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And why is her top lip so discombobulated?
It looks like that because she legit draws on an entire upper lip. Her top lip is thin and now that I’ve said that queue her going to get lip injections with all three babies in tow.

I know it’s been touched on in previous threads but ever notice how with her 500k+ followers she isn’t verified but Olivia who has 200k+ is? She’s bought so many followers and the stats don’t lie, she loses hundreds per month. Her fucking claims that social media is her job is ABSURD. She basically begs brands to help her out, it’s so fucking sick. Then Trashy has the audacity to claim she’s a working mom, girl where? Working on that shit lip?

Also I know a lot of you have commented on Sammy and I knowshe’s actually very successful in her career so I do wonder what keeps them friends when their life paths don’t align at all.

Fun side note: When Trashy was on JL I was at a bar in NJ and Trashy and her friends were there. My cousin and I went into the bathroom and as I was laughing at something she said Trex turned around and started yelling at me in her fake ass accent “you think somethings funny? I’ll smack that smile right off your face”. I said fuck off and moved along, my cousin was about to drop that bitch. She thinks she’s so big and bad but her life is a fucking train wreck and she needs to get it together. I know someone else had said she was nice in person but drunk Trex is a fucking monster clown who wants to fight anyone because she’s so insecure.
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I don’t understand how you’re a stay at home mom but yet your single, like how does that work? Usually people are lucky enough to stay home due to their spouse working but if you don’t have a spouse and also claim your ex spouse doesn’t give you money, how are you a stay at home parent and surging? Whose paying for everything?! Obviously we know her parents are, which is pathetic. I could see of her and Corey were well off and she got a lot of money for him and he continued to pay for everything then fine be a stay at home mom but if your single and struggling, GO TO WORK! Also like someone else said, she never has them!

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So I guess any earnings from the "Celebrity Boxing" (LOLOLOL) whenever that will probably go straight to the Succubus herself.??? Cuz of that money owed. Not sure how that works. 🍿 and How many times is this Bitch going to post that pic with that hat and baige hoodie or whatever?? Now she has to add music? OMG im PMS*NG BAD! today lol. Seems like somethings going on with her eyelids to......
No kidding, how dumb & bored do you gotta be… Poor Brielle like leave the poor girl alone.... LOL oh that’s right! Their all bark and no bite 🐶 WOOF 🐶 😂 just like their Queen Tracy Dimarco 👸 🙄 TGIFFFFF ladiessssssss 🍵 🐸 that’s some serious tea on Jackie! I always thought her husband looked like he was up to “something”.
Jackies is up with the "rico swavy" chains and the sunglasses when he inside?? its like settlethe FUCK DOWN there..... he thinks he God's Gifts....and hes NOT........
I had to let that out... LOL
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Tracy is the type to have a 55 when she was copying the whole time. I mean she’s the queen of reposing false information she found on ig to her 500k followers. My question is did she actually go to cosmetology school? Like is there proof? I just look at her work and mami if I was your teacher then I’d be blown seeing her hair and make along with how her kids hair look. It’s baffling!!!
I do my hair every day before work, I even do my sons hair (not much but it still needs to be done) hes even dressed in clean matching clothing.
The fact that Tracy can't get up, make pancakes for her kids (bc I made a big batch and leave it covered in the fridge so I'm not remaking it every single morning) with some sausage or bacon for her kids is disgusting.
Its not that hard to lay out outfits the night before, its not hard to make them sandwiches or breakfast while they play with their toys.
She is the definition of LAZY. And doesn't care about the wellbeing of those three little babies.
And her lack of knowledge on CURLY hair is gross. Fucking do Jaydens hair, embrace her perfect curls. Holy fuck. Shes ruining that little girls curls and I can guarantee its because she's jealous of her 4 year old
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Hi I’m Tracy a grown ass woman and I need a cake, for free, for my 34 thousandth birthday. But fuck my sweet 4 year old daughter and celebrating her. She’s more awesome than I could ever hope to be so I don’t like her. 😒🙄😡
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I have always thought she's a POS. Sorry just my opinion! From the beginning that Trashy would bring her around you could tell she just wanted to be cute and hot, and hang with the girls, and be on camera. GIRL you were never any of that! She seemed to be SWF... kissing Trashys ass, being with her 24/7. Ive always thought she was odd. Her voice is so annoying (just like Coreys), and she is not cute! There I said it! The only Epstein who is decent to look at is Corey, because Raven is fugly!
My friend is in the Baddie group, and she said that Tara posted an intro and she said something like "I'm Tara, and I love sucking dick!" or "deep throating dick". I'm sure it was said for shock value, but that is so damn tacky. And a HORRIBLE visual lol
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It's a group chat... there was a post earlier on club baddie about some woman posting about her husband and Only Fans, these 'baddies' in the group chat were ripping this woman a new one, then Jess got involved on the club baddie post and they're furious about the response that Jess left on the post. Some have left club baddie now and are saying that they don't want to be a baddie anymore because of how that was handled. They claim to be their supporters but they're all saying how the podcast has no direction & they haven't listened for a while & its rubbish now and the whole Tracy & Corey thing has been dragged out for monetary purposes & they're over it. One has messaged Jess privately and is now bad mouthing that response. One is saying that Tracy is a bully and gets away with it too...
Send them our page...let's go baddies come to the dark side
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Anyone notice today when she was talking about virtual learning “that’s me every Wednesday Thursday and Friday with sky”? Ummm what happened to Jaydens pre k? Did we hit it and quit it or was she too smart so she wants to do everything skylar does? What happened to Julian “extensive” speech? Girl you said he was going 5x a week to a DEAF SCHOOL. What’s the truth? Where is the lie?
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She knows nothing! My son owns his own home, cars, has kids he takes care of and is married. He got his PS5 today. She’s just big mad someone would rather play with that than her. 🙄
Tracy is a huge joke. Coming from someone who lives with her parents 80% of the time and mooches off of them 100%.
I saw in the comments of her cool sculpting post, she mentioned that her mom also got it on her belly. So I’m guessing she begged her mom to pay for her own sessions afterwards. I don’t know who’s worse between the enabler, Stephanie and the enabled, Tracy. My mom would literally tell me to work for my own money and pay for my procedure the same way she did. I’m 23 and I feel so ashamed asking my parents for money but I have no choice cos I just graduated last year and then I lost my job due to COVID so I had to move back in with them but you can bet as soon as this pandemic blows over, I’m gonna do the best I can to move out and fend for myself. I couldn’t imagine begging my parents to cater for me and my kids when I’m 33, saying I have an imaginary job and sitting my bum ass on the couch taking selfies all day. How embarrassing!!! They’d be so disappointed.
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Also, different topic very petty 😂😂😂. I was briefly listening to BE podcast today and Alan got married. Congrats to him. But real talk, I was shocked that he was rather unfortunate looking. The way Tracy and Jess talk, you have to be a 10 to be friends with them. Alan is definitely not a 10. He’s not cute IMO. He looks like the type of dude Tracy would make fun of. But he’s seems like cool though based on his other social media accounts. But he loses a few cool points for being friends with Tracy.
That’s why I cringe every time they call him baddie daddy. He seems like a cool dude, tech nerd just trying to make some extra cash. Wonder what he really thinks about these 2 train wrecks lol
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The font was tiny but it looks like he owes her $15,000 😳 That’s a lot of back pay and it’s not ok. Someone is supporting those kids. Having been through this with my ex not wanting to pay it’s disgusting for a man to bot help out. Not matter who the mom is. No my kids didn’t look like homeless waifs and I worked 2 sometimes 3 jobs to make sure they were taken care of, but that is not excuse for a dad to not pay. He could at least buy them things. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, those kids lost in the family lottery HUGE!
Fun fact. My nieces mother is a legit scum bag. She sent this little girl roughly 4 to our home in SANDLES, during WINTER! we went to Payless and got her some really cool sparkly silver fake uggs. Guess what her mother did. Threw them out the moment she got her back. She always came up to us in her brothers hand me downs. Never clean. She would always get a bath when she came up to see us, (every other weekend) and we even sent down nicer clothing for her because she wasn't able to wear it here 24/7. NOT ONCE DID SHE COME BACK UP IN THE NICE CLOTHING. Alwags dirty fucking hand me downs.

So to me Tracy is fucking trash. She knows what she's doing and its in SPITE of Corey. Idgf if he's dumb or whatever. He is trying to do right by his fucking kids and Tracy can go fucking deep throat a God damn knife for all I care.

Not once should a CHILD feel the abuse from split parents. not once. Children are innocent and because Tracy doesn't believe in being nice and genuine to her young child is causing them to be sickly looking and disheveled. Period. So in my honest opinion, where ever Tracy is getting her money for these lavish gifts and hair appointments should be spent on her children, first and foremost.
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GIRLLLLL PLEASE!!! Eat healthy and workout, how hard is it to take a walk and do some easy at home workouts? Does she not realize that she’s spending money that she could be spending on her children on such superficial shit? Not to mention, all of the cosmetic procedures she’s getting done are only making her look older, I don’t see any improvements.

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Update: Brielle said NONE of Tracy’s saddies have come to her about disrespecting Tracy 😂😂 so that bitch was lying. (I was messaging with her)
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Shit is going down on her latest post

There’s no logo. These are just straight “work boots”
Literally LOLing that this bitch considers herself an influencer! 🤣 Are you living under a rock?! Follow the read deal influencers. You can’t even compare them to her. She is delusional lol
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I really think Julian either lives with or stays with her parents most nights. You rarely ever see him with her and there’s no way she’s managing skylars virtual school and also taking Julian to his “extensive therapy” (assuming he’s even in it).

I also love the “when you wake up to texts like this”... first of all, why would anyone ever send a text like that? What would the context of the say “I want to do this to you” lol, like there’s no way a guy would just send that. She always thinks people believe her crap
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“Do you like spending time with just mommy?” It’s so damn forced! Why isn’t that child in school? Wait it’s November right? Isnt Julian supposed to start “deaf school”
I love how her alone time with mommy is a at a freaking dermatologist office while she gets he fat frozen/heated off her face. God shes such a bitch
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I wonder if big t woke up in that sweatshirt today smelling of old liquor and cum laying next to her dick. 🤣😅🤣😅
My joke for the day. Name something more tired then that tan sweatshirt. 🤣
Her butthole crusty lipstick
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