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Seriously this is why it’s important to teach girls that they have self worth. Tracy is all of 33 and has to have a man to feel validation. I legit cringe to think of how bad those two little girls will be as teens, and its all Tracys fault. Who gives body image issues to their own daughter? No emphasis on education or being a decent human being. No lets teach them about “ swag” and “snitches get stitches.” Everyone has failed those poor kids, and it sad that their own parents don’t see it.
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That breastfeeding comment was a slap in the face to mothers. she has such a highschool bitch mentality it’s insane. She’s in her 30s and still acting a fool!! I’m 25! I breastfed both my boys for a total of 4 fucking years. 4 years of my life spent nourishing my boys with liquid gold! (No shame to mothers who literally couldn’t do it and that’s fine) fed is best! But for her reason to be “it’s weird” “it’s for my man” nasty lazy bitch wtf is wrong with you, who raised your stupid ass??” Lord Jesus I CANNOT. She’s delusional, she needs therapy, she needs a REALITY CHECK! And she needs her ass to be dragged ...karma karma karma is all I can say. Cucumber tits 😂😂😂 🥒 🦧 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Wait..what!? I didn't know he said this!! So he's saying he never cheated? I thought he has remained silent on that topic. I must have missed this!!
All he said was it was just happy endings and nothing more. Apparently. He also stated that she wouldn't have sex with him for 7 months.
I don't condone what he did, I never did.

What I will say is that while I struggled with PPD, raising my child, caring for the dogs and working full time, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. I was very tired. And when I'm the only one doing everything alone there is no drive for sex. (For me anyway) but during that time, not once did my husband stray because he wasn't getting his dick wet. It's really sad that you can tell Corey and Tracy's relationship was based and built off of sex and sex only.

Thats not the base of a relationship. It will NEVER hold it together.
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I remember a few years ago when T was going hard on posting promos, my friend and I were curious how much she makes. I sent Big T a DM pretending I had a company I wanted her to promote to see her prices. I can’t remember them now.. but I think it was something like $250 for a story post, $500 to be on her page for 24 hours. I could be wrong... but she’s not making big dough with her once in a blue moon meal prep or legging posts at all. Someone else should do what I did so we can find out.. maybe she raised the prices since she gets nO cHiLd sUpPoRt 😂

also.. at the time that I messaged her about this my friend and I were actually fans (before I found out she lies and is a shit mom/person). I had send her multiple sweet DMs or comments with no response or acknowledgement. Until I said I’m interested in her promoting for me, I got a sweet reply right away. Phoney Baloney for DAYSSSS.

extra tid bit: I remember the first time I knew she was a liar and a bullshitter was when she said on her podcast that she has sex with Corey every day and does her hair and makeup everyday and never wears sweats, always dresses up for him. I literally texted my girl and was like this bitch is so full of shit! I was also disgusted that she’s out here making the average women feel bad who doesn’t do those things (’s not realistic!). I’m not easily influenced and saw through her shit the second I heard it, but I know there are women that that comment probably discouraged. And that makes me sick.
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Just a random rant of shit we've already discussed but I just watched her stories and they triggered me into bitching about her🤣. Ughhh she bothers me so much. I can't stand how she drinks her drinks always over exaggerating sucking on the straw with her tongue. Her tongue in general is so disturbing!! Why does she always always always have to stick it out!! Then her hand motions annoy me!!! She reminds me of a crab the way she holds things. She always has to feel everything up she touches on camera like it's something sexual. In this case it's a bingo card. 🤦‍♀️ Ohhh it's so weird to me. I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't even look like they're really having fun wherever they're at. Big t is just trying to make it look like fun by over doing it when recording. I got such depressing vibes from that whole sequence of videos. She looks like she's been drinking to much and crying because her face is so puffy. Part of me wants to feel bad for her but I'm like nahhh because the only thing she's upset about is she hasn't found a real boyfriend yet and Corey has someone. She always has to win and that's why she's upset. I believe it's alot harder then she thought it was going to be. She doesn't realize she's not who she was 7/8 years ago. I think her whole life she could get whatever guy she wanted and always had a ton of friends and now not so much. She might have alot of friends but they're all doing family stuff with their families and not getting drunk in a bar on a Sunday afternoon 2 days after Christmas during a pandemic half dressed in 35 degree weather. I almost feel like that girl went out with her out of pity. Isn't that chick related to Corey somehow?
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I'll play devil's advocate here. Maybe there's more to what's going on that we don't know about with their breakup and financials and he's explained it to Brielle. Big t is a liar and manipulator. I almost wonder if he was just giving her money all that time and not documenting it and when he started dating Brielle she became vindictive and took him for support. Backdated and all. I dunno. I'm not a Corey lover but she is such a vile human that I just can't help but be more on his side. Plus he has acted 10 times more mature then her throughout this whole thing when it comes to social media. Don't get me wrong he needs to help pay for his kids. I'm just thinking there's more to this story. I know one thing he won't see a stimulus or tax return for years. Even with his gambling if he were to hit over a certain amount they check for all that stuff before giving you the money. Can't wait to see what big t spends all that money on once she gets her paws on it. Did anyone see her post about being 9 months behind on rent and just paying 600 and she wrote oops under it implying she did this. Sorry for my rambling. Just having random thoughts while typing.
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She is going to have a legit breakdown. I would feel bad if this was anyone else. She’s rude to people, she has 0 motherly instincts, she has no idea of how to read the room she’s in. It’s sad but maybe a break down would make her family see how off the rails she is.
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Shes really insane. She thinks shes the queen of the universe. Nowhere on earth is there any rule that your ex has to introduce anyone to you ever. Youre divorced. Youre both single. You each get your own lives now. Instead of just moving on she keeps bringing this up (probably to get pity from the saddies) but its like girl who caresssss. Go talk to your "man". Like does she think brielle and corey are going to see these posts and come runnning to beg for forgiveness? 🤦🏻‍♀️ this lady needs soooo much therapy she truly lives in a make beleive world where everyone owes her whatever she wants and she should never have to work and everyone should buy her wtvr she wants.
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Big T Is the worst fake italian ever. Even jar opening and Oliveri pasta cooking is better than nothing and meal prep crap. I think Teresa Guidice does the Cedar Meal Prep , but Teresa looks amazing and has discipline. No forehead but we wont go there.
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Now her and the kids are the “4EVER” crew ...does she have to have a nickname for everything lmao guess she cant use that “full house” bs anymore 😂
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In honor of Big T’s ‘perky boobs’, let’s all post a picture of her orangutan titties to prove that she’s lying once again. Me first!!!
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Tracy is the queen of taking credit for shit she didn’t do... hmmm theres...
“Our beach house”
“Our pool”
“Our country club”
“Our vacation house”
Merry Christmas and happy holidays tattle family!!!! Stay safe and enjoy it however you can. This momma has to work unfortunately, but am keeping my spirits up and happy.
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I'm here for any recipes anyone has. I love new ideas!!
I don't think big t can cook at all outside of a few basic things. Not even sure she knows how to turn the oven on. In all my years of following her I've never ever seen her post a meal she's made. Ever. I think one time they did BBQ but I believe Corey made that, one time she was making chicken cutlets with Tara but I think it was actually Tara who made them and of course her brussel sprouts, cauliflower and pasta. That's it. Possibly I missed something?? I find it crazy that she's 30 and can't even whip up a homemade basic meal. Especially because she comes from such a big Italian, I mean Greek, I mean Irish, no wait I mean Spanish family. 🙄
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Merry Christmas tattlers! Someone’s been pretty quiet today, especially considering she doesn’t have the kids! I just got a random flashback to a few Christmases ago when she posted some gift or something that she got for Skylar as a “trap” to bait and block the haters. I don’t remember the specifics but does this ring a bell to anyone? I remember thinking, wow that’s a shitty way to spend Christmas! Lol
I remember that. It was Skylars first Christmas and she bought her a Louis Vuitton purse. She spent all doing going back and forth with people who thought the gift was ridiculous for a 10 month old. Then at the end of the day she stated it was a trap to mess with her “haters”. I remember thinking that’d be an extremely miserable way to spend your first child’s first Christmas.
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Just wait once the brothers have wives and kids she won’t handle it well. Other grandchildren for her parents to spoil won’t go well with Tracy. It always has to be about her and her kids.
It would be hilarious if her brothers had all “legacy babies”
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Merry Xmas Eve Tattlers! Love it here 🎅

also.. when did I miss that her and Corey were having threesomes? Can someone fill me in? 👀
I think she mentioned it on the podcast one time, basically to make women feel bad if they weren’t giving their husbands threesomes because it was “the cool thing to do.” Look at ya now Big T, just look at yourself lol
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