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As T was leaving the hospital she told them she will know the results "next week." So has she had results for a month and a half now?
Who knows? I'm just wondering how she managed to get to that same hospital again only one week after her release from the hospital. Did she go by car or by medical ambulance again? I noted that the ambulance driver told her that the driving time to her house was 63 minutes. I don't think she can sit down for that long yet so soon in her recovery. Maybe she was in the horizontal position in the back seat of a vehicle Matt or Amma drove. That could be dangerous, though. If the vehicle would have to made a sudden stop, she could fall, since the seat belts might not be adaptable for someone in the horizontal position.
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Matts making me toast, avocado and fried egg :unsure: anyone care?
Positions camera in line with Matt cutting avocado. Goes and grabs paracetamol and lansaprazole and takes them in front of camera still perfectly positioned. Anyone not seen someone take a tablet before?
Big speech about a daily injection which 90% of patients that have been in hospital in a bed get given to take home. No explanation as to why she is told she needs it. To prevent deep vein thrombosis.
Feels anxiety. Morphine has that affect. Keep using that and the withdrawal kicks in = anxiety.

I'm on the sofa, Matts sitting on the floor next to me, Ammas sat next to me, so we are all kind of huddled up here. < Like rats.
and the best one today
"I am not out of breath but I am a little bit of of breath"
It's become my source of entertainment.

No wonder Matts got so many grey hairs!
Grey hairs and grease!
That head of hair needs a good scrub! Dirty buggers … they are like hair hermits. Disgusting 🤢

I'm a woman in her 30's and personally I would see no benefit in having an artificial hole incapable of pleasure, which has to be constantly dilated and cleaned out.

I'd be happy to be left with vulva and clitoris.

I don't believe t had her vulva or clitoris removed and online info states that they are only sometimes removed and usually remain.
Interesting but I must say … I look at her and when I hear that baby shit that dribbles out of her mouth I question if she knows what the heck a clitoris is!
I really don’t know how she would be a capable participant in lovemaking… she has the brain and the mind of a child. Surely noooo 😱
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Can someone remind me which vid has the clown car bit in it please, I've not watched for a while and don't want to trawl through, thanks!
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Petrina Barber was just talking about her stoma and went to see her stoma care nurse. And there is a new update that she was experiencing some symptoms which were found to be abnormal and she was taken to a day critical care unit.
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It's all so sad and I just hope one day better treatment and cures are found. I had a good friend whose mom died of a very aggressive breast cancer when she was in her mid 50's. My friend got the same cancer and died when she was 42, so a decade sooner. She had a daughter but I don't know anything about her but I bet it weighs heavily on her. I do wonder if we are all being slowly poisoned or genetically altered somehow, (food, air quality, what we've dumped into the ground or oceans over the years, etc):(
It sounds very much like a bad BRCA case here too. The thing is most of the time treatments and cures are available when cancer is not too advanced … It’s such a pity your friend didn’t have a mammography in her 30´s…
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Tiffany's entire colon was removed because it was riddled with cancer. In cases like hers, an artificial vagina would have been constructed from thigh muscles. Imaging scans would have been used to determine the optimum thigh muscle to use for this purpose. Information is available online, and a while back I may have cited sources pertaining to this.

(Does F.I.S.H. = Fluffy Is Surely Here?)

Tiffany's partiular T4b tumor was a low-lying, colorectal adenocarcinoma tumor.
Well I guess, we may never know if she doesn't say. It's certainly one of the options for a pelvic extenteration. I personally don't think she had a neovagina constructed, I think she would have been in hospital longer.
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My experience with hospitals is rather limited, but wouldn't most wards be loud? I was in a private room when I had my children but I could still hear what was going on in the hallway and even in the rooms next door. I was also in the hospital for a night and shared a room with another lady last year. And yes, it was loud. Some patients in other rooms were shouting, the nurses were always talking, etc.
I am very surprised her hospital agreed to move her since the NHS is busy and stretched thin. Shouldn't a private room be reserved for someone with a contagious infection (like C diff) or someone who is dying so they can meet alone with their family?
They are horrendously noisy, and I have been visiting on wards with people actively dying, which is quite dreadful to hear (I'm sure nurses get used to it, no eyelids were being batted), and very difficult for their relatives too.
As it turns out she potentially has c-diff again, so she gets a pass.
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In the US you aren't required to have insurance any more in some states. Other states, like mine, still require it.
The best healthcare is generally through your employer. If you are lucky to have an employer with a good health plan, the coverage can be amazing. I am covered though my husband's job and paid a $15 co-pay to have a c-section and recover in a hospital for 3 days. We don't have a deductible.
If you don't have employer health insurance you can get government insurance (Medicaid) but only if you are very poor and have few assets. All elderly people quality for Medicare (again, provided by the government), and some disabled people get this as well.
Otherwise you can buy your own insurance. If you are lower income, you can get subsidies. These vary by state. Some people get generous subsidies but as soon as you enter "middle class" territory subsidies become low and insurance can be VERY tough to afford.
If you don't have any insurance (or your insurance is poor) you would have to go to the ER for treatment. You can apply for charity care from hospitals if they offer it. Otherwise they will put you on a payment plan and sometimes you can negotiate your bill down. Obviously some are still left with a lot of medical debt.
So your situation could vary wildly depending on what state you are in and how you get your insurance. I've been fortunate to always have top tier insurance that has paid for everything (general care, specialists, prescriptions, hospital stays, etc).
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Fluffy is an adult, free to make her own choices. T didn't hold a gun to her head to force her to do anything. Even after being called out on the YT channel she continued to do so. Thought she was doing a good thing? Yeah, right. Please stop making excuses when adults do bad things. All of the dolts on her channel are making their own choices.
But some adults are very easy to manipulate, and how many adults make the right choices all the time and how many make the same mistake more than once? The world is full of them. Some people know their own minds and some just don't. You know your mind and I know mind I don't think Fluffy does.
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It was incredibly boring, like all of her vids. So much repetition. Does she not see this herself when editing? Then, again, were she to delete the repetitions, her vids would only be a few minutes of nonsense rather than 20 minutes of it. I'm noticing that she's getting Amma and Matt to film things a lot more. That's because she's desperate to still post vids but can't do so on her own anymore. Amazing how everyone in her life dances to her tune.
In yesterdays video she was laying down filming herself. You can see the shadow of the camera she is holding. How can T hold a camera in the air for so long, but can't hold a hair brush? It makes no sense?

This woman is a nurse. Perhaps that's why she has an easier time talking about it in such an open way.

Robotic is not a synonym of laparoscopic. The surgery may be and open surgery and robotic at the same time - the surgeon operates on an open abdomen with the help of a robot.
In all honesty there is lots of confusion in the uk around this.
We had open surgery and laparopic surgery for some time. The davinci robot only came around a few years ago (many surgeons are still in training to use ). I think many people assume robot surgery is the same as robotic assisted surgery?

I don't know if she is two-faced or just utterly conflicted. She does seem to be a kind person, I honestly don't think she did anything out of malice. She is the type of person that frustrates me in RL, desperate to see the best in everyone, hates conflict but wants to do the right thing, and unable to see when they are being duped. We all have one friend like that don't we, that you like despite how utterly infuriating they are?
Noooo I cut out fools in my life. I really don't suffer fools gladly. If a friend is being two faced then I'm done with them. We only live once.
Fluffy came on here moaning about being left stranded then bitched about T's effect on her mental health? Then a few days later she is donating money to Tiffany? A fool and their money are easily parted ;)

Daisy chain haha that moody looking nephew. Does he ever smile? He is a very unhappy looking boy! He obviously doesn't like the camera.

Hmmm I have been busy. In T's video before last she mentioned Matt bought her some blue crocs. Matt appears to have decided every shade of blue is associated with the titty family.
T asked if she should decorate her crocs? And then said she doesn't know if she is too old to decorate crocs.
I probably raised my eyebrow and sniggered.
Anyway, I have looked up croc decorations.

FFS! Yes T these are for CHILDREN, NOT 30 year old women!


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They did a test that flagged up c-diff 'seeds'??? Presume they are treating her as though she does have it until proved otherwise, which is why she is in a side room. She didn't request a room, just a move from that ward. They took her to Ellis ward (which is a ward specific for those in Tiffany's position, post of gyny/cancer etc), and she is in one of the two rooms there.
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Walking around with only socks on that hospital floor... great fall prevention.
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The algorithms will send you channels similar to those you subscribe to or watch. Just don't watch them, click the three dots on the right-hand side of the video and click 'not interested'
Perfect...i missed the dots...not interested...thanks so much..hope they get the hint.
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No not stupid. If you aren't familiar with tests in cancer then I imagine its easy to get confused.
Histology is when they have looked at tissues under a microscope to determine stage, grading, if necrosis is present, vasucalur invasion etc. And although T already had biopsy to get a grade and stage, all that can change.
Histology reports can change.
My husband had 2 histology reports on his tumours done which was around 18 months apart. First was a histology done on a piece of his tumour removed by biopsy, and second was a report done on a slice of tumour removed during surgery. The second histology report showed a much higher grade. This is because his disease had mutated and become more aggressive during those 18 months.
Therefore, Tiffanys grade could have very well changed.
They also look at margins to hopefully make sure the surgeon removed everything.
If tiffany gets a good histology report, the next challenge is CT scans obviously.
A good histology report and clean margins doesn't guarantee it hasnt already spread (It can take months for spread to show on CT scans).

A common things I see is non UK people asking why T doesnt have histology or if its normal for a patient to have scans and wait weeks for results? Whereas patients in the UK are used to this wait, which is absolutely the norm.
Histology reports are usually prepared and sent in time for the first outpatient post surgery appointment around 6 to 8 weeks. Ct scan results? Well often my husband has had to wait upto 8 weeks for his Ct scans to be reported on.
My gosh, thanks so much for explaining this! I'm not at all familiar with cancer terminology - and I'm so confused by Ts videos being all over the show!
This makes a lot of sense. I am from New Zealand, and definitely understand the wait times for public healthcare, but not to the extent she has faced, I guess the UK is far bigger!
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I'm sure Fluffy left a gushing comment on one of the most recent videos, but I can't find that either. Weird! Has Fluffy checked out everywhere?
Fluffy Fox might be on a leave of well-deserved fluffiness, though I haven't been monitoring all the comment sections. Maybe Fluffy went on to bigger and fluffier ventures, seeing as how Tiffany's surgery seemed to have been successful and the anxiety-level is not as high as it was prior to the surgery.
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