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VIP Member
I actually feel really sorry for her.
I know weight is a battle, motivation is a battle, life is a battle, but honestly if I had fallen off the wagon the way she has id be inclined to call a halt to my constant posting/advertising.
Give insta a break until I find myself again.
I feel really sad over the whole thing tbh
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I don’t love the Daly dish but I’ll say this much. Gina is always honest about her weight loss/gain or when she is and isn’t doing SW. They released a food book last April & still daily and weekly use those recipes. Which are great I have the book, at least they ARE what they sell. Trisha is a big fat con.

3 screen shots of Trisha in the last 48 hours Vs (bottom right corner) the after she keeps sharing of herself


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Real with fitness

Chatty Member
I completely agree, I like the recipes on line with the S/W diet some great ideas and twists with good. But I can’t see how’s she’s doing 23,000 steps a day!!
Absolutely no way is she doing 23,000 steps a day... I walk a lot and it’s very hard to get to 20,000 consistently... I might do it twice a week... she’s def working hard plotting her every story to lull us all in for the announcement of her new reset book...
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Anyone who feels sorry for Trisha - this is a PR move. She’s caught out & has to make some admission of it before ‘Day 1’ tomorrow . Her post she admitted she has ate & ate in secret all year. Would you have known that from her ? No. She’s been pulling the wool over your eyes continuously being a sell out. This imperfect poor me Trisha act is only really an act - it wasn’t yesterday she lost her way or put on a pound.
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I laughed out loud of her doing her makeup🙈I think she’s gas I like that she doesn’t take herself so seriously and still uploaded it anyways even though it was a shambles. Not many of them other ejit “influencers” would do the same

I laughed out loud of her doing her makeup🙈I think she’s gas I like that she doesn’t take herself so seriously and still uploaded it anyways even though it was a shambles. Not many of them other ejit “influencers
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Allllllergic to her now. I got blocked . Her preachy post today, I messaged and said if it’s as simple as you’re roaring about, why couldn’t you do it in 2020?
This is to fool all those vulnerable overweight people who actually believe Trisha at the moment because they are Trisha right now too. Failed diets, secret eating etc. But those poor crators are harming nobody and not utilising the fraud.
her greasy orange face and shocking make up skills annoy me. Last week the garlic cheese chips were for ‘her mam...’ this week she’s eating them 🧐.. also if there was even a sniff of a weight loss this week there would be the ‘ I’m so sorry to big fat gappy teeth Trisha that this big fat gappy tooth Trisha didn’t love You ‘
Trisha fuck OFF away from the fridge girl
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I have done that in the past when I have been driving up to a drive through pretending im on the phone to someone and asking “ oh you want a Big Mac too hun” 🤣🤣 I’m no where near as fat as Trisha though but she def is a con woman!! There is no way she went to collect a Chinese tonight for “ Kelly” and not herself! I would have loved a Chinese tonight!
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Why keep 90% of your goals private. You might aswell say them out loud Trisha. Or are you afraid to be held accountable to them.
Open a public Instagram account based on weight loss and health...... then keep your goals private 🤣🤣 at the end of the week it won't matter what she says she achieved because whatever it is she'll say "that was my goal this week"
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She also gains weight across her upper back, maybe that’s why she needed the XXL in men’s because the width of it across her shoulders is huge, you can really see it in the pic of her with her back to the camera. All in all, she is just taking the absolute pis@. Three years ago she declared she didn’t want to be fat anymore, she is still fat. Everyone can see she is fat. Herself and her adoring fans are in complete denial.... it’s such a messed up little world of dishonesty. I’m guessing her followers also have issues around food and weight .. basically they are just a huge gang of people in denial. Nobody is saying the really truth. Sad really
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Wheres reality

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Trisha is notorious for not putting gifted on anything. Its very frustrating as she uses the ole " ah sure i don't be knowing these things down in the sticks "
Well guess what Trisha , im from the sticks too and you should be declaring .

Also therapy is only mentioned when its been mentioned here . Yet she swore on her mothers life she would never read here again after the first time .
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Isn't selling the idea of resetting just so unhealthy?! Its almost encouraging binge-eating... because those who buy into the whole resetting thing may binge more because they will think "sure feck it, I can just reset tomorrow / Monday / next week " ..... Trisha is actually indirectly encouraging really unhealthy eating patterns.
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Whatever about the raspberries, they are actually really low calorie and low sugar (les than 100kcal in most packs) but the porridge and peanut butter!! I bang on about it in this thread but she’s probably close to 1000 calories for breakfast alone. Unless she’s eating from teeny tiny bowls and we’re all wrong 😅
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Why does she pretend that she made that takeaway cheese garlic chips for her mam. Jeez like just say that’s what ye had for supper. It’s like the Chinese she collected for Kellie.
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There's a difference in the pics alright, plus she looks healthier and happier which is mighty. It's her journey and she's got to do it in any way she can no matter how long it takes. But stop with the lies and cover ups. Be honest about what type of journey this is. If it's a transformation then it's a slow one and very much a work in progress. Don't write books or do public speaking pretending to have it all figured out when every single day is either a struggle or a failure.
We all know Trisha won't get the ass she wants by sitting on the one she has, she needs to stop pretending it's us she's trying to influence and realise it's her who needs the motivation. Maybe if she accepted she's not a motivator but someone who needs motivation from others successful and transparent journeys she'd actually move forward in 2021 and not further backward.
You are saying what everyone else has said.
The difference is too tiny to be in any way significant. Its over a 3 year period. Its a joke
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Everyone I look at on Instagram Trishas follows them I mean everyone!!
And she DMs them all. Steph my life shared something the other day just showing something about edits but in the DM you could see Trisha had messaged her. She is a sad sad fat desperado who thinks all these insta huns are her friends. Yes I called her fat. She is. And she isn’t trying to do anything about that bar conning people so for the first time in my life I’m going to call someone fat.
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Chatty Member
I have to say I loved Trisha at the start. Loved her vim and vigour and her attitude.
She still has that but I feel like I’m now being flogged to, last night’s spotlight story was the last straw for me. I didn’t follow her to watch QVC. Sorry Trisha.
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Ok. So what is the 26 stone on her bio then for February 2018
I'm guessing 27 stone was her heaviest weight and she was 26 stone when she started the insta page? Bit confusing but that's my take on it. I don't think one stone makes a huge difference when you get to that end of the scales anyway tbh.

The porridge bowl is looking a bit smaller this morning to be fair. But what I find so bizarre about Trisha is she writes that post basically admitting she's been secret eating, not exercising and conning us all, yet she acts on stories like it never happened. It would mean a lot more if she actually came out and addressed it there too instead of shilling more revive active.
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It's quiet clear that she's decided she owes nothing to her followers and she's doing her journey going forward in a way that she believes will benefit her most. I applaud her for this, she needs tunnel vision to complete this journey and isn't capable of supporting anyone else as she struggles so much to stay on track herself.

BUT she still expects to make a living out of this, expects people to watch her stories, like and comment on her posts, buy her books, pay to attend her talks and use her links to purchase overpriced rubbish.
Reducing screen time in your spare time is a good thing to do but when it's from how you make your living it's equal to not showing up to work every day.
She really doesn't think through a lot of her actions.
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Big lock down coming this afternoon 5km will be back also!!
The gym is my mental health crutch... I'm so scared if it closes again... I use the pool

It literally is the only thing that keeps me sane...

Feel overwhelmed today ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sorry just needed to vent xxx
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