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VIP Member
my mrs suffers with mental health problems, add to that she's curreny going through a serious bout of post natal depression, she tried ending her life on sunday(again) and I was there to stop her...she has now been allocated a CPN who comes a few times a week to check on her...

his behaviour regarding this is a slap in the face to the many thousands of people like my mrs.

Towers, you despicable little bastard, I know you read this, donate the left over money to mind... it's not too late...
I'm sorry to hear that!
It is so tough! Not only for the person going through it but the people around them.

Having been in a similar situation myself, social media was the last thing I wanted to look at! I deleted it all for about a year! I'm still hesitant now and only have instagram!


VIP Member
Another fucking beg, the dipshit should of at least maintain for two years before considering surgery most people regain it and the way he eats can see that happening.

I'm not sure what road he's going down next but he seems to be hanging on to the heavy lifters at that muscle place. I forecast lots of whey protein and steroids if he follows that shower.


VIP Member
This is definitely shifty ...
he must be absolutely shitting himself now that things are catching up with him.
He must absolutely know once he does he’ll be questioned again.
One thing for sure he’s making himself look more guilty everyday he does address the questions

Set up a Go Fund Me, I’ll pretend I’ve set it up for you we’ll share the loot 50/50
I get a feeling Paula and Michael won't be happy if folk start turning up on their doorstep looking for answers or when their postman needs a separate trailer just for Jack's mail.

What a slimey toad he is, he hasn't thought of the consequences that this could have for his family.


No people have been misled, even two separate ops don't come to 40k. Add to the fact he continued to take money from people long after he reached his target weight and he only stopped when he got a ton of verbal abuse. During that time he also quit a full time job. He promised to keep people in the loop from day one and he hasn't, he's ignored and even blocked people for asking reasonable valid questions. He won't come up with any current facts and figures on how the fund balance currently stands. He could stop all of the speculation just by supplying a few simple details but he can't. It is painfully obvious he has abused some of that money, there's no two ways about it
Oh I dont doubt it for a second.


VIP Member
Been reading these posts but never commented

I was just wondering though is this the target size and weight he wants to be? What would happen to the skin if he wants to lose a few more stone? Would it just tone up and be ok from going to the gym 🤔👀


Active member
I saw stumpz story as well, and i get it, its not really anything to do with him. However he has clearly known whats going on because they went to that modball thing together for a start. What does her expect after his bezzie vanishes of SM


Chatty Member
He did say but can't remember what it was, and don't have the stomach to look through his page with his entire tubs of halo with squirty cream in one sitting.

I think once he's had the surgery he'll slowly disappear from Instagram
He will be spending all his time in ‘London Town’ being ‘noticed’ lol

Ta daaaaa!!


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Izzie Kennedy is as thick as thieves with him again so she isn't going to say anything.
That’s a massive shame. I always thought she seemed quite normal and nice but couldn’t understand why she would want to hang around with this absolute lecher. I don’t see how you could still be friends with him as a consultant. It just screams dishonesty!


Well-known member
Stumpz has had issues with his own mental health which he has posted about before quite openly so may be coming from a place of experience. Whilst I dont like his filming whilst driving I actually prefer him to Towers


VIP Member
I dare you.....

He met another penguin at Club penguin! 🐧

Seems an though he might have further surgery! God no more crowdfunding please!!!

He lost 7lbs of fat! A lot less than people who funded him lost!
I wonder if it's because he weighed himself before going and knew he'd gained weight after his recent nights/days out so he's deducted that from the skin removed


VIP Member
So I know two people who have had gastric bands and cosmetic surgery such as this. Turns out that if you have it private, you have to fund your own body image therapy and counselling afterwards. Is this something that Jack has skipped?