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This is SOOOOO Tracy to a tee!

some people don’t want to take medication and therapy can help them - that’s fine! For others - medication is a LIFE SAVER literally! It SAVES their lives. She’s diminishing and minimising how medication can HELP! But she’s so strong and Sicilian sheREFUSED TO TAKE MEDICATION. She sounds bat shit crazy.

Also - the fact that she’s like ‘I was obsessed from day 2’

why does she need to tell the world this?
why does she think it’s a flex to have a completely insecure attachment style. She has ZERO understanding of psychology or mental health.
Not surprising because she gets all of her ‘education’ from incorrect memes which are the epitome of psychological MISINFORMATION.

she is TRULY an uneducated imbecile.
Let’s be real. She self medicates with Alcohol the same fucking way Corey self medicated with pills not prescribed by a doctor.

She is no fucking warrior, she’s no fucking badass who has battled her demons. She just found a shitty excuse to get another doodle bear style tattoo because Too Tights has a full sleeve and she wants people yo message her asking her what the song was so they could listen to it and relate. 🙄
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Besides the fact that these kids are unable to see their father, they have a whole other grandmother, cousins and aunts. So the judge isn't taking into consideration their mental health?
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Final Recap:

-He used to own businesses and "retired" from that to do camera stuff. (not sure how he makes money)

-They cant stay away from each other since they met. He thought she was just going to be a good time.

-Tracy's annoying baby voice is comes in and out during this episode (really annoying)

-He loves her kids?! He just met them!! And the kids call him for everything and tell him everything. Like isn't that something they would want to do with their dad? He also mentioned that he disciplines the kids and they dont act out when hes around. WTF Tracy said they listen to him and he gives them "structure" WTFFFFFFFFFF

-Shes already saying that his mom is excited to have the kids around because all her grandkids are grown. So now what, are these kids calling her grandma!!!

-Hes been broken up with his ex less than a year. And prayed to god for Tracy and received a message from bumble saying he matched with her. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: IDK why but i feel like they met through her friend Sam

-He said Tracy said "I Love You" first after a week. Again STAGE 5 CLINGER

-He loves her Fred Flintstone feet.

-She's pushing the "I'm the easiest GF" shtick on him and have him agree.

-She only posted him because she wanted all the guys to stay out of her DMs :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

-IDK I get the vibe hes not feeling her like shes feeling him, but i might be wrong.
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That's what I'm saying! He's gotten more than enough grace because of the fact that everyone knows what a horror she is, but when is enough, enough?! To allow your kids to be used and exploited to this level and just sit back and watch is mind blowing now! If he isn't trying/doing something to protect those innocent children at THIS point in her sick and twisted games, he's literally just as big of a piece of shit as her! How are you really allowing your small DAUGHTERS to be posed and posted like THAT, knowing that these disgusting evil people look and hunt for exactly what she's serving up, and not even try to do something to protect them??? And then letting that insane bitch post them with a random pretending that's their new daddy?! It's all gone too far. It's hard to watch it happen to these kids now 💔
Gave him grace for the longest time but enough is enough. Some point you gotta draw the line and really start firing back. Even if you fail, at least you can say you fought 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tracy thinks this is a game. Some sort of fantasy, and everyone in the comments section is playing along. How long until Too Tights can’t take Jayden’s sparkle? How long until he tries to parent and one of those kids pushes back? All her kids know is she’s being nice and present and it’s because there’s a new man in the picture that she wants them to call daddy. Kids aren’t fucking dumb and her kids have been in survival mode since the divorce whether she wants to accept that or not.

Again, now is the time to handle business like a man… or keep walking around like a punk…
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She’s talking about the Met Gala fashion. This should be fucking interesting. Commenting on Bad Bunny. Girl your man wears some tight ass pants. Simmer down.
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Chatty Member
Posting a video of Jayden (who also clearly has a speech impediment like Skylar) saying how she usually gets 60s and 70s but “finally” got a 96…. These things don’t need to be posted
Also her cutting her off to say “you usually get a 5 out of 6?” Tells me that she doesn’t even know what her grades typically are nor what she’s doing to help them improve beyond “paying attention more”. Tell us you don’t know your kids consistent grades bc you’re not consistently caring for them without telling us.
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He’s in this fantasy world of Corey being the worst father ever. Because he does not financially provide.

I completely understand where a lot of you are coming from trashing him. However, him and that side of the family are the ones who are consistently there for those children. They don’t care about money or name brands. They care about those children’s happiness. They go do kid-like things. They aren’t ponds and they aren’t decorated as little models. There are no sexual poses and the children look genuinely happy.

Tracy, I’m sure has told this guy that Corey is the worst father ever. I wonder if she told him that hat paid for her her electric bill. or that she had weight loss surgery and all these plastic surgeries because she’s so fucked up in the head.

I think it’s just very convenient that when this guy came around and last year with Joey, she pulled the same shit of making the new guy, the children’s father.

I still want Joey’s side of this because now it is nearly a year later and she’s still trashing him.
Tracy should watch what she says and does regarding Corey and family.
It's not hard to find Mr. Everything man 🙄 just like it's not hard to send over something ms. Tracy doesn't want to get out to her new "in laws"
So with that being said, Tracy enjoy your honeymoon with this guy. Take some parenting classes, go to therapy, and stop trashing a man whom you laid with and willingly had 3 kids with. Bc at that point in your adult life, you wanted him. And when life got too hard for you. You ran away and now bad mouth him to anyone willing to listen.
The truth will come out about you.
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Cory just admitted in his recent insta post with Julian than he can't afford child support and that's exactly why his kids are being kept from him. I think it's really sad she is off in Aruba- a vacay you know her parents paid for yet crying he won't pay child support. I hope those kids turn 13 and ask to go live with their dad !
Then he needs to go to court and get the lower payment. As for alimony, she doesn't deserve that. At all. He didn't keep her home from her career to raise those kids. She CHOOSE to not work.
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VIP Member
He’s in this fantasy world of Corey being the worst father ever. Because he does not financially provide.

I completely understand where a lot of you are coming from trashing him. However, him and that side of the family are the ones who are consistently there for those children. They don’t care about money or name brands. They care about those children’s happiness. They go do kid-like things. They aren’t ponds and they aren’t decorated as little models. There are no sexual poses and the children look genuinely happy.

Tracy, I’m sure has told this guy that Corey is the worst father ever. I wonder if she told him that hat paid for her her electric bill. or that she had weight loss surgery and all these plastic surgeries because she’s so fucked up in the head.

I think it’s just very convenient that when this guy came around and last year with Joey, she pulled the same shit of making the new guy, the children’s father.

I still want Joey’s side of this because now it is nearly a year later and she’s still trashing him.
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VIP Member
All that money on a mommy makeover to be lift with hideous lumps and scars.
All that money on weight-loss to end up looking like a 50+ year old severely sun-damaged woman
that smokes 60 a day.
All that money that could have been invested in your children’s future.
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Posting a video of Jayden (who also clearly has a speech impediment like Skylar) saying how she usually gets 60s and 70s but “finally” got a 96…. These things don’t need to be posted
Because this is her set-up. She’s gonna claim that Tony Tights is such a positive father figure in her life that, that’s why Jayden is getting better grades. 🙄She’s just ridiculously obvious.
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Chatty Member
She’s triggered lol

THEN DON’T POST HIM! All this posting of pics of him with a blurred face… for what?! Don’t post him. You don’t want people in your relationship business then don’t post pics of his body or his hand or his fucking ear showing everyone exactly what you’re doing. She keeps saying the next time nobody’s going to know if she’s dating or who she’s dating and 3 weeks in again bam there she goes. Tracy’s a walking contradiction.
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I can’t believe she posted that Petsies reel for the world to see. My takeaway: tantrums, lack of self control, zero understanding of sharing/taking turns, and one child clearly being the favorite and knowing she can get away with anything. Tony Tights won’t last 7 continuous days in a house with those kids. I’m sure he already knows how he’s going to whoop some discipline into them, he’s going to run a tight ship for sure.

Side note, 30 seconds of hearing the screaming/arguing/high pitched chaotic yelling gave me a headache 🥴 and I say this as a mom with a lot of patience and understanding myself.
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Skylar taking a photo half dressed with an apple bag. I just can’t. She’s putting too much into these kids. It’s disgusting. Get a job. Get your life together. Stop putting rando men into your children’s lives.
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