Trisha Paytas

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Haven't watched her in ages, but started watching her Jake Paul mukbang.

My god she's put on weight, she looks in her 40s and the acting to play the character with the fake laughs has been turned up to level 11.

She's not going to live very long at this rate, could just end up dead having lipo.
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I happened to once see a pic of her naked and her body is a mess, shocking for someone her age.

She has a pretty face but the rest is butchered.

A friend told me she sells naked porn style video's to her fans for extra bucks, and my disbelief was such she found a ss from google and I was saddened at her surgery scars and just body abuse. Tragic. It still beggars belief anyone would pay to watch that view, but kudos to her ig for having the body confidence, but it comes across as desperate for attention and money. I would do any job rather than sell my private parts on youtube. It's called having a little self respect ig!

There's also an awful side to her, I saw her on celeb big brother before she bailed and she was a mess, didn't look anything like she normally does and she fell apart at the seams and was just a really horrid person. Her fans were awful too, posting endless snake emoji's on other celebs insta's whenever someone said something to her they thought might be a bit off. Which she was instigating in the house, saying her fans would go for them if they said anything to her, and how powerful she is in that way. Stupid mare.

While I hate that Jake has seemingly been rehabilitated by shane's paid for adverts, Trisha and he deserve each other, I can't imagine spending time with two less likeable characters! *shudders*
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What have I just watched?! I had no idea she used patreon to do naked videos!!

Tbh she looked good in them, but didn't watch for long and I expect it's lots of makeup and good lighting. The real body I'm sure is in a real state.

I always got the impression she was way smarter than she's letting on. I did plan on watching cbb but she was out before I even had time to watch an episode!
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Omg lol I thought everyone knew, so sorry! Hope you weren't eating :ROFLMAO:

Oh wow the pic I saw she looked horrendous, boob job scars and lipo scars everywhere, tons of folds like the michelin man, great patches of brown discoloured skin and what looked like a tummy tuck gone wrong, and just extremely abused body with foods and surgeries etc She admitted on big bro to having loads of surgery on almost everything! :(

She didn't come across well at all on BB, she couldn't keep up much pretence and didn't maintain the glamour. She literally fell to pieces & was nasty to everyone. She'd snap at them and attack them verbally. She hated the games. She complained endlessly about everyone & everything, calling them stupid and dumb, then when she realized she was not popular, she tried to blame it all on everyone else and that they were all the problem. Nobody could speak to her, asking her to chill, without her freaking out and she would drag it out for hours. Plus she had ZERO filter. She talked of being a prostitute and other topics like it was a casual day in the office etc Apparently it's ok to do that if the guy is an a hole lol That reasoning! I think she just craves attention and will say and do anything to get it. She's so used to be adored that when she started to receive some shade she freaked out and left saying how much she hates the Uk :confused:

I'll never understand HOW she has fans. Never. She makes me feel dirty just looking at her. Recently she tried to get Colleen Ballinger to shade JoJo Siwa, without realizing those two are super close & JoJo gives Colleen advice on selling merch lol. Colleen got annoyed and said 'but she's a CHILD'. It made me laugh Trisha is not that smart. I barely watch much Colleen and I skim through vlogs hoping she'll improve, but even I know she is in JoJo's pocket. lol. Maybe she was hoping for tea, but that was never going to happen on camera at least! :LOL: In the end she gave up and said yep she's a child, in a disappointed way.

Trisha also got involved in throwing really bad verbal aggression at Colleens ex husband, she did a whole live video complaining that he had given Colleen's old engagement ring to his new wife. Apparently that stone had been inherited from his grandma. Turned out it was a different ring. But her fans were going crazy bombarding him, and this is ages after he's moved on. He had to stem the flow of hate by making a video proving the ring was different, when he should be enjoying his new married life! She just irks the life out of me. Makes me despair anyone would look up to her, she is not any kind of inspiration.
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l never understand HOW she has fans. Never.
Same! She's entertaining for a couple of mins, then it's all exactly the same! I was going to watch bb but she had walked out before I even had a chance to watch any!

She's now moaning about not making any money, all while driving around in a custom g wagon ($200k+) wearing all Gucci and staying in 5 star hotels. Her youtube stuff should have dried up ages ago!
I think this is the only thread we have on her.

Just watched nicocado Avocado's 30min video.

Apparently she totally agreed a date to meet up on a couple of years ago then just ghosted him and lied about it. That's the whole video in a nut. Her subs are falling now.
Deleted her h3h3 video that had 90% dislikes after he called her out on her fake photos and called him disgusting for talking about someonea body.

Released a new mental health video that's the same old bad acting.
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The kitchen floor breakdowns are losing their usual pull.
I think once she went after the vlog squad she lost a lot of support. I haven’t had a chance to watch her since James and Tati took over the internet.
I’m watching Nikocado now 🤭
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The kitchen floor breakdowns are losing their usual pull.
I think once she went after the vlog squad she lost a lot of support. I haven’t had a chance to watch her since James and Tati took over the internet.
I’m watching Nikocado now [emoji2960]
Yeah I'm just like "here we go again"

And she tried uploading an 1 HOUR video about her breakup with Jason? Nope.

Trisha knows she did Nick dirty by deleting her tweets and making him look like a deranged fan, then started laughing at this weight gain and bitching about him to drama channels.

Trisha is lucky AF this James Charles scandal has been keep the drama channels in overtime so they don't have time to discuss her. But knock off Anna Nicole is gonna get her comeuppance.
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That bloody kitchen floor again......SOMEONE GET HER ASS A CUSHION!! It must be numb.
Is she taking the piss.
Wasn’t this all talking about before 🤷‍♀️
I’m having major deja vu.

The only drama channel I’ve seen talking about her is Inabber..... I can’t watch that shite 🤦‍♀️
Trisha is probably the only person who would be pissed James is stealing her thunder.
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She's like a cockroach after a nuclear disaster, hanging on to life. someone flush her please.
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I’m angry at James Charles.
Could he not have left the straight boys alone until this bish was cancelled. I’m watching her blubbering on about Jason thinking... HIM NAME IS NICK, WE WANNA HEAR ABOUT NICK.

The worst part, she’s protected her tweets and tried to get sympathy with this OD story. This woman is disgusting.
She’s worried that being put on an involuntary hold will mean she won’t be able to do a reality show or adopt a kid. I’d be worried she’d be allowed to adopt FULL STOP.
Making her “mental health” story into some kind of sick drama to gain back some sympathy, it ain’t working.
I’ve never disliked her more than I do watching this.
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That bloody kitchen floor again......SOMEONE GET HER ASS A CUSHION!! It must be numb.
Is she taking the piss.
Wasn’t this all talking about before [emoji2368]
I’m having major deja vu.

The only drama channel I’ve seen talking about her is Inabber..... I can’t watch that shite [emoji2356]
Trisha is probably the only person who would be pissed James is stealing her thunder.
Ahhhhhhh I can't do it girl
@Oohthedrama Inabber irritates the tit out of me and after that Alfie Deyes video i realised he is spineless
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Ahhhhhhh I can't do it girl
@Oohthedrama Inabber irritates the tit out of me and after that Alfie Deyes video i realised he is spineless
I’m glad I watched it. It ignited my rage against that little troll. She’s vile. Jason Nash is another spineless twit but bloody hell hes a saint for putting up with that for so long, even if it was for content. (It was absolutely for content 😐)
Her suicide/hospital/section story is from about 28 minutes. If you can stomach it go watch, it’s worth it 🤨
The only thing worse than inabber is... no it’s actually just inabber 😏 he’s like a teenage peter monn
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Must admit, she’s my favourite train wreck to follow.

Usually have her kitchen floor meltdowns as background noise though, her face is gross (she reminds me of a busted up baboon).
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I have to admit. I freaking love this girl lmao. I’ve actually watched her since before YT. My mom and I used to watch a lot of the shows she was on. The first we saw her was on the Who Wants To Be A Superhero show and she was our fave. I love when she trolls the internet, but I also get she goes overboard sometimes and lets her emotions get the best of her. I don’t really care about YTers personal lives tho so I don’t really care about all that [emoji23] Her food smacking annoys the hell out of me, yet I watch them almost every time I eat? I just find her naturally hilarious even when she’s not trying to be. I think finding someone who truly loves her and her accepting she can be loved will benefit her a lot and I hope she finds that. I love all her food related videos/mukbangs, and it seems to be her kinda thing. I think if she did healthy ones most of the time she’d feel better about herself and could still do a ton of them without gaining weight. She said before that she thinks healthy ones would be boring? I don’t really get that. A giant salad would be a satisfying watch to me. Or trying new healthy/vegan foods. I don’t agree with everything she does, but I guess I like that she shows her true self/selves [emoji23]
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