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VIP Member
Jaysus she must have quite substantial goals if she is keeping 90% of them private!... whats the plan? Worldwide domination?! 😆
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Active member
Why keep 90% of your goals private. You might aswell say them out loud Trisha. Or are you afraid to be held accountable to them.
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Almost there

VIP Member
The comments have me creased
Spam it’s everywhere! But it goes to show who there followers are..

When she loses weight she shouts it from the roof top. More proof about all her lying in 2020
That’s water she’s losing!! she can’t keep this happy clappy I love exercise and water and fucking walking every day of the bloody week!! She is on a burn out or heart attack watch it it’s coming!!

What has she done to her eyebrows!!
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Chatty Member
Don’t shoot me but I feel sorry for her... as someone who struggles with her weight and beats herself up everyday I see the signals. She is telling herself she will start today/tomorrow etc and she really hopes that she will. I’m doing that she is also giving herself permission to eat for another day or two. The unfortunate thing for Trisha is she is now in the public eye so she is under more pressure. It is easy I am sure to get lured by the freebies and to get sucked in. I really hope it works for her this time.
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Well-known member
And also saying she handed the responsibility over to someone else doesnt sound great!
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Well-known member
If she put down the phone she'd be flying it! What does she do all day?
I've four small children but if I was on my own it would be waaaay easier to do daily workouts, walks,meal prep etc. Trisha says she gave up Jacob's to focus on the weight loss but she's just avoiding weight loss!
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When she says “get up and get out the door for a walk” I’m like yeaaa I will not you lump. You’ve been piling on so much weight the last year and have the nerve to preach! I’m sorry if I come across mean but I find her the most annoying creature the last 8 months I say...!

She did a podcast with the wonderful Brian keane a few months ago and she saying that she felt like a liar for eating bad and now she will turn around and lose the weight for Christmas, I think she mentioned something about wanting to be 15 stone by then .... 🙄
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Does it make u feel better bringing someone down? Honestly I feel sorry for her none of us knows what goes on with others but some of your comments on here are so personal hurtful and vile :(
If she was honest there’d be no thread here. She’d have a page with genuine followers.
But a transformation page when the transformation of the person was into a QVC presenter. It’s all ‘ad’ or ‘af’ for all the same tat that we can see with the skinny Make up artists, spotlight, Emma mattress, platinum hair extensions, lanai blow and now dyson blow. To name just a few
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VIP Member
When she says “get up and get out the door for a walk” I’m like yeaaa I will not you lump. You’ve been piling on so much weight the last year and have the nerve to preach! I’m sorry if I come across mean but I find her the most annoying creature the last 8 months I say...!

She did a podcast with the wonderful Brian keane a few months ago and she saying that she felt like a liar for eating bad and now she will turn around and lose the weight for Christmas, I think she mentioned something about wanting to be 15 stone by then .... 🙄
I also find it extremely annoying!! Absolutely roaring and shouting at people to go out and exercise, drink water, eat healthily and she has just been stuffing her face for the past twelve months and getting bigger by the day. Its CRAZY
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She’s preaching to her viewers again today to get up, get the water, go out for your walk- what I find really annoying is how she can barely walk herself and eat well, and then thinks be giving orders for people to get their life together!! I just find that really annoying!! I’d be morto if I was her, I know wouldn’t have the right to be marching like that giving I’ve eaten good for what...a week and a half? After binging all throughout 2020. And wasn’t today her weigh in day?? She never said how much she lost??
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Chatty Member
I'm not slating Trisha for her considerable weight gain, we've all lost and gained over the years but as I've said before, it's different for us as we don't claim to be a guru or make a living shilling online. Her new Nike jacket is a mens XXL. I'm not an expert but I'm a L in Nike ladies, my sister in law takes XL in everything in Nike Womens and she is a decent 18. Trisha is deluding herself if she is saying she is is sizing up if she is in men's XXL, I don't know what size she is and it wouldn't matter if she didn't want to make a living off her lifestyle advice but she does so she needs to be open and accountable about her journey.
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I joined SW and my head wasnt in it so I was lazy with food/exercise ..I would weigh myself at home about 2 days before the weekly weigh in and if I hadn't lost anything in those 5 days I would kill myself running/exercising to get a loss on the scales.Weekly weigh ins are pointless.Water retention,hormones,constipation there are so many things that can influence weight in a week, much healthier to be consistent with diet/exercise and weigh in once a month.I've always said this.That 7Ibs could be back next week.
The reality is those 7 pounds and more went on over Christmas and she doesn't have the honesty needed to own up because then people would wonder why they listened to her roaring about not waiting until the new year to start.

Resets are often needed and sometimes it takes many failed attempts before starting the one that will finally get you where you need to be.
This reset will end up like all the others because it's still not genuine. She's too ashamed to admit what her weight is back up to now. She will only admit it if she manages to lose it and more.
If she can't accept herself and her current weight enough to own it now then she's not truly capable of resetting any time soon.
She's so caught up in follower numbers and sponsorships she feels she's got to save face by not admitting how hard this journey is for her. If she were half as greedy for a healthy body as she is for undeserved fame and freebies she'd be at target with a healthier mindset long ago.
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Well-known member
Trisha if you're reading here put down your phone and step away from the gram.

She's too busy promoting Spotlight and Revive and any other shite.... if she cooks meals for the gram she's probably eating them all. Step away Trisha! Concentrate on yourself not on every other distraction possible.

It's a bit sad at this stage, there is no weight loss, no transformation. It would be awful to see her back at day one starting again.

And why wait until Monday to start!? Start NOW.
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She lives at home with her mammy and daddy 🙄🙄🙄 at her age! Everything she does is sponsored or will be eventually. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was getting a substantial discount on those gym sessions. Good publicity for them but then again when there’s no results and your client is “resetting” every 10 days or so then maybe not.. She has all the time in the world on her hands as she doesn’t have a job either, plenty of disposable income from the sales of her book and every sponsorship she can get her grubby hands on, 24 hours a day seven days a week and she still can’t look after herself and she has the audacity to think she can lecture the general public/followers on health and fitness and her “journey” when she consistently lies about how she’s doing great and there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY, no sign of weight loss, no progress at all. She is a FRAUD.
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VIP Member
Had to come on after I saw this answer she posted .
1. Could she not have offered basic advice of calorie counting and cutting down 500-800 calories per day
2. Could she not have said gentle exercise or start walking 10 mins a day
3. What about OT that has a great plan and it’s FREE !
4 COULD SHE NOT HAVE MENTIONED HER OWN F&&KING BOOK!!! That has recipes and some tips
This woman is so lost ... she literally can’t do it by herself she hands it all over to a miracle PT . Exercise is only 20% of it 80% is what you put in your mouth !
She had learnt nothing in 3 years ! NOTHING. She is a fraud
Not to mention it's a bit insensitive to be telling people to hire an expensive personal trainer in the middle of a pandemic when so many have lost jobs! She's so ignorant it infuriates me!
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VIP Member
SW relies on the people who come in, lose half a stone to a stone in the first few weeks, and then play around with the same two pounds for the rest of the year, while they try explain away the two pound gain with one meal out that they had.

It's actually toxic.
you have actually just summed up SW so accurately right there. I actually screen shot this and sent it on to a few friends as this is EXACTLY IT!
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Wheres reality

VIP Member
Its just this need for validation. One message from someone and its the poor me send me non stop compliments grid post. Its attention seeking . Especially when she will talk about the 2nd book any day now .
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