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2nd half:

-She was all over him 10 minutes after meeting him (stage 5 clinger)

-He lives 2 hours away and wanted to meet her again the next day, and they met at the mall. They saw each other 3 days in a row and decided to start dating after that. Again WHERE ARE YOUR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!

-She told Corey about the relationship and told him she wanted the kids to meet him. She said she was scared to mention it to Corey because he gave her problems in the past with other men.

-She said she introduced the kids to him at a party and the kids automatically loved him. LOL Of course she claims Jayden had a temper tantrum and he asked Trashbag if he could take her aside to another ROOM to talk to her and she allowed that. WTF He just met your kids and you are allowing him to privately talk to her??????? This bitch is an ASSHOLE

-They keep mentioning “Hat” and how he taught Trashbag how to speak and not argue.
Just a thought - could Corey be in a relationship???
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Does she not know what sizes her kids wear? Their shoes are always too big and clothes too small. It’s like someone who doesn’t see those kids often are buying their wardrobe 🤔
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Wait, I know her mom is Catholic, but is her dad catholic, too? I recall she said years ago (when still married) that Jules wouldn’t be baptized bc he was a son and would take Corey’s religion. She then implied / said on her podcast that it was that way in her family (as in, her brothers took their dad’s) and something about her dad not being Catholic? Did I imagine all this? lol.

He prob prayed to the old gods / Old Testament God. You know, punishment / torture / penance. Next time he hopefully specifies ‘NEW Testament God.’
Well Tracy went against that whole idea and baptised Julian Catholic anyway. Probably to spite Corey. If her dad is of Irish descent (Maloney) then I wouldn't be surprised if he's Catholic too. Don't see any of them being practising really. Though you'd think she'd have had to attend before the baptisms at least. I did with my daughter
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what else is he doing that he can’t get 2 jobs if he needs to? Either pay your child support or get off your sisters couch, pick a struggle. Go to court and show the judge your updated financials so you can get the support order changed instead of burying your head in the sand and racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars of arrears. You don’t wanna pay Tracy? Find suitable living arrangements and get custody of your kids. No excuses for this loser just like we make no excuses for the kids trash mom.
And then if he got the 2 jobs and couldn’t see the kids because he was always working, you and Tracy would shit on him for that….. has he gone about this whole thing completely wrong… absolutely… did we give him the tools, yes…. Did he use them… apparently not…. The same way the kids are gonna look back on Tracy, they’ll look back on Corey too…. Let’s be honest, he don’t want them full time either, they both loved the idea of playing house and it didn’t work out for either of them… she’s going to try it again with Too Tights and it will become smoke and mirrors again…..

Those kids didn’t ask to be born and they’re paying a very fucking heavy price for it.

This. Instead of buying shoes and new teeth he could’ve went to a trade school and got certified in less than 6 months and been making good money. Hell, he qualifies for a pell grant because of the kids. He chose his current lifestyle out of resentment toward Tracy. It’s infuriating to see how both parents are weaponizing the kids.
Bro, he literally did that to get the construction job…. At this point he’s either blacklisted or he’s just proved himself untrustworthy…. Because had he stayed with it, he could have probably been a foreman at this point and make better money.

I just read the court order and since the judge she had didn't agree to her demands she wanted a new judge. Even though it's stated multiple times that it wouldn't be beneficial to the children.
I'm now insanely curious what she said to this new judge to get his visitation taken away.
It’s just more proof that it’s never been about the best interest of the kids, it’s always been about the money. She pushed for this.
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Trashy and Tony tights aren’t following each other anymore. Not sure if she did that for the hard launch or maybe trouble in paradise so soon?
showmance all for chat the girl is a baffoon a first class clown. FYI Trashy I will be there with the toothbrush & toothpaste with directions for you to take care of your children’s oral hygiene. Then kick your 🍑 into the next state 🙇 👏 👏 👏


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Lord who's gonna tell poor bower that he doesn't even like kids and she will never ruin her botched body!!!!
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Is she blind? Also must be nice to refuse to work and go to the beach. She acts like she is some trophy wife. You live in low income housing and use money to make sure that your kids father doesn’t see them that’s pretty trashy.

someone needs to call out the weight loss surgery. I wish I had an extra burner account.
She’s fucking insane
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I think they do. If you read the attached court ruling from last year it was being considered. It was denied because “at this time” it is the children who would suffer, not because the state of New Jersey doesn’t allow it. When it was first filed it stated Corey was $75k in arrears but at the time of the ruling it was now over $100k. It’s all written in the attached. I think the most infuriating thing is Corey’s absolute refusal to get health insurance for the kids and life insurance for himself (for the kids). I’m usually a Corey fan, definitely pick him over Tracy, but reading the repeated attempts from the court to have him get health insurance for the kids is awful. You can’t excuse that. The defence of Corey not wanting to give Tracy money intended for the kids to squander away doesn’t apply for health insurance. I just can’t believe after 4 years he still isn’t doing it. Maybe at this point he has completely pissed off the judge and they are trying to take measures to make him step up since nothing else is working. And it probably will only take proof of health insurance, life insurance and some sort of small payment towards child support to get visitation started again. Not repayment of the entire arrears. I feel bad for Tara because I bet she doesn’t want to pay for it but totally wants to pay for it to see the kids again. She shouldn’t be put in that position.
Why doesn't she get health insurance for the kids? I'm curious why it has to be him? They qualify for it. He is in NY. She is in NJ. They would need NJ healthcare, no? Also, why does he need to get life insurance? I have no idea about these things but I never heard of someone being required to get life insurance for their kids. Very odd to me.
I do not agree with him not paying for his children. If he doesn't want to give her money, then get custody of your children. They could have done 50/50 custody. But that would require him getting a real job and moving to jersey. Something he clearly isn't willing to do
Okay why does she have Julian dressed like Austin Powers for his birthday dinner? And maybe it’s just me but the boomerang in the car Jayden did not look too thrilled w/ Tony tights.
I said the same thing to myself. You can see how she looks at him. Not a smile.
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It’s the over explaining for me. Like girl, just admit that your priority lies in botched beauty treatments, crappy doodle bear tattoos, and boozy lunches….. seriously, her tattoos give off “What can I get for 50 dollars” vibes
This is a free tattoo, you get what you pay for. Trev I’m sure promised the artist likes and follows in exchange for a free tattoo.
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She is such a crank. Like, Tray… Let’s talk.
You could turn all of this around, get a job, be a proper mum, have the white picket fence life - but, you have to be willing to put that hard graft in.
Right now, all we’re seeing is a bloated, plastic, shein wearing (in sizes way too small), kid neglecting, dick riding woman, depending on her parents just short of wiping your flat arse.
You go on like you’re an influencer, all you’ve influenced me to do is to work harder and be thankful I don’t touch alcohol anymore.
Because girl, let me tell you - you ain’t cute, you ain’t sexy… you’re desperate and you know it.
You hyper sexualise your children for these random men and women to talk on. You’re a disgrace to all the single mums who bust their arses off (flat or peachy), all the while, protecting their kids from the internet weirdos, you proudly label fans.
Youre a fat, cellulite ridden bully and no amount of procedures will hide your rancid insides oozing out of every pore.
You ain’t the catch you think you are, you’re like the dose of the clap.
I’m going now, because I’m hormonal and this specimen is really hitting on my last nerve today, love you lot though.
So 1.. I love we have the same profile pix👏👏😂😂😂❤ And 2.. I totally heard desperate and you know it as 'Sexy and I know it' but as 'desperate and I KnOw it' 😜...👏👏👏🙌 And I can't stop my brain from singing it the *new* way!!!! I love you and hate you at the same time 😭😂😅😂😎👏👏👏💃💃💞❤
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It was on "are we dating the same guy" posts. A girl said he was "rapey" and basically had sex with her without a condom when she asked him not to.
Bitch is sitting on the beach with literally nothing else to do...can't she call them or check their faqs ? Oh wait ...she trying to get discounts by tagging them in her posts ?
She’s looking for freebies. Ain’t gonna happen. They just opened up. Place is a rip off.
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off the step grandmothers house they go. I had to color over Skylar’s whole outfit, it was entirely too small and too tight. Poor kid

the last pic of from the model home that’s why the fireplace isn’t the same
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Did she actually just post this to everyone? That she started a group chat for the purpose of talking about her man with all her immature loser friends???? “Our French group chat”???? What?!!!! Mrs. Lipani are you seeing this? Anthony? She’s fucckkkkked up. Get a job! She has too much time on her hands.
She’s a pig
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The wrinkles on her face have been there for a long time, most likely from all the tanning and never using SPF.

Everywhere around me CCD starts in 1st grade and in order to make communion at the end of 2nd grade you need to have been enrolled since 1st grade. In my opinion it was always stupid to say Julian would be Jewish because Corey is Jewish being as the Jewish religion follows the mother not the father, but that’s just my 2c.
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