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Chatty Member
What the fuck?
Is she not the same person who sat in the car while the kids played in the park?
Is she not the same person that would post on Facebook looking for a “last minute” babysitter?
Is she not the same person who sits in a park and drinks with her mom while the kids run around?
Is she not the same person who lets the kids run a muck in a back alley surgeon's office while she gets whatever done to her?
Is she not the same person who walked on a treadmill one time while the kids played at the park?

It’s cute to personalize kid’s stuff, but the reality of this world is that you can’t.

Reality, her kids are easy targets, if someone wanted to, they could just by how and what she posts… it took her a very long time to blur out locations of the kids schools.
Don’t forget Julian was found numerous times wandering around outside her townhouse in a diaper by himself.

The whole “safe word” thing is bullshit she made up on the spot. It doesn’t make sense. Is this something they do in movies? I have 3 small children. I have told them from day one….. NOBODY, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, EVER!!!!! that you don’t know will ever come pick you up. Mom and dad would NEVER send a stranger or someone other than mom, dad, grandma, grandpa to come get you. Period. Why would you set up a safe word? Who you sending to pick up your kids???? Anyone with a safe word??? And she practices the safe word with them? Spend your time doing something that’s actually going to help them! Like telling them no strangers are coming to get them! I’d put money on she’s never had any conversations about safety with those kids. Tracy should read a book. Maybe learn a thing or 2 about stranger danger to teach her kids instead of posting provocative pictures of her half naked children with their locations in live time on the internet.
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How many comebacks does one person need to have?
- Didn’t she have one after the boob job?
- Another after the tummy tuck?
- Wasn’t there one when she was “officially” divorced?
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Because she’s such a wonderful daughter who brings her kids over just 4 days a month to spend time with their grandparents.
When she’s talking about Corey it’s court mandated “4 days a month” when she’s talking about her parents it quality time “every other weekend”. Yes, both describe the same amount of time. The difference is how Tracy wants to twist it.
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Ang 1986

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I had sent her video of her getting her botched fat transfer to my surgeon/friend, first thing he said was “she should’ve had those dog ears taken care of before anything else, her scar is horrific”

Also he did the fat transfer incorrectly, but that’s neither here nor there…
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Her focus is not happiness. Her focus is on finding a man. She thinks that is happiness. It’s really sad. I cannot imagine living that way.

Also i feel bad for those poor kids. Their mother is more focused on her next drink or fuck, than their childrens’ well being.
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She was pretty when she was average looking. You can tell that enhancers have done nothing for her and made her looks rather harsh; add on the weekend partying and she’s aging herself while doing procedures to “stay young”. As for her friends and family and an intervention, it’s probably just easier to deal with her by pretending there isn’t an issue.
when she was pregnant with Jayden, that short blonde bob- to me that was her prettiest.
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She can get all the procedures she wants but it won’t change the fact that she sucks at life. Any normal guy who sees her social media will think she’s a red flag that at 36 years old how she constantly posts that she’s a mom of three but hardly posts her kids but instead reposts irrelevant memes and herself partying. She will never find someone who is just looking for arm candy or a trophy wife because she’s far from it.
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LMAOOOOOOO!!!! What happened to "ignoring" people because it doesn't bother her. Its all lies. She's a fucken selfish CUNT. She just wants people to send her condolences for bullying this kid when he was alive. You are Trash Tracy!!! Every thing you post is for show you can careless that he died and i seriously doubt his mom saw it. She's in mourning and can give 2 shits that you left a rose on his grave site.

She couldn't even answer if she works. The commenter got blocked right away once the seat got hot. How embarrassing. Please you are a BUM Bitch and have nothing to show for it. Thank god for daddy or your kids would actually be suffering.
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Can she please wear a fucking full length shirt?!
Seriously… be normal wear the Mom of the birthday boy with the party theme shirt like the rest of us. 🤣

Can she stop with the Hulk Hogan bandannas? It’s not a look she can pull off, but she could totally rock a messy bun with said bandanna tied as a headband.
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Guess he knows about the site. Lol. Oh and hi Joey.
What a fucking loser 🤣 I'm sure Big T is gloating right with him while in the same breath crying about men treating her the same way

I hope I didn't cause the woman who posted about him any trouble. Boasting about ghosting and mistreating good women to party for 4 days DTS with a bunch of old hippos isn't the flex he thinks it is and is exactly why he's still single at 37 on dating apps with 0 ambition or goals to grow up and start a family

No wonder him and Big T are so on and off, they're literally the same person 🤣
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Chatty Member
Trashbag influenced me to take better care of my skin, and protect myself from the sun.. so I don’t look like an Oompa Loompa, or tan mom.
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Wtf is with this stupid fuckin pose?????
What does abortion have to do with this chicks question???

For the second comment,,,,,you have three fuckin children, one of which will probably never be able to be on his own, why wouldn’t you ask such an important question. Why wouldn’t you care about the risk? Why wouldn’t you worry about something that could potentially take you away from your kids especially since you’re a single full time mom who has the kids 26/30. She really is a disgrace of a parent.


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Guess he knows about the site. Lol. Oh and hi Joey.
I would never want to be attached to a 40 year old man who post shady things on Instagram like this. Either grow up and dont be afraid to speak the truth or shut up. Sorry but I can not stand people who think they are cool or funny posting subliminal messages for clout.
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Chatty Member
Talk about second hand embarrassment. She’s sitting in front her low income apt in front of the highway 🥴in a fucken bikini. 💀
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Warning there is a jump scare in here. Highlights of Maloney’s Christmas weekend. Also she blurred out her stomach area in one of the shots.
ohhh are we about to see history repeat itself with Joey and Danielle?! I’m here for it! craberto and mlockee 2.0 🤭🤣
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Joey- how does it feel banging a z-list reality villain who doesn’t take care of her kids and talks shit about her children’s father? Oh and Steph talked badly about Corey’s deceased father?
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