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She's right, her bumless bum cheek looks just as shapely as the proper bum cheek. Amazing surgeons indeed, or magicians perhaps....
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Make sense of it!

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I think that I'm blocked from Tiffany's channel now. I can still see her page and videos but if I comment, even something very critical, nobody responds either by replying or giving a thumbs up.

2 more comments on her latest video.
S.mafzali has nailed it with the reply to FF the issue is not and has never been anyone who uses clickbait, flogs merch or airfryers and leads the viewer to a parasocial relationship ( you alot alot alot my loving TT family) on YT they all do it to an extent it's exactly as this comment pointed out these are vulnerable cancer patients that she is stringing along and making money from. If she was a Jessica, Jenny, Nat, Emily (RIP) no one would blink an eyelid, fully support and appreciate how they are sharing their journey with educational and honest content. It is her use and abuse of *CANCER* that absolutely stinks, she lies (absolutely beyond doubt proven), exaggerates and manipulates the entire time leading people to question everything that she has ever said!!! Making money from YT not a problem ,"flogging" *CANCER* is.
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When did Matt look pissed?

I am starting to think that the online date for Geoff Ferris is incorrect IF Matt was present when Tiffany, once again said it was his 60th birthday. I do not recall if Matt was present, but, if he was, why didn't he correct Tiffany and say '61st birthday' instead?
Additionally, if Aunt Button, who was wearing a 'We Got This' Tiffanythinks sweatshirt when she presented Tiffany the Irish ring, watches Tiffany's videos, why doesn't she, or anyone else from Matt's family who watches the videos, issue a correction in the comments section?
Interesting, isn't it, that Matt's 'acquaintances' who happen to be on this forum don't shine a light on these issues. Seemingly, they would rather have continued discussion here on Geoff Ferris's birthday or maybe they, too, don't know.

Result: When one looks up 'Matt Ferris' on Google, Tattle threads are first in line! Congratulations, Matt!
Soon, with all the discussion about the birthday of Geoff Ferris on these threads, Tattle will, once again, appear on searches for Geoff Ferris on Google.
So much for not helping people here with mundane dates! Tiffany's ambiguity will soon result in Matt's entire family being linked to Tattle threads! lol.
You would hope if Matt’s family are reading here, someone with sense will tell him to get the heck out of that relationship and move on with his life! Nothing will ever change in that current relationship where status quo is just living day in and day out with a selfish child who has no insight or foresight into the real world. How on earth could he not be bored! FFS, there’s so much more to life … I think she’ll be wearing those sweatshirts till the end of time and living on hash browns. Such an exciting platform for her cult to follow. A cult of simpletons!
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While I am not subscribed, I watched the video to see if Tiffany was going to address Fluffy's comments. Tiffany did not address Fluffy's comments.
Out of curiosity, I was looking up flight times from London to Athens, and discovered that Ryan Air has very good bargains (Many less than 200euros--but I am not sure if that is round-trip or one-way.) I was almost certain that Tiffany and Matt would be flying Ryan Air and might have chosen Athens also because of the relative good bargain on flights to Athens. Ryan Air does not have first or business class, as far as I know.
So...Fast forward to today's video, and Tiffany is calling British Airways to re-route her trip to Spain. How many here think that Tiffany and Matt are flying business class or even higher to Spain?
Maybe Tiffany chose British Airways especially for a higher class ticket. Certainly, British Airways has higher ticket prices than Ryan Air does.
I don't know what they are flying but the best they could do is a voucher. Now going to Gran Canaria because Matt says it is warmer. Hope they get a week of rain.
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Any health care professionals that I know do not have time to follow the likes of TT. Between working so many hours, managing their home life and trying to make a bit of time to relax...nope can't see them tuning in to YT and looking for more medically related content. i question any on there (YT) that claim to be active medical professionals but that is me...very cynical. Just like questioning any that claim to know this family. As to being "pro active" good for you and the only way to operate these days in terms of medical care. Have some friends and family involved in clinical trials and getting great to ask all the questions as some professionals seem to have tunnel vision...but when pressed can come up with options. Good luck. It is interesting to learn about members here as each of us comes to this topic with different perspectives.

There has been silence in the aftermath of the Ireland trip. That family seemed on the surface to really embrace TT and it would be logical for some chit chat on camera about how much she enjoyed their time there etc. I admit to only skimming the videos these days but have heard nothing. So I then think...hum...what did they really think...especially his father??? No matter what the relationship it does matter what your family thinks. Would they be honest with him? They have to have some concerns and after a few days some of her bizarre and childlike personality had to be seen and i know at least the Aunt watches the videos. Pretty traditional group and I think HA feels his Irish roots are important....he has to be thinking what we are asking...what are his intentions here...probably asked the same by his family. We really know so little about him in real life....maybe he is just that weak that he will just go with this relationship in lieu of getting back out there and finding a woman that could be a real life partner. Just don't know...just see a goon like guy on camera playing a role with TT. I think it possible that some of them read the threads here too....a simple google will bring you here.
Before Tiffany HA used to have a girlfriend (seen on his FB page) who looked like an older and far more mature version of Tiffany. I honestly think that he needs to get out of this relationship before he's imprisoned for life in a small beige box with two women whose idea of a cultural afternoon is to see how many things they can order off amazon.
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I can't believe a surgeon would say it in those terms! Her talking to grandad was so cringe, she acts as if he should be desperate for her attention when in reality he is surrounded by family. The uncle blanking her and juatbwalking past was hilarious. Why on earth did she leave that in
Yes I noticed that he didn't appear all that thrilled by her videoing him as he walked past, he didn't even acknowledge her did he? And there she was waving at him and laughing while standing in front of the window as he walked by.
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The princess bought Amma a "we got this blue" water bottle... so Amma would drink more water if she sees the we got this blue color, like a reminder... for god sake you cheap little spoiled brat, if you're really concerned about your mom's hydratation, just get her an airup water bottle.
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Welcome to the darkside. I didn’t even watch the Ireland vlog, despite being desperate to have a gander and Aunty Mutton. This latest stunt is the final nail in the coffin, as fun as this thread has been I’d be happy to see it die now.
The thread is far, far more enjoyable than Tiffany's channel could ever be (!) so hope we can keep it going.
Oh I would be sad if this thread died ☹. I'm sure it has legs because I can't see T giving up on the easy money. I'm sure she has it all planned out in her bullet journal, all the storylines with plot twists and drama ready to be deployed.
The Bum Bum saga may be over, but we can surely look forward to vague Stoma Stories (no nasty poo mentioned), the angst of the Crockery Crisis (lots of pointing opportunities) or the biggie of the year the torture of Will Ha Won't Ha, (put a ring on it, leave or get a personality).
I await with baited breath!
You left out CANCER - WORRIED THAT IT HAS COME BACK, which I'm sure we will all see at some point on her channel.
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Make sense of it!

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So today l.did a little test on my Family to gauge their response. I informed them lm "supporting" this CA sufferer on YT and got them to watch 2 videos of TT. My Parents are 80+ (so vulnerable) and my sibling late 50's who works as a prison officer in one of the "worst of the worst" prisons. Now my Father is under Palliative care (CA) and l have a poor CA prognosis so all are very familiar with CA. BOTH parents questioned how old T is with her behaviour and understanding of her cancer, neither thought she was anything more than a teenager, and said she has a poor understanding of her condition, neither parent was "emotionally" sucked into her drama despite both being of that "vulnerable" age group. My sibling stated outright that T is lying based on X,Y AND Z and said they wouldn't believe a word she said, if she was incarcerated they definitely would not be believed. My mother was a pharmacist who worked in drug research her entire career, my Father in production industry travelled the world, both have "life" experience but still are easily led by whatever nonsense is on "current affairs" or "6'oclock news" yet neither fell for her crap!! I have repeatedly questioned the demographics of T's most loyal supporters only to be told they are the "Mummy" type, alone, vulnerable and easily influenced. I do agree some are from the very low "socio economic" spectrum given they would forgo food or medicines to buy her merch or send a gift but l disagree that those most vulnerable fall for her BS. Maybe l have "sensible" genes but as l said my Mother believes everything on the news or current affairs so l would definitely describe her as being "vulnerable".
Take this for what you will, argue or ignore my post. I'm still left absolutely baffled as to the demographics that are the most staunch supporters of T, is it Men that find her cutesy or Girls of a similar age group that think "it won't happen to me?" The jury's out.
Why can l see her poking her tongue out when writing this? "If you don't like it don't watch" hahaha and "thank you for all the lovely comments" news flash you delete anything that's not blowing smoke up.ypur non existent arse, there are more negative than positive comments these days!!!
Twins x 2? Busy Mum! :) Wear these slippers Matt, use this journal Matt, fill it out like I do Matt.

Yes, I am def an anomaly amongst friends my age. I married and married quite young, but had grown up with him, same schools, same classes, etc. Have friends who have been in long term relationships and live with their partners, but no interest in getting married or engaged.

Enablers yes! I'd be asking "why are you speaking like that"? I can't even handle seeing parents talking babyish to their kids & pets. Speak properly! :)
You are seen and you are heard!!! I've posted a comment about my 80+ yr old parents and how they see TT very interesting feedback.


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Chatty Member
Wow, never actually read the comments on YT before. I didn't realize they were all
cognitively challenged 🫦
Yes, I go through them from time to time hoping to find a sensible comment. But almost everyone on there is singing their praise to Tiffany and saying how much they enjoyed the video! 😂
Today she said she wishes she could read everyone’s comments right away, “like live.” I see a lot of people are encouraging her to do a Live in the comments section. I wonder if she really will do it lol 🧐
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Counting Sheep! Bwahahahaha...

Glad our side is keeping up on the drek dispenser in chief.

I am actually glad she is taking an interest in life, and able to do some things outside. But I can't be fussed with looking at or listening to her.

You are all hilarious. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Off to check if bowel bro has been arrested yet...
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Very well said to all those pointing this out to Fluffy

It smacks of addiction to me.

The fact that it must take so long recording throughout the day, but then she's got to edit it and then upload it.
You only have to view her reaction when she thought she had broken her camera. It was panic. And then she remembered it was ok because she still had her old camera that she could use.
Tiffany in hospital saying she had just been explaining to Matt and Amma why she vlogged. Her words "Vlogging is my thing".
And Amma repeatedly telling T in hospital before she went home "Get some sleep tonight" "rest tonight".
I’m still coming to terms with the fact Tiffany pulled her camera out within days of her surgery, while still in a critical care unit and while still having patient controlled analgesia intravenously … that says so much about the compulsion within her to vlog above and beyond anything else. It sure does smack of addiction!
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Thank you Saydee, it has made us think, it really has. This poor lady lost her husband to bowel cancer in his 40's, and she had recently moved to a new home, she had no chance to enjoy it. As you know, life can be very cruel indeed. T really should be counting her blessings.
that is a very devasting just don't know. T should be counting her blessings is right as none of us know what is next. I think one of the worst things about a cancer diagnosis (even one with successful treatment) is that feeling like what is next. I struggle with that and try to put it out of my mind. Tough to hear stories like this and sorry SR for your loss.
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One of the last times my husband managed to get up our stairs (literally 11 steps) in our house must have been on par with climbing a mountain. Very challenging and resulted in him being puffed out for days on end. That's the challenge for many cancer patients and a sad reality. Taking a shower that wipes you out physically for the rest of the day, but they push on. That's what I find inspiring.
And then we have Tiff that still drops the 'c word' and her 'new life' which involves a huge build up to sitting in a pool, and her foolish online strangers that she calls family think she is an inspiration.
Inspiring = Getting on a train
Inspiring = Getting on a plane
Inspiring = Sitting in a pool
Hmmm Okay!

Jenny is in my thoughts. I haven't been watching her videos recently, but I do hope her trial treatment is keeping her disease stable.

A bunch of saddos
Saydee your husband sounded like an inspiration, a breath of fresh air and a real trooper right to the end of his time on earth. What a courageous man ❤
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Her idea of interacting with people is "That lady was so cute, I wanna take her home!"
I'm actually laughing out loud at this. People around me wondering whats got me laughing so much.
Leonor. I imagine Amma & Tiffany filling the car with patients to take them home, trying to get one positioned into the boot of the car.

Ha! I need to get a life me! Your comments really tickled me.
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Happy ANZAC Day to all Aussies and Kiwis here 🇳🇿🇦🇺 ❣
Thank you.
My late father was in the Australian Army during WW2 and was a prisoner of war in Changi during that time. Some of the stories he'd tell.........😥😥
My son was in the Army here also, for almost 6 years before leaving. He did a deployment to Iraq.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.
Lest we Forget.
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Matt's family members seem like normal nice people from what I have seen so far. People like us. I feel embarrassed for Tiffany. More than usual, and I usually get secondary embarrassment from her antics. I'd die if they saw me behave like that on youtube. They must think Matt has lost his mind being with such a nutcase.

You go, Gail! Fluffy is a backstabbing snake, all evidence of it is here on 'prattle'. We have the receipts, fox.
I never trusted Fluffy and said so when she popped up on here. I think she's got serious mental problems.
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