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I love your post. Very very true. Passive aggressiveness and nastiness is oozing out of her. I think she lets it out for real in real life (not on camera) and her victims are Amma and Ha. She herself recently said (according to reports on here) that she "took it out on Matt". Amma and Ha suffer her tantrums, and other nastiness whilst she grins like a dick in her vlogs. Such bad vibes from this so-called human being.
Ohhh yes, I so agree! She would be a total brat to when the camera is off. And as you (or others reported), she said this herself. Come to think of it, itā€™s probably the only time sheā€™s been somewhat transparent.

ā€œGrins like a dickā€ hahaā€¦sooo spot on! Although of course she avoids that crazed grin for thumbnailsā€¦ for thumbnails she ensures she looks like death warmed up. Gotta clickbait the punters into views + $$$ somehow.

Urgh she makes my skin crawl (and I havenā€™t watched a video since early December!). I rarely even comment here. I just pop back because everyone in this group feels like friends. A bunch of level-headed, sensible, kind, smart and fun people.

In fact I think we should all meet for a convention one day. If I ever win lotto, Iā€™m shouting us all a plane ticket and hotel. Iā€™m thinking Hawaiā€™i. We can call it the ā€œTiffanyDoesnā€™tThinkConā€.

Actually ā€œTiffanyThinksConā€ is a more apt nameā€¦ it summarises her personality and her channel in the one title.

āœˆ šŸ
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Her sub numbers are dropping and her latest vid's views are way down. And that thumbnail of her and Amma stuffing their faces with food is, frankly, gross. Amma has become a very willing participant in this utter nonsense. What's more, she is a Class A enabler.
Sheā€™s a Class A ā€˜Liar Liar Pants on Fire šŸ”„!ā€™
This entire fiasco was merely a job to give her a weekly wage. Itā€™s never once been about anyone or anything but ā€˜show me the moneyā€™.
Sure, sheā€™s had cancer but so what. So many others have cancer and theyā€™re humble and grateful just to be alive. Tiffany is nothing more than a two faced scheming scamming bitch who cares about nobody but herself! You canā€™t forgive someone who lives only in their own moment and cares not for anyone who may themself, be suffering. She is so cold hearted, sheā€™s unfathomable!
All those people who sent her gifts, some themselves with cancer. People begging for a simple response or thank you. People telling of their own struggles. She has no common decency or warm heart to even say ā€˜helloā€™ to them or ā€˜thank youā€™.
She really is a nasty soul!
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That's it. She cannot swim! If she did swim there, she would make a massive deal out of it and Ha would be instructed to film it as pointed out by Turaj.
I don't even think that Tiffany has ever done any sports in her life other than physical education classes in primary school and high school. She has never talked about doing any sports. Her doctor could tell her when it is OK for her to start an official exercise program, little by little. She could also talk about learning to swim in case she doesn't know how. Imagine the views she would get!
I wonder if by 'others' this person is referring to those on Tattle. These types of statements have been echoed in many a comment on Tattle. The comments below are from Tiffany's video entitled 'Last Evening' posted on April 30, 2023.
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the latest edition clearly indicates she is reading here on TL. Really nothing other than Matt is in Spain on biking holiday....and TT has a trip booked to Greece. Busy shopping for tankinis as her former bikinis are not comfortable for her to wear at this point. She mentioned giving up sweets for "EAster" and I think she meant Lent but come on we watched her for the past six weeks eat non stop sweets. Another thumbs down event.
So does it appear that Matt doesn't work anymore? They just went to Ireland and now he's on a biking trip? Maybe we need to change #RFTH to #BFTH šŸš“ā€ā™‚ļø šŸšµā€ā™‚ļø
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Make sense of it!

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@ Make sense of it :)
The other day you asked regarding bowelbro. Here is the basic gist.
Rich in his 30s opened an instagram account named bowelbro. Stage 4 bowel cancer with a few months prognosis if treatment didnt work. Soon after opening his account, a go fund me was opened to raise funds for treatment not funded via the NHS. For Avastin. Soon after this he started bragging about being a self made millionaire! Bragged about building a mansion for his wife, enjoyed posing in his cinema room, luxury items stragegically placed in his shots etc. Tattlers started questioning why a millionaire would need to be raising a few thousand via a gfm.
Then comes the mention of a book that he is writing, a book about how he was diagnosed and his journey. A book for his wife Lisa. He started sharing chapters which he was writing and none of what he wrote was stacking up. Anyone that works for the NHS or has an experience of care under the NHS was able to spot it.
Diagnosis happened after he felt like he was dying on the bed, his wife managed to get him into the car and speed to the hospital, cutting red traffic lights while trying to keep him alive. On arrival at the hospital his wife collapses on the floor. All like something out of a movie! Nurses doing the colonscopy was all crying when they saw his bowels on the screen. Tears rolling down their faces and nuzzling into his neck due to what they was seeing. His consultant had to break the news to him. " A significant find". Doctor was in bits and didn't sleep all night, he stayed up all night long to work out a plan for Rich. End result was performing surgery but finding loads of tumours.
All very dramatic reading and no way would healthcare professionals be falling apart emotionally, nevermind staying awake all night!
His followers loved his chapters. Rich then decides he needs a publisher and the book was going to end up in high street book shops. < In his dreams.
Tattlers discussed it and Rich discovered Tattle existed. He read all his threads and exploded in rage. Starting making videos on in instragram which threatened to trace Tattlers identities and expose them to their families and employers as being trolls trolling stage 4 cancer patients.Rich then decides to go into competition with Tattle and makes a website called Tittle. A website where people are positive, share postive news and lift each other up. (He opened it and it completely flopped!)
Spent his time pleaing to anyone that could use the dark web/hackers if they could trace several tattle users and he would pay them. Found a random Daisy account following him and accused our Daisy from this thread haha. Wrong Daisy completely.
His cancer story became more crazy. Some doctors saying he had spread to his liver, others saying it wasnt spread.
Took advanced payments for copies of his books. Sold a few hundred copies to be signed personally by himself. After collecting the said money, he decided to close down his instragram page. Book hasn't yet been published.
Rich bragged about his business and is empire, but online filings suggest different.
I'm sure others could add more to what I have wrote. It's honestly been like watching a film script play out.
Saydee THANK YOU so very much for the details of this bowelbro caper, l kept popping over not knowing what the heck was going on and couldn't catch the gist of it other than what looked to be fraud, my goodness me what a story, honestly this is the EXACT reason people are very very sceptical of people online cashing in on Cancer, it's not the first time and it won't be the last (l remember Belle Gibson in Australia and her fake CA cash cow) unfortunately it does impact the most genuine online CA sufferers sharing their journey because people tend to want evidence which is completely understandable as many have been burnt over the years. This leads us to "our girl" and the sheer level of emotional manipulation she has over her viewers it sounds similar to bowelbro the hard hitting dramatic content designed to draw you in and keep you there for updates. I am not saying Tiffany SHOULD be providing evidence and disclosure on ever personal detail she doesn't owe anyone anything however the way she has handled it has been atrocious, for example the bullet journal waving it around telling us it has all her tumour marker results etc but never telling us what the results are (as in up, down, stable not numbers) then claims to have no idea what any of the tests are for let alone her levels but apparently they are all in her bullshit journal, l use that as an example of her baiting the viewer, and this leads to doubt about her diagnosis, prognosis and severity of her disease, she cannot say anything now because she has lied so much and spread so much misinformation about her case that anything she does say is viewed with scepticism. From what l understand now about bowelbro l think him and Tiffany are two peas in a pod and that's so sad šŸ˜ž
OMG I had heard of him and browsed a little bit on the threads about him and picked up bits and pieces but your summary is so much better. Words fail me.
What a fruit loop!
Her summary was excellent, l couldn't understand what was going on either. Saydee always comes to the party with a wealth of insight šŸ‘
I don't know about puffy but her colour isn't good, she has dark circles under her eyes. She has a filter that she uses sometimes that makes her appear ill. A yellow one I think.
Yes the one you are referring to is called "Jaundice AF" you can find it next to "pale and pasty" in your photo editor šŸ™ƒ
Well done Saydee!
I looked at it a few times and contemplated doing a summary but recently Iā€™m tired and just couldnā€™t be bothered. You have done well putting that together ā¤

Haha must be her jaundiced filter.
Iā€™m sure sheā€™d have them appropriately labeled or bulleted in the proverbial journal šŸ“”!
Filters to fool my followers
*yellow for jaundiced
*off white for anaemic
*green for nauseated
*red for fever
*Tiffy blue for cozy appearance
*brown for stoma explosion šŸ« 

She is such a turd!
I'm dead!!! ā˜  you are GOLD šŸ‘
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Lani Cooper is one smart cookie.

Considering he/she doesn't live in the UK, they really have such a good understanding of our NHS.


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Who is the liar? Tiffany, or Mr. Geoff Ferris? (Matt's father.)
Thanks to a previous person here who had initially found and posted the information, I am providing a similar link for the birthday of Geoff Ferris, Matt's father, where a birth date of 13 March, 1962, is given along with a nationality of Northern Ireland.
Either that birth date is erroneous as posted, which would imply that Mr. Geoff Ferris lied about it, OR,
Tiffany lied about going to Northern Ireland at the end of March. She had repetitively said in videos prior to the trip that they would be going to Ireland at the END of March.
Tiffany and Matt went to Ireland most likely during the SECOND WEEK of March, NOT the end of March. The video tonight may be footage from the latter part of March.

Matt Ferris: You just may be living with a pathological liar!!!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!

No wonder Tiffany is flustered almost every single time someone recognizes her!! She is afraid that people will find out she systematically lies about the time periods in her videos if a person she meets and videotapes posts the actual date of their meeting!!
No problem! Whenever Tiffany says she is planning to go somewhere, subtract at least two weeks from that to obtain a closer estimate of the actual date of the trip.

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Oh my, did anyone else notice that in Tiffany's most recent video, the short one showing her and HA aka 'my darling' walking along the beachfront Matt is wearing crocs with socks! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Really? Crocs with socks on a sunny day at a beach in Spain. At least Tiffany is wearing a casual pair of sandals/slides or whatever you call them. Does Matt not own a pair of thongs/flipflops or men's slides? Socks with crocs while wearing shorts looks ridiculous. šŸ˜‚
What kind of fresh crock hell is that?

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That video title is sick, I don't know why I'm shocked because I know her desperation to hit 100k outweighs everything else in her life but she's beyond manipulative now, a title that said "good news, clear scans" would draw just as much attention šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
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Miss LDN

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We are all Uncle Steve. Can he have his own merch. RUN RUN RUN. FECK FECK FECK. NO NO NO. We hate this.šŸ˜‚
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Yes I agree with you about the cynical or sarcastic response she has to some comments. I only occasionally watch her videos, I tend to just read the transcript or fast forward through the videos to get through the boring coffee/tea/juice/sandwich/air fryer scenes and sitting in the car playing with her hair/touching her mouth while talking to darling bits. Hmmm, which leaves very little to watch at all.

I love seeing the screenshots of comments left about her, many which have been deleted by the time I look at her comments section. That's why I grab screenshots when I can. There's certainly a increase in the more critical comments made about her of late. Some I'm surprised that they have lasted as long as they have. Like this one.
I wanted to add these to my above comment but my tablet froze and by the time I got it working again it was too late. I haven't looked at her FB page for ages but saw a couple of comments there that I grabbed screenshots of.
Oh it worked that time. Odd.
And if the clickbait titles was innocent on Tiffanys behalf, I would feel sorry for her. However, she forgets that she has a video up where she is discussing to pretend to win on a scratchcard and imaging if she put out a video with a clickbait title to draw attention. It's not innocence, she totally understands clickbaits.
I think T's dilemma is that she can't really use 'cancer' or 'surgery' in her titles now. Her videos are no longer drawing in subscribers due to the content. Next best thing? "Exploding Stoma Bag".
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Today's video is mostly Tiffany staring at herself. Sitting in a pool. As I skim thru this lifestyle video it strikes me that the only motivation for Matt has to be a shared interest in the you tube revenue which must be enough to pay for the trip. Judging from the number of days and dinners etc. this seems more than a 4 night trip. FF asking about cancer charity is so pointless.
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I would love to know how sheā€™s paying for these holidays. It seems quite impulsive as well how sheā€™s booking them. I know she pre records her videos, but itā€™s like in one part of the vlog sheā€™s thinking of going on holiday, and then in the next part itā€™s booked and sheā€™s going.

whilst itā€™s great that sheā€™s able to go on holiday, especially after having cancer treatment I donā€™t like the way how sheā€™s going on about it all. Weā€™re in a cost of living crisis, and Iā€™d imagine a lot of people would just love to book a holiday without even thinking of the cost. To me itā€™s just coming across as sheā€™s showing off and very impulsive. Also I think itā€™s a kick in the teeth for any other cancer patient who needs a holiday but is unable to afford to do so. Surely now she would need health insurance too having an ileostomy bag?

I wouldnā€™t like to think sheā€™s using the money from her merch to pay for these getaways but I wouldnā€™t put it past her. I think itā€™s disgusting that she doesnā€™t use the proceeds of her sales To donate to charity or even speak about it. Itā€™s mind blowing even more so where she was on stand up to cancer
I agree. Itā€™s not sitting well with me, for all the reasons that you listed.
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Something I still dont get is when she started vlogging about her cancer diagnosis, first things she thought of was merch?? And very quickly she got the merch in and started going full on advertising in every vlog. Priorities.
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I seriously doubt if at anytime in her adult life getting in the pool has meant anything more than breaking in yet another new bikini and sitting on the steps. She does not strike me as someone that would exert herself anymore than that in a pool. She and HA are so ill matched even to be friends but somewhere along the line he got sucked into her world and now can't seem to see his way out. Just my opinion on that relationship.
It certainly is a very "odd" relationship in terms of what I have witnessed. I absolutely DO NOT see what her followers see when they say they are a match made in heaven and perfectly paired, etc. I haven't watched a complete vlog of hers in ages, does he still do the awkward bear hug strangle hold thing? The whole relationship feels creepy to me and I've never been able to figure out why, it just doesn't sit right. When that argument in the background of a past vlog was pointed out, I listened to it and felt that's what it's really like in that house more often than not. Amma and Matt are probably so stretched thin dealing with her nonsense that tempers rise on the regular. I don't know, maybe I'm completely off base, I certainly feel that way when looking at those stupid gushing comments over there but I just can't see any love between them AT ALL.
So then I ask myself, what is the point of the charade? Was it never intended to go this far but because he became so popular to her sheep he must now stay? At first he wasn't even going to be in videos and didn't like the camera...that sure changed for some reason.
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Finally a very belated thank you (of sorts) for the gifts etc. On her Facebook page. I wonder if she'll mention it in the videos?
Some reactive post thanking people for gifts is at this point too late and only to refute the many posts on the subject. Really no point now but the TT family will take whatever she throws out. TT's tone when she responds to complaints and negative comments is so fake and note to TT...just don't bother. Problem with cards etc. is you can't link them and make money.
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Make sense of it!

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OK guys, I'm off sick and so I have decided to do a summary of Tiff's latest vlog to save you all the tedium of watching it. Here goes: oh good, Tiffany has had a lovely shower. HA is operating a steam pump machine to make coffee. Tiff excitedly tells us that the room looks bigger now that a big cabinet has been removed! Who'd have thought it? Tiffany has been very 'snoozy' (said in horrible child voice) since Ireland. Probably the excitement of meeting that sheep. Her dream is to buy a lickle house in Ireland. IRELAND - QUICK - CLOSE DOWN! Oh, she's back on the subject of hash browns again. The whole family is coming over for hash browns. Even if they don't want them. Here's the good ol' air-fryer in action again, yawn. And some 'lickle' perfume bottles have arrived from amazon. Riveting. She'd doing a demo for us on how to fill up a bottle. Oh God, I now want to buy some mini perfume bottles too. I AM BECOMING PART OF THE CULT. They're off to watch HA being HA-THLETIC at the football pitch. Her prediction is 3-2. That's presumably 3 unhealthy snacks and 2 more mentions of Ireland. Oh, the UK 'just isn't Ireland' apparently. No kidding. She's on about living with the sheep again and seeing her 'farmer friend' - it's like a creepy board game, 'Farmer's Friends.' She's sheep-obsessed, which is kind of appropriate as she's been fleecing her loving TiffanyThinks family for years now. Tiffany is going to get a coffee with Arun's girlfriend. Sorry, a 'lickle coffee.' Cut to coffee shop where two of them doing 'cheers' with coffee cups. Oh dear, HA is losing at football. Poor guy. Probably distracted by subliminal thoughts of sheep-shagging. From HA to BAAAAAAA. Tiffany really wants mozzarella dippers, the health food of choice. You have to eat it hot or else it is 'stringy'. Tiffany's handy hint for us all: 'customize your cheeseburger and then you get a fresh burger.' The food has arrived. 'Let's have a mozzarella dipper, shall we?' she says in a really creepy little-girl witchy voice. Dangles horrid greasy dripping
thing in front of the camera. Why the f is somebody who has had bowel cancer still eating this shit? Meanwhile she wants to get her port removed. Then she wants to go on a sunny holiday. Amma refuses to join them. This is possibly because she's desperate for time away from the sheep-shagging madness. Jesus wept, more boring footage of the coffee-maker making, er, coffee, although that weak-looking glass of milky froth doesn't resemble any coffee I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot, it's necessary to have a strong expresso just to get through the video. Tiffany doesn't like Lindt chocolate so she's opening a box of - Lindt chocolate. Oh, maybe she DOES like Lindt! Her tastebuds have changed, apparently. Not much evidence of that as she's still eating mountains of crap on a daily basis. Matt's making halloumi in the air-fryer for another healthy meal. Amma's going on a little trip tomorrow. Amma's going on a little trip tomorrow. Amma's going on a little trip tomorrow. (Terrible editing). Tiff needs to make Amma a halloumi wrap because she's given up meat for Lent - or maybe it's all the mentions of sheep. Cut to greasy halloumi fingers coming out of the air-fryer. Oh God, they've just done 'cheers' with two floppy bits of halloumi. Tiffany's doing one unit of studying to be a Life Coach each month. Sounds more like Life Couch. She doesn't want to put any pressure on herself because, you know, there's all that air-frying and online shopping to deal with. Tiffany thinks that everyone is 'calmer'. Yes, you look calm when you're moving your arms around like a demented windmill. Tiff reminds us that whatever stresses and problems we're all going through, 'we got this.' Somebody tell the sheep. Tiffany and HA are now eating a 'tiny little wrap.' A tiny little wrap leads to a massive big crap, imo. Tiffany's favourite meal is breakfast. Is HA's favourite meal dinner? No, he likes lunch. Crisps. They're going 'cheers' with the wraps now. Close-up of the inside of the wrap, with bits hanging out. Nice. Horrid eating shots. Oh no, she's now talking about making mukbangs again. Please God, no. OK, I have to forward this bit as she's eating and talking with her mouth full and it's horrid. Tiffany's ending the video by telling us that she is having a shower and Matt is having an ice-lolly. COULD ANY OF THIS BE MORE MUNDANE?
How much would you pay for this superb summary? I'd say a lot a lot a lot, cheers šŸ˜…
Haha Ginny you have me laughing here.
"Why the f is somebody who has had bowel cancer still eating this shit?"
Because clearly her diagnosis hasn't scared her enough to make any changes/ question her diet choices.
The only thing wrong with Tiffany's arse was the amount of talking she did out of it, the surgeon needed to shut it!!
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Miss LDN

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Films yet another egg sandwich. Those bloody Tippex nails are awful. Lip balm finger yuck. No wonder she gets cold sores. Her skin looked yellow tinged. But her holiday clothes are all sorted, unless she sends it all back. Never known anyone make so many purchases that she didn't really want.
The over use of 'my darling' has become farcical.
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