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Full of Baloney

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She’s just trying to show us she does spend time with them because she hAs ThEm 24/7.
It's her afternoon visitation. 🙄 lol. Tata is probably sitting in the car for her "show" for us. I love when she tries to prove stuff to us. Not buying it big t.
What are ya cooking for dinner hun? Frozen nuggets or pizza again?? Quick grab your plastic knife and cut up an apple and shove a banana in their hand for a pic to prove me wrong.🤣🖕
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Ugh since he doesn’t have a job according to TracyDiMarcoEps... Corey needs to get an iPhone and start a Dad tiktok. Start having fun and being genuine with your kids and build your own real platform that will make money... and have more FinAnCiALs than you know who. 😏

Lol please don’t hurt me ladies but.. in my opinion, Corey is not bad looking. I hate his hand tattoos and wish he stopped at the wrists but he’s not bad looking. I’ll even say he’s my type looks wise lmfao. If he would clean up 🛀 🧼 and step the fuck up while simultaneously using social media to his advantage idkkk, I follow a couple hot single dads on tiktok and they’re doing petty good.. even one who has a crazy toxic ex-wife. BUT get it together first because nobody wants a deadbeat dad unless your name is Breezy and you post angry faces with duck lips. Just sayin!!

Lastly, Tray take it or leave it but you could change your name to tracycatherine.. don’t keep Eps and don’t go back to DiMarco - it’s not you and it never was. Obviously your real last name didn’t feel right to you either and that’s okay. You don’t have to keep holding onto this identity crisis and playing a character. Get to know yourself and just be your damn self, you could start over too.

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The reason Tracy won't bring light to the threads is because she knows it's all facts and her little fan group would dwindle down to nothing. If I'm going to be honest here, I was her fan and was a little disgusted with how the beginning of the threads went and how people would talk and post her address. But as I kept reading I noticed more and more how much Tracy head is full of air and she has not a single humble bone in her body.
Giiiirl same. I found this place because I liked her and wanted to know what Corey did to her to get divorced.... And then I just couldn't follow her and her dumb bullshit. It's too much & not healthy. The vibe she gives is toxic. You reap what you sow
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Why are all her “designer” handbags so hideous? I rather carry around a garbage bag.
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Yeah I don’t see why Corey would say it’s true cause then it makes him look just as bad with the parenting stuff (driving under the influence, crashing, etc). He’s not innocent in all of it
I kind of believe John. If it was so fake,Big T would've had another live meltdown like she did last time saying her name was being slandered, how she is a good person and mother, etc. :rolleyes: That was just because "she was accused of cheating". Drugs, and CPS are very strong allegations. There is no way she is going to stay quiet.
I also thought about it, when Corey first had his kids after the separation, he would post tons of videos and pics of them together to show he is a good father. Even after their weekend together, he would say "I forgot to post..." At first I thought he was doing it for show to his followers, but I don't think he cares so much about social media. Now I feel he made those posts for CPS to see he is involved and active.
In every post he was always with Raven, her husband and kids. I get spending time with cousins and stuff , but sometimes don't you want alone time with your kids as well?
Although we don't know the full story of their lives off camera, everything John said adds up.
Maybe it's just me hoping for her downfall for being so nasty and arrogant, but I believe all this.
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Omg that video was so cringe
She went to bite her lip
Thought better of it but then tried to save it with a mini lip bite. And her lips are soo overlined and blurred with the filter it just looks like a hot mess a shapeless blob of lipstick behind a dirty camera lens thats what it looks like....if she just did her make up lightly like a simple eyeliner and mascara she would look so cute instead she looks like a try hard washed up joke
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Well Corey says it’s fake 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I have 2 simple theories....he’s not gonna confirm anything is true because he has the same
Mindset as Tracy with the whole “snitches get stitches” “u can’t be a rat” typa mindset etc.
Or what this “John” person is saying is bullshit..

who knows but it’s entertaining for a Friday 😂😂 cheers ladies 🥂 I feel like I’m in Aurora Teagarden typa shit 😂 🕵🏼‍♀️
All fake but Corey allowed him to follow him on IG. I want solid proof of all of this. I love a good story but give me proof. If not idc 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Update!!! I believe most of kinda makes sense! Like who would this John person be? A fan? A stalker? Making all this detailed shit up? Idk hard to believe he’s lying
Someone needs to message these to Corey and ask if this shit is true.

Kay fuck it I sent all the screenshots to Corey..asking if there’s any truth to this or if he can say this is all fake. We shall wait and see...if he even replies..
Check your IG - he removed me as a follower on my fake insta

But there HAS to be some sort of truth to all of this. It does make some sense
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Full of Baloney

VIP Member
She’s disgusting. She flashed on that person like an insane person. Told them to make their kids a PB&J sandwich, but some toys that plug in to use and called them ugly. She’s pathetic and childish.

Sorry I was working and not watching I just clicked and listened with my air pods in. Plus I can’t watch her talk like she has Bells Palsy with them fucked up lips. Lol
She gets so defensive and so easily triggered 🤣 a hit dog will holler!! That's why she flips because she knows it's true and can't stand being called out on the obvious.😅🤣
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The horoscope sexologist they have on todays episode just said scorpio men usually have "nice sized cocks"
Yes, because nature is just programmed to give ‘nice sized cocks’ to men born between October 23 and November 22nd 🙄. Well I’ve dated a Scorpio and he was just average so I call major bullshit!!
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Oh she went on and on in her live how she wishes “the community” Was more accepting bcos she chose cochlear but there’s backlash either way and she “has nothing but love for everyone.” This is immediately after she emphasized how Julian would not have deaf speech due to the intensive therapy SHE has him in/is doing with him 🙄🙄

Wtf is “normal”? She’s implying deaf isn’t normal! She’s ableist AF.

She also said Julian needs to see a behavioral therapist bcos he’s very aggressive. I think that may be part of why he is separated from the girls. It seems that he’s too aggressive with them (which many of you have pointed out). I really hope that as Julian gets older, he decides HE doesn’t want to be part of the hearing community and chooses to sign. Just as a FU to her. It’s petty but I’m in a mood after sitting through that toxic ass live and she deserves it.
The fact that he had no choice at birth to be deaf, and then his misinformed mother chooses to get implants for him and is forcing him to basically “get over being deaf” when there is no such thing. ASL is not a choice for someone who is deaf, it is a necessity. She is depriving him of a basic human right, which in my eyes should be illegal. Once again like I said in a previous thread, the surgeon should have made sure she understood 100% what the implants are. She hears what she wants to and makes up her own “facts”. Allowing a parent as dumb and delusional as Big T to make those kinds of decisions is asinine. She didn’t even give him a chance to experience life without them. She’s also setting him up for a huge disadvantage when trying to create relationships with people who are like him. How embarrassing will it feel to not “feel deaf enough” with other deaf people he meets because he cannot sign to them. Not every deaf person has the implants. She is a very strange woman. I have never heard of someone so truly uneducated or as delusional as her. Bizarre.
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She posted some girls TikTok in her stories about why people think it’s cute to be mean, to be rude. Is she that stupid she doesn’t realize that’s her on the nose?
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I feel like she's just stuck in 2005 with no desire to leave. She needs a make under and someone to smack her upside the head and say "stop being such a narcissistic selfish controlling nut job, you're astrological sign is not your only personality trait, and those who brag about how great they are in bed are usually total trash or are only good for hit it and quit it so knock it off. You have 3 kids who need a role model not a walking talking 'what not to do' guide book. Stop spending your day looking for reasons to argue and be mad at a world that honestly doesn't care if you exist and clean your life up."
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For some reason it’s not letting me quote you @ Full of Baloney but I think you may be on to something!

Her at the pizza place with the girls was so awkward.. vibes like a friend taking their kids out for a few hours to babysit. Her smile in the selfie from there was so fake.

ANYWHO.. I believe she posted a few days ago on her insta story she took the girls to that same pizza place. She was saying how the girls like their pizza how mommy does. I remember thinking great job on the healthy dinner again Big T (kids each had a big slice of pizza and large pop) but I thought eh everyone deserves a treat now and again. Then she posts being there with them once again... anyone know what the place is called? Maybe it’s close to Tara’s.. so she takes them for her “visitation” then back. Tracy has the vibe of that aunt you love seeing cuz she wants to be cool so when she visits she’ll take you for pizza and ice cream cuz she knows she’s giving you back to your parents after. But except ... Tracy IS their mom. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
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She pins that comment but blocks the person so he or she can’t respond to all the saddies. She’s pathetic AF. I legit think she’s pyscho. “iTs tHe ScoRpIO iN mE!” Shut TF up Big-T. I hope one day karma bites you hard in the ass so that you may be humbled! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🗣

She had a picture and said something about the vibe it was a man with a coat from mid body down it was Kanye. All I commented was Kanye and she deleted the comment
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Been here for a minute but hadda get a new account bc my username had my name in it 🙄 you guys got me nervous with the hacking lol buttt I’m hysterical at her insta story 😂😂 she posted someone’s TikTok video “this is how you dress respectful” & it’s a bunch of fineeeee men dressed in suits & dress clothes.... maybe she should take some notes 😂 those respectfully dressed men ain’t lookin at you trayy! Not in those tacky animal print dresses that don’t fit & boots that don’t zip

no shade at ppl who like animal print, I like it too, but there’s classy prints & tacky prints.. & she lovesss the tacky ones loll
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