Omg lol I thought everyone knew, so sorry! Hope you weren't eating
Oh wow the pic I saw she looked horrendous, boob job scars and lipo scars everywhere, tons of folds like the michelin man, great patches of brown discoloured skin and what looked like a tummy tuck gone wrong, and just extremely abused body with foods and surgeries etc She admitted on big bro to having loads of surgery on almost everything!
She didn't come across well at all on BB, she couldn't keep up much pretence and didn't maintain the glamour. She literally fell to pieces & was nasty to everyone. She'd snap at them and attack them verbally. She hated the games. She complained endlessly about everyone & everything, calling them stupid and dumb, then when she realized she was not popular, she tried to blame it all on everyone else and that they were all the problem. Nobody could speak to her, asking her to chill, without her freaking out and she would drag it out for hours. Plus she had ZERO filter. She talked of being a prostitute and other topics like it was a casual day in the office etc Apparently it's ok to do that if the guy is an a hole lol That reasoning! I think she just craves attention and will say and do anything to get it. She's so used to be adored that when she started to receive some shade she freaked out and left saying how much she hates the Uk
I'll never understand HOW she has fans. Never. She makes me feel dirty just looking at her. Recently she tried to get Colleen Ballinger to shade JoJo Siwa, without realizing those two are super close & JoJo gives Colleen advice on selling merch lol. Colleen got annoyed and said 'but she's a CHILD'. It made me laugh Trisha is not that smart. I barely watch much Colleen and I skim through vlogs hoping she'll improve, but even I know she is in JoJo's pocket. lol. Maybe she was hoping for tea, but that was never going to happen on camera at least!

In the end she gave up and said yep she's a child, in a disappointed way.
Trisha also got involved in throwing really bad verbal aggression at Colleens ex husband, she did a whole live video complaining that he had given Colleen's old engagement ring to his new wife. Apparently that stone had been inherited from his grandma. Turned out it was a different ring. But her fans were going crazy bombarding him, and this is ages after he's moved on. He had to stem the flow of hate by making a video proving the ring was different, when he should be enjoying his new married life! She just irks the life out of me. Makes me despair anyone would look up to her, she is not any kind of inspiration.