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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
If you take your temperature before you get up, literally keep a thermometer by your bed and do it as soon as you open your eyes, if you track if you will know by your temp when/if you ovulate 😊
I never understood how this worked - so that’s basal body temperature? My app has a bit to log that but I didn’t know what I was supposed to be checking 😂


Active member
I can’t offer any advice as haven’t experienced this but sorry you are feeling stressed. I would suggest keeping a log of symptoms and speak to GP if it continues x
that’s my plan! I’ve logged everything on my app to help me remember. It’s incredibly light now so hoping it stops today. It if continues/recurs next month I’ll give GP a call.

I’m 8 weeks off BC and wondering (hoping) my cycles are maybe but a bit funnier than I thought


Well-known member
Really annoyed this month. We only had sex twice around ovulation. On actual ovulation day we just didn’t feel well. I don’t want it to become a chore but it feels like a month wasted. Oh well, there’s always next month
Omg same. Had sex twice and on the day of peak fertility I was not well. I was disheartened beyond belief. So I most likely won’t be pregnant this month.
Can I ask does anyone have an early short fertile window?
My fertile window starts as soon as my period finishes. I’ll see a flashing smiley for two days then the 3rd day I get a static smiley. Is this normal ?
I get a period every month but they are very short 22-24 days. Sometimes it will be 27-28 days.


VIP Member
My ovulation should've been around last Sunday. Today I'm feeling crampy and as if my period is preparing to come through. But my period isn't due till somewhere around the 21st.
I'm feeling conflicted, cause I want to be hopeful and think that maybe I'm feeling implantation, but then I think that might not be possible? Can you feel implantation? I'm so confused and tired :(

@Makeupaddict5 so sorry you had to go through all that. But good that they found the reason and that it's treatable!


VIP Member
The lines are really patchy so it’s hard to tell. I would say positive or very close to it. The ones that aren’t in holders like that are easier to read
Thanks - I’ve just ordered a batch from Amazon to arrive tomorrow as these are a bit meh! I had two yesterday with no lines at all 🙄


VIP Member
Doesn’t help that the feelings are quite similar (from what I’ve read) does it! I get stomach aches, bloating, feel very tired and headachey when I’m due on... but have read these can be early pregnancy signs too which doesn’t help!

I also had a random nose bleed the other day and was straight on google 😂 I am trying to be realistic and expecting that I won’t have fallen pregnant this month but it’s so bloody hard not to let yourself get carried away!
It’s so so hard! Scrutinising every little detail 🙈


Chatty Member
Any news hun? Still waiting to test?
So my period still hasn’t arrived. I’m crampy on and off but I’ve been like that for days. Probably going to test tomorrow if it doesn’t show. Usually sore boobs has been my first symptom every other time I’ve been pregnant and I don’t have that this time. So I don’t feel like I am 🤔 I honestly have no clue what’s going on 🤣


VIP Member
Aw congratulations! I think 7 weeks shows a blob alright. 5 wks is too early. I had a5 week scan and it showed only a yoke sac.


VIP Member
@Bobbleowl90 which ones are you using? I got mine off Amazon, they’re called Premom and come with an app. So you take a photo of the little strip and upload it to the app and it records your fertility levels/when your peak time to try will be.

So tempted to get mine to do one now too 😂
I just got a box from asda. I’ve had a look at the Amazon ones and that sounds like a good idea and a lot cheaper too! Thanks 😊
Today’s my predicted ovulation day & for the last two months every time it’s got to this time of the month it’s like my boyfriend panics & gets into his head and just can’t have sex.
I don’t blame him but I end up really getting into my head, I’m nearly 28 and I just feel like time is running out. I know it isn’t but I feel like if I don’t get pregnant soon I’ll be 29 etc when they’re born or I’ll have problems carrying to term or my eggs won’t be good and so much stupid stuff.
I’m really sorry I just really needed to vent and get it out of my head and I didn’t really have anywhere else to moan. It’s so hard when all you want is to be pregnant and have a baby & things work against you!

I am genuinely so happy for everyone whose had their positives recently though ❤
Have you thought about not telling him when your peak is so he doesnt feel as much pressure. My hubby hates such organised sex so I don't make a big deal out of it when it is my peak as one time it didn't work out well lol.


VIP Member
9 DPO today and having stretchy cm which I do not normally get. But mild cramping which does feel similar to pms symptoms.


VIP Member
I’ve done my first ovulation test today and it was positive, yay. But what does this mean? 🤣

We aren’t TTC until around April - I just want to be prepared and know my cycle. If we were trying now, does this positive result mean we would need to have sex now or in a few days?

I’m using the Ovia app and because I entered the positive result today, it changed all my ovulation days.

Ok so this is extremely bizarre but on I told my husband to take an ovulation test just because I was curious 🙄😂. Anyways a line came up?? How do they work? I know the line has to be atleast as strong as the other but I didn’t think It would have been possible for a line to appear with a mans wee
Both lines?


VIP Member
So although I posted the other day that I hadn’t had a temp spike and therefore thought that I’m not ovulating, the Premom app now seems to think I’ve had a spike and has added a cover line. However, I have those two rogue temps pre-ovulation, which makes me doubt this is a spike. Has anyone got any experience with this? I should add that I started using a different thermometer on jan 13th and I only started tracking a few days before that so I know I really need a full cycle tracked to be able to tell.



Chatty Member
Anyone know what happens when you change NHS trust re fertility investigations? I’m about to have my CT scan in a few weeks for my cysts, and then after that the doc thinks I’ll be referred to gynocology. However I’m moving 150 miles away in a few weeks!! Should I change docs and make an appointment letting my new doctor know what stage I’m up to regarding investigations, or can my current doc refer me to a gyno in a different trust (the trust I’ll be moving to) and then I can go from there?


VIP Member
I was in the same position last week, I didn’t think I would be but built myself up to thinking what if. My period was due on Monday this week and I took a test on Saturday which was negative. I was really disappointed even though we weren’t particularly trying last month so I wasn’t expecting it to be positive anyway!

I’ve decided now not to take any early ones, I was definitely setting myself up for disappointment with that last one.

Fingers crossed for you on Monday though! x
Thank you.
Yes I don’t think I am as I think I’m getting my usual pms symptoms so going to hold back from the tests, I’ve told my boyfriend to hide the ones I have in the bathroom!


Active member
My natural cycles thermometer has arrived - so been tracking my temperature, today it has dropped to 35.5! Surely that is too low?! It’s only day 5 of me tracking, but the others were 35.8 & 35.9! That’s only 0.5 away from hypothermia!
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Those of you who have had a MC before, how long did you wait until TTC again? I had a MMC at 8 weeks pregnant 2 weeks ago. My body feels okay now and im no longer bleeding or cramping but emotionally I’m still all over the place - ok one minute, overwhelmed with sadness the next, then angry, then guilty, then ok again! I know it’s very early days and hopefully my emotions will calm down a bit soon.
My partner and I really want another baby (our daughter is nearly 7 and im getting conscious of the ever growing age gap!) and he’s said let’s try again on my next cycle (if I want to). I do want to but I’m terrified of going through all this again so soon. This was our first MMC and hopefully our last but I just feel very anxious about the same thing happening. Obviously though even if we start trying that doesn’t mean it will happen straight away - we were fortunate last time it happened within 3 months of trying but may not be that lucky this time. Have others started trying again as soon as you can or have you waited a while?
I would phone and ask to speak to the doctor. The receptionist only reads out what’s written in the paper by the doctor. I had to do similar with my results as wanted a proper explanation and what it meant for us


VIP Member
Ah really, I got my hopes up when I read the reviews on Amazon with a lot of people saying it helped them in their first month trying to conceive. I have also been tempted by their fertility monitor but it’s so expensive!
Yes I was impressed by the reviews, they may work for you? I just decided to try a cheaper option this month as I spent a bit on the Luisa zuissaman recommended supplements too 😅