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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
@Bobbleowl90 which ones are you using? I got mine off Amazon, they’re called Premom and come with an app. So you take a photo of the little strip and upload it to the app and it records your fertility levels/when your peak time to try will be. I use Ovia too but I think this one might be a bit more accurate, it’s put my ovulation date a few days before the Premom one has (which is the one I’m logging my tests on)

Ok so this is extremely bizarre but on I told my husband to take an ovulation test just because I was curious 🙄😂. Anyways a line came up?? How do they work? I know the line has to be atleast as strong as the other but I didn’t think It would have been possible for a line to appear with a mans wee
So tempted to get mine to do one now too 😂



New member
Hi All 🙂

TTC baby number 1. Had my implant removed early October and been using OPKs since my first period and this month was the first month it confirmed a peak. Nov and Dec were always in the 0.15-0.30 range and this month it peaked at 1.93 with 0.71 and 0.73 before and after. Unfortunately never DTD on OVU day but 2 days before, god knows why we never done it. Do you think I should completely write this month off? Currently 4 DPO.


Chatty Member
Yeah my son was due Christmas Eve, ended up coming Boxing Day. He was my first so it was all very exciting at the time, however now he’s 6 he doesn’t like it. We can never schedule a party for the right time as most of his friends go away to travel for the Christmas period. His last party pre COVID only 2 people managed to come.(out of a class of 25). which I know broke his little heart (and we did that two weeks early to try and solve the problem, but December is such a busy time for people.
now with family in an other country we alternate traveling to them for Christmas and then coming to us so it just wouldn’t be possible now. It would be stressful, I mean it’s already a stressful month.
I still just can’t shake the guilt of it might be our month though.. trying to convince myself that giving my body a break will help me but I can’t shake the sadness 🤣


VIP Member
After writing off this month yesterday and hence my post, had some weird sticky discharge yesterday (like a ball of ewcm sorry to be gross). Figured it was random and maybe to do with being due on in the next week (if previous few cycles are to go by). This morning I thought ah maybe I’ll just use the last OPK in the box to get rid and see what it looks like on a day I’m not expecting ovulation. Got a massively high reading. 2.76 and much darker than the control line. We had sex last night but wondering if the high reading and/or ewcm is possibly due to being due on? Or am I just ovulating late?! So confusing! I’ve been taking inofolic alpha and my cycles have been 26-34 days the last three months since starting it and I’m on day 26 today!


VIP Member
Just took a test at 8DPO, I know it’s really early but I’ve felt SO SO nauseous like puke in mouth situations (sorry about that) and since 5DPO I’ve just not felt “right!”
Is this the start of my BFP?
Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻


VIP Member
I’m due my period in 7 days this is the first month we’ve really been trying for baby number 3. I’ve not been on the pill since I came off it when dd almost 5 was conceived. I’m very anxious and most probably will get my period. I was ovulating last weekend. When should I test? Or just wait for my period? With my other two I tested after my period was due so I guess I should do the same. Just so nervous 😬.


VIP Member
Omg same. Had sex twice and on the day of peak fertility I was not well. I was disheartened beyond belief. So I most likely won’t be pregnant this month.
Can I ask does anyone have an early short fertile window?
My fertile window starts as soon as my period finishes. I’ll see a flashing smiley for two days then the 3rd day I get a static smiley. Is this normal ?
I get a period every month but they are very short 22-24 days. Sometimes it will be 27-28 days.
What day in the cycle do you get the flashing smiley? I.e how long is your period

Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Wondering if anyone can advise about reading OPKs. Previously when TTC I used the clear blue so I didn’t have to read the lines. This time I’m using strips. I know that the line has to be as dark or darker than the control to be positive but when it gets close- does that mean anything or is a negative a negative and there’s just normal fluctuations? I should be ovulating round about now, if I do ovulate that is as im not sure due to PCOS and long cycles. Attached photo- today looks quite dark to me but it is still being read as low by the app. Also a photo of today’s test not in the app
I’ve been going by what the app says, but I’d definitely say make sure you take the pics in good lighting. I put mine on the windowsill in natural light as that seems to work. I had a couple of tests where it wouldn’t pick up the level at first, or said it was 0, but then I retook the test in better lighting and it picked it up.

I think it is natural for them to fluctuate anyway though (these are mine).



VIP Member
Hope it shows your ovulating! I didn’t ovulate until day 24 the month I got pregnant so don’t feel to down if you don’t see anything one day14
I don’t think I am as my cycles went from 35 days to 64 after I had my baby and seems too long for a ‘real’ cycle but from my internet searches it’s not impossible. Thanks ♥


Active member
Got mine yesterday too. It’s been 2.5 years for me trying for number 2 😏

I have my first fertility appt in a few weeks. Have you had any investigations?
2 years ttc for number 2 as well, I've had blood tests, hycosy all normal, husband has low motility so that's really the only thing, trying to get him to go for another test next week, see if there is any change since last year


VIP Member
Think I’m out this month, had a almost positive on a ovulation test tonight but not able to BD as boyfriend has just had the vaccine and feels crappy... last BD was yesterday. I’ll try again next month
I just had to look up what BD stood for 😅😂. 🤞 you may be ok if you still BD in your fertile window?


Well-known member
Has anyone here has low progesterone levels when they started the tests after a year?
They've asked to retest me on that as mine are low, I've just googled (I know it's the worst thing to do) and now I'm in a panic as it doesn't look great. Really really hoping next lot are okay.
How confident were you about your ovulation date? The progesterone test needs to be done midway in the luteal phase.

How many times a day do people do ovulation tests? This is the first month I’ve really concentrated on doing them every day and they aren’t showing positive on the days my app says they should be so I’m a little disappointed now and I know it’s silly as it’s the first month but I just wondered if certain times of the day are better?
Are you using the cheapies? Best to avoid first morning urine and I aim for 10am and 6pm.


Well-known member
I am not against having a vaccine.
I just don’t want it right now after 3 miscarriages and desperately wanting a baby. I don’t want to affect my chances. I sound silly but I’m happy as I am. But I do worry what if I’m blessed with a baby and after the first 12 weeks would I régret my decision.
It won’t be a while till my category comes along so I’ll just concentrate on my TWW.
Also I know two doctors who have had their vaccines done and can you believe they will not be getting their 2nd jab until April.
One of them was not happy that they had to take the jab as he felt he wanted more research into the after affects. ...he was pressured into getting one otherwise he could not work in certain places as they required the jab. He loves his job so he took the first dose. But it’s shocking they both work in the health sector and their next jab is April.


Active member
Hi everyone! Hope you are all okay! After a little advice or wondering if anyone is in same position?
I stopped taking my pill POP around 7 weeks ago, have had nothing since! No withdrawal bleed or a period! I’m not pregnant as I have been testing nearly every few days! (I really need to stop) TTC baby number 2, I can’t remember havjng any issues coming off the pill last time to have my son, however I was on the combined, not sure if this would make a difference?