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So once again, she it as a platform to bash Corey whenever it was good for her.....

We get it. Corey doesn’t give you child support. We get it, Corey sucks and you don’t.
Go get a real fucking job. Being on your phone and shit ass podcast are not jobs.

also... wasn’t it established that Brielle doesn’t follow the pages. They follow her.... and to be honest, maybe Brielle doesn’t want to meet Tracy. Maybe she knows what Tracy is all about.
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I didn’t know it was the new gfs job to keep you guys on good terms!🤣😂she’s an absolute joke!! Brielle shouldn’t want to date a deadbeat dad but it’s not her job to play mediator that’s the job of a licensed therapist. That’s ridiculous!!! Brielle’s a single woman with no kids her only job is to worry about Brielle. Fuck outta here!! Maybe Tracy should stop talking about them maybe they could be civil. It’s like she believes she’s invisible and no one sees all the shit she does then demands respect from the ppl she’s been purposely trying to hurt. She needs therapy and it’s sad her saddies defend her and try to say she never says anything!! She spent two days trashing Corey like this is insane. She thought steam rolling a family would bring her fame and she didn’t even get a second of shine. I didn’t even see their wedding on television it definitely was a move made with Ill intentions to get fame not love and that’s why it bombed. I remember her having Skylar model for like Nike what ever happened? I just don’t get how she let every opportunity slip 😧 she thought she was going to be the next snooki and joke was on her. Says a lot the jersey shore cast are all still filming so it’s not about times changing ppl just didn’t care for Tracy enough to want a spin off. Maybe a Tracy and Olivia one but Tracy’s ego is to big.
Not sure why Brielle has to introduce herself to T in order to date Corey. Maybe he would've introduced her once they were ready. Should he ask T's permission for every girl he dates/sleeps with? It's like asking a girl's father for her hand in marriage. :ROFLMAO:
Re: Skylar modeling, she did the kids NY Fashion week. Skylar did not perform well, maybe stage fright like she did at her dance recital, which T was too embarassed to post. The following year somoene asked her if she was doing FW again and she said no because she didn't have time due to Jayden's pregnancy. I personally believe she did not get invited back, because we all know she would not pass that up.
All of T's ventures are short lived. I'm thinking it may have something to do with her bad attitude, or she is not as great as she makes herself up to be. 🤷‍♀️
Someone recently asked her about her lipstick line, and she responded it was a limited edition one time thing. Why wouldn't she continue with it if it was so great? She could've made limited edition colors with each release.
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There’s no excuse for him not paying her but also, why is she crying poor now and claiming NOW they have to move when she has said from the beginning that “she paid for everything” and he has “never helped”... so if she didn’t need his money before then why is it suddenly such a deal breaker?
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She probably stuffed a hoodie with pillows. She’s obsessed with making Corey jealous. MuSt Be A sCoRpIo ThInG 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Oh. My. God. I’m bored and googled “most jealous zodiac sign” and guess what came up...?!?! And then I googled most obsessive and lo and behold our Queen 😂 topped the list again!! Damn, maybe she’s on to something with this astrology thing 😂 😂
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Honestly not to give Corey any credit or give him an excuse. But that’s a lot of kids who are yelling and screaming with presents in a house. Maybe he worked the night before? Maybe he was hungover? However, myself? I would be side eyeing the loudness in that home... and i come from a LOUD family. He’s in his 30’s with 3 kids he probably didn’t want, living with his mother. Not exactly ideal.
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Y’all. Jackie’s husband looks like he’s have a mid life crisis. What’s with the 40 chains and 10 rings? 🙄
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They couldn’t afford a house because they blew all that money on an over the top gaudy wedding. Corey walked away with at least 400,000 from that settlement.... they could have bought a fixer upper and put time and money into it. Instead they had a shitty ass wedding. They both banked on becoming famous from Jerseylicious so they expected to be rolling in money.... karma got them both good.
Don’t forget those gaudy gender reveals, showers and birthday parties. The more kids they added, you could see the $$$ going away based on the gaudiness of those parties.
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Chatty Member
This is the most childish thing I’ve ever heard you would think she was on 16 and pregnant like wow to say “only for my man” but not to nourish my children though like that’s fucken weird! Broo what’s wrong with this girl? Who says shit like that? I couldn’t breast feed my son I tried and I would pump for an he to get half an oz I couldn’t imagine sitting there like not for my baby only for my man😑 like are u not aware of science and why you have breast? She’s a complete fucken moron and look at me you still have tits that look like two Pan Largos but that’s not my business😬🤦‍♀️
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Chatty Member
View attachment 363970

Shes really insane. She thinks shes the queen of the universe. Nowhere on earth is there any rule that your ex has to introduce anyone to you ever. Youre divorced. Youre both single. You each get your own lives now. Instead of just moving on she keeps bringing this up (probably to get pity from the saddies) but its like girl who caresssss. Go talk to your "man". Like does she think brielle and corey are going to see these posts and come runnning to beg for forgiveness? 🤦🏻‍♀️ this lady needs soooo much therapy she truly lives in a make beleive world where everyone owes her whatever she wants and she should never have to work and everyone should buy her wtvr she wants.
This is disgusting.. if that’s the case then Brielle is innocent and you need to take your problems up with Cory and not shading Brielle. BRIELLE, did not come up with that agreement.. you and CORY did. You were blind sided by HIM. As far as what’s posted here about Brielle, she doesn’t comment on y’all.. SHES NOT EVEN AROUND YOUR KIDS.. (correct me I’m wrong here) so that’s respecting you as their mother. So again, Tracy, any energy directed towards her is misdirected. Disgusting, bitter, vile, C U Nxt Tues.
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Chatty Member
So those 2 bozos posted them drinking all day now trashbag is recording and posting her friend drunk driving and not even looking at the road. Her and everyone around her are the lowest of the low. I don’t wish bad things on anyone but these are the types of people that deserve it.
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Reality hasn’t sunken in yet for these two idiots. Tara needs to stop enabling her brother and let him and Tracy step up and learn how to co-parent. I wish someone from either family would spill on what really goes on behind the scenes.
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Good Lord. Everything about her is so cringe and contrived. 🥴😣
Srsly! She said he was too decent to wear gray sweatpants and gave this whole speech about why he shouldn't too her. Bitch, pls. It read like something a 12 year old would write in her diary. 😂😂😂
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