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Chatty Member
I noticed that her latest video has a lot of thumbs down reactions. And yes, the subscriber count is definitely going down.
For those of you who are still subscribed, you can still watch her videos without subscribing. Because you've visited the page a few times, it also comes up and you dont really have to search for it, in case you subbed to get the notification.
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New vlog, the last one in Spain. Their vacation is over, she didn't go the beach at all. She showed us the sea from their hotel room window.
She said "we tried everything in this resort - every restaurant, every pool".
People like these are wasting their money going to vacation. She could have all that in London. And she wasted money on those 4 swimsuits ๐Ÿ˜„
and had she ever really swam in the pool "darling" would have been ordered to film it. She never did. I think the only one that saw the sea was HA on his morning run as she was busy being "productive" on the laptop.
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I think she just can't swim and she wants to hide it:) Tiffany is the kind of person who never learnt anything as a kid, no swimming, ice skating, skiing...
That's it. She cannot swim! If she did swim there, she would make a massive deal out of it and Ha would be instructed to film it as pointed out by Turaj.
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Make sense of it!

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So much crap, and people saying so in comments are lambasted with such gems as 'She has just survived a life-saving cancer operation, she's allowed to eat what she likes'. Un-effing-believable!!!
I seriously do wonder if her diet was part of the reason she got cancer in the first place, her eating habits are quite bizarre.
She's had "tummy" issues for at least 9yrs that we have known about with previous surgeries and investigations etc, there is not one part of Tiffany's brain that would connect her "tummy" issues to her diet, lifestyle and very obvious eating disorder history, clearly she has body dysmorphia, disordered eating and wonders why her stoma output is "hectic". I've run out of fucks to give and l couldn't care less if the next location they find cancer is in her stomach. Yup l said it ๐Ÿ‘
Urgh, yes that sounds like her.... Aww.... and littered with those bloody blue hearts and praying hands. If it's not her, they have got her off pat.
I thought this one sounded a bit OTT to be Tiffany, but l don't hang out in the comments enough to know how much crap she's spewing these days that's why l asked ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I'll be there! Must get a tankini first. BRB.
I'm on Amazon right now in anticipation, my tankini must be in blue ๐Ÿ’™
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Fluffy has lost the plot completely
View attachment 2081022
Fluffy is literally talking about herself! Her unhealthy attachment to a crazy stranger on youtube. Or did she forget about being heartbroken when she found out that Tiffany already had her surgery and did not inform her most hard-working little soldier? She was so upset that she came on here to seek solace, sanity and reasonableness and vowed to never block and delete tick tick tick.
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New vlog... 3 years since her dad passed away... and she keeps on talking about his quicken chicken shop, she doesn't seem to have many memories left at all from him. Did he just leave his family behind? Not a visit to his grave, instead T and HA stuff themselves with coffee on the go and some sort of junk cake. What was it about HA in this vlog, he was sooooo affectionate, she probably jerked him off in the morning.
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I mean, she's always eaten this way (all the way back to her mukbangs a decade ago) but I feel like she's purposely trying to eat crap since her surgery? I don't know why she (or anyone in her life) thinks this is a good idea.
After her surgery her dietitian told her to eat less fiber (she never ate it anyway) and she decided it means she's allowed to eat junk all day every day.
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Make sense of it!

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Comments on her Facebook page. I rarely look at that.
"Has Tiffany given all her clothes away" this comment is bang on, l have kept wondering the same thing, the only items she appears to own are her dumb merch, leggings and crocs (with yellow socks) where are all her clothes? In the attic with her brain perhaps ๐Ÿ˜
Oh gawd have you seen there is a group as well ๐Ÿ˜ณ? Honestly what is it about her that attracts the loons?
MK has a new video, she is hilarious! Love the girl. ๐Ÿคฃ

The conversation MK had on the phone with the "Dr" had me in stitches. She is excellent at parody.
How long can she go ?! I'm curious now. Her desperate attempts to produce watchable content at this point, have been excruciatingly, painfully stretched to the limit. It's 6' under already, put the puppy to rest.
However, I think she's got a shot with... 'Ive got mental problems', for a channel.
{my bad, I know}

๐Ÿ‡ ๐ŸŽšHappy Easter Everyone ! ๐Ÿฐ
More like "how LOW can she go" l think she will stoop to an all time low with her cancer shenanigans to get views up again ๐Ÿ‘
Happy Easter ๐Ÿฃ
Happy Easter ๐Ÿฃ to you!
Happy Easter ๐Ÿฃ
One of her cult followers (from her fans on the Tiffany Thinks Loving Family Facebook group) sent her this for Christmas and still hasn't heard anything. Now I can't draw for quids as my dad used to say, this person does draw fairly well but the teeth!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜€
I can't see Tiffany hanging this portrait anywhere in her sterile environment that is her home.
Tiffany actually looks better in this drawing than she does in real life!! The bloody merch though ruined it ๐Ÿ˜’
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It's a very long four days - or maybe it just feels like it, due to the endlessly repetitive nature of her vlog content. And what's happened to HA? He's gone all sort of mincing and camp and self-preening!
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She is a sick puppy and Amma is just as bad. That thumbnail disgusts me.
They truly are the 3 Musketeers. They all know how to scheme, twist the truth and laugh at how stupid the idiot cult followers are. Amma may be the mother, but sheโ€™s just as sneaky. I am disgusted by all three of them.
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I'm going to have to agree with Louise on this one. Unfortunately You Tubers that have a PO box linked often get sent alot alot of crap or junk so to be fair (no lm not going soft on her) l actually don't blame T for not making an "unboxing" video, many of those that sent gifts/cards etc have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with her, if she did a "shout out" it would only encourage more people to send stuff (lm thinking of FF as an example) to get recognition. What she SHOULD have done was print off (use a service like snap printing) "Thankyou" post cards you can order like 1000 for peanuts, just a generic acknowledgement and post this to as many people that had a return address, after all she spent months laying side to side on the couch being waited on hand and foot, both arms are working and clearly her mouth wasn't affected by surgery so she could have licked and sticked stamps all day long!!!

Great idea, thanks will check her out.

For anyone interested this is the Natera (Signatera) blood test Michelle (Anal CA relapse patient) was referring to in her latest video that ScrattyRatty linked. I was very familiar with it for pre natal/non invasive genetic testing and the whopping price tag it comes with but had no idea they had been using it to monitor cancer status (individuals unique tumour genetic profile) l will definitely be discussing this with my Oncologist ๐Ÿ‘
I think we used foundationone CDX test. They offer tissue testing or blood testing.
Iโ€™ve posted this in the general โ€œcancer influencersโ€ thread but I want my TT Tattle family to witness this. Iโ€™d set up a devoted thread to Zoe but donโ€™t know how :geek:
Prepare yourselves!
I made you a thread :) Just copied and pasted all the info you supplied
Matching backpacks, matching crocs & matching travel neck pillows, bet they have matching bath robes too.
Does anyone ever feel jippy when they watch T's videos? She always has bits of food around her mouth, sometimes white mucus thats collected in the corners of her mouth or lip balm all over her lips & tache area.
I know that none of us are perfect. I am sure I get bits of food around my mouth when I eat, but there is no way I would leave it there and be vlogging.
On her last video when she said "oooo do I have a boogie in my nose?" Why didn't she edit it out?
It's gross!


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Tiffany wants to buy a house in Ireland, so she can have 2 houses - 1 in London, 1 in Ireland. She wants to live there 4 months a year.
"I want to live with the sheep, i want to see the sheep every morning".
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mayday mayday

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Any bets on Sunday's topics? More junk food I guess.
My money is on her and the HA meandering around the GARDEN CENTRE, with coffee in tow. Maybe the neglected Invisalign will make a showing. And oh yeah more junk food.
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She asked her followers for advice with her stoma bag and how to deal with it on the beach, to write it in the comments.

Maggie (a nurse with a stoma and a popular youtuber) offered her help even before the surgery, but no, Tiffany doesn't watch other youtubers, and doesn't need their help :rolleyes:
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Are they right in the head? Who actually cares if 2 strangers get married or not? If they shag sheep, if they are bi sexual, swingers, whatever?
I get the impression that many of her subscribers are lonely and have no life, other than watching the tt videos? Its like they are treating her channel as a soap opera, will they? won't they?
They probably think that it's us Tattlers who have no life. How wrong they are. I've seen more of life with all its many challenges on this thread than in all Tiffany's vlogs and comments put together!
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On a positive note I see that Brian Krock posted on their GoFundMe page (which they turned off long ago) that all is well. Jessica is fighting some foot pain and depression but things are getting better. He said he sees the Jessica he remembers coming back slowly. I don't think we will hear too much from her but nice of Brian to put that out..I imagine he will put it on IG too. She goes for 3 month scans early May but all indications that there was no cancer in her body at the time of this surgery which means that the Mayo general opinion that it had spread elsewhere was wrong but it took the surgery to be sure. High price for peace of mind.
I didn't realise that you too had had cancer, Turaj. I am very sorry to hear that.
thank you. I was lucky early stage uterine and no spread.. a few precautionary treatments of targeted radiation and now of course the every 4 month checks for some years. At some point that is how I found TT...different cancer but I thought wow age makes no difference and got sucked into following her...I have always just assumed most posting on here have some close experience with cancer. Before my experience looking at cancer sites was the last thing on my mind. It does change your life whether it is you or someone close. Now my sister is in a battle and facing a very big surgery. It never ends.
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She ate and bought so much junk food today. Chips (twice), crisps, cheetos, chocolate, cookies, sweet popcorn, more cookies, more chocolate, sweet juice, hamburgers, coffee, sandwiches. Nothing healthy at all.
I don't recall ever seeing a piece of fresh fruit or greens in that house for TT and Ha. I think Amma may be back at work or at Elodies most of the time now.
Saydee, T is absolutely raking it in via YouTube income and merch sales. It is mindblowing how much YouTubers with Tiffanyโ€™s level of following can make.
Also canโ€™t bring myself to watch but whoever said she is worried about weight gain, wtf?
the part I saw was her trying on this fitted jacket and in front of full length mirror and saying she had put on weight and rather disapprovingly looking at herself in the mirror. She is very is classic behavior of someone with a drastic body image problem that goes with her eating disorder. Ha just keeps laughing and carrying on. Such losers.
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Tiffany wants to buy a house in Ireland, so she can have 2 houses - 1 in London, 1 in Ireland. She wants to live there 4 months a year.
"I want to live with the sheep, i want to see the sheep every morning".
I MOVED thru this one very fast but did catch that and noted it was all I not We with the repeated talk of not only visiting Ireland again but basically living there 4 months of the year. She is a 30+ year old woman not some pensioner planning retirement with two homes. Now she is planning a
sun vacation which I knew was coming. In April. These two are living very good off YT. It has all becoming disgusting to watch. Scan results tease to get people back again. I think Matt is pathetic in that he tolerates her. Not once did he agree with or confirm his thoughts on their apparent future being planned by TT in Ireland.
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