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Chatty Member
😂 😂 😂 Noticed that as well. Hi 🦖, we see you 😘. Wonder if Sammy has read through the threads?
i can pretty much guarantee she has! Big T has def told her about it, and I’d bet her curiosity got the best of her and she has for sure creeped. I can imagine her chilling in bed scrolling through comments nodding her head like “mhmmm. Mmmmmhmmmm. Yea you ain’t wrong girl”

we speak no lies, just facts, that’s why it hurts 🦖
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I really hate that she backhand complimented Jayden and I think it’s something she does to Jayden regularly. She does not love her children. They are just props.

I dont think anyone took these pics. I think she has it on a timer. if you look at the reflection of the glasses you dont see anyone there. She prob propped her phone up and is using the crappy pic quality on her kids.
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YOU ARE NOT FROM NEW YORK, you’re the worst type of Jersey girl that exists. Why does she pretend she’s a New Yorker? No offense but Staten Island hardly counts as one of the boroughs and she only lived there a few years before running back to Jersey in her “fluffy wuffy” boots.

Yea im curious about the crop top situation too
Does she just do that for her posts to look "cool"? Does she actually walk around wearing crop tops? Or does she just put them on for an instagram post and then wear a sweatshirt in real life? Either way its wierd. Either own it and wear the crop top and stop photoshopping and just own the body you have or work out and fix it if you hate it or just dont wear a crop top if you feel so uncomfortable that you have to photoshop it? Why live like this in some wierd half reality.
Absolutely! Don’t get me wrong, I am all about women of any shape or size wearing what they feel comfortable and good in but she CLEARLY does not feel good enough in her clothing with all the editing she feels she needs to do. I’m a size 16 and I am comfortable in my skin and the clothing I pick. There is nothing wrong with her body inherently, she gave birth to 3 children and it makes sense that her body isn’t what it once was but she doesn’t wear clothes that SHE feels comfortable in. She has an opportunity for a huge following of other plus size women to show them how to be comfortable in their skin but instead she refuses to admit her size (even to herself) and photoshops herself to be unrecognizable. She also dresses like it’s 2010 for someone who is so into “fashion”, she sure doesn’t look like it.
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She’s on Reggies live chatting it up in the comments. I had to get off after a few minutes of them talking about lesbian sex and scissoring and stuff. He was talking to some other chick, not Tracy. I couldn’t listen anymore and there’s was less than 20 people on. 🤣
So i listened to the ending of last weeks episode and she was a hot mess express. She mentioned that all girls from jersey are intersexual <--her words, meaning everyone has been with everyones men. LMAOOO bitch thats called a HOE, basically what you are. I have had a handful of men and none of them were ever with my friends or my friends friends. IDK WTF she is talking about. She made it seem like all we do is sleep around.

Reggie also mentioned to someone in the comments to calm damn and Tracy got really defensive asking whats the name because theres a guy named John stalking her.
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She was just on live obsessing on being perceived as old by TEENS and wearing a side part... and then someone said she was full of herself and the switch was almost demonic lol
She’s disgusting. She flashed on that person like an insane person. Told them to make their kids a PB&J sandwich, but some toys that plug in to use and called them ugly. She’s pathetic and childish.

Can someone screen record
Sorry I was working and not watching I just clicked and listened with my air pods in. Plus I can’t watch her talk like she has Bells Palsy with them fucked up lips. Lol
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Full of Baloney

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Her and her fkin Scorpio shit. Sorry if there's anyone on here with the sign. I know you're not all the same. Here big t why don't you post this shit because it fits you to a t.
I get so irritated by her obsession with her zodiac. I understand some traits of your zodiac do tend to fit the person for instance I'm a Taurus and I'm stubborn af. However there are other people in the world just as stubborn if not more and they're not a Taurus. I personally believe your personality and traits have a lot to do with your environment throughout your life. For instance take a Scorpio who was abused as a child and take one who wasn't they're going to act differently. I'm not anti zodiac I just don't get people who read so much into it because people are all different at the end of the day. I know not everyone will agree with me and that's okay. I'm not saying I'm right but rather just giving my opinion.

Happy Monday ladies. I'm hoping the bully episode is this week!🤣


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Full of Baloney

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Poor Jayden
It was funny the first 100 times she said it. We get it, everyone gets it, she's a handful. Get over it and stop making jokes aka talking shit about your daughter. Like dam. Could you be any more obvious that she annoys tf out of you. Not a week goes by that you don't take a jab at her. Tbh that second picture looks like you when you get triggered big t. Leave your dam daughter alone and go fix your face. Ya 🤡
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I don't know if it's still suspended. Either way at one point it was and she was driving them around. I think she neglected her kid's teeth and Julian's special needs. Let me ask maybe someone will know. If you have a child that is special needs are you required by law to get them intervention at a young age or are you allowed to do as you please?
I have 2 autistic sons.. in NY under the age of 3 the Early Intervention programs are free. BUT you do not have to accept the services they offer. My sons qualified for 20hrs of ABA, 3 x30 for speech, OT & PT (3x30 is 3 days a week for 30 minutes) I accepted all of it to better my sons early independence & communication. My sons aren’t deaf, but they both have speech delays.. one has dyspraxia & the other is tongue tied & lip tied. Having them in speech has been the greatest! They both know the most commonly used words in ASL as well.. Julian should be receiving a lot of speech & ASL classes. I can honestly say as a mom who is stuck home bc of ALL THAT THERAPY. I am rarely on my phone bc they are constantly having therapists in and out of the house, diaper changes & feeding in between them, just normal kid life. I literally don’t have a minute to sit..
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I can’t tell based on the wording if she’s saying she’ll never feel like just a mom or that she’ll never feel like more than just a mom
Whatever she's trying to say, it's still so corny. All of the other tattlers are right, she has gotten so much more boring. Every month worse than the last. Just imagine of she decided to take her life by the horns and posted about that journey....just imagine 🤔. I know a lot of the pics she posts are cringe but these dumb quotes are so much more worse for me. She tries so hard to portray this soft, meek and vulnerable persona. The actions don't match the words (or posts in thus case). 🤡.
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Someone commented on a vid and said “you’re not ghetto you never even stayed in newark” Tracy responded “okay but silly of you to assume I’m not dating someone from there” Why is ghetto an aesthetic and goal for these white girls from country clubs.....Tracy you’re so weird just be yourself. Not the self you’re ant to project, your true Hoboken self

I can’t even feel bad that she wants some validation, because it’s whack and the validation she’s aiming for is offputing. There’s nothing cool or cute bout white girls who need to tell people how “hood” they are. They dress their babies in fake designer and call it “my baby has swag” and they use the brown skin emoji knowing they are not brown:cautious::rolleyes: regardless if you paint yourself brown that emoji is too brown for you

she fits every box for the classic “I’m white but I’m black on the inside” girls who really are not “black on the inside” they wanna be but...that’s WEIRD and impossible LMAOO
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It’s nothing to be proud about that neither one of you are allowed to be alone with your children and need to be supervised when with them. So I don’t see either one of them admitting this. With that being said, Tracy will eventually slip up somewhere because she can not keep up with her own lies. We see this with her a lot, she constantly contradicts herself. Her videos and pictures are slowly telling a completely different story. Her live shows she was triggered and none of her “friends” came on to defend her. It’s hard to defend someone when you know the truth. Everyone has distanced themselves from her, and Tara has the kids ALONE, A LOT. Family Court in NY & NJ are open but not for in person, everything has been via video or phone... and ACS and DYFS has not stopped or slowed down either.

I wouldn’t put it past Tracy not completing classes or programs in order to get her children back. She doesn’t hide the fact that they are a burden to her, and this arrangement allows her to be the cool fun aunt/big sister instead of BEING THEIR MOTHER.

My heart breaks for those children, they’re paying a hefty price for parents who only wanted them so they can be on TV.
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She was just on live obsessing on being perceived as old by TEENS and wearing a side part... and then someone said she was full of herself and the switch was almost demonic lol
Yea she was talking all cute and sweet and someone said she was full of herself and another person asked where are your kids and she went off. Then went back to talking about hair and not wanting to be perceived as old and when she didnt get carded buying liqour recently she was upset and asked the cashier to card her 🤦🏻‍♀️ shes so worried about that but not her son learning to communicate it makes me soo sad
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shes a fucking bitch on this live lol shes in a mood
kids r with corey
apparently she went shopping with them to get him gifts, thats how much of a nice person she is
she says her and sammy r still besties
shes saying shes not mentioning the child support thing again
shes saying she signed up to be a villain on jerseyliscious and shes been bullied since.

she just got mad at some girl saying "you think youre a celebrity"
tracy FLIPPED out hahaha and also said "go give ur husband a bj before he calls me "

some of these girls on here are fucking dumb , these saddies

she said she has no time to make youtube she has too much going on
julians therapy etc etc LOL but she can sit her ass down on the couch and watch movies all day...ok
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On this ghost guys live she said she just got her lips done again yesterday and gets them for free because she does promotional work for her.....she’s addicted to it..she goes so often because her body metabolizes the filler...she’s trying to build up the filler her “work” was better before she had her lips done she squeeze her lips bec she likes the filler in the middle..she didn’t do them when she was married because she had no free time to herself she was a mom a slave and nanny to her husband
They look like shit. Complete shit. And I’ve never done mine but I don’t think you’re supposed to squeeze them like that.
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Chatty Member
Yes! I had to get off because it’s the same crap every week. Sex..... nobody gives two craps about her having sex, or anything. It’s not interesting. You’re 33 and have 3 kids, so you’ve obviously fucked before. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ In the beginning he was talking to some blonde girl who was telling some story about her relationship with some woman and was talking about how they tried scissoring and it didn’t work, and Tracy chimed in with how scissoring always works they must have been using those kid scissors.

What the fuck. Who needs to know this Tracy.

Then she was talking about her famous blowjobs and how she makes the whole dick disappear. After a while I was thinking why don’t you all just go in a zoom chat and watch each other get off. It was weird as hell and I had to get off. I regret being on and will never get on one of those again. 🤮
Its so odd! YOU HAVE THREE BABIES. You clearly laid on your back on three separate occasions to have them... we all know you have sex... Who cares! Ive been friends with my girlfriends forever, but they are comfortable talking about their sex lives, which is fine but I could never blast my husband & I's life between the sheets. not my thing and they talk nothing like tracy and jess. they act like highschool girls pretending to know it all
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