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Chatty Member
My tests are still negative! I knew they would be but it somehow still stings. I’ve taken myself off social media for the time being as I can’t escape the baby announcements. I’m at that age now where it’s *everyone*
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11/12 dpo, BFN and now spotting (I always spot before period) so that's me out another month. I've lost count. Cycle 22 now? We are going to book a private IVF consultation. I think someone on this thread had a consultation in November and started IVF at the end of December so it could be quite quick? We will see 🤞🏻
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AF is 2 days late, I've not tested since last weekend when it was a bfn, but this is exactly what happened to me last month. After always being really regular, is it possible my cycles have just suddenly decided to change so all moved back by a couple of days compared to the past? Bloody hell being a woman really is hard work isn't it when you can't even figure out what on earth your own body is doing 😅
I’m exactly the same. 20 years of my life, periods like absolute clockwork, no PMS. I’d get a tiny amount of cramps literally as my period started but could pinpoint the day and sometimes the hour it was about to begin. Then since we’ve been TTC I’ve had all manner of crazy symptoms, late periods, pains, etc. I’m sure there’s something in it?!
Hi everyone, I’m in my early thirties and my partner is approaching 40. We had an early miscarriage a few months ago prior to that neither of us have experienced pregnancy before. We are trying again but I am absolutely obsessed. I lost my mum a year ago and that has really got me wanting a kid asap. All my friends have unplanned children and I’m struggling not to compare myself to them. I feel like I’m just waiting for this next chapter to begin. Really struggling with not obsessing over trying to conceive and actually live in the present.
Could have written this myself, I’m in exactly the same boat, other than losing my mum - so sorry to hear that. It must add pressure. Sending love and solidarity 👍🏼🩷
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How many DPO are we testing? I’m sure last time I left it until AF was late but tested using OPKs before and they were darker than ovulation positives.

I’ll be 11dpo on Christmas Day so I’m getting my hopes up of some exciting news but then also thinking I don’t want to ruin Christmas Day and be disappointed if it’s BFN.
im testing 11/12dpo - purely because it’s the 22nd and I’m going to my hometown the next day and the first thing I’ll be offered is a wine and then it’s night outs every night for ten days. So I want to know whether it’s fine for drinking, vaping and merriment 🎅🏻

I get what you mean about disappointment but I’m levelling with myself by saying if I’m not this time then this will hopefully be my last single Christmas without a baby or being pregnant so I’m going to party party party
And if I am well it’s the best Christmas present I could have asked for 😅
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I’m 12DPO and been getting faint lines on cheap tests for the last 3 days, but they aren’t really getting any darker 😞 I’ve tried two different types and the lines all show up after 5 mins ish but are SUPER faint (see pic) and a digital just now came up negative. Just want to know either way so I can move on!
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Do you guys believe in signs? I decided to stop waiting for the nhs to finally start consultations as my reserves are super low and I don’t have time to waste. I put an enquiry in online with a local clinic, they didn’t receive it, I then tried to call them to start the process and the call cut out just at the point they were arranging a date. I figured signal must have dropped, drove 10 mins away and spoke to a different clinic entirely (I called the wrong number) and again at the point of completing the process the call cut out, this time with a sudden “you do not have access to this number” warning! Both times I was on the phone for a good 20 minutes before the cut out, it’s never happened before or since and I just can’t explain it. I’m starting to wonder if someone out there is trying to save me from making a mistake, perhaps I would be injured, or worse? I know I sound crazy, I just can’t shake the feeling that it’s been extraordinary difficult to get fertility help and I’m starting to wonder why.
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Sorry guys, back again, feeling super emotional and like I’m driving myself round the bend but I just tried one of the cheapo sticks seeing as they’re pink dye and what do you guys think???
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Chatty Member
Happy new year all!

I’m having such a lazy day after a late night. Cancelled my gym class and went on Instagram to see so many people working out which didn’t make me feel so good as I’ve just moped around all day. Someone who actually asked me out at the time when I had just started seeing my husband (so I turned him down obviously) and got married a couple months before me posted a NYE pic and his wife is pregnant in it. She looks amazing in it too.

Anyway I’m feeling sorry for myself today but know it’ll pass.

Sending baby dust to you all for 2024 💕
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I’ve attached the picture. Someone mentioned it on here so I had a look. Worth a try!
So it’s kinda doing it more often if you don’t know when your peaks are coming? Interesting
Had a super low day today. Just convinced that this month isn’t our month. My brain can’t comprehend that I wouldn’t know/have any giveaway symptoms. Which is stupid because last time I was pregnant (unfortunately ended in a loss) I had no clue.
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Does anyone else cringe themselves inside out when you hear the words ‘it’s my fertile window’ come out your mouth to your partner 😂😂 there is nothing romantic about actively TTC.
and then 30 minutes later you’re going at each other completely without passion but not completely unlike the London marathon 💀😂
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CD21 for me today - been feeling quite positive this month is our month, been knocked by a LOT of pregnancy announcements the last few weeks but still trying to remain positive and getting my hopes up. But now today I just feel like I normally do when AF is on the way 😭 I know that’s silly because I’m only 9DPO today so there’s still a chance implantation hasn’t happened yet but it’s going to, but can’t help but feel deflated.
I feel like this is just taking over my life at the moment and I need to calm down but every time I do I feel like something happens and I overthink again!
Decided not to test this month and just wait for AF!
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I’ve finished bleeding from my MC, still having negative OPKs this weekend but honestly I’m finding it so FREEING knowing I’m definitely not pregnant and also cannot get pregnant right now. Nothing to think about no sex to time no symptom spotting. It’s very nice to be relaxed 🥲
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Got our appointment intwo weeks. Last time I posted I mentioned spotting around ovulation time and it happened again this month. Never had it happen before. I've been takingmyo inositol ovulation support so I am wondering if its these helping my ovulation to sort itself out.
Been talking to my family about fertility history and my mum was told she produced little to no eggs and they did a d&c and became pregnant after that even though she was told she would need a lot more support in getting pregnant. I have a feeling this is what they are going to find with me as my ovulation numbers are never as high when I compare to other peoples.
Someone at work who isn't aware of my sitution made a comment about pulling my finger out and getting pregnant and I just had to try and laugh it off.
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Feeling slightly gutted at the moment - we are not actively trying, but also not actively preventing since October last year (if that makes sense), got news yesterday that someone close to me is 3 weeks plus whilst still on the pill.
This time last year, we really thought we'd have good news but still nothing yet :(
this! I could kind of deal with it before but the longer it gets the worse I feel. I am no longer on any type of social media because I’m sick of being triggered by it all!
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AF showed up for me today too. With a vengeance, it is so painful 😭

Going into my 4th month TTC. Honestly, I don’t want to sound stupid or offend anyone but I thought it would be much easier? I always watched tv shows that made out like if you had unprotected sex once, that’s it, you’re pregnant. I’m 26, my husband is 27, I naively thought “hmm I’ll probably get pregnant instantly, I’ll only buy like 5 pregnancy tests, I won’t need too many”.

Guess which clown is now buying a multipack off Amazon? Guess which clown is now religiously tracking her chart and timing sex and obsessing over BBT? Guess which clown now has health anxiety and is considering ordering a Hertility test but is scared of getting the results in case something is wrong?

Me. I am the clown 🤡
I could have written this. I literally said to the Hertility nurse that I had a video call with that sex education at school basically consisted of ‘if you even THINK of having sex, you’ll get pregnant’ when my reality seems to be a million years away from that!

I liked the fact that Hertility gave me an answer/a direction to go in. And it was sooo much faster than the NHS, I’ve been waiting a month just to get an appointment letter for an ultrasound scan. The biggest wait with Hertility was that I went through a stupidly long cycle when the test came and you test on Day 3. My results were back within the timeframe they said, which I think is 10 days. I had convinced myself they were going to tell me I was a doomed, dried up, eggless old lady. That wasn’t the results I personally had. Mine pointed clearly towards an earlier suspicion of PCOS from my youth that I never pursued a diagnosis of because my endometriosis was a bigger ‘problem’ to me at the time. The results were all laid out in a really easy to understand way, with an overall summary and a pdf copy of the results that you can give to your GP for your medical records. I was offered a free 10 minute follow up with a nurse which, like I said, was really helpful. I get the feel that, even if the results aren’t good, they’re really sensitive in how they handle that and can still provide some sort of ‘help’/advice. I realise I sound like an advert, haha, I’m not. It was expensive but I’m glad I did it. I needed the peace of mind. In May I’ll have had my coil out for a year, but it’s been a really tumultuous year so I can’t really say I’ve been trying for that whole year, but given that I can’t even get an appointment for an ultrasound scan in a building so close to my house I’m basically a neighbour, I’m clearly going to need to fight this one early to be in with half a chance of getting appointments before I am eligible for my state pension…
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I'm cutting out alcohol, fizzy drinks and trying to avoid processed foods this cycle. I don't mind so much as we have a big holiday coming up in 4 weeks so at least I will feel good for that and having the ultimate goal of hopefully getting pregnant soon helps too. Also, TTC life is so consuming. The big holiday involves being with extended family and I have had to check when I'll be fertile and have told my husband we have to DTD there whatever it takes. The thought of DTD with family in rooms nearby makes me feel funny but I really don't want to miss a month!
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Chatty Member
I was due on yesterday and have had PMS symptoms. No period yet. Last month I was 4 days late. This cycle I ovulated earlier so thought I'd be back on track. I'm doing the delulu thing mentioned above and not testing. I'm not hopeful but also enjoying the secret hope the longer it gets without AF.
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