this because it’s all I’ve read the past few days on forums, Reddit, Facebook groups and google)
Apparently it reduces inflammation after implantation therefore helping everything grow properly and embed. Probably be best to google it as I’m not the best at describing things.
All I do know is so many people used it and kept their pregnancy and swear by it. I mean I can’t say it works and it’s definitely the aspirin. But I’m at the point where I’ll try anything now 🤣
I’m just a bit conflicted on when people take it. I’m told some people take it before ovulation, others as soon as they get a positive test.
I really need to research it more myself to be honest.
Coq10 is something I’ve been looking into too, it’s highly recommended on American ttc forums I’ve found, but some of the side effects people got made me a bit anxious lol. Do you feel it’s not helped you? Did you get any side effects?
Oh that’s interesting I will have to do some research on that too. I take google advice with a pinch of salt but it is good to read forums and others first hand experience. It’s really a rabbit hole isn’t it!

I haven’t had any side effects from taking coq10. I started it with the vit D and zinc when I caught covid over new year and think it really assisted my recovery actually as I had more energy. (Obviously I have no medical knowledge so not sure if it was but I’m convinced).


Chatty Member
Hope it's okay to join!
I have a little boy nearly 2.
Sadly had an early miscarriage at the end of September, finally got my period on the 24th November so this was our first month trying again! Thankfully the next 2 weeks are going to be so busy It will go quick and AF won't arrive for Christmas 🤞


VIP Member
Celebrate the small wins!

Really sorry to everyone who is out this cycle 😞 onwards to 2021 x
That’s it 😂 small wins indeed. It’s been really hard at predicting ovulation because it’s been late every cycle and late x amount of days each cycle. (Ive tried opks but awful at doing them because of work life and also used a whole pack before even ovulating thanks to late ovulating one month.)

best of luck in 2021 pray we get our BFPs soon x


Active member
This TWW is killing me!! All I can think of is announcing to my husband and announcing to my family and buying baby stuff and having a bump and sickness!!! 7 days to go 🙄😂
Me too 😩😩 I’m 6dpo. My period comes when it likes has been at 10dpo and 12dpo so I have. I idea how long I have left 🙄 hoping I’ll last the two weeks at least. It was worrying me when af was arriving 10dpo xx


VIP Member
Okay so I took a test this afternoon .. we’re pregnant! We’ll be looking at booking an early scan after previous early losses, the last one being a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. When is the best time to book one for? Obviously not going to book one yet just incase but if we get to 7 weeks is that a good time?
Woohoo congratulations ❤

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Ladies that have used ovulation strips, I just need a little advice I feel like even my control line is ridiculously light. Does this look normal or right?
Flo says I should ovulate on Saturday I don’t see it happening in the slightest though.
I went for an ultrasound yesterday and she was like a stone no inclination that everything looked right or not I just have to wait for the gp to call me 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hi guys!

Quick question, has anyone had a hysterosalpingogram to check if your Fallopian tubes are not blocked?

Just wondering what it’s like, I’m really anxious


Hi guys!

I don’t get normal periods so last month I took the pill and then letrozole and ovulated normally but didn’t get pregnant.
I wasn’t expecting a period this month, but it came a week later than it did last month without taking the pill/letrozole. Is this a normal period? Or do you think it’s just shedding? Had this happened to anyone else?

Sorry if this doesn’t make sense


Can I ask a bit of advice regarding PCOS? I have excess facial hair and a lot of hair on my stomach (sorry for the TMI!), I’ve really struggled with my weight since being in my 20s and since coming off the implant in June my periods have been a bit irregular (although it may just be my hormones regulating) I’m also not sure if I’m ovulating and if I am it’s really late in my cycle according to OPKs. I’d like to get checked for PCOS but is it as simple as contacting my doctor with my concerns and they will send me for tests? Just wondering if anyone has any experience with it at all x