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I believe her. They prayed for someone to take TraCASEY off their hands.
Facts! I have no idea which God Anthony prayed to but I cannot believe that Tracy is an answer to anyone’s prayers. Obsessive, lazy, constant victim, terrible mother, terrible wife, terrible co parent are not adjectives that anyone wants associated to a long term partner - esp not one you prayed for.
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Hey Steph how about teaching your daughter to stand on her own 2 feet? How about teaching her that she doesn’t need a man and that she can be a strong single mother. You’ve taught her that she needs a man to be happy and that she doesn’t have to work for anything. Congrats you did a shit job being a mother look what you created.
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“Someone buy my couch”. No one wants your couch with your dirty grubby paws on it and with your children running all over the place get the fuck out of here. So you suddenly have money for a couch? Okkkkk.
I can imagine how many different male DNA is on that couch 🤢
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She made 12 posts with about 10 pictures each PLUS 45 stories all in one day. How does a single mom of 3 who works from home have this much time on her hands, on a Sunday no less, the night before kids go to school the next day? She must be swamped between cooking dinner, double checking homework, bath/bed routine, plus cleaning the house. She’s truly wifey material 🙄
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She’s really laying it on thick with these mom memes. No one who’s a real mom bothers to or has time to post about being a mom 47 times per day. Also does this deadbeat not realize there’s no “mom era”? You’re a mom 24/7 FOUREVER not just when you’re in your “getting dick era”.

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It’s super convenient that she’s moming so hard because Corey has been in Florida doing the catering thing and chooses to keep the kids on what’s his weekend…. Also it’s always funny how when Corey is further than bridge away, she goes balls to the wall into motherhood as if she should be canonized as some kind of saint for it.
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Soooo I was minding my business at my hair appt this morning and I needed to check my email for my kids school stuff anyway I saw I had a patreon email lmao 🤣 and I'm dying....and no I didn't pay for it I logged in with Gmail and it came for free 🤣🤣...

The first Pic he looks like he stole Julian's glasses and the second Pic she photoshopped and blurred him so damn much his nostril is on the side of his damn nose!!!!!
Damn she worked overtime trying to blur his extreme dark circles but it’s STILL noticeable. Girl just come to grips that your man is ugly, nobody cares honestly.
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I’m sure she’ll just say “that’s when I was really depressed and I was taking it out on others during that period of my life. I have changed since I’m no longer stressy & depressy (*since you came in my life*)”
“No Longer Stressy and Depressy” should be the next thread title lol.
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View attachment 2916564View attachment 2916567

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It keeps getting worse every click of her story, yet she won’t let kids see Bonnie!

notice the foam cups with lids. Guess Granny too tights came prepared 🤣
Where the FCK is their actual father?! This is seriously beyond disturbing and disgusting. I have no words. From dressing those poor babies like little Lolitas (it's actually shocking how much she's serving those kids up on a fckn platter for the p3dos) , to pushing them to play house with her new man... I'm just sitting here like 😱 this will not end well and her karma is gonna be like a fright train slamming into that bitch
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What a load of shit that he doesnt have the money. His pictures sure show that he keeps his face fresh, nice clothes and got those teeth implants. He is an abled body person who can work, and if he can't work, he should be seeking SSDI, which would help with child support amounts. He is just a lazy waste of space, more content with sitting on his sister's couch, than getting up and being a decent father and productive member of society. He can play the victim tears all he wants, he also created this situation by being a louse. He isn't much of a prize either, which is why I am sure women arent flocking to be with him. And the Eps need to stop supporting him as if he is a victim in all these. He is a victim of a situation his lazy ass created. Stop enabling him too and force him to stand up and be a man and father.
Yeah i don’t think some people realize how expensive it is to live on SI or in NJ. My sister paid $2035/m for a 1 bdrm. It’s no joke. At that point if he earned more, she would be going back to request more money.

I’m not saying he’s correct. But her claiming the judge did this.. no. You had to request it. You could appeal the judge and ask that they not take away visitation but you’re a dumb Cunt who thinks of no one but herself. You are dead set on hurting other people, you don’t realize that you’re hurting your children. Anthony Lipani of Allure Filmhouse can play stepdad all he wants, but they are not his children.
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What’s the point of having a boyfriend that you
Have an alias for
Blur his face
Post pics of his PARENTS 🤔
Turn off all commenting on posts ft him
Reveal his face for profit to “fans”
I really don’t understand all this weird highschool shit. She chooses to post every aspect of her life for all to see but misses the mark on privacy. This isn’t it lol what she’s doing is making her look so desperate for attention
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Tony tights, run.
Yea “no rush” 🤣
Kids are 100% not planning anything, Tracy. Only way they are bringing it up is bc you do.
We see through her shit. She just wants someone to take care of her so she can still do whatever her unemployed heart wants to do.
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First off. Who meets someone a day after talking? Are you not worried about who they are as a person? They could murder you.
And then you introduce the kids to someone you JUST MET? And allow him to talk to your middle daughter alone in a room? TF!
Bitch is so worried about this busted ass manboy and her need to be dixked down and wanted over actually being a fucking parent to those kids she wanted so badly.
Cps is knocking. Answer the fucking door Tracy
I… I married my one night stand after 6 weeks. My first ever one night stand and I married him. 19 years later, still going strong.

however, this is Tracy. She just likes dick. Whatever dick she can get, so she obviously be desperate,
Tara made a comment that when jayden has melt downs, Corey is the only one she'll listen too.
poor baby. I’d love to adopt Jayden. Let the kid flourish. I bet you ANY money, that kid wouldn’t be so ‘100mph’ like she is now, with structure, love and guidance.
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Maybe it’s just me, but if my kid had obvious sensory issues, I probably wouldn’t allow for restaurant workers to sing to him. That kid had a straight up sensory overload moment. But I guess it’s more important to get the shot right?
It’s more important to look like mom of the year for the internet than it is for your child who has sensory issues to be comfortable. I couldn’t watch the video again. It was horrifying.
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Pushing her boobs together then next slide boobs are on another dimension 😂
Edit: she forgot to blurr hard 3 face on her phone case 😂💀🤪
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I didn’t listen to the podcast, so major thanks to the girlies who took it for the team and did.
Few take aways:
1- Tracy proved once again, a man comes before her children and the main goal is to push Corey out of the picture completely.
2- It’s super convenient that Too Tights came into the picture and now you’re talking how you have the kids “Full Time” and it was a “Judge’s decision” while simultaneously saying that the kids call Too Tights daily (🚩) to tell them about their day.
3- I know for a fact my dad would have been busting faces if I had even hinted at my mom’s current squeeze “disciplines” me because my mom lets him. (Major 🚩)
4- Fully believe that Too Tights hasn’t figured out his way out of this situation yet.
5- She claims she was in a deep depression last year…. She literally claims this every time she does not have a man entering her psychotic stage 5 clinger behavior. She wouldn’t know depression even if it was dropped on her doorstep in a SHEIN package.
6- Bringing the kids around his parents and acting like they’re the new grandparents… pretty sure raised some alarms for his parents.
7- the Nickname French came from tattle… give us credit where credit is due 😉
8- Bringing up Hat is creepy… but still convinced homeboy was never real and that he was a wham bam thank you ma’am.
9- Don’t believe Corey gave his blessing, I think Corey doesn’t know the full extent of too tights involvement.
10- Sounds like she is still mentally stunted when it comes to relationships and this is just entertainment to him.

I’ll be impressed if this relationship makes it to September.
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