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Guys, she's begging for money again. I mean, I honestly don't think she works that hard. Like she's a fan of Clem Ford given she wants to be a feminist page as opposed to a comedy page about dating profiles.

Clem writes essays and articles- as well as books, provides more content than TT on Instagram, and hosts a podcast. Clem works hard and you can see that clearly when you compare the two pages. Imagine thinking the solution to getting more Patreons is introducing a lower tier that earns no extra perks as opposed to improving her content.

I mean yesterday she went thrift shopping and tried on the clothes and posted it. It was hardly groundbreaking or interesting, nor was it what I expected from a page called "Tinder Translators".
The charity shop post was to say “look at me, I’m poor, give me money” 🙄

She seemed to time her begging on the same day Lalalaletmeexplain started a big begging push, for doing absolutely nothing, except basic common sense and large dose of white privilege.

Let the white saviour begging wars begin!
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she’s right, asking people to suggest companies she could approach to beg for money is cringe.

and saying she wants to eventually write articles and a book...she could have just said she wants to be lalalaletmeexplain and is sick with jealousy at all the opportunities she is getting.
Imagine being so ungrateful that people pay you to incoherently rant that you say 'only 170 patreon', not a full time wage... No one should get a full time wage (which she's decided is £1500 a month) for sitting on Instagram, moaning, with greasy hair.
She's not on there full time at all. Is she seriously suggesting that these Friday night off the cuff roasts and her dance breaks with bad lip synch adds up to 37.5+ hours a week?
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If you’ve got time to upload a load of random photos for strangers or sing along to eternal, then you’ve got time to clean your home.
How people can live like that is beyond me, especially when a child lives there - it’s pure laziness.

it’s an instant block - that’s because she knows it’s a fucking sty
And she's trying to turn it into a feminist issue. She and her child live in a shit tip because its the patriarchy who decided that women should do housework and men can live in shit tips. Umm what? What men live like that?? The patriarchy is a much bigger and more serious deal than that anyway. She's actually trying to act like she's inspirational for living like that. It makes me feel sick that she prepares her sons food in a room crawling with germs.
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She now wants to do some online event where she teaches people how to date better or something and charge for tickets... Here's an idea if you're a bit skint... Get a proper job instead of expecting people to pay to listen to you talk shit and pull pained faces whilst guzzling wine.
Because her brand just screams dating expert 🙄 The only thing she’s an expert in is being triggered, living in an absolute hovel and begging for likes and PayPal benefit top ups online
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Her eye make up is so so so bad. Clicking through her stories where she’s trying to get people to buy this eyeshadow she has an affiliate link for. She’s like “I used the palette for this look... and this look.... and this look” and every time a new photo of her came up I actually said “oh my god” out loud. And not in a good way 🙈
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It’s fuck all to do with gender. If you are a filthy bastard, you’re a filthy bastard 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I will judge you and I do think you’re a terrible parent if you allow your children to grow up in a dirty filthy environment when you literally don’t have to. You don’t have a job, you spend hours copying content and shit reels- maybe spend an hour tidying your house?
We all know the Mrs Hinchs of the world are the exception, we are well aware of it but a lot of us have pride in what we own, pride in our space and pride in ourselves.
It’s a lot of words to say that your house stinks Aileen
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Guys, TT 'literally said on per box pls' I find her so fucking rude. She's doing her Disney fuckability thing again and can't be arsed to read a list. People pay for this crap! I looked at her 'patreon' and she 'earns' almost £500 a month from this shit.
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telling people if they want to suggest a bridgerton character for her to add to the polls that she wanted to make then they will have to pay her. This is not the way you’re going to get rich, Aileen.
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30somethingsingle has a chip on her shoulder so big I'm amazed she can stand up. I've never seen anyone so woke and whiny. Literally telling guys to fuck off if they so much as message her twice. Even when they message her normally she still isn't particularly friendly. She's a pretentious, arrogant know it all. Almost looking down on men if they don't read her books or listen to her podcasts. I

I'm all for feminism and her opinions on unsolicited dick pics are 100% bang on, but her screenshots of messages are almost like she is waiting to be offended by something, waiting for these men to say something she doesn't agree with so she can shout her favourite words "cishet" "patriarchy" and "gaslighting" I'm not saying this she doesn't sometimes provide good examples of these terms, but I feel she goes looking for it straight away. She is hostile and cold to any man that so much as says hello to her. I don't actually think she wants to meet someone. I sometimes think the whole insta thread is so she can scream and shout at white straight people.
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I get so much secondhand embarrassment watching her. Can't wait for her to turn these song suggestions into a playlist then immediately beg people to support her on Patreon
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She needs to start copying a decent MUA.

View attachment 999833
When she did that thing inviting her followers to say something positive about themselves, one of her own was "I'm good at eye makeup" or something 🤣🤣🤣. She makes me die from second hand embarrassment.

She's so shit at doing her makeup it hurts. I wouldn't mind but about 90% of YouTube and TikTok is makeup tutorials.
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She's winding me up too, which is a shame because the premise of her account is funny but she thinks her "content" is way better, funnier and more original that it actually is and I think she over estimates her intelligence by a stretch.

The fact that Clementine Ford is "friends" with her is astounding. Clem can be abrasive but she's clever and generally has something interesting, well researched and thought out and relevant to say. And is an actual writer, a real one, not one of these desperate IG hacks.
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I think lala might have a problem with her. Usually lala reposts everything that she is tagged in especially if it is by another person with a big following and especially especially if it is to do with her book. TT has tagged her in 3 stories in the last 24 hours, one being about the book arriving and another about the book being her book club (an idea she stole from thirty something single) read this month and lala hasn’t reposted one of them. Lala didn’t include her in her answer about her favourite Instagram accounts recently too.
TT must be FUMING not to be reweeted 😅
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