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Chatty Member
At this point. I can't. I've read Trisha's latest twitter outburst and have finished part 1 of her response video. My brain is fried. I'm literally questioning myself.. Trisha is the master at gaslighting
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There's one good thing about Trasha, and it's that her acting is HORRIBLE. I couldn't sense one bit of sincerity in her apology. The only thing she felt sorry about was that her bank account was feeling the repercussions of her actions. She felt sorry for herself, because she has no power anymore, no one to back her up, particularly when the likes of Jeff and Gabbie attack.

Ethan and the crew are very present among the subreddit and fans, they know what the people want, and no one wants Frenemies back. I loved Frenemies, it was super entertaining, and even I don't want it back.

I heard that The Chicken Nugget was on her burner twitter account saying that frenemies should record one more wrap up show. She is so fucking sad. If she wasn't so repulsive, I might begin to feel bad for her.
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She’s so unintentionally funny omg


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Found this interesting - is she saying the new meds made her act in that way?

I think this is Trisha comparing themselves to Brittney... Could be wrong though.
Trisha is genuinely a psychopath. Everything must be about them. I'm 99% sure they have HPD rather than BPD or maybe in addition to BPD.
completely agree. Whoever you date/marry is a direct reflection of you as a person. For Moses to make Trisha his wife, tells me he is just as problematic as Trisha or he is soo insecure that he will settle for anything. Trisha is a hot mess and no way near having wife material.
Completely disagree with this. That is saying that every person in an abusive relationship is abusive as well when that simply isn't the case..
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Glad I've found this thread! I've always had somewhat of a soft spot for Trisha (annoyingly so sometimes), I think it's mainly because I have BPD too so I can see the patterns.

Anyway, what interests me more is how fickle the Internet is as a whole. Not even two months ago, Trish was on their 'redemption arc' and Gabbie Hanna was the villain. Now that GH is releasing her docuseries or whatever she's calling it, she's in everyone's good books and Trish is enemy number 1. Why can't both people be shitty at the same time? There shouldn't be a hero and villain. Both of them have done good things and also really awful things. Just because GH is releasing "receipts" doesn't excuse her from her own shitty behaviours and vice versa. (Mental health recovery isn't linear either, so while yes they were "redeeming" themselves in the podcast from the eyes of the viewers, but real life doesn't work like that. Again, same goes for Gabbie. I'm a big believer in MH explaining but not excusing behaviours and it's down to the individual to recognise and work on these things.)

I'm not sure if she's deleting the comments, but all of the comments on her episodes are singing her praises, no mention of Jessi Smiles in the comments (which it seems like she's leaving that episode to last? Poor Jessi having that hanging over her) etc yet Trisha's are all negative. Neither of them can take the heat, they BOTH have and are continuing to react badly to the situations they find themselves in. GH is rehashing old news about Trisha, the whole "were we or were we not friends" thing - saying that Trisha doesn't remember things therefore she's gaslighting? If I remember rightly, the time period she's talking about, Trisha was open about doing a lot of drugs. Does it make her exempt from criticism? No, of course not. But sometimes there is a bigger picture. Same applies to Gabbie, too!

Neither of them are very good at taking accountability, they're both trash imo. I think they're both squabbling over petty "beef", stuff that should have been left well alone AGES ago but they're both so caught up in themselves, that they have forgotten that real people are being dragged into this too.
See I had a soft spot for Trisha before this latest blow up. BPD doesn't make you lie about sexual harassment.

The internet doesn't love Gabbie. She is just deleting comments.

I think when Trisha started accusing Ethan of sexual harassment it was over. She is a liar. I don’t think she would have apologised if the internet took her side, she could have ruined his life with those accusations.
Also she’s changed her story from ‘this has nothing to do with mental illness’ to ‘it was a change in my medications’. BS. She lies so much it makes me sick
This. Her apology video (didn't watch it all) was it was my medication, I'm just like Britney which is fucking sickening.

He should bring her back but deduct 5% extra to make a point that she can't walk all over him and his staff. And his space. She calls herself an employee a lot, since when does an employee earn the same as their boss? Why not do:

Trisha 40%
Ethan 50%
Staff and Facilities 5%
Charity of Ethan's choice weekly 5%
No, he really shouldn't. Trisha is too dangerous at this point.
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trisha talks about having kids but i really dont think she wants any. i think she knows she will be a terrible parent, remember when jason got her a dog? she didnt even know how to take care of it so she gave it to her sister. trisha likes to lie about everything and will say things just to say things so her saying she is going to have kids should be taken with a grain of salt. plus, if she had a child, CPS would be knocking at her door in a heartbeat.
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^^she needs to control the narrative. I think she tries to make out like she has this amazing life but behind the scenes is online constantly. Can’t imagine how exhausting having all those burner accounts and her real accounts must be. I get exhausted from just from my instagram and twitter lol.
yep. Unpopular opinion here but I'm happy that Ethan released the last Frenemies podcast so that people can see it for themselves what happened between Ethan and Trisha and draw their conclusions about it. Because if Ethan didn't upload that last podcast, there would be more people probably on Trisha's side and it would be easier for Trisha to spin things in a positive light for Trisha.

Anyone watch the Gabbie Hanna video on Trisha?
no but I heard that Gabbie Hanna is using an iPhone with a cracked screen.
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i can't believe shes getting married wow she looks so happy i never thought i'd see the goes to show never know whats around the corner. yay go trish i hope the best for them
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I love Trisha at the moment especially with Frenemies (I hated Ethan before that podcast!), the last three podcasts have been amazing. Died inside at the whole Jeff Wittek interview, and Trisha apologising to Philip DeFranco for calling him fat and saying he's now a skinny legend and that she's a big fat cow. 😂

And I Love Moses is an absolute banger tbh.
the apology to Phil was so funny


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I think it might be sized up^^. Hard to tell as there isn’t someone standing next to it in that pic.
I thought Moses designed furniture so it did make sense, but just another lie! Wonder if he supports Trisha lying to everyone about it
He seems like he enables her! His TikTok account was liking comments about ethan and his fan basically being hypocrites. Imagine going against your own family for someone like Trisha? Both as bad as eachother
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I think if Trisha has a child/becomes a parent then she will peak again. I can see them becomingly a Jewish family vlogging channel with mukbangs still. If they don't become a parent I think it will be downhill from here. With a very messy public divorce.
Also has anyone noticed that Moses has put weight on or am I imagining things?
Great theory! I really hope that doesn’t happen.
I’m anti family channels for many reason, But Trisha is not capable of being a mother so thé thought of the child suffering and then being exploited for money is so gross.

How is her conversion going? I’m kind of sceptical if she’s even converting as the conversion process isn’t easy and what rabbi will take her seriously? Plus she still incorporates Jesus into her life.

They’ve both gained weight since being together. I think this is the biggest she’s been??
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Also she made Moses get rid of his cats that he loved because they were taking up too much time, they even gave a kitten to Shane and Shane's dog killed it... So basically Trish is the worst human.
Wait, WHAT?! 😢
It’s clear Trisha doesn’t like animals and that scares me.
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Chatty Member
there is a youtuber that has covered this Ethan and Trisha drama that said the same thing, I'm not going to name them here because, I'm wondering if Trisha is reading here too. This youtuber said that Ethan is just a little sneakier with how he does things.
Oh damn, I need the name.. I don't think he is as bad but he nearly is. Like the fact that he worked with someone who called his wife a cunt.. the fact that he worked with someone who fetishsised his culture. The fact that he worked with someone who is highly abusive... That alone is bad enough but then his work is platforming this person.. it's just insane to me.
This does make me realise why I get into toxic relationships because I'm in a toxic relationship with H3.
I like to think Trisha is reading here haha
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Im low key mad at Ethan too for platforminh someone so toxic. Completely shows he does no research whatsoever. If someone hit my brother in law I wouldn’t bankroll them for months?
Ethan clearly brought Trisha on for the money. And he quickly found out that not all money is worth the stress.

When Trisha called Hila a cunt and a bitch in front of Ethan, and he just sat there and took it, that’s when I knew Ethan is prolonging Frenemies for money. That incident really annoyed me because the men in my life would NEVER allow someone to disrespect their wife in their presence. Men like Ethan are called pussies where I’m from. Trisha has never been checked by a real man.
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wow, she really thinks he's the one who can't move on? ethan has moved on, is making good new vids. she's playing dress up and complaining about him to other people.

and i won't be able to give a recap this time, i can't stomach 1 and 1/2 hours of more BS...
She’s pathetic and in denial. One of the shocking things revealed from this interview was that she made 9 million last year from doing porn. Anyone who has watched her content knows that she is complete trash in bed. I was very shocked since she talks like she knows what she’s doing. Most of the men in her content look like they don’t want to be there. It’s actually embarrassing.
Also, based on her fast food diet, I wouldn’t be surprised if her kittykat tastes and smells like garbage. Moses was caught talking about this to that catfish aswell. Those of us in LGBTQ community know how much diet is key.
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sorry idk if this is too much of a graphic description - maybe against rules?

she genuinely uploaded a video of herself masturbating to their podcast (before frenemies i believe - without consent) to her onlyfans and sent screenshots of it to him on twitter publicly - again without consent, she has no leg to stand on. i never even knew that until know, but i have no idea how she got away with it.
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How do we feel about the engagement?
I'm happy for her!!

She has a lot of issues don't get me wrong and there's no excusing that. I don't think she's a bad person, I think she was just lost from being sexualized from such a young age, it became her personality! I think she just wanted to be loved and to be grounded, you can see the difference between the likes of Jason to Moses, she seems genuinely happy!
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