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All he said was it was just happy endings and nothing more. Apparently. He also stated that she wouldn't have sex with him for 7 months.
I don't condone what he did, I never did.

What I will say is that while I struggled with PPD, raising my child, caring for the dogs and working full time, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. I was very tired. And when I'm the only one doing everything alone there is no drive for sex. (For me anyway) but during that time, not once did my husband stray because he wasn't getting his dick wet. It's really sad that you can tell Corey and Tracy's relationship was based and built off of sex and sex only.

Thats not the base of a relationship. It will NEVER hold it together.
I can relate to this and I understand. However she makes it seem like she does even more that he's not around and she's constantly posting about sex, sexual pictures, going out to get d, going on dates, His family lived right up the street. They could have easily had Tara or even her parents watch the kids for a date night. Somehow she's single now and magically in the mood. I just don't buy it with her. She was in my opinion just being an evil bitch to him because she's miserable and or was cheating herself. Or there's another reason I just can't think of.. She preaches all the time about her high Scorpio sex drive. Unless she's just full of shit about that.
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We all know why Tracy didn’t breastfeed .
Bc when you do you can’t ship your kids off to every stranger you meet ThAts willing to help. That’s the only reason why, because she’s lazy as fuck.

also- if Tara is a care giver for her mom isn’t she supposed to live With her to get paid? Why not have raven do it? And I know someone in New York who does that for his dad, and it’s not a lot of money: I don’t buy that’s the only way Tara makes money.
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I feel like that post about the little apron and baking with Gigi was a hit on tara. Like tara bought all those gift for them but this is what they really wanted, most asked for. Idk seems shady
This is 100% a dig at Tara....cus tracy is just vile, the whole "excited by little things" knowing Tara bought them tons of toys (which im sure the girls will love just as much) it just seems like nothing tracy does is genuine bcos shes so hateful. She can never just respond like a normal human. If she does bother to respond to a fan compliment its always some wierd response and she mostly responds to comments where she isnt sure if the person is bashing her or not....i dunno i used to like her for seeming to be "unapologetically gaudy and over the top" i thought ok thats not my style but good for her for doing her thing and then over the years it became obvious she isnt genuine anything except petty and hateful
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I think she looks very pretty, however it’s unfortunate, that she feels the need to photoshop from head to toe because she has body dysmorphic. I’m not bashing her for being overweight, I’m overweight myself. I’m bashing her because she pretends to be something, that she is clearly not. Tracy welcome to 2021, it’s time to be real with yourself. It’s time you see yourself, for what you really are.
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It doesn’t surprise me he was going to parlors for happy endings being they had threesomes. Didn’t somebody say they saw her on tinder or bumble looking for girls? Do I condone it, NOT AT ALL & if it was my husband and me being the housewife & mother I am I would explode!!! Now if I was a SAHM and didn’t pull my slack running a household and it was constant chaos I would blame myself or should I say take responsibilities, go to marriage counseling and try. I’m sorry but giving your husband threesomes and not think it’s eventually going to have some sort of repercussions trust, insecurities etc you’re wrong. And who said Cory stayed in the city Mon-Fri? Dont think that’s true. she always said he was out of the house from 5:30,until 6-7 but always came home. I think she ran to her moms because she couldn’t handle the kids alone anymore simple as that. Don’t you ever wonder why she NEVER has people over, family for dinner, play dates with the kids, being she’s Florence nightingale???? it’s probably because it’s disgusting, idk just a thought.
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Comment under the santa boudoir photos

This bothers me bcos she didnt do anything her parents did and before that it was coreys money. Even if she gets money from her social media jobs it would barely cover her exorbitant rent from having to live in a massive rented house to show off. Someone else always helps her and she brags like shes done something. Prob making real single moms feel bad cos they don't know the extent of her lies. Princess Armor reported $25k income for 2020 and is owned by a family not related to tracy so even if she got half of that thats nothing if her rent is 3k a month! I dunno it just irks me cos i know so many single moms truly doing it on their own. Ok rant over lol. Merry Christmas ladies! Thanks for keeping me sane this year!
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Of course Tracy post Ronald Racist Reagan ass and said “what a fucking G” girl everyone you think is a G is not. You obsess over timbs cause it fits that fake gangster image you obsess over. Corey fit your fake “g” image lmaooo now look.
I say all that to say girls who grew up in country clubs and beach homes are reallllllly weird about their obsession with fake gangsters. They love fake gangster shows, date fake gangsters, call everything they do “g”, but irl they complain when they see real gang members in their community......
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That's an old ass pic. Go to her IG...she wore this outfit in November. Hat and hoodie. I actually recall us busting balls as to when she'd finally peel this sweatshirt off because it made several back to back appearences.
Omg you are right! She even has the same earrings and the same color lipstick. Great Find!!!

Come on Jan, stop it already! :ROFLMAO:
What a 🤡

Maybe she asked Echo to take a pic with her:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I am in the office alone and I cannot stop laughing at this.


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Yeah the comment about them being “ripped” from
Their house... it’s not even their house, it’s a rented house! Most people don’t rent for life and actually purchase a home. Also, they’ve lived there like a year, let’s not be dramatic lol, she’s acting like she’s ripping them from a home they built themselves 20 years ago. Yes, it’s sad for the kids and will suck but she acts so dramatic about it
The best part is that if she just got a job like everyone else maybe she could stay there. Or maybe the real problem is they never could afford it (which is why bonnie co signed) and tracy pushed them beyond their means and sat around spending all the money and now wants to cry victim. Sorry but all her pathetic, probably sent to herself, questions and answers are bothering me today it's overkill
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I’m new here! Found this when I googled her bc I noticed how crazy she was acting on her stories.. then I found this thread and went down a major rabbit hole. 😂
Welcome! We are glad you found us.... Welcome to the truth about Tracy Maloney a.k.a. Tracy DiMarco Epstein. We are happy to have you! 👏 ❤

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Going to the Top 9 app determined that she is a liar! This is actually her top 9. Probably killed her that Corey was in that pic.
Holy shit! I didn’t even know there was an app that could do that for other people! But damn, of course she swapped out a Corey pic for another ass pic 🙄🤣
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OK not to take her side or anything but he needs to pay her. Period. He needs to pay her and part of that is what goes to rent that’s what child support is. And he lives at home with his mommy so it’s not like he hast to pay his own rent and I’m sure Brielle will be stupid enough to pay for everything if he decides to move in with her. I mean she’s dumb enough to go out with him. Yes Tracy needs to get her lazy ass a job but to act like it’s totally on her to pay for things for those kids, including rent it’s not.
He needs to pay Tracy’s mom and Tara. That’s whose taking care of those kids. Big T does not care for them, financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, however you want to put it. She takes care of them for a picture at mommy and daddy’s house and that’s it. The kids have been with Tara for how long now? When was the last time she took care of the three of them ON HER OWN. They both need to pay child support to Gigi and Tara.
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I agree haha she is such a beautiful little girl and I love love her spunk, but wow! I am extremely sensitive to noise and there have been times in the past when I hear her I'm like whoaaaaaaa and turn the volume down to a one. She certainly has a large vocal ability haha maybe she would enjoy singing one day

I watched Tara's video of Corey opening presents with Julian. It appears like Corey just woke up and is like barely into it. Poor Julian is struggling to balance/stand up, falling backwards, and Raven is helping him along and engaging with him while he is opening a gift. Corey couldn't appear less interested. That made me sad. I feel so sorry for those children.
This is what I’ve always felt about Corey, he can’t be bothered. I don’t feel bad for him. He married Tracy bc she was on a tv show. Him and Tara loved the attention. Every time Tracy had pics of him at home he was a disheveled mess who looked like he just woke up all the time. He never had any of the kids by himself, even when they were married. He never seems happy, which of course is sad.

but the real sad things are those poor babies. Julian is really struggling. He’s still so off balance, I hope he gets the help he needs.
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This pisses me off. I didn’t breastfeed either of my kids (for my own personal reasons, not the stupid ass reasons Large Marge has) and my boobs, which are not even close to the size of hers are definitely not perky anymore. It’s not bc of breastfeeding, Trashy, it’s called getting older. And we all know yours are far from perky. I just hate that her “I’m so perfect” comments really end up making women feel bad about themselves.
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