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She leaves him so her mom can do the ‘homework’ with him. There’s no point in doing the work (therapy) but not practicing (the homework) when he gets home. She won’t sit her fat ass down to reinforce what he learned during therapy. That’s what Gigi is for. That’s why she’s leaving him there. One less thing for this trash bag to worry about.
Exactly! I mean do you really see Trash face sitting there trying to help him learn and sign and communicate? She would get frustrated and give up in under 5 mins. This is the same asshole that gives her kid ice cream for breakfast... you can see Julian is starting to pack on the pounds and it’s so obvious that she just gives him whatever so he will go away and leave her alone! You’re whining and trying to interrupt my TV show? Here’s a whole box of cookies, go eat them in the other room!
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Gigi taught Julian that if he wanted a treat (in her video it was a piece of chocolate) you say “thank you Gigi.” Corey was trying to get him to say more words, as well as associate words to people (and Corey isn’t the only one bc I’ve seen his sisters and nieces do it, too). Julian wanted the play doh, so he repeated what Gigi taught him bc he has no clue what it means and knew it would get him a treat/what he wanted in the end. Basically, he’s a parrot and has no concept of language at all.
Which is sad. He thinks “thank you Gigi” will get him anything. He’s too young and started too late to understand or know better. My heart breaks for that sweet boy.
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She's just a liar. That's all . She said it the AdULT oNlY living room and the kids no better not to go there. Everytime she gets called out she says it was just that one time. This girl LIES about everything and anything, and constantly gets caught up
Bitch there probably is not even a play room. Every video I’ve seen of her watching movies with the kids is the same scenery. Like not everyone has extra rooms and it’s literally not a big deal, but it’s stupid shit like that to lie about like no one is going to judge you cause your kids don’t have a designated play area. It’s a townhouse she lives in, not a fucking mansion. I don’t understand why she takes shame in the most normal things. I have two kids and we are still in an apartment and my kids are fine just playing in the living room.
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Imagine being such a loser with so much free time that you sit there asking and answering questions you wrote to yourself?? Fucking idiot!
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I don't know why this gets me, but it does 😭 the desperation 😩 some girl offered her fake coffin to Tracy, and some other delusional saddie jumped in and offered to go pick it up for her and bring it to her, like this other chick would just give it to her or something 😭🤣🤣🤣 wtffffff Lmao these girls are killing me it's really entertaining!
I really hope the person offering to pick it up is a Tattler and just offering so that they can take a photo of her IRL. 🤣
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That’s a lie the code was also here. 😂 Whoever posted it thanks for taking one for the team. You’re a real one.
The way these people are clinging on to a show that’s been over for close to 10 years now 🥴🥴. So desperate Z list and cringeworthy!!! If Tracy had tried to work hard to make other successes, she’d have new material to share with her saddies, not stale boring 10 year old crap. This is beyond pathetic. And baddie daddie??? 🤮 🤮
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So far only one person has defended her... Olivia follows realityashhole so she will see it as well!
Some people are saying it must be because she's going through a divorce. I'm not dumb enough to go comment and get blocked by Tracy lmao but I would say the pink one she was still married
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The comments on that photoshop place talk about woof 😬ppl are talking so much Trash how she’s mean to her followers and an overall mean person. Even her saddies are being slaughtered to filth in the comments. I give that person running that page props theyre a savage at responding to her saddies.
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No I think she thinks they look good because otherwise why would she go back and have them done by the same butcher for a second time I really think she has reverse body dysmorphia where she thinks she looks great when she really looks like a pile of shit.
And I’m not talking about her weight because I’m overweight I own that shit. I’m also doing an eating program and a plan and working out and watching what I do to trying to lose it you won’t see me photoshopping pounds and pounds and pounds off my pictures and pretending that yes I’m so naturally thin.
I’ve said this before. 💯 reverse body dysmorphia.

Also note how she said we have dedicated our lives to trashing her. I don’t know about you guys, but I have a successful career, a husband and find time to get my ass to the gym every morning. I don’t dedicate my life to her. I do however take pleasure every now and then reading things that are reality when people who are shameful try to lie.
Same sis 🥰

I think the coffin may be for some kind of Valentine’s decor. Who knows.

Hey T, if you gave up 2 hours of tv a week, or Tik Tok, you could have your son home with you! 💡it’s called being a MOM.

Corey sucks yes, but at least he isn’t screaming from the mountain tops how great he is. He keeps his mouth shut with the exception of some grainy ass videos a couple times a month.

Can Tattle get an app already?
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This is so sad. This is a child not a circus animal or a dog. What the hell kinda teaching is Gigi doing?
Right? I didn’t give me kids a treat for teaching them simple manners. This child has lost out on so many simple things from neglect! It should start at a very young age, you know, when you actually get on the ground with and play with your kids, they hear the parents saying please and thank you when asking the little child for something then the child will likely pick up on it. And when they get older sometimes you have to say “what do you say?” Before giving them something or after they’ve gotten something to remind them.

Julian was ignored. He didn’t get that attention and parenting. I know it’s not that easy in his case, but it could’ve been. If he attended therapy the minute he got those “ears”. And I’m so angry because your comment was exactly what I was seeing, like a dog doing tricks for treats ☹
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Dayummmmmm the tea is hot this morning

Yeah cause Brielle is the train wreck and not Tracy?!

(this is from a post in CB about Brielle and coreys post)

Multiple posts about Corey and Brielle on CB. And now Tracy is responding
“I only follow to see what a train wreck she is” lmaooo Tracy, your own saddies hate follow. Didn’t you recently say to someone “why do you follow club baddies or me if you just hate us?” Hmmmm maybe ask your own damn cult why they follow your ex’s short term love interest just to hate on her?
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Julian should NOT have to repeat dada ( which he clearly doesn’t want to) just to get some tissue !!!! I’m livid he’s being exploited

The kid jist wants his ass cleaned he doesn’t need to be filmed and talked at like a dog
I have my daughter in speech therapy. Just last night the therapist was telling me that if a kid can not speak,they won't. You can not force them. It's not because they're lazy or anything like that. They need repetition not having so much pressure put onto them. You also have to make it fun and try being at eye level with them. How the heck do you force him to do something he clearly has trouble doing just so he can wipe his ass? What a lowlife. ALL three of my kids have been fully potty trained at 2 1/2. My method is that I keep repeating for around a month. Then after whenever I use the bathroom or they go into it, I would sit on the toilet and tell them "pee pee" or "caca" in the toilet and make it into a song.The thought is put into their head and there is no pressure. They're just forcing him to close up even more.
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Gimme All the Tea

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I just want to know how someone with 3 kids running around the house all day has so much time to film ads for crap and you don't even hear a sound. I cant even talk to someone on the phone without my toddler screaming in the background.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Those three kids COME FIRST!
Over the past year or two she seems to have forgotten they exist.
What kind of mother takes them to the playground and records HERSELF while her kids beg for her attention?
Her mother commented on one of her stories so you KNOW she sees at least some of them.
She is SO self absorbed it's sickening.
Remember the days when those girls couldn't leave the house without dressing alike (oh, they WANT to dress the same)
Yet, when with Corey, they wear regular clothes. I wonder if she just can't afford them or if they have said STOP IT to their mother.
Listen, they're cute as hell and I thought they were adorable in their posed pics (minus the "sexiness" of it - 'stick your butt out', 'purse your lips', etc.
But I'm gonna say, if my kids were in whatever school they went to and I saw them in public that way, I'd be thinking, WTF?
It's FAR too over the top for everyday wear.
I know my kids look at toddler pictures and say why? Why did you dress us this way?? lol
Imagine the three of them as adults looking back at these gems (if she even bothers to print them and put them in a photo album)
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So apparently he’s trying to work it out with her , she got mad at him because of his only fans post on IG but apparently he was only kidding.
Someone needs to send her those DMs he just sent.
He is a twat. Needs to focus on his kids and not getting his end away all the time.

Check out the comments from Corey!
LOL yeah so in love with her but dming anyone and everyone.
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If she would stop.posting her beauty appointments, watching TV all day, getting drunk with Sammy, making ticktoks, and IG posts/lives , I MAY have SOME understanding for her not having time. We all make the time for what is important. As a true single parent, (not her definition) you do what you gotta do . You prioritize your children's schedule over your own personal pleasures. 1 hour away is nothing when it comes to your child's basic needs.
Let's assume she can't drive the 1 hour away🙄, he does not need to spend the night at someone else's house for so many days a week. She can do some LeG wOrK and meet the parents half way, or pick him up and drop him off each day , she can even sleep at her mom's to take care of him when he is not in therapy. She is just a pure lazy cunt. There is no excuse. NONE ! Imagine me raising my grandkids while my kid is doing irrelevant shit 😡 I would most def help out if they are working hard to support their family, but if they are going to beauty appointments , being a ho, making a fool of themselves, no thank you! Rant over. Thank you for your time.

She leaves him so her mom can do the ‘homework’ with him. There’s no point in doing the work (therapy) but not practicing (the homework) when he gets home. She won’t sit her fat ass down to reinforce what he learned during therapy. That’s what Gigi is for. That’s why she’s leaving him there. One less thing for this trash bag to worry about.
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