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Guys.... which 1 of you posted the comment on the bottom?? Lmao Love you♡♡♡♡

"Hey guys here's my boom bod. It works so well that i have to go to cool sculpt. Use it 3x a day...... ill be going to dunkin and sonic after this is posted. P.S. it really works"


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Why would she include this in her collage?? It looks like the spiders are *literally* crawling out of her eyelashes.
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Tried getting her shadow since sam recorded but made sure she didn't get Tracy's entire body.
Also that shout out is gross. "Mother & father" role model to her kids. Putting herself last before everyone else. 🙄🙄
Spongebob, Kermit and Grandma Gigi are the worst enablers fo this girl! I love how they say 33 and FREE. Free from what? Motherhood? Working? Supporting her family? Like they try so hard to make it seem like Corey was so bad yet Trash bag Tracy is always showing how nasty and mean she is. You have to be so similar to that person to constantly praise them for disgusting behavior. Tracy is not a good person idk why they’re talking about Free if anyone is free it’s Corey and barely because she’s still involving him in her life on social media. She’s such a loser partying with her old ass parentals who have no business being at a sports bar during a pandemic seeing as how this virus has killed ppl in their age bracket the most😑 but we know Tracy always trying to prove she’s such a baddie!!!l🙄
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I thought you were so secret Tracy. And didn't Corey call you "babygirl" 🙄
Sorry but nicknames like this skeeve me out so much.
No no no. Corey called her "babie girl" lol
I don't know if he was trying to be cute with that or he just doesn't know how to spell. But I always found that annoying.
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Julie was probably guilt tripped into going, sure Tracy probably have her some whole big schpeel about how she needs her and such.
Definitely agree that motherhood has softened her features and her look and that’s a good thing.
They all posted the exact same picture so I’m guessing it’s the only picture Tracy allowed to be posted. It has to be exhausting to be her friend.
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This birthday weekend has me in stitches, how are you a mother of three who does shit all for your children’s birthday, have the audacity to throw yourself this massive birthday party and still proceed to say your such a good mother. Like Tracy if you honestly don’t see anything wrong with this I am worried what actually happens to your children behind closed doors #savetheepsteinchildren
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Why was having a boy such a huge deal for her?
Idk but I have two and they won’t let me return them🤣😂

IDK .... She's heavy on celebs posts I noticed lately ... I'll leave this here lmaooo weirdo
Ok now I have to question her taste in men. Aaron is a drug addict with a mental disorder who hasn’t gotten help who goes on rants on ig live making threats to his supporters. Not to mention scamming his fans and stealing other artist work. She might as well have posted this 🥴 as her comment she seems like she might be a whole ass 🤡 like Big T
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I was also confused why she looked so surprised when she brought it up, she had a look like “omg they shouldn’t have!” Like so shocked, even tho she ordered herself the cake lol like what?
I laughed so hard!!!!! 😂 Who brings their own cake 🎂 and also acts surprised about it? 🤡 #diditforthegram
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I believe she had true love with Corey. I think they didn't "date" enough as a married couple and they were always doing their own things. They rushed into children and pets when they would have been better off as a couple.

I feel she won't find anyone with substance with the way she is going and its honestly going to cause her more heartbreak.
If only she believed in therapy and believed in fixing something that was broken, maybe, just maybe she would still be married and happy.
This right here!!💯 I think she's definitely still in love with Corey she's mad hurt but deep down she still loves him. If she wasn't so stubborn and dropped her attitude seek therapy maybe just maybe her marriage might have worked. Than again Tracy's the type of person who could never be wrong and so cold hearted. To be honest I'm going to say it here she's going to be single for life because her attitude!! Corey was young when he got with her, and I'm sure he loved her besides his faults. I believe he genuinely loved her they had children together it's a different bond. I think that's why he put up with alot from her. I don't think she's going find a love like her first love, no grown ass Man is going to put up with her attitude!! Mind you her next partner is stepping into a situation with alot of baggage. A single mother of three they can easily leave the situation no attachments. I truly believe she regrets leaving her marriage. She even had a close bond with Corey's family everything was perfect now its shattered. Pretty Sad if you think about it
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At the end of the day we can ALL celebrate our birthdays in many different ways. Whether we go out with family & friends, or have a small gathering at our homes, or go away (my personal fave). We don't have a problem with Trashy celebrating her birthday (UGH) but BITCH did nothing for her children. There is no way in anyones eyes thats cool! How can you do not do ANYTHING for your children? Thats the most selfish thing ever. I would never not do a thing for my daughter, and then go out and have a big old tacky bash for my SCORPION birthday! She should have her parental rights taken away.... She's the scum on the bottom of my shoes!
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One more from the podcast:
-Tracy Goes on this big spiel about exuding confidence to attract men. That men can sense if you’re confident or not the moment you enter a room. She then tells the story (again 🙄) of how She was with this guy at his apartment and they were going up the stairs and before they even got in he pulled her aside and told her that she just exudes this intense energy. That she makes him feel like a guest in his own home. And Jess asks, is that a good thing? LOL and Tracy keeps going on about how she has this presence that makes her command a room and she radiates confidence. Lmao 😂 that she isn’t over confident that would be cocky she’s just confident.
I'll take "Things That NEVER Happened" for 100, Alex (RIP)
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She’s reposting every birthday shout out🤣😂 this girl has no real friends!! I’m convinced she guilted those men there that’s why there were no other females. Women don’t like Trashy especially when she drinks. She acts like she’s so likeable but that lies as fake as her follower count and it’s showing🤣 my birthday was last month I barely had time to scroll and say thank you let alone repost them on my stories. *in my Lindsey Lohan parent trap voice* What a loser!!!!! 😂😂 LoSER!!!
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On the podcast- she wants to get Covid to have a 2 week vacation from the kids.
Like shes not having an everyday vacation with the kids now! When they are with her someone else is with them helping out. Also how stupid does this asshole sound saying she wants to get it. If she and her kids get it at the same time whos going to risk it to go take care of them and help out? Does this twat waffle know she has to clean and sanitize everything in her house to make sure this virus doesn't keep spreading!!! Ugh I hate her so fuckin much. My in laws all had it in Sept/October and I refuse to go visit them cause they barely clean their house as it is i know they didn't clean it after this.

This fat asthmatic ass bitch will be crying woe is me the minute she gets it. Also, how is this a horrible year for her? Hasn't she been seperated for 2 years from Corey? She hasn't experienced anyone close to her die and has unpaid babysitting around the the clock. Please don't come here with your poor me bullshit cause none of us are believing you.
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So things aren’t going well with mystery man?
She was bragging about celebrating her bday with someone special and enjoying spa day with them. Did he find out her vag is out of order and took off. I really don't see anyone settling down seriously with her anytime soon with how she acts. No one wants a broke low life with nothing to bring to the table but drama.
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The way she acts infront of her parents is so weird. I guess it’s nice she has such an open relationship with them but I personally would be so embarrassed. I also can’t get over how they all moved past the fact they didn’t attend her wedding, it’s like none of that even happened?
The whole dynamic is just weird. It’s like they’ve accepted their daughter is a hoe and has no interest in parenting the 3 kids (or providing for financially) she birthed, and they’re totally fine with it! My parents would rip me a new one if I ever acted like her. We can only imagine that mama steph and papa Maloney are the same as Big T, zero clsss and zero morals.

I wonder who will pay for Big T’s and her 3 kids’ way once her parents are no longer around.
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I just do not get it. 32 year old mom of a 4 year old girl. I feel guilty and sad when I let her sleep over my in laws who live a half of a mile away and I do that once every other month if that. In the morning I immediately go get her. I cannot imagine being divorced and having to share kids let alone dumping them off every chance I got to party and go to dick appointments. Like I get you can’t judge everything off the internet, but she def shows enough to prove how often she’s with them and their lack of care for us to say that she’s absolutely a terrible mother. I’m not perfect mom at all, but she’s just a horrible mother. How can her family and friends look at her, and say “Tracy your a good mom, Tracy puts those kids before herself” it’s just insanity to me. I just really want her to get her shit together for those poor kids. Normal people our age def do not act like she does. Divorced or not. Trashy, is so thirsty, it really is comical. Like your not a model. Your poses are not cute. You look thirsty and just plain GOOFY.
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